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Oracle® Access Manager Introduction
10g (

Part Number E12494-01
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About Globalization and Multibyte Support, 4
About Oracle Access Manager, 1.1
About the Access System, 3
Access Management API, 5.5
Access Manager API, 3.2.3, 3.3.3
Access Manager SDK
formerly named Access Server SDK, Preface
Access policy, 2.2
access policy, 3.2
Access Server, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.5
Access Management Service, Preface, 5.5
Access Server SDK
now named Access Manager SDK, Preface
Access System, 1.1
Components, 3.2
Configuration, 3.2.1
Customization, 3.3
System Configuration, 3.2.1
System Management, 3.2.1
Access System Behavior Summary, 5.5
Access Manager API, 5.5
Access Manager SDK, 5.5
Access Policies, 5.5
Access Server Backward Compatibility, 5.5
Asynchronous Cache Flush, 5.5
Authentication Scheme Updates, 5.5
Authorization Rules, 5.5
Cache Flush, 5.5
Connection Pool Details, 5.3
Custom AccessGates, 5.5
Custom Authentication and Authorization Plug-in Interfaces, 5.5
Directory Profiles, 5.5
Dynamic Filter Size, 5.5
Error Handling for Message Channel Initialization During Cache Flush, 5.5
Forms-based Authentication, 5.5
Global Sequence Number Corruption Recovery, 5.5
idleSessionTimeoutLogic, 5.5
Impersonation, 5.5
Integration Support Enhanced, Preface, 5.5
Internet Protocol Version 6, 5.5
Large Authorization Expressions, 5.5
Large Group Evaluations, 5.5
Maximum Elements in Session Token Cache, 5.5, 5.5
Oracle Access Protocol, 5.5
OracleAS Web Cache, 5.5
Policy Manager, 5.5
Policy Manager API, 5.5
Preferred HTTP Host, 5.5
Shared Secret, 5.5
Synchronous Cache Flush Between Multiple Access Servers, 5.5
Triggering Authentication Actions After the ObSSOCookie Is Set, 5.5
WebGates, 5.5
Access System Console, 3.2.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.1
Access System Features, 1.2, 3.1
security administration, 1.2
security policies, 1.2
Access System Functions, 3.2
Access Sytem APIs, 3.3.5
AccessGate, 3.2.3, 3.3.1
creating, Preface
AccessGates, 5.5
actions, 2.3.1
triggering after ObSSOCookie is set, Preface
pages, 4.2
languages, 4.2, 4.2
Administrators, 2.2.1
AL32UTF8 character set, 4.4.1
rules, 3.2.2
auditing, 3.1
new features, Preface
Oracle Database as the audit repository, Preface
Auditing Services, 3.1
auditing services, 3.3.4
Authentication, 3.2.2
authentication, Preface, 3.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.4, 3.3.5
default schemes, Preface
Authentication Plug-In API, 3.1, 3.3.2, 5.5
authentication scheme, 3.2.1, 3.2.2
Authentication Services, 3.1
Authorization, 3.1, 3.2.2
authorization, Preface, Preface, 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.4, 3.3.5
federated, Preface
Authorization Plug-In API, 3.1, 3.3.2, 5.5
authorization scheme, 3.1, 3.2.1
Authorization Services, 3.1


Backward Compatibility
Identity Server, 5.4
Bi-directional Language Support, 4.2.1


cache settings, 3.2.1
Centralized User, Group, and Organization Management, 2.1
Certification Matrix, 5.3
challenge and response
encoded format, 5.3
challenge phrase, 5.3, 5.4
code samples, Preface
Common Configuration, 2.2.1
Configuration Data, 2.2
cookie encryption, 5.5
triggering actions after setting the ObSSOCookie, Preface
COREid, Glossary
now named Oracle Access Manager, Preface
COREid Access Protocol, 3.2
credentials, 3.2.2
cross-firewall integration, 2.3.2
Crystal Reports, 3.1
Crystal Reports package, 5.3
Access Clients, 3.3.1
Authentication Plug-in, 3.3.2
Authorization Plug-in, 3.3.2
Customizable Multi-Step Workflow Engine, 2.1
Customization, 2.3


Data Management Layer, 2.1
decryption, 5.5
Delegated Access Administration, 3.1
Delegated Access Administrators, 3.2.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.1
Diagnostics, 2.2.1, 3.2.1
digital certificates, 3.2
Directory Profiles, 2.2.1
Dynamic Role-Based Identity Administration, 2.1


encoded format
challenge and response, 5.3
End User Languages, 4.2
End Users languages, 4.2
event, 2.3.1
Oracle Access Manager Use, 1.3
export data, Glossary
Extensive APIs for Identity Integration, 2.1
External Authentication, 3.4


