(AUS) Processing Payment Summaries

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Setting Up Payment Summary Information

This section provides an overview of payment summaries, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payment Summaries

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) requires that all companies in Australia report detailed information about employee earnings on an annual basis. Currently, companies must submit payment summaries to comply with ATO regulations for earnings reporting.

Payment summaries must be submitted to the ATO electronically. In addition, you must provide employees with paper copies of their payment summaries. When employees submit their personal tax information to the ATO, they must include a copy of the payment summary that is provided by the organization.

In addition to creating payment summaries for regular earnings, you must also create ETP payment summaries for any employees who have received ETPs at any time during the reporting year. ETP payment summaries provide detailed information about payments that employees receive when they are terminated from the organization.

The system creates payment summaries using detailed earnings and payment information that is stored in employee history tables. These tables are updated during the final update step of the payroll cycle. To create accurate payment summaries, you must extract the correct information from these history tables.

To accurately create and submit payment summaries for the organization, you should verify that this information has been set up correctly:

After you verify the information, you complete these steps to create and report payment summary information to the ATO:

Setting Up Payment Summary Information

Before you can process payment summaries, you must verify that the information in the system is set up correctly to enssure that the payment summaries that you create are valid. Invalid payment summaries might not be accepted by the ATO.

You must verify this information before you process payment summary information:

In addition, you must ensure that PDBAs used in payment summary reporting are associated with the appropriate reporting codes and that processing options for all of the payment summary programs are set correctly.

Verifying Payroll History

Before you create payment summaries, you should verify your payroll history. You use the AU Payroll History Audit Report (R75A7703) to verify that the payroll tax history that has been generated by the payroll cycle is valid and that it does not contain any errors. This report can be run for a specific calendar year and month, or you can run the report without specifying a date to verify all existing payroll history. You can verify payroll tax history, payroll payment history, or both types of history when you run the report. You can also choose to run the report for a specific company.

When you verify tax history, the report compares data from summary tax history tables to the corresponding detail tax history tables and determines whether any discrepancies are in the data. The report compares data in these tax tables:

When you verify payment history, the report compares data from summary payment history tables to the corresponding detail payment history tables and determines whether any discrepancies are in the data. The report compares data in these payment tables:

Note. Oracle recommends that you run this report frequently to verify that all payroll history data is accurate and valid. Oracle also strongly suggests that you run this report and correct all errors before submitting any payroll or tax data to government reporting agencies.

See Reviewing Tax Reports.

Company Address and Regional Information

The ATO requires organizations to provide address and regional information for the supplier and the payer companies. In some cases, these are the same companies.

The supplier company is the organization that produces the data and sends it to the ATO. The ATO uses the street address of the supplier company to return magnetic media, if requested. In addition, the ATO uses the regional information that is associated with the supplier company for all supplier-related correspondence.

The payer company is the organization that pays the employees. It is recorded in the Employee Master Information table (F060116) as the home company for the employee. The ATO uses the address and regional information that is associated with the payer company for any payer-related or payee-related correspondence.

Note. Creating separate company address records for the supplier and the payer company is necessary only if the two companies have different physical addresses. If the companies have the same physical address, you can use the same company address record for both the supplier and the payer company.

See Setting Up Company Options.

Employee Name Information

The ATO requires that the employee names on all payment summaries be formatted using the employee's given name, middle name, and surname. To ensure that the employee name information is formatted correctly on payment summaries, you must enter the employees' name on the Who's Who form.

Note. To avoid time-consuming maintenance associated with employee name formatting, you should enter the employee name information in the Who's Who form during the initial employee entry process. Adding this step to the employee entry process can significantly shorten the amount of time needed to verify the setup information during payment summary processing.

Payment Summary Reporting Codes

You must set up payment summary Reporting codes in UDC 06/S2 to specify where information should print on the payment summaries. Currently, the ATO allows for nine reportable allowances and deductions, and two reportable gifts (Workplace Giving). These should be numbered A1 to A9 for allowances, U1 to U9 for deductions, and G1 for gifts. The codes that you use must adhere to these guidelines to ensure that information prints in the correct area of the payment summary form:

ETP Payment Summaries

When an employee is terminated and receives an ETP, the ATO requires that employers report this information to the employee using documents called ETP payment summaries. This information is then reported to the ATO manually or using an electronic file called the EMPDUPE file, which is produced using the R75A0145.

