B Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library Error Messages

This appendix contains information on the errors that can be raised by the Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library. These errors may be thrown when trying to get the contents of a public object.

Not upload request.
Cause: Upload request was not encoded using the multipart/form-data encoding format.
Action: Use the multipart/form-data encoding format to send the upload request.
Tag <tag name> must be nested within uploadFormData tag.
Cause: The specified tag was not nested within the uploadFormData tag.
Action: The specified tag must appear in the body of the uploadFormData tag.
No file is specified in form field: <field name>.
Cause: The value of the parameter attribute in the uploadFile tag was incorrect.
Action: Match the value of the parameter attribute in the uploadFile tag to the correct name in the multipart/form-data upload request.
Inconsistent media data and media column(s).
Cause: There was no match between the media data types and the media column(s).
Action: Check the values of the mediaParameters and mediaColumns attributes.
Invalid player: <player name>.
Cause: The specified media player was invalid.
Action: Check the value of the helperApp attribute to make sure it specifies a valid media player.
Incorrect input parameter <parameter name> for the uploaded file.
Cause: The value of the mediaParameters attribute was incorrect.
Action: Check the value of the mediaParameters attribute.
Incorrect media column to retrieve <column name>.
Cause: The media column type did not match the type specified by the retrieval tag.
Action: Make sure the media column is correct.
Configuration file not found.
Cause: Unable to find the Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library configuration file.
Action: Check to make sure the Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library configuration file exists, and is in the same directory as the web.xml file for the Web application.
Access unit <access unit name> not found.
Cause: The specified access unit name was not defined.
Action: Define the access-unit attribute in the configuration file.
No database connection information specified.
Cause: The database connection information was not specified.
Action: Specify the connectionCache or dataSourceName parameter.
Unable to establish database connection.
Cause: No connection information, or incorrect connection information, was provided.
Action: Check the connection information to make sure it is correct.
Unable to get the keyColumn name.
Cause: Unable to get the column name of the primary key.
Action: Make sure the primary key exists or specify the column attribute.
Failed to retrieve Oracle Multimedia objects.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the Oracle Multimedia object from the database.
Action: Check the database to make sure the object exists.
Failed to update Oracle Multimedia objects.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to update the Oracle Multimedia object from the database.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Column <column name> is not an Oracle Multimedia object type.
Cause: The column specified by the mediaColumns attribute was not a valid Oracle Multimedia object type.
Action: Check the value of the mediaColumns attribute.
Table or column name not provided.
Cause: No table name or media column name was provided.
Action: Specify the table name and column name.
Cannot locate the row.
Cause: Unable to locate the row in the table.
Action: Check the value of the key or rowid attribute to make sure it is correct.
Column names and column values are not matched.
Cause: There was no match between either the media column names and their values or the other column names and their values.
Action: Check the values of the following attributes: mediaParameters, mediaColumns, otherColumns, and otherValues.
Error reading the configuration file.
Cause: An I/O error occurred while trying to read the Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library configuration file.
Action: Check the Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library configuration file to make sure it is a valid XML file that conforms to the rules of the Document Type Definition (DTD) shown in the sample configuration file provided in Appendix A.