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Administering Email Marketing On Demand >

Viewing Email Marketing Library Usage

Email size within Email Marketing On Demand is based upon the size of the HTML code, which includes HTML references to any images, but not the images themselves. Graphics do not add to the size of the message, because graphic images are referenced from the Image Library and not attached to the email.

The host of your application specifies how much storage you are allocated for storing libraries on their server. You can view the total amount available and the amount used, through the Email Marketing Administration page.

NOTE:  The default value provided is 500 MB; however additional storage can be licensed. The maximum size for any individual file you upload to the library is 10 MB. Contact your Siebel CRM On Demand Sales Representative for more information.

To view library usage

  1. In the Email Marketing Administration page, click Library Usage.
  2. The Library Usage Report page appears, listing the size limit and total size you are now using. It also breaks down the total size by listing the library image size, document library size, and email template size you are now using.

  3. Click Back to Email Marketing Administration to return to the main administration page.

Published: 05 March 2008