The type of payment summary that is required depends on whether the employer is creating an original ETP payment or is amending an ETP payment that has already been reported to the ATO. You specify whether an ETP is an original or amended payment using the P75A0010 program or the P75A0008 program. Additionally, the type of payment summary that you create is determined by the type of ETP amounts that the employee is receiving.

If the employee is receiving only transitional amounts in his or her ETP, you create a transitional ETP payment summary. If the employee is receiving only nontransitional amounts, you create a nontransitional ETP payment summary. If the employee is receiving both transitional and nontransitional ETP amounts, you must create two separate payment summaries for that employee. One payment summary includes the transitional amounts, while the other includes the nontransitional amounts. You use a processing option on the ETP payment summary print programs to specify whether to create transitional or nontransitional ETPs.

You can use either of these programs to create original ETP payment summaries:

You can use either of these programs to create amended ETP payment summaries:

Note. You use these payment summary programs to produce ETP payment summaries for all ETPs, regardless of whether they include transitional agreement information.

See Also

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 Foundation Guide

Setting Up Tax Information for PDBAs

(AUS) Terminating Employees in Australia

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Enter employee information into the system.

See Setting Up Employee Information.

Oracle also suggests that you run the AU Payroll History Audit Report (R75A7703) before you process payment summary information. This report enables you to verify that employee payroll history data is accurate before you report information to government agencies.

See Reviewing Tax Reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Payment Summary Information

Form Name




Work With Company Options


HRM Setup (G05B4), Company Options

Select a company.

Company Options


On Work With Company Options, select a record in the detail area, and then click Select.

Enter address information.

Revise Company Constants


On Company Options, select Regional Info from the Form menu.

Update regional information.

Work With Addresses


Daily Processing (G0110), Address Book Revisions

Select an employee.

Who's Who


On Work With Addresses, select an employee and then select Who's Who from the Row menu.

Set up employee name information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Company Address Information

Access the Company Options form: Address tab.

Repeat this task for all supplier and payer companies for which you are reporting payment summary information to the ATO.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Regional Information

Access the Revise Company Constants form.

Branch Number

Enter the current active PAYE group number allocated to the employer by the ATO.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the caller, customer, or other contact.

Contact Telephone Number

Enter the telephone number of the contact person.

Contact Fax Number

Enter a number without the prefix or special characters, such as hyphens or periods, that makes up the telephone number for an entity. You can use any applicable telephone number format for a country. This field is used in conjunction with the Prefix field (AR1), where you enter the first segment of the telephone number, which is called the area code in the United States.

When you search for an address using a phone number, you must enter the number exactly as it is set up in the Address Book system, including any special characters.

Company E-mail Address

Enter the email address for the company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Employee Name Information for Payment Summaries

Access the Who's Who form.

Address Number

Enter a number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

Given Name

Enter the first name of an individual. This field is informational only.

Middle Name

Enter the middle name or initial of an individual. This field is informational only. The name does not appear on any reports.


Enter the last name of an individual. This field is informational only.

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Processing Payment Summary Information

This section provides an overview of payment summary processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payment Summary Processing

After you ensure that the system information is set up correctly, you can begin the payment summary process. You must create payment summaries for all employees who receive earnings from the organization during the tax year.

To begin the payment summary process, you must first extract history information for each employee for whom you want to create a payment summary. You extract payment summary information using the Create Payment Summary Extract Review program (R75A0140). This program creates records in the Australian Payment Summary table (F75A0140). The system uses information in this table to create printed payment summaries and the electronic media that you submit to the ATO. You can use this program to create new payment summaries or to create amended payment summaries.

After you extract payment summary information, you can add any necessary fringe benefit tax records to the Australian Payment Summary table. After you have extracted the information from employee history and added fringe benefit records, you can then review the information online to ensure that it is accurate. You use the Payment Summary Extract Review program (P75A0140) to create fringe benefit tax records and to review payment summary information.

After you have verified that all of the payment summary information is accurate, you can print paper copies of the payment summaries and you can create the file (called EMPDUPE) that you electronically submit to the ATO.

