Install Public JRE screen. At the top left is the title, "Install Public JRE" and contains text instructions on the left side of the title bar and the Oracle logo on the right side of the title bar. Beneath the title bar is the body of the screen, which contains a panel titled "Install Public JRE". The panel includes text asking if you want to install the Oracle JRockit JRE as the public JRE for your computer. Below this is a radio button labeled "Yes". Below that is an icon depicting a computer screen overlaid with a green square. To the right of this icon is the text "Install Public JRE". Beneath that icon and text is another radio button, this one labeled "No". Below that is an icon depicting a computer screen overlaid with a red square. To the right of this icon is the text "Don't Install Public JRE". Below the screen body, on the far left is a button labeled Exit. On the far right, arrayed right to left are buttons labeled Previous and Next.