Appendix: Mapping Requirements for Processing Multicurrency Batch Journal Entries

This appendix provides information about the mapping requirements for processing batches of multicurrency journal entries.

See Also

Processing Batch Journal Entries

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Requirements for Multicurrency Journal Entries

This section provides guidelines for three currency-specific fields and the mapping requirements for the multicurrency fields that are required in the F0911Z1 table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Review the non-currency mapping requirements for processing batch journal entries.

See Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGuidelines for Amount, Exchange Rate, and Currency Mode Fields for Batch Journal Entries

Observe these guidelines to determine how to enter amounts, exchange rates, and currency modes for domestic and foreign transactions when processing batch journal entries in a multicurrency environment:

Type of Transaction



If the currency code of the transaction (as identified by the value in VNCRCD of the first journal entry line) is equal to the currency code of the company, the transaction is a domestic transaction.

Enter the transaction amount in the Amount field (VNAA) and enter D in the Currency Mode field (VNCRRM). Do not enter an exchange rate.


If the currency code of the transaction (as identified by the value in VNCRCD of the first journal entry line) is different from the currency code of the company, the transaction is a foreign transaction.

Enter the transaction amount in the Currency Amount field (VNACR) and enter F in the Currency Mode field (VNCRRM). The system calculates the domestic amount, based on the exchange rate (VNCRR).

Domestic side of a foreign transaction

If the currency code of the transaction (as identified by the value in VNCRCD of the first journal entry line) is different from the currency code of the company, but the Amount field (VNAA) contains an amount, the transaction is a foreign transaction.

Enter D in the Currency Mode field (VNCRRM). The system calculates the foreign amount, based on the exchange rate (VNCRR).

Foreign and domestic transactions using currency mode 3

If you know both the foreign and domestic amounts, you can bypass system calculations by entering 3 in the Currency Mode field (VNCRRM) and entering amounts in both the Amount field (VNAA) and the Currency Amount field (VNACR). If you leave the Exchange Rate field (VNCRR) blank, the system calculates the exchange rate, based on the two amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMulticurrency Fields Required in the F0911Z1 Table

Before you process batch journal entries, review this table for a list of the multicurrency fields required in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table (F0911Z1). For some fields, blank is a value.

Field Name





Currency Code




A code that specifies the currency of the transaction. The value in this field must exist in the F0013 table.

If you complete this field, the system uses the value from the first journal entry line for all of the lines of the transaction. The system ignores values in subsequent lines. For example, if the VNCRCD field for line 1 is CAD and the VNCRCD field for line 2 is EUR, the system ignores EUR and uses CAD for the entire transaction.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the currency code of the company that is assigned to the first journal entry line.

Note. You can assign only one currency code to a journal entry regardless of the number of line items that the journal entry contains.

Currency Mode




A code that specifies whether the transaction is domestic or foreign. This field is used in conjunction with the Currency Code field (VNCRCD), the Amount field (VNAA), the Currency Amount field (VNACR), and the Exchange Rate field (VNCRR) to calculate the information that is required for the transaction.

Depending on other information provided in the transaction, enter D (domestic), F (foreign), or 3 (domestic and foreign). If you enter 3, you must enter both the domestic and foreign amounts; the system does not perform any calculations.

If you leave this field blank, the value is determined by the other information that is provided for the transaction and the field is updated when the journal entry is processed.

Note. You can assign only one currency mode to a journal entry regardless of the number of line items that the journal entry contains.

Currency Amount




Enter the transaction amount in this field only if the currency code (VNCRCD) is different from the currency code that is assigned to the company, as defined in the F0010 table. Enter the amount in the format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not.

Exchange Rate




This value is the exchange rate that is used to calculate either the domestic or foreign amount, depending on the information provided.

If you leave this field blank and the Currency Mode field (VNCRRM) is not 3, the system uses the exchange rate from the F0015 table. Complete this field if you want to override the rate that is established in the table or if an exchange rate does not exist in the table.

If you activated tolerance checking with a processing option in the Journal Entry MBF Processing Options program (P0900049), the system validates the exchange rate that you enter. If you did not activate tolerance checking, the system does not validate the exchange rate.

Note. You can assign only one exchange rate to a journal entry regardless of the number of line items that the journal entry contains.

Ledger Type




You can leave this field blank, or enter AA or any other valid ledger type in user-defined code (UDC) table 00/LT except CA. Do not enter CA in this field.

The system determines whether the transaction is foreign based on the currency code, currency mode, and amount fields.

Note. You can assign only one ledger type to a journal entry regardless of the number of line items that the journal entry contains.