Extracting Payment Summary Information

After you have verified that the information in the system is set up correctly, you can begin the process of creating payment summaries. The first step in creating payment summaries is to extract employee history information to be included on the payment summary forms. You extract this information using the Create Payment Summary Extract program (R75A0140).

The Create Payment Summary Extract program extracts all of the appropriate history records for the employees that you have specified in the data selection of the version that you process. It then creates the Australian Payment Summary table (F75A0140). The system uses this table to create the electronic media that you send to the ATO.

Each time that you process a version of the Create Payment Summary Extract program, the system creates records in the F75A0140. Each of these records includes a system-generated batch number and a print status. When the records are initially created, the print status is blank. The system updates the print status as you progress through the payment summary process.

We recommend that you set up at least three versions of this program:



Version One

Create this version to process year-end payment summary information. The data selection for this version should be set at the company level.

This is the most commonly used version, and should be used to process the payment summaries for the tax year.

Version Two

Create this version to process interim payment summary information. The data selection for this version should be set at the employee level.

You might use this version if employees are relocating overseas and they want to reconcile all of their tax obligations at the time of their relocation.

Version Three

Create this version to delete existing batches of payment summaries. You use processing options to specify the batch that you want to delete each time that you process this version.

You might find that you need to delete a batch of payment summaries if the information in those payment summaries is inaccurate. To correct the information, you must delete the incorrect batch, correct any necessary information, and then recreate the payment summaries. You must delete the batch before creating a new batch to avoid creating duplicate payment summaries.

Attaching Fringe Benefit Records to Payment Summaries

After you create records in the Australian Payment Summary table (F75A0140), you can update the records to include any necessary fringe benefit information. Fringe benefit information must be calculated outside of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system and manually added to the payment summary information.

You can enter fringe benefit information at the individual employee level, or you can import this information using an Excel spreadsheet. Regardless of how you enter fringe benefit information, you must enter it before you distribute printed payment summaries to the employees and before you submit payment summary information to the ATO.

Note. For information about items that are considered reportable fringe benefits, contact the ATO directly.

Before you can attach fringe benefit information to a payment summary, you must:

Reviewing and Revising Payment Summary Information

After you process the Create Payment Summary Extract program (R75A0140) and attach any necessary fringe benefit information to employee payment summaries, you can review the information. Using the Payment Summary Extract Review program, you can review the payment summary for each individual employee.

You can review payment summaries by their print status, which is automatically updated in the Australian Payment Summary table (F75A0140) as you proceed through the payment summary process. A payment summary can have one of these print statuses:

You can review information for the entire batch of payment summaries, or you can review the detailed information for selected payment summaries. In addition, you can revise the information contained in each payment summary. You cannot, however, revise a payment summary that has already been printed. To revise a payment summary that has already been printed, you must first delete the batch of payment summaries. You delete a batch of payment summaries by running the Create Payment Summary Extract program (R75A0140), specifying the batch number that you want to delete in the processing options. After you delete the batch, you can correct employee information if necessary. You can recreate the batch of payment summaries and then continue the payment summary process from that point.

You can also create amended payment summaries. If, for example, you have already submitted payment summaries to the ATO, and you then determine that their payroll, tax, leave or other employee information was incorrect, you can update the incorrect information, and then process payment summaries again. When you process payment summaries again, you must select the amended indicator in the processing options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Process Payment Summary Information

Form Name




Work With Payment Summary Extract


Australian Annual PAYG Tax Reporting (G07BUSP19), PAYG Payment Summary Extract Review

Select an employee.

Fringe Benefit Details


On Work With Payment Summary Extract, select a record in the detail area and then select Maintain FBT from the Row menu.

Enter fringe benefit information by employee.

Review Payment Summary Details


Work With Payment Summary Extract, select the record in the detail area that you want to review, and then select Review Details from the Row menu.

Review and revise payment summaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Create Payment Summary Extract Program (R75A0140)

Select Australian Annual Tax Reporting (G07BUSP19), PAYG Payment Summary Extract.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Create Payment Summary Extract (R75A0140)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Delete Option

1. Batch Number to delete.

Specify a batch number that you want to delete. Blank is the default.

