1 About the JRockit JVM Command-Line Options

This chapter describes the command-line options, also called startup commands or startup options, available in Oracle JRockit JVM. These options are self-describing tags that you either enter at the command line or include in startup scripts for applications running on a JVM. These options are used to override the JVM default settings and otherwise define to the JVM how you want your application to run. For example, you can use the command-line option -Xmx to set the maximum heap size.

Command-line options can be either valid for any JVM regardless of the vendor (standard options) or specific to a JVM (nonstandard).

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 Standard Command-Line Options

Table 1-1 lists the standard command-line options that the Oracle JRockit JVM recognizes.

Table 1-1 Standard Command-Line Options Accepted by the Oracle JRockit JVM

Option (Alternate Usage) Description


Loads the specified native agent library


Loads the native agent library that is located at the specified path


Selects the JRockit client JVM


Loads a Java programming language agent (see java.lang.instrument)


Selects the JRockit server JVM

This is equivalent to -server and is the default.


Displays version information and then exits the application


Displays version information and continues the application


Displays specific information about the system

For more information, see -Xverbose.

-cp (-classpath)

Specifies a list of directories, JAR files, and ZIP archives to search for class files. Classpath entries are separated by semicolons (;) in Windows and colons (:) in Linux and Solaris. Specifying -classpath or -cp overrides any setting of the CLASSPATH environment variable.

-ea (-enableassertions)

Enables assertions, which are disabled by default

Depending on the arguments specified, this option either enables assertions, enables assertions in the specified package and any subpackages, enables assertions in the unnamed package in the current working directory, or enables assertions in the specified class.

-da (-disableassertions)

Disables assertions

Depending on the arguments specified, this option either disables assertions, disables assertions in the specified package and any subpackages, disables assertions in the unnamed package in the current working directory, or disables assertions in the specified class

-esa (-enablesystemassertions)

Enables assertions in all system classes by setting the default assertion status for system classes to true

-dsa (-disablesystemassertions)

Disables assertions in all system classes

For more information about these standard command-line options, see the Java documentation at the following locations:

1.2 JRockit JVM-Specific Command-Line Options

The JRockit JVM uses a set of nonstandard command-line options to control JVM behavior. Because these options are nonstandard, they do not work with other JVMs. If you use the nonstandard options that are specific to a JVM with other JVMs, the results can be erroneous or an error condition might occur.

The nonstandard command-line options of JRockit JVM are divided into two groups:

  • -X command-line options, which are the most commonly used nonstandard options

  • -XX command-line options, which are often experimental options that have specific system requirements for their implementation

The nonstandard options described in this document (Chapter 2, "-X Command-Line Options" and Chapter 3, "-XX Command-Line Options") are subject to change or deprecation at any time.


Occasionally, you might encounter JRockit JVM internal properties set with the -D option (for example, -Djrockit.lockprofiling=true). The -D option sets values for parameters that are used by Java programs. In the Oracle JRockit JVM, some of those parameters are read by the JVM and change how the JVM works. The -D properties are for internal use; so they are not described in this document.

1.3 About System Properties

System properties define traits or attributes of the current working environment. When the Java application starts, the system properties are initialized with information about the run-time environment, including information about the current user, the current version of the Java run time, and the product vendor's bug report URL.

For information about the system properties available with the JRockit JVM, see Chapter 4, "Oracle JRockit JVM System Properties."