Working with Putaway Requests

This chapter provides an overview of putaway requests, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Putaway Requests

You create putaway requests to store items that you receive in the warehouse. A putaway request contains information about the item, such as:

The system uses this information to create suggestions for putaway, based on the putaway movement instructions and other information that you define.

You can also create putaway requests using manufacturing systems.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Putaway Requests

This section provides an overview of creating putaway requests, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Putaway Request Creation

As you receive the items on a purchase order, you can create a putaway request to generate suggestions for putaway locations and then store the items. This procedure is the most common method of creating putaway requests.

You can set the processing options in the PO Receipts program (P4312) to determine whether you:

If you create putaway requests only, you must create location suggestions and confirm location suggestions separately; however, you can automatically confirm location suggestions during location selection.

If you do not create putaway requests through purchase order receipts, items that you receive will remain in the location where you receive them. You can then create putaway requests by reversing the receipt of the order, setting the program's processing options to create putaway requests, and receiving the order again.

During receipt of a purchase order, you can override the item's default unit of measure structure, if the item's actual unit of measure structure is different. You cannot override the item's default unit of measure structure if you are using license plates. For example, you might remove the largest unit of measure, such as a pallet, from the incoming item's unit of measure structure and use the next-largest unit of measure for putaway. You might do this to avoid occupying pallet space in the warehouse with cases. This reduces the efficient use of space. For example, if you receive a partial pallet of compact discs, you can override the pallet's unit of measure and use cases or eaches for putaway.

After you change a unit of measure structure, the system verifies:

The system overrides unit of measure structures for items with assigned serial numbers. These items are listed individually (quantity of 1) in Level 1 as the primary unit of measure.

You can also override the quantity, containers, weight, repack code, and tax code for each level of the unit of measure structure. This override alters the item characteristics and can change the location that you use for putaway.

The system displays warehouse overrides only if you activate warehouse control in Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) and license plates are not activated. After you activate warehouse control, the system inputs the receipt location (which you enter on the Branch Location Definition form) when you enter a purchase order.

Note. You can also use warehouse overrides to change an item's default unit of measure structure so that the system uses a smaller unit of measure during putaway. You cannot use warehouse overrides to specify a unit of measure if you have not defined it on the Item Unit of Measure Definition form and in the item UOM conversions.

If you use receipt routing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system, the system can create a putaway request when you move the items to the on-hand step, which creates a receipt.

Items with assigned serial numbers are tracked individually in the primary unit of measure, and you cannot group them into greater units of measure. The system creates one putaway request for each item with a serial number.

You also can use the Manual Replenishments and Batch Putaway Request programs to create a putaway request.

See Setting Processing Options for Manual Replenishments (P46100).

Putaway Requests through JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Systems

You can set up manufacturing systems so that the completion of a work order triggers the creation of a putaway request for the manufactured product.

After you create a putaway request through manufacturing systems, you process the putaway request normally through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system. After you create and confirm location suggestions, you reduce the on-hand quantity in the manufacturing location and increase the on-hand quantity in the putaway location where you will store the item.

Cross Docking

Cross docking enables you to receive and distribute products directly from the dock of a distribution center. Cross docking eliminates the need to move quantities to a storage location before picking and enables you to fulfill orders directly.

There are two methods for cross docking:

Additionally, when you receive a sales order, you can use the Planned Cross Docking Workbench program (P4614) to specify the priority number for each cross dock movement. You can also indicate that a line on a sales order needs to be cross docked in anticipation of incoming supply, and schedule both inbound and outbound shipments. The system displays sales order lines (including backordered sales order lines depending on setup) as demand and purchase order lines and work orders as supply, with the quantity that is available for each line.

You do not need to have a warehouse and use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system to perform cross docking. You can use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management, Procurement, and Work Orders systems to perform cross docking. For example, you might need to use a specific purchase order number or work order number to fulfill sales orders. By associating a sales order line with a specific purchase order number or work order number, you can establish priority for fulfilling the sales order line and use the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205) to indicate that the sales order line is ready to be picked and shipped directly from the receiving location.

If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system, the system uses standard movement processing. The system records the movement of cross docked inventory as an override to standard picking suggestions and creates a pick suggestion, which you must confirm.

When you perform planned cross docking, the system performs these actions in this order:

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Before you complete the tasks in this section:

See Also

Setting Up Inclusion Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Create Putaway Requests

Form Name




Work With Purchase Orders to Receive


Inbound Warehousing Operations (G4611), Purchase Order Receipts

Locate a purchase order that you want to receive.