2. Employee Number to delete.

Specify the employee number to delete. This option works in conjunction with the Batch Number To Delete option. If you specify both a batch number and an employee number to delete, only the employee in the specified batch is deleted from the F75A0140 table. If you do not enter an employee number and you enter a batch number to delete, the entire batch is deleted from the F75A0140 table. If batch number is omitted and you enter an employee number, no records are deleted from the F75A0140 table.

3. Country Code

Specify the country code for which you are processing payment summaries. The default value is AU.

4. Year to be Processed

Specify the year to process, using CCYY format. For example, to process payment summaries for 2009, enter 2009.

5. Original or Amended Indicator

Select the type of payment summaries you are processing. If you are processing a payment summary that has not yet been reported to the ATO, select Original. If you are processing a payment summary that has already been reported to the ATO, select Amended. Values are:

Blank or 1: Original

2: Amended

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Fringe Benefit Information by Employee

Access the Fringe Benefit Details form.

Payroll Year

Enter a two-digit number that specifies the applicable year. If you leave this field blank, the program uses the system date.

Home Company

Enter the number of the company where the employee records generally reside.

Batch Number

Enter a number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program.

Reportable Amount

Enter the gross amount of the transaction. The specific meaning, depending on the type of transaction, is:

A Pay types: The total amount of earnings related to the type of pay.

B DBAs: The total amount of the benefit, or accrual.

This amount represents the total for the first month of either the payroll year or the calendar year, depending on the review form that you are using.

Payroll-month totals are stored in the Employee Transaction History Summary table (F06146). Calendar-month totals are stored in the Calendar Month DBA Summary History table (F06145).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Fringe Benefit Information from a Spreadsheet

Access the Fringe Benefit Detail form.

To import fringe benefit information from a spreadsheet:

  1. Press the Tab key to access the first row of the detail area.

  2. Right-click and select Import from the menu.

  3. Select the application that you used to create the spreadsheet.

  4. Locate the spreadsheet that you created and double-click it.

  5. Enter the data range that coincides with the data that you entered in the spreadsheet, and then click OK.

    The data range should be (A1:Bx) where x is the number of the last row in the spreadsheet. For example, if you entered 450 lines in the spreadsheet, the data range would be (A1:B450).

    The system populates the detail area of the Fringe Benefit Details form, and then edits the data that you import from the spreadsheet to ensure against duplicate records and to ensure that you are not importing information for an employee who is not included in the batch.

  6. On Fringe Benefit Details, click OK to save the imported information.

  7. On Work With Payment Summary Extract, click Close to exit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Payment Summary Extract Review (P75A0140)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Enter the two character bucket ID for manually added records.

Specify the two-character bucket ID for manually added records.

2. Enter the line number for manually added records.

Specify the line number for manually added records,

3. Enter the description associated with manually added records.

Specify the description that is associated with manually added records.

4. Print Payment Summary Version

Specify the print payment summary version.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Revising Payment Summary Information

Access the Review Payment Summary Details form.

If the Prt Flg field contains a Y, the payment summary has already been printed and cannot be revised.

Line Number

Enter a number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number. In some cases, you can override it.

Bkt No.

Enter a value that is used to scrub Specification Data fields that are 2–character alpha fields.

Gross Amount

Enter the gross amount of the transaction. The specific meaning, depending on the type of transaction, is:

A Pay types: The total amount of earnings related to the type of pay.

B DBAs: The total amount of the deduction, benefit, or accrual.

C Payroll Taxes: The total amount of gross wages, before exclusions and paid-in-excess amounts.

This amount represents the total for the first month of either the payroll year or the calendar year, depending on the review form that you are using.

Payroll-month totals are stored in the Employee Transaction History Summary table (F06146). Calendar-month totals are stored in the Calendar Month DBA Summary History table (F06145).

Tax Amount

Enter the monthly amount of tax calculated.

U/M Description (unit of measure description)

Enter the terminology that best describes the two-character abbreviated unit of measure. For example, Each for EA, Dozen for DZ and so forth.

C/ M

Enter a code that designates the source of a deduction, benefit, or accrual. Codes are:

C: Computer-generated during the prepayroll process.

CD: Computer-generated during the daily post.

M: Manually entered on a time entry screen.

P: An arreared pretax deduction.

