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Tuxedo Job Enqueueing Service (TuxJES)

Tuxedo Job Enqueueing Service (TuxJES)
This chapter describes servers, commands and utilities included in the TuxJES feature.
Table 1 lists TuxJES commands and functions.
TuxJES command interface.
TuxJES administration server.
TuxJES conversion server.
TuxJES job control API.
TuxJES Queue system.
genappprofile – Generates the security profile for TuxJES system
genapprofile [-f userprofile]
This utility generates the security profile for TuxJES system. When genappprofile is launched, you are prompted to enter the Oracle Tuxedo application password, user name, user password. The output is a security profile file which contains the user name and encrypted passwords. The generated security profile file can be used by the artjesadmin tool to login to an Oracle Tuxedo domain.
Parameters and Options
genapprofile supports the following parameters and options:
[-f <output_file>]
The location of the generated security profile file. If this option is not specified, the default value is ~/.tuxAppProfile.
See Also
artjesadmin – TuxJES command interface.
artjesadmin [-f security_profile]
artjesadmin is the TuxJES command interface. It requires the TuxJES system must be started first.
Parameters and Options
artjesadmin supports the following parameters and options:
The security profile file generated by genappprofile. The default value is ~/.tuxAppProfile. The user name in this profile is the owner of the submitted jobs. A job without a specified owner is assigned the owner name "*".
A job with a particular owner can only be controlled by that owner. A job without a particular owner (*) can be controlled by anyone. Any user can print all jobs.
artjesadmin supports the following sub commands:
submitjob(smj ) [-o='xxx'] -i scriptfile
Submits a job to TuxJES system. The scriptfile parameter is the job script to be submitted.
artjesadmin is not responsible for scriptfile propagation. It must be located on a shared file system if the conversion and execution are not on same machines. The options are as follows:
o='xxx': the option string passed to EJR
-i =scriptfile: The script file. It can be an absolute path format or a relative path in the current working directory. It is limited to a 1023 length in an absolute path.
Once successfully invoked, the return format Job xxx is submitted successfully. If an error occurs, an error message is printed.
artjesadmin also supports direct job submission using the following format:
artjesadmin [-o='xxx'] -i scriptfile
artjesadmin has a return code different from zero if there is an error occurs as listed in Table 2
Table 2 Error Codes
printjob(ptj) -n jobname | -j jobid | -c job_class |-a [-v]
Displays the existing jobs. If no option is specified, it displays all jobs. The options are as follows:
-n jobname: Display jobs with given job name
-j jobid: Display a particular job information
-c job_class: Display a particular class jobs information
-a: Display all jobs
-v: Verbose mode
Listing 1 printjob Output
> ptj -a
JOBNAME JobID Owner Prty C Status
-------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
cjob 00000015 * 5 A DONE
cjob 00000016 * 5 A DONE
cjob 00000018 * 5 A CONVING
JOBNAME: The job name.
JobID: The job ID generated by TuxJES system
Owner: Job Owner.
Prty: Job priority
C: The job class.
Status: Job status
EXECUTING: a job is running
CONVING: a job waiting for conversion
WAITING: a job waiting for execution.
DONE: a job finished successfully.
FAIL: a job finished but failed
HOLD_WAITING: a JOB is in hold state after conversion
HOLD_CONVING: a job is in hold state without conversion
INDOUBT: a job is in doubt state due to its initiator restarted
In verbose mode, the job detail information is displayed:
If no option is specified, the "-a" option is assumed.
holdjob(hj) -n job name | -j jobid | -c job_class | -a
Hold the specified jobs which are in CONVING or WAITING status. The options are as follows:
-n jobname: Hold jobs with given job name
-j jobid: Hold a particular job
-c job_class: Hold a particular class jobs
-a: Hold all jobs
If no option is specified, the "-a" option is assumed.
releasejob(rlj) -n job name |-j jobid | -c job_class | -a
Releases the jobs in HOLD_WAITING or HOLD_CONVING status so that they can be picked up by ARTJESCONV for conversion or ARTJESINITIATOR for running. The options are as follows:
-n jobname: Release jobs with given job name
-j jobid: Release a particular job
-c job_class: Release a particular class jobs
-a: Release all jobs
If no option is specified, the "-a" option is assumed.
canceljob(cj) -n job name |-j jobid | -c job_class l -a
Cancels a job and moves it to the output queue. For running jobs, this command informs the related ARTJESINITIATOR to invoke EJR with "-k" option. Other jobs are moved directly to the output queue. The TuxJES system assumes the job is terminated when EJR returns. The options are as follows:
-n jobname: Cancel jobs with given job name
-j jobid: Cancel a particular job
-c job_class: Cancel a particular class jobs
-a: Cancel all jobs
If no option is specified, the "-a" option is assumed.
purgejob(pgj) -n job name | -j jobid | -a
Completed jobs in the output queue are moved to the purge queue. For other jobs, purgejob has same effect as canceljob. The purgejob command does not purge the job directly. The ARTJESPURGE server deletes the job from the TuxJES system. If ARTJESPURGE is not started, the job remains in the output queue.