Additional Selection Criteria


Locate a record and select P.O. Detail from the Row menu on Work With Purchase Orders to Receive.

Select Added Selections from the Form menu on Work with Order Details. Select Receipt and click OK.

Create a putaway request interactively.

Warehouse Overrides


Select a record and click Select on Work With Purchase Orders to Receive.

Select a record and then select Warehouse Override from the Row menu on Purchase Order Receipts.

Override the unit of measure structure.

Planned Cross Docking Workbench Revisions


Outbound Warehousing Operations (G4612), Planned Cross Docking Workbench

Select a record and click Select on Work With Planned Cross Docking Workbench.

Cross dock with the workbench.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Putaway Requests Interactively

Access the Additional Selection Criteria form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding the Unit of Measure Structure

Access the Warehouse Overrides form.

Note. You can only override the UOM if you select LPN Process Off for the Branch Plant.

Level 1 Quantity

Enter the total quantity of the item in the item's level 1 unit of measure. You use the Unit of Measure Conversion Information program (P41002) to define unit of measure levels. When you define a unit of measure structure, define the largest unit of measure as level 1, and the smallest, or primary, unit of measure as the last or lowest level. The system supplies an item's unit of measure structure to a location's detail information (F4602) during inventory movement, but you can override the structure, if necessary

UM 1 (unit of measure level 1)

Enter the item's level 1 unit of measure. You use Unit of Measure Conversion Information (P41002) to define an item's unit of measure structure. You define the largest unit of measure in the structure as the level 1 unit of measure.

The smallest unit of measure, which is also the primary unit of measure, depending if the item is Dual UOM, highest number, is the last or lowest level in the structure.

An example of a unit of measure structure might be:

Level Unit of Measure

1: Pallet

2: Box, where 10 boxes equal 1 pallet.

3: Case, where 5 cases equal 1 box.

4: Interpack, where 8 interpacks equal 1 case.

5: Each, where 10 eaches equal 1 interpack.

In this example, the level 1 unit of measure is a pallet, and the level 5 unit of measure is an each, which is the primary unit of measure for the item in the example.

You can have up to five levels in an item's unit of measure structure.

Container 1

Enter a user-defined code (UDC) (46/EQ) that identifies the storage container for this item in its level 1 unit of measure. A storage container can be:

  • An open container, where items are stored on the container (for example, a pallet)

  • A closed container, where items are stored in the container (for example, a box)

You use the Container Codes program (P46091) to define storage containers. You use the Unit of Measure Definition by Item or Group program (P46011) to assign a storage container to an item in a specific unit of measure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for PO Receipts (P4312)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options control how the PO Receipts (P4312) interfaces with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system.

1. Putaway Mode

Specify how the system processes putaway requests.

Enter 1: to create a putaway request only. You must create location suggestions and confirm location suggestions separately.

Enter 2: to create a putaway request and process the request into suggestions using the subsystem.

Enter 3: to receive goods directly into the reserved locations, and do not create requests or suggestions.

Leave blank and the system does not create a putaway request. If you do not create putaway using the Purchase Order Receipts program (P4312), the items that you receive will remain in the location to which they were received. Then you can create putaway requests manually or create them by reversing the receipt of the purchase order, setting this processing option to create putaway requests by reversing the purchase order receipt, and receiving the purchase order again.

2. License Plate Number Generation Method

Enter a UDC (46L/LG) to specify the license plate generation method.

Enter 00 to use license plate constants.

Enter 01 for manual entry.

Enter 02 to create a user-defined formula.

Enter 03 to create Electronic Product Code.

3. Build default UOM structure

Enter 1 and the default item UOM structure, excluding levels higher than the transaction UOM is used. This is the UOM structure to create license plate number automatically. License plates are only created for item UOM that have the license plate flag turned on in the U/M definition application P46011. Leave blank and the default item UOM structure is used.

4. Assign Items to License Plate Window (P46L30)

Leave blank and the system assigns license plate numbers automatically. Enter 1 to allow license plate numbers to be entered manually.

This processing option applies only if you are using license plate functionality in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system and license plate numbers are not created automatically by the system.

Cross Docking

1. Cross Docking

Leave blank and the system does not cross dock.

Enter 1: to use opportunistic.