During a rerun of a pre-payroll, only those deductions that are computer-generated will be recalculated.

Warning! A computer-generated entry will have its code changed to M if it is called up on a time-entry screen and then a change (C) action code is used. Therefore, delete any deduction or benefit entries that you would want recomputed in the next pre-payroll rerun. If a deduction, benefit, or accrual is removed from the source table (that is, the Union Benefits Master or Employee Instructions), the calculated entry will not automatically be removed from the employee on the pre-payroll rerun.

Prt Flg

Indicates whether the documents for this trip have been printed.

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Printing Payment Summaries

This section provides an overview of the print process, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Print Process

After you have reviewed the PAYG payment summaries and ascertained their accuracy, you can use one of the print payment summary programs to print paper copies to distribute to the employees. You can print an entire batch of payment summaries, or you can specify a date range to print. You can use either of these programs to print original payment summaries that are not ETP payment summaries:

You can use either of these programs to print amended payment summaries that are not ETP payment summaries:

After you print a payment summary, the system updates the print status to 1, which specifies that the payment summary has been printed. Subsequent reprinting does not update the print status.

You cannot revise a payment summary after it has been printed. If you find errors on payment summaries after you have printed them, you must:

Printing ETP Payment Summaries

When you terminate employees and create Employee Termination Payments (ETPs), you must create ETP payment summaries. The type of payment summary that is required depends on whether the employer is creating an original ETP payment or is amending an ETP payment that has already been reported to the ATO. You specify whether an ETP is an original or amended payment using the P75A0010 program or the P75A0008 program. Additionally, the type of payment summary that you create is determined by the type of ETP amounts that the employee is receiving.

If the employee is receiving only transitional amounts in his or her ETP, you create a transitional ETP payment summary. If the employee is receiving only nontransitional amounts, you create a nontransitional ETP payment summary. If the employee is receiving both transitional and nontransitional ETP amounts, you must create two separate payment summaries for that employee. One payment summary includes the transitional amounts, while the other includes the nontransitional amounts. You use a processing option on the ETP payment summary print programs to specify whether to create transitional or nontransitional ETPs.

You can use either of these programs to create original ETP payment summaries:

You can use either of these programs to create amended ETP payment summaries:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Review the information on the ETP Calculations Worksheet to ensure that the payment summary is accurate.

See Printing the ETP Calculations Worksheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Selected Payment Summaries

Access the Work With Payment Summary Extract form.

To print selected payment summaries:

  1. Select the record in the detail area that you want to print, and then select Print Individual from the Row menu.

  2. On Print Confirmation, click OK.

  3. On Work With Payment Summaries, click Close.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Print PAYG Payment Summaries Programs

The processing options that are discussed in this task are for all of these payment summary programs:


These processing options specify default information that is used when you are printing ETP payment summaries.

1. Report Start Date

Use this processing option to specify the start date of the report. The report produces payment summaries for terminations that occur on or after the date that you enter in this field. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Report End Date option to specify a date range.

2. Report End Date

Use this processing option to specify the ending date of the report. The report produces payment summaries for terminations that occur on or before the date that you enter in this field. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Report Start Date option to specify a date range.

3. Enter the name of the authorized person who signs the Group Certificates

Use this processing option to specify the name of the person that signs the payment summary certificates. Enter the person’s actual name in First Name Last Name format. Do not enter the address book number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Original PAYG Payment Summaries

From the Australian Annual PAYG Tax Reporting menu (G07BUSP19), select one of these programs to create original payment summaries:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Amended PAYG Payment Summaries

From the Australian Annual PAYG Tax Reporting menu (G07BUSP19), use one of these programs to create amended payment summaries:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Print ETP Payment Summaries Programs

The processing options that are discussed in this section are for all of these ETP payment summary programs:


These processing options specify default information that is used when you are printing ETP payment summaries.

1. Report Start Date

Use this processing option to specify the start date of the report. The report produces payment summaries for terminations that occur on or after the date that you enter in this field. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Report End Date option to specify a date range.

2. Report End Date

Use this processing option to specify the ending date of the report. The report produces payment summaries for terminations that occur on or before the date that you enter in this field. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Report Start Date option to specify a date range.