Feature Overview, 1.2
new, Preface
Federated authentication, 3.5
federated authorization, Preface
federation, Preface


General Behavior Changes
Migrating User Data at First Login, 5.3
General Behavior Summary, 5.3
10g ( Installation Packages, 5.3
Acquiring and Using Multiple Languages, 5.3
Auditing and Access Reporting, 5.3
Automatic Login and the Password Redirect URL, 5.3
Automatic Schema Update Support for ADAM, 5.3
C++ Programs, 5.3
Cache Flush, 5.3
Certificate Store and Localized Certificates, 5.3
Certification Matrix, 5.3
Compilers for Plug-ins, 5.3
Configuration files, 5.3
Console-based Command-Line Interfaces, 5.3
Customized Styles, 5.3
Database Input and Output, 5.3
Database Instance Profiles, 5.3
Date and Time Formats, 5.3
Default Product Page, 5.3
Detecting Cross-site Scripting and SQL Injection, 5.3
Diagnostic Tools for Identity and Access Servers, 5.3
Directory Profiles, 5.3
Directory Server Connection Details, 5.3
Directory Server Failover, 5.3
Directory Server Interface, 5.3
Directory Server Searches, 5.3
Directory Structure, 5.3
Domain Names, URIs, and URLs, 5.3
Encryption Schemes, 5.3
Failover and Failback, 5.3
File and Path Names, 5.3
Graphical User Interface, 5.3
HTML Pages, 5.3
LDAP Bind Password, 5.3
LogFile Enhancements, 5.3
Message and Parameter Catalogs, 5.3
Minimum Number of Search Characters, 5.3
Multiple Values in Challenge Phrase and Response Attributes, 5.3
Names Assigned by Administrators and Product Names, 5.3
Namespaces for Policy Data and User Data Stored Separately, 5.3
Native POSIX Thread Library for Linux, 5.3
Object Classes and Attributes, 5.3
obVer Attribute Changes, 5.3
Password Policies and Lost Password Management, 5.3
Reconfiguring the Logging Framework without a Restart, 5.3
Secure Logging, 5.3
Support Changes, 5.3
Transport Security for the Directory Server, 5.3
Upgrade Enhancements, 5.3
Web Components and Backward Compatibility, 5.3
Web Server Configuration Files, 5.3
Writing a Stack Grace to a Log File, 5.3
XML Catalogs and XSL Stylesheet Encoding, 5.3
XSL Enhancements, 5.3
Globalization, 4.1
Group Manager, 2.2.1
Group Manager Configuration, 2.2.1


HEAD tag, 5.5


I18N, 4.1
Identity Applications, 2.2
Identity Components, 2.2
Identity Event Plug-in API, 2.3.1
Identity Functions, 2.2
Identity Server, 2.2.1, 2.2.1
Identity System, 1.1, 1.2
configuring, Preface
IdentityXML, Preface
Identity System Behavior Summary, 5.4
Challenge and Response Attributes, 5.4
Content-length Header in a WebPass Response, 5.4
Email Notifications, 5.4
Identity Server Backward Compatibility, 5.4
Identity System Event Plug-ins, 5.4
IdentityXML and SOAP Requests, 5.4
IdentityXML Enhancement, 5.4
Java Applets, 5.4
Large Group Evaluations, 5.4
Large Static Groups, 5.4
Mail Notification, 5.4
Minimum Number of Search Characters, 5.4
Multi-Step Identity Workflow Engine, 5.4
New Parameters in globalparams.xml, 5.4
Oracle Identity Protocol (OIP), 5.4
Password Policies and Password Management Runtime, 5.4
Poll Tracking Refresh Parameter, 5.4
Portal Inserts and URI Query Strings, 5.4
PresentationXML Directories, 5.4
Sorting User Search Results, 5.4
Tuning Internal DBAgent Cache, 5.4
Web Services Code, 5.4
XSLProcessor Parameter, 5.4
Identity System Console, 2.2.1
Identity System Features, 2.1
change management, 1.2
customization, 1.2
identity management system, 1.2
password management, 1.2
XML-based integration, 1.2
IdentityXML, 2.3.2
samples, Preface
installation, Preface
Installation Directories, 1.4.1
Integration Services, 1.2
integration with third-party products, Preface
ISO-8859, 4.5