Enter 2: to use planned.

Enter 3: to use both planned and opportunistic.

2. Pick Request

Specify whether the system creates a pick request when performing planned cross docking during the purchase order receipts process. Values are:

Leave blank and the system does not create a pick request.

Enter 1: for the system creates a pick request.

3. Override Next Status for Sales Orders

Specify the default next status code (40/AT) for the sales order only if you are using planned cross docking during the purchase order receipts process. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the normal sales order next status that is contained in the order activity rules.

4. From Sales Order Status

Specify the from status code (40/AT) for the sales order to which to process planned cross docking only if you are using planned cross docking during the purchase order receipts process.

5. Thru Sales Order Status

Specify the through status code (40/AT) for the sales order to which to process planned cross docking only if you are using planned cross docking during the purchase order receipts process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Work Order Completions (P31114)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Warehouse Mgt

These processing options determine how the program processes putaway requests for Warehouse Management integration.

1. Putaway Requests

Specify whether putaway requests will be processed. For mode 2, you need to specify the version of the subsystem program that the system uses in the Location Selection Driver processing option (R46171) on the Versions tab. Values are:

Leave blank and the system does not process putaway requests.

Enter 1: to process putaway requests only.

Enter 2: to process putaway requests when it accesses the subsystem.

2. License Plate Number Generation Method

Enter a UDC (46L/LG) to specify whether the system assigns license plate numbers automatically or you to specify the value. Values are:

Enter 00: to use license plate constants.

Enter 01: to assign license plate numbers manually.

Enter 02to use a user-defined formula.

Enter 03to use the electronic product code.

3. Build default UOM structure

Enter a code to indicate the UOM Structure to be used to create license plate number automatically. License plates are only created for item UOM that have the license plate flag turned on in the U/M definition application P46011. Values are:

Enter 1 to use the default item UOM Structure, excluding levels higher than the transaction UOM.

Leave blank for the default item UOM structure.

4. Assign Items to License Plate Window (P46L30)

Specify whether the system automatically displays the assign items to license plate number window (P46L30). This processing option applies only if you are using license plate functionality in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system and license plate numbers are not created automatically by the system Values are:

Leave blank and the system does not automatically display the assign items to license plate window.

Enter 1and the system automatically displays the assign items to license plate window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCross Docking with the Workbench

To perform cross docking with the workbench:

  1. Review the sales order lines, purchase order lines, and work order lines in the detail area.

    Note. You can enter or change the values in the fields in the detail area for sales orders only. For purchase orders or work orders, the fields are view only.

  2. Locate the row that contains the sales order line that you want to cross dock and enter a value in the Cross Docked field.

  3. To associate a sales order line with a purchase order number or work order number, click the search button in the Cross Dock Order Number field.

  4. On the Planned Cross Docking Inbound Search & Select form, select the row that contains the order number that you want to associate with the sales order line and click Select.

  5. On the Planned Cross Docking Workbench Revisions form, review the information in the detail area and click Resort to update the detail area with the sales order lines prioritized by ascending promised date and priority.

    Note. If you need to update detailed sales order line information, purchase order line information, or work order line information, you can select the appropriate option from the Row menu.

  6. To further prioritize sales orders for cross docking, complete the Cross Dock Priority field and click Resort.

    The system sorts the order lines by ascending promised date and then priority. If the promised dates for two or more order lines are the same, then the system sorts the order lines only by priority.

  7. When you are finished prioritizing and resorting the order lines, click OK.

Cross Docked

Enter 1 to activate cross docking, or leave this field blank and cross docking is inactive. This field associates items or order lines with the cross-dock processing. The value might indicate whether an item or an order line is eligible for cross-docking, whether it was cross docked, or whether it needs to be cross docked. When it is assigned to an item or item-branch, the value indicates that the item or the item in the branch/plant is eligible for cross docking. When it is assigned to an order line, the value indicates that the order line needs to be cross docked.

Cross Dock Priority

Enter a priority value. This value indicates the priority that the cross-docking system follows when assigning supply quantity to the sales orders. This priority indicates the sequence in which cross-docked sales orders are fulfilled for a given date. Sales order lines with a lower value receive a higher priority than lines with a higher value. The system performs only numeric edits on this value. If you do not specify a priority, or if the same priority is given to more than one order line, the orders will be fulfilled in the sequence of order number and order type.