3. Name of Signatory

Use this processing option to specify the name of the person who signs the payment summary certificates. Enter the person’s actual name in First Name Last Name format. Do not enter the address book number.

4. Print Transitional ETP

Use this processing option to specify whether to create transitional or nontransitional ETP payment summaries. Values are:

Y: Create transitional ETP payment summaries.

N or Blank: Create nontransitional ETP payment summaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Original ETP Payment Summaries

From the Australian Annual PAYG Tax Reporting menu (G07BUSP19), select one of these programs to create original ETP payment summaries:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Amended ETP Payment Summaries

From the Australian Annual PAYG Tax Reporting menu (G07BUSP19), use one of these programs to create amended ETP payment summaries:

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Generating the Electronic Payment Summary File

This section provides an overview of the Electronic Payment Summary File and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Electronic Payment Summary File

After you have created payment summaries and reviewed them for accuracy, you can generate the electronic file that you use to report payment summary information to the ATO. You use the Create ATO Extract File EMPDUPE program (R75A0145) to generate this file.

You can run this program in test mode to verify that the information contained in the file is correct. After you verify this information, you can run the program in production mode to generate the actual file that you will send to the ATO.

Note. If you are placing more than one file on the electronic media that you are submitting to the ATO, you must name each file sequentially, according to ATO regulations. For example, if you place three files on one tape, you should name those files EMPDUPE.A01, EMPDUPE.A02, and EMPDUPE.A03. You specify the name of the output file in the processing options.

Additionally, if you want to save the output files to the local PC, you must map this job to run locally on the machine.

You must specify the type of software that you are using to produce the EMPDUPE file. Each time that the software is upgraded, this system identification changes. Contact the system administrator for assistance with correctly identifying the software type and release.

Do not include commas or full stops when you enter the address information in the processing options. Use of these characters will cause the ATO to reject the electronic submission.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 Configurable Network Computing Implementation Guide

After you create the EMPDUPE files that you want to submit to the ATO, contact the system administrator for assistance with copying these files to the appropriate electronic media.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Electronic Payment Summary File

Select Australian Annual PAYG Tax Reporting (G07BUSP19), Create ATO Extract File EMPDUPE.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Create ATO Extract File EMPDUPE (R75A0145)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Enter the type of run (T=test, P=Production)

Specify the type of report that you want to run. Values are:

T: Test

P: Production

2. Enter report start date

Specify the first date for the report.

3. Enter report end date

Specify the last date that is included in the report.

5. Enter the company to use as the supplier of the group certificates

Specify the company code of the organizational entity that supplies group certificates.

6. Enter the file reference for this file. This is your reference not the ATO's

Specify the file reference that you use for your own reference.

7. Enter the Software product type (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne).

Specify the product type for your software.

8. Has the output been tested via the ATO's Electronic Commerce Interface (ECI)?

Specify whether the output has been tested using the Electronic Commerce Interface of the ATO.

9. Update Process Indicator

Specify whether to update the ATO indicator for these records.

When you run the R75A0145 program, if this option is set to 0, the electronic file is created in test mode and the two flags (F75A0140.PTAO and F75A0010.DNPI) are not updated, indicating that the records have not yet been submitted to the Australian Tax Office.

If this option is set to 1, the two flags are set to 1, indicating that the records have been submitted to the Australian Tax Office. When you run the R75A0145 program again, the system does not retrieve the records if the flag equals 1.

If this option is set to 2, the two flags are set to 0. This is used to reset the flags that have been marked as processed records to be marked as unprocessed records. Values are:

0: Do not update the ATO Indicator

1: Update the ATO Indicator.

2: Reset the ATO Indicator.

10. Enter Output filename with Full Path definition.

Specify a name, including the full directory path, for the output file.

Postal Address

If the supplier postal address is different from the address specified in the address book record, enter the details here

Postal Address Line 1

Specify the first line of the address.

Postal Address Line 2

Specify a subsequent line of the address.

Suburb, town or city

Specify the city portion of the address.


Specify the state portion of the address.

Post Code

Specify the postal code portion of the address.


Specify the country portion of the address.

ETP defaults

Enter the first comparison date. (Usually 1st July 1983)

Specify the first comparison date.

Enter the second comparison date. (Usually 30th June 1983)

Specify the second comparison date.