5 Accessibility Notes

This chapter describes the accessibility features provided with Oracle JRockit Mission Control.

Oracle is dedicated to providing high quality information technology that is accessible to people with disabilities. To this end, Oracle has undertaken a substantial project to ensure the accessibility of Oracle JRockit Mission Control Client. Oracle is implementing these enhancements and will continue to address all accessibility issues that come to its attention.

This chapter includes information on the following subjects:

5.1 Screen Readers

Oracle supports a number of different screen readers, technology that translates screen-based information into spoken word to assist vision-impaired users.

Configuration options are currently available for the JAWS screen reader produced by Freedom Scientific, Inc. For information on configuring this product, please refer to the Freedom Scientific screen reader website, at:



If you are using JAWS, be aware that tab/page switching does not work as expected. Please refer to Section 5.3.2, "Switching Between Tabs or Pages" for a workaround.

5.2 JRockit Mission Control Accessibility Mode

JRockit Mission Control Client displays performance data dials and charts. For most users, these charts provide a valuable graphical view of the data that can reveal trends and help identify minimum and maximum values for performance metrics; however, charts do not convey information in a manner that can be read by a screen reader. To remedy this problem, you can configure JRockit Mission Control Client accessibility mode to provide dial and chart data in tabular format.


When in the accessibility mode, JRockit Mission Control might exhibit behavior that is different from that when running in the normal mode. This is a known issue in this release.

5.2.1 Using the Accessibility Mode

To use the accessibility mode, do the following:

  1. In JRockit Mission Control Client, select Preferences from the Window menu.
    The Preferences window opens.

  2. Select JRockit Mission Control in the left pane. Under Accessibility Options in the right pane, select Use accessibility mode.

  3. Click Apply.

5.2.2 Showing Text Labels on Graphic Controls

From the Preferences window, you can configure JRockit Mission Control to show the text label for certain graphical controls. To do so, use this procedure:

  1. With JRockit Mission Control Client running, select Windows then Preferences.

    The Preferences window appears.

  2. In the Accessibility Options pane, select Show text labels on buttons (you will need to restart the console for this change to appear).

  3. Click OK.

    If you are running the Console, the labels will appear. If you are running the Flight Recorder, you must reopen a recording to see the labels.


If you configure the accessibility mode before actually starting the console, the new configuration will appear when you start the console.

5.2.3 For Additional Information

For important information on using a screen reader to read table data, please refer to Section 5.3.3, "Reading Table Data with a Screen Reader".

5.3 Workarounds

This section contains additional instructions for enhancing your experience with JRockit Mission Control's accessibility features. These instructions include:

5.3.1 Navigating in a Tree Table with Only One Row

When navigating in a tree table component containing only one row, such as the Type Tree and Instance Tree tables in Memleak Detector, user might need to press the Space key or the Shift key and use the Up and Down keys to get to the row.

5.3.2 Switching Between Tabs or Pages

When reaching a tab component in the JRockit Mission Control GUI, JAWS erroneously tells the user “to switch pages, press Ctrl+Tab”. The correct way to switch between tabs or pages is to use the left or right arrow keys.

5.3.3 Reading Table Data with a Screen Reader

To read JRockit Mission Control table data more efficiently with screen reading software, copy and paste the table data into a text editor and read it from there. To copy and paste, do the following:

  1. Right-click the table you want to read to open the context menu.

  2. Select all items by selecting Select All.

  3. Select Copy.

  4. Paste the text in a text editor.

5.3.4 Reading Console General or Overview Tab Data

To enable a screen reader to read General or Overview tab data, each dial and graph section has its own hot-swap control that you can use to switch between graphical and table representation. You can also display labels for graphic controls by using the procedure described in Section 5.2.2, "Showing Text Labels on Graphic Controls".

5.3.5 Resizing Online Help Text

Vision-impaired users might find it difficult to read the online help documents in the standalone (RCP) version of JRockit Mission Control unless the text size is increased. If they need to change the font size, they must view the help in another browser.

JRockit Mission Control will use the default web browser specified in the operating system; you can't specify a different one from within JRockit Mission Control. How you specify a browser in the operating system depends on the version of the operating system.

To change the default viewer for JRockit Mission Control Help, do the following:

  1. Select Window then Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Under Specify how help information is displayed, select Use external browser.

  3. Click Apply or OK.


Due to a limitation in the Eclipse help viewer, currently you cannot resize its text. If you need to resize the text the workaround is to use an external browser.

5.4 Abbreviations Used in the JRockit Mission Control Client

JRockit Mission Control Client uses a number of abbreviations and acronyms to save space on the GUI and in the documentation. Wherever possible, these abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out upon first usage; however, that is not always possible. For a list of all common JRockit Mission Control Client abbreviations and acronyms see Chapter 6, "Abbreviations and Acronyms".