See Also

Understanding Sales Order Detail Information

Locating Quantity Information

Entering Order Detail Information

Creating Work Orders

Click to jump to parent topicLocating Existing Putaway Requests

This section provides an overview of locating existing putaway requests, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Existing Putaway Requests

You might need to locate an existing putaway request. For example, to verify that you have created a putaway request for an incoming item, you locate the request using unique criteria, such as an order number, a document type, or an item number.

You also can cancel a putaway request and stop further processing. For example, if the items that you received are damaged, you cancel the putaway request. If the putaway request that you are canceling has associated suggestions that are being confirmed, you must first cancel the suggestions and then cancel the request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Locate Existing Putaway Requests

Form Name




Putaway Requests Inquiry


Inbound Warehousing Operations (G4611), Putaway Requests

Locate putaway requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Request Inquiry (P4600)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Use the processing option to specify the request status for the system to use.

1. Default Request Status

Enter the default request status, UDC (46/PS), to filter by. If you leave this processing option blank, the system filters by the default status of 200 (Ready to Suggest).


Specify the types of requests for the system to display.

1. Type of Requests to view

Specify the request types that you want to review. Values are:

Leave blank or enter 1: for putaway requests.

Enter 2: for picking requests.

Enter 3: for replenishment requests.

Manual Planner

Use these processing options to specify the planning information for the system to use. Manual Planner provides a way to manually select a To location for the putaway request.

1. Auto Location Selections

Specify whether the system automatically assigns a location to an item. Values are:

Leave blank and the system does not automatically assign locations.

Enter 1: to automatically assign locations.

2. Immediate Task/Trip Assignment

Specify whether the system assigns trips and tasks when you confirm the creation of suggestions and leave the screen. Values are:

Leave blank and the system does not assign trips and tasks.

Enter 1: to assign trips and tasks.

3. Task/Trip Assignment Version

Specify the version the system uses for task and trip assignment. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001.

4. Ship Ascending Date

Determine whether the system displays a warning or an error message for the ascending date rule check. Values are:

Leave blank to display a warning.

Enter 1: to display an error.

Picking Options

Use these processing options to specify the shipping information for the system to use.

1. Next Status Code Sales Orders

Enter a UDC (40/AT) to override the next status for sales order lines when requests are canceled.

2. Shipping Location

Specify whether the system enables you to override shipping locations. Values are:

Leave blank and the system does not enable overrides.

Enter 1: to enable overrides.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLocating Putaway Requests

Access the Putaway Requests Inquiry form.

Request Batch Number

Enter the batch number assigned to one set of putaway, picking, or replenishment requests. This number comes from next numbers for system 46.

From License Plate

Enter the From license plate number that identifies a collection of items or other license plates that are transferred from a specific location.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Putaway Requests by Batch

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Batch License Plate Putaway Request (R46L140)

You can create full license plate putaway requests for parent license plates. Requests are not created for license plates that already have open requests or contain items that are committed on suggestions.

Note. You base data selection on License Plate Master (F46L10) information. Typically, you would select by branch/plant and the desired “from” location to putaway license plates.

Select Warehouse Move Documents (G4621), Batch License Plate Putaway Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Batch License Plate Putaway Request (R46L140)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Use these processing options to specify how the system processes batch license plate putaway requests.

1. Process Requests through Subsystem

Specify whether to process requests through the subsystem. Values are:

Enter 1: to process requests through the subsystem.

Leave blank and the system does not process records through the subsystem.

2. Subsystem Version of R46171 Location Selection Version

Enter the version of Location Selection R46171 to be used if you are processing requests through the subsystem. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses XJDE0001.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Batch Putaway Request

You can create item putaway requests for items not on license plates. Item quantity already on an open request and quantity that is committed are excluded from the new request. A separate request is created by branch/plant, location, item, and lot for the items in the data selection.

Note. You can use this program with or without the license plates. Data selection is based on Item Location (F41021) information.

Select Warehouse Move Documents (G4621), Batch Putaway Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Batch Putaway Request (R46140)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Use these processing options to specify how the system processes batch putaway requests.

1. Process Requests through Subsystem

Specify whether to process requests through the subsystem. Values are:

Enter 1: to process requests through the subsystem.

Leave blank and the system does not process records through the subsystem.

2. Subsystem Version of R46171 Location Selection Version

Specify the version of Location Selection R46171 to be used if you are processing requests through the subsystem.