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Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench is part of a packaged and comprehensive solution that enables its users:
Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench is used only during the replatforming project itself, whereas Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch is used throughout the whole life of the migrated system. Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench is composed of several tools, among which the cataloger, the data-migration tools, the Cobol converter, the JCL translator.
The following terms are used to describe the Rehosting Workbench tools, it is important to understand these concepts before using the rest of the documentation. The Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench is used for migrating components and their source files, and also the data files or databases from one platform to another. The migration process and the different platforms are described in more detail in the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime Process Guide. The main concepts are clarified below.
Execution platform or simply platform: a combination of hardware and software components used to execute an application.
Source platform
The platform on which the original software application executes. The hardware platform is an IBM mainframe and the software components include z/OS, IBM Cobol, JCL, DB2 and CICS.
Target platform
The platform on which the final, migrated software application executes. Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime provides for several different target platforms but they are all based on Unix/Linux and include Tuxedo, the Oracle DBMS and, of course, the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime. Depending on the project methodology and organization, the target platform may be subdivided into the test platform and the production platform.
Migration platform
The platform on which the migration tools (the Rehosting Workbench) execute, including the cataloger. This platform is based on Linux running on an Intel-compatible hardware platform.
Source file
A file containing all or part of the source text of a component. There are two kinds of source files:
Main source file
The source file containing all of the source text of a component, or the "top-level" file submitted to the compiler or launcher, possibly containing directives to include sub-files. Examples include COBOL program files, JCL job files, etc.
Included source file or sub-file
A source file containing part of the source text for one or more components, to be included in a main source file. Examples are Cobol copybooks (copy files), JCL PROC files, JCL SYSIN files, etc.
An element of the software system to be migrated or its definition. The Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench cataloger, and the Rehosting Workbench in general, only deals with components defined by source files, such as Cobol programs, SQL tables or JCL jobs. By extension, source files are also considered as components, and hence we distinguish:
Parsable components
Components which can be analyzed in isolation, which have a "meaning" and a role by themselves. These generally correspond to the main source files.
Non-parsable components
Components which have a meaning only when manipulated by other components (e.g. data files) or when included in other components (included source files or sub-files, as defined above).
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
The result of parsing (syntactic analysis) and linking (semantic analysis) the source file(s) for a parsable component. This structure captures all the information in the source file and exposes the syntactic and semantic relationships (structure) between the various constructs in this file. This structured form is much more suitable for sophisticated analysis and transformations tools than the initial textual form; this is why it is at the heart of the Rehosting Workbench.

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