The options are as follows:
-n jobname: Purge jobs with given job name
-j jobid: Purge a particular job
-a: Purge all jobs
If no option is specified, the "-a" option is assumed.
event (et) [-t S,C,E,P,A] on|off
This command tells artjesadmin to subscribe particular job event. The options are:
S: job submission event; the event name is ARTJES_JOBSUBMIT
C: job conversion complete event; the event name is ARTJES_JOBCVT
E: job execution finish event; the event name is ARTJES_JOBEXEC
P: job purge event; the event name is ARTJES_ARTJESPURGE
A: all supported events. If the event is set to "on", A is the default.
on |off: The submission is on or off. the "on" setting can be used with the -t option. "off" will unsubscribe all event subscriptions.
If the subscribed event type is not configured in JESCONFIG, an error is reported.
verbose(v) on|off
Turn on /off verbose mode.
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch User Guide
ARTJESADM – TuxJES Administration server.
SRVID=”number” CLOPT=” [-A][servopts options] -- -i JESCONFIG
ARTJESADM is an Oracle Tuxedo application server provided by TuxJES. The artjesadmin command communicates with ARTJESADM for most tasks.
ARTJESADM must be configured in the UBBCONFIG file in front of other TuxJES servers since others they access services provided by ARTJESADM. If JESCONFIG is changed, all TuxJES related servers must be restarted for new configurations to take effect.
Parameters and Options
ARTJESADM supports the following parameters and options:
JESCONFIG represents the full path name of the TuxJES system configuration file. It allows the following parameters:
The full path name of the root directory to store job information. It is a mandatory attribute. If this directory does not exist, ARTJESADM creates it automatically.
The default job class if the job class is not set for a job. It is an optional attribute. The default job class is A if this attribute is not set.
The default job priority if the job priority is not set for a job. It is an optional attribute. The default job priority is 0 if this attribute is not set.
If it is not set, only one job can be in execution status for a job name. NODELAY will remove the dependency check. The default value is delay execution.
Specifies whether events are posted for a job at particular stages.
S: Job submission event. Event name: ARTJES_JOBSUBMIT
C: Job conversion complete event. Event name: ARTJES_JOBCVT
E: Job execution finish event. Event name: ARTJES_JOBFINISH
P: Job purge event. Event name:ARTJES_JOBPURGE
A: All supported events.
If EVENTPOST is not specified, no events are posted. The data buffer with event pos is FML32 type and the fields are defined in JESDIR/include/jesflds.h.
UBBCONFIG example:
SRVID=1 SRVGRP=SYSGRP CLOPT="-A -- -i /nfs/users/jes/jesconfig"
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch User Guide
ARTJESCONV – TuxJES conversion server.
SRVID=”number” CLOPT=” [-A][servopts options] -- ”
The TuxJES conversion server. It is responsible for invoking the EJR to do the job conversion.
UBBCONFIG example:
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch User Guide
SRVID=”number” CLOPT=” [-A][servopts options] -- -C jobclasses
ARTJESINITIATOR is an Oracle Tuxedo application server provided the TuxJES. It is responsible for invoking the EJR to execute the jobs.
Once a ARTJESINITIATOR is killed or shutdown while it has job running, it will put the job in the INDOUBT state when it is restarted.
Parameters and Options
ARTJESINITIATOR supports the following parameters and options:
-c jobclass[jobclass].
Specifies the job classes this ARTJESINITIATOR server is associated. If this option is not specified, ARTJESINITIATOR fails to start.
UBBCONFIG example:
In this example, ten ARTJESINITIATOR instances are configured and are associated with the "A","H" and "Z" job classes.
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch User Guide
ARTJESPURGE – Purges job queue
SRVID=”number” CLOPT=” [-A][servopts options] -- ”
ARTJESPURGE monitors the purge queue. If it finds a job in the purge queue, it removes the job in the queue and deletes the directory JESROOT/<JOBID>.
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch User Guide
TuxJES Queue System
In order to emulate the z/OS JES2 system, TuxJES system uses a queue mechanism for batch job life cycle management. All queues are created in one queue space called "JES2QSPACE". A batch job is represented by a message that resides and is transferred to queues listed in Table 3.
Table 3 TuxJES Queues
When a batch job is submitted to the TuxJES system, it is put in the conversion queue first. There is only one conversion queue in the system. A converted job is moved from the "conversion queue" to the "execution queue". The jobs in the queue are processed in FIFO order.
The TuxJES Queue Creation Script
The TuxJES system provides a sample shell script (jesqinit) to create the queue space (JES2QSPACE) and the queues listed in Table 3. You can modify the script to adapt to your environment, but must adhere to the following:
Recommended /Q creation Values
Device Size of Pages: 10000
Queue Space Size of Pages: 5000 (We assume the max number of jobs is 10000, each job will consume 2k bytes and the page size is 4k)
Number of Messages in Queue: 10000
Number of Concurrent Transactions: 1000
Number of Concurrent processes in queue: 100

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