Language Packs, 4.2
Language Tag, 4.2
Language-Specific Files, 1.4.1
Latin-1 Encoding, 4.5
locale, 4.1
localization, 4.1
Localized Messages, 4.2
log files, 3.1
logging, 3.1
automatic updates, Preface, Preface
new features in this release, Preface
what's new in this release, Preface
login form HTML page, 5.5
longer need the, 5.5
lost password management, 5.3
new features in this release, Preface, Preface


Manage Reports, 3.2.1
Manage Sync Records, 3.2.1
managed code plug-ins, 5.5
Master Access Administrator, 3.2.1, 3.2.1
Master Access Administrators, 2.2, 3.2.1
Master Administrator, 2.2, 2.2.1, 3.2.1
Master Audit Rule, 3.2.1
Master Identity Administrator, 2.2
Master Identity Administrators, 2.2
messages, 5.3
META tag, 5.5
MIME headers, 5.4
Multi-Level Administration Delegation, 2.1


names, new, Preface
NAP, 5.5, Glossary
now named Oracle Access Manager, Preface
NetPoint Access Protocol, 3.2, 5.5
NetPoint SAML Services
now named Oracle Identity Federation, Preface
new features
auditing to Oracle Database, Preface
logging, Preface
Non-Production/Test Environment Installation, 1.4


object classes, 2.2
oblix tree, 5.3
oblixConfig class, 5.3
OblixOrgPerson, 5.3
OblixOrgPerson class, 5.3
ObSSOCookie, Preface
obVer attribute, 5.3
Oracle Access Manager
formerly NetPoint or COREid, Preface
integration with third-party products, Preface
Oracle Access Manager Manuals, 6
Oracle Access Protocol, 3.2
Oracle Application Server Web Cache, Preface, 5.5
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Identity Management pack, 1.2
Oracle Identity Federation, Preface
formerly SHAREid, Preface
Oracle Identity Protocol, 2.2
Oracle Unicode Character Sets, 4.4
Oracle Virtual Directory, Preface
Organization Manager, 2.2.1
Organization Manager Configuration, 2.2.1


Password Management, 5.4
Password Management Services, 2.1
password policies, 5.4
Password Policy Cache, 3.2.1
lost password management
new features, Preface, Preface
new features in this release, Preface, Preface
password policies
new in this release, Preface, Preface
Personalization Services, 3.1
Policy Data, 2.2
policy domain
default, Preface
policy domains, 3.2.1, 3.3.4
policy management, 3.2
Policy Manager, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.1
Policy Manager API, Preface, 3.3.4
Policy Managers, 3.2
Portal inserts, 2.3.3
PresentationXML, 2.3.4
Process overview
Access Server functions, 3.2.2
WebPass functions, 2.2.2
When a user requests access, 3.2.4
Production Environment Installation, 1.4


remote procedure calls, 2.3.2
reporting, 3.1
response attribute, 5.3
response attributes, 5.4


Sample Code, Preface
schema, 2.2
schema attributes, 2.2
SDK, 5.5
configuring multiple searchbases, Preface
multiple, Preface
Security Connector for WebLogic SSPI, Preface
security monitoring, 3.1
security policies, 3.2.4
Self-Registration, 2.1
Self-Service, 2.1
Server Settings, 2.2.1
Shared Secret, 3.2.1
now named Oracle Identity Federation, Preface
Simple Environment, 2.2
Simple Network Management Protocol, 1.2
Single Sign-On, 3.1
single sign-on, 3.2.1
between Oracle Access Manager and OracleAS, Preface
SOAP Requests, 5.4
Software Developer Kit, 3.2.3, 3.3.3, 3.3.5
Styles, 2.2.1
stylesheets, 5.3
subscription rights, 2.2.1
synchronization records, 3.2.1
syntax, 5.4
System Configuration, 2.2.1


Task overview
Installing Oracle Access Manager, 1.4
third-party products, Preface
Translatable information, 4.2
Transport security, 3.2


Unicode Standard, 4.3
4.0, 4.1
unsupported directory, Preface
User Data, 2.2
User Interface Customization, 2.1
User Manager, 2.2.1
User Manager Configuration, 2.2.1
at the same level of the DIT as the logged in user, Preface
dynamically, Preface
authentication of, Preface
authorization of, Preface
UTF8 Character Set,
UTF-8 Encoding, 4.3.1


variables, 5.3


Web-based administration, 2.2.1
WebGate, 3.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4
updates in this release, Preface
WebGatestatic.lst, 5.5
WebPass, 2.2.2, 3.2
what's new in this release
attribute sharing, Preface
federated authorization, Preface
modifying authentication schemes without disabling them, Preface
triggering authentication actions after the ObSSOCookie is set, Preface
WebGate updates, Preface
dynamically assigning users to locations in the DIT, Preface


XML pages, 5.4