5 Post-Installation Instructions

Once you have installed the product, you can start using it immediately. Additionally, you can add it to your path to make execution easier.

This chapter contains information on these subjects:

5.1 Starting the JRockit Mission Control Client

The following procedures show how to start the JRockit Mission Control Client from the Start menu on Windows and from the command line.


JRockit Mission Control Client is only available if you have installed the product Oracle JRockit JDK with Oracle JRockit Mission Control.

5.1.1 Starting the JRockit Mission Control Client From the Start Menu

You can start the JRockit Mission Control Client from the Start menu on Windows by doing the following:

  1. Click Start then All Programs.

  2. Select public_product_name_version then public_jrmc_name_version; for example, Oracle JRockit JDK R28.2 for Java SE 6 with JRMC 4.1.0 (32-bit) then Oracle JRockit Mission Control 4.1.0.

5.1.2 Starting the JRockit Mission Control Client From the Command Line

You can start the JRockit Mission Control Client from the command line on both Windows and Linux.

Use this command for Windows platforms:


This example assume that you are using the Windows Command Prompt (DOS) or compatible command shell.


Use this command for Linux and Solaris platforms:


This example assume that you are using the UNIX bash shell or compatible command shell.


5.2 Opening JRockit Flight Recorder Files

Starting with Oracle JRockit Mission Control 4.1, the JRockit Flight Recorder files (.jfr files) are opened by default in the JRockit Mission Control client for Windows.

You can open the JRockit Flight Recorder files on other platforms by running the following command:

product_install_dir/bin/jrmc -open recording.jfr

5.3 Adding the Product to Your Path

Once you have installed the product, you can add it to your path to make execution easier.

Use this command for Windows platforms:


This example assume that you are using the Windows Command Prompt (DOS) or compatible command shell,

set PATH=product_install_dir\bin;%PATH%

Use this commands for Linux and Solaris platforms:


This example assume that you are using the UNIX bash shell or compatible command shell.

set PATH=product_install_dir/bin:$PATH

5.4 Integrating the Product with Oracle Universal Installer

Each product installation directory is also an Oracle home, allowing additional product registration with the Oracle Central Inventory. The Central Inventory contains information about all installed Oracle products on the same host and can be managed by running the Oracle Universal Installer.


The Oracle home name in the examples is expected to be unique between all Oracle products installed on the same host and is obtained from the name of the default product installation directory by replacing dashes with underscores, removing dots in product version numbers, and attaching the name of the architecture.

The following examples assume that you have installed Oracle Universal Installer either directly or indirectly as part of another Oracle product. For more information on how to start the Oracle Universal Installer see:


5.4.1 Attaching the Product to the Central Inventory

Once you have installed the product, you can attach it to the Central Inventory by using the Oracle Universal Installer.

  • Use this command for Windows platforms:


    This example assumes you are using the Windows command prompt (DOS) or compatible command shell.

    setup.exe -noconsole -attachHome

  • Use this command for Linux and Solaris platforms:


    This example assumes that you are using the UNIX bash shell or compatible command shell.

    ./runInstaller -attachHome

5.4.2 Detaching the Product from the Central Inventory

Before you uninstall the product you should ensure that it is detached from the Central Inventory.

  • Use this command for Windows platforms:


    This example assumes you are using the Windows command prompt (DOS) or compatible command shell.

    setup.exe -noconsole -detachHome

  • Use this command for Linux and Solaris platforms:


    This example assumes that you are using the UNIX bash shell or compatible command shell.

    ./runInstaller -detachHome