Using Multicurrency Inquiries for General Accounting

This chapter provides an overview of multicurrency inquiries for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and discusses how to review accounts in domestic, foreign, and as if currencies.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multicurrency Inquiries for General Accounting

Most JD Edwards EnterpriseOne inquiries include domestic and foreign currency amounts for companies that process transactions in multiple currencies. Depending on the inquiry that you select in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, the system displays detailed transactions from the F0911 table or posted balances from the F0902 table.

For transactions in a foreign currency, both the AA (domestic) and CA (foreign) amounts display on inquiry forms. If you display more than one currency, the grand totals for the CA amounts are hash totals and meaningless because of the mixed currencies.

Some inquiries allow you to display transaction amounts as if they were entered in a currency other than the original currency in which they were entered.

As If Currency Processing

These general ledger inquiry programs have processing options that allow you to review general ledger accounts using as if currency processing:

You can review as if amounts associated with the domestic ledger (AA) or any other ledger. However, be aware that if you view amounts for the foreign currency ledger (CA), the amounts are meaningless unless you specify a currency. This is because the CA ledger contains more than one currency, and as if processing is designed to convert only one currency at a time.

One of the advantages of as if currency processing is that it does not impact disk space. The amounts that you review or print are not written to a table, but instead are stored in temporary memory.

Note. Reviewing transactions in an as if currency is different from reviewing transactions created by balance currency restatement. As if currency processing was not designed for purposes of balance currency restatement.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounts in Domestic, Foreign, and As If Currencies

This section provides an overview of reviewing accounts in domestic, foreign, and as if currencies and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Review Accounts In Domestic, Foreign, and As If Currencies

You can review amounts for a general ledger account in both the domestic and foreign currencies as well as a currency other than the currency in which the amounts were actually entered. For example, you can review amounts in the Japanese yen as if they were entered in the U.S. dollar or you can review amounts in the euro as if they were entered in Canadian dollars, and so on.

You use these general ledger inquiry programs to review domestic and foreign as well as as if currency amounts:

The Account Ledger Inquiry, Account Inquiry by Object Account, and Account Inquiry by Category Code programs allow you to review amounts from the F0911 table in two ledgers, such as the domestic (AA) and foreign (CA) currency ledgers, at the same time. If you use detailed currency restatement processing, you can review the alternate currency ledger (XA) used for reporting alongside the AA ledger.

Depending on how you set a processing option for these programs, you can review amounts in one of these formats:



One-Ledger Format

Displays amounts for one ledger only. Use this format to view:

  • Domestic (AA) or foreign (CA) amounts only.

  • As if currency amounts for the domestic or foreign currency. You select a menu option that acts like a toggle between the domestic or foreign amounts and the as if amounts.

Two-Ledger Format

Displays amounts for two ledgers. Use this format to view:

  • Domestic and foreign currency amounts at the same time.

  • Domestic and as if amounts at the same time. You can view only as if amounts associated with Ledger Type 1.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Review Accounts in Domestic, Foreign, and As If Currencies

Form Name




Work With Account Ledger


Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), Account Ledger Inquiry

From the Form menu, select As-If Currency or Currency Balances.

To print as if amounts, you must be viewing the amounts on the Work With Account Ledger form. From the Report menu, select Print Ledger.

Review accounts in domestic and foreign currencies.

Review accounts with domestic amounts and as if currency amounts or review account balances by currency.

Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison


Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), T/B / Ledger Comparison

If you post account balances by currency, you can review currency-specific account balances for the company associated with a business unit on the form.

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Access the Work With Account Ledger form.

Ledger Type 1 and Ledger Type 2

Enter AA and CA, respectively, in these fields.

The LT 1 Amount column in the detail area of the form displays the domestic currency amounts. The LT 2 Amount column displays the foreign currency amounts.

Currency Code

To view column and ledger total amounts for a specific foreign currency, enter a currency code in this field.

If the Currency Code field is * (all currencies), the column total and ledger total amounts that appear at the end of the LT 2 Amount column are hash totals because they include multiple currencies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounts with Domestic and As If Currency Amounts

Access the Work With Account Ledger form.

To review domestic and as if currency amounts simultaneously, set the processing option to display two ledgers.

Ledger Type 1 and Ledger Type 2

Enter AA in both of these fields.


To display this field, select As-If Currency from the Form menu. The default value for this field is set in a processing option.

The as if currency amounts appear in the LT 1 Amount column and the domestic amounts appear in the LT 2 Amount column.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounts With Domestic Amounts in an As If Currency

Access the Work With Account Ledger form.

To review domestic amounts in an as if currency, set the processing option to display one ledger.

Ledger Type 1

Enter AA in this field.

As-If Currency

Select As-If Currency from the Form menu.

This menu option acts like a toggle between the domestic currency and the as if currency amounts. If the As-If field appears in the upper-right corner of the form, you are viewing amounts in the as if currency. If the field does not appear, you are viewing amounts in the domestic currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounts With Foreign Amounts in an As If Currency

Access the Work With Account Ledger form.

To review foreign amounts in an as if currency, set the processing options to display one ledger.

Ledger Type 1

Enter CA in this field.

Currency Code

Enter a currency code.

If you do not enter a currency code, the amounts that you view will be meaningless because the CA ledger contains more than one currency. As if currency processing is designed to convert only one currency at a time.

As-If Currency

Select As-If Currency from the Form menu.

This menu option acts like a toggle between the domestic currency and the as if currency amounts. If the As-If field appears in the upper-right corner of the form, you are viewing amounts in the as if currency. If the field does not appear, you are viewing amounts in the domestic currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Account Balances by Currency

Access the Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison form.

If you post transactions by currency to the F0902 table, you can review currency-specific account balances for the AA and CA ledgers on the Account Balance by Currency Code form. Set the processing option to display two ledgers.

Ledger Type 1 and Ledger Type 2

Enter AA and CA, respectively, in these fields.

Currency Code

Enter the specific currency in which you want to review CA ledger amounts in this field.