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Administering Oracle Email Marketing On Demand >

Viewing Outbound Email Usage

You can view the total number of emails you have sent through Email Marketing during past periods.

To view outbound email usage

  1. In the Email Marketing Administration page, click Outbound Email Usage.
  2. Specify the start date for the report:
    1. Click the Calendar icon next to the Start Date box.
    2. In the Calendar dialog box, select the date and time.
    3. Click Close.
  3. Specify the end date for the report:
    1. Click the Calendar icon next to the End Date box.
    2. In the Calendar dialog box, select the date and time.
    3. Click Close.
  4. Click Submit.

The Outbound Email Usage list shows how many emails were sent for each campaign during the period you specified. Some fields are described in the table that follows.

Table 3. Outbound Email Usage


Because this is the real-time status for the email campaign, the status shown can differ from the campaign detail page.

Emails Sent

The number of messages that have been sent.

NOTE:  The actual number of messages sent is affected by the number of bounced messages. For example, if you sent an email campaign to 1000 recipients and 50 messages bounced, then the total number of messages sent was 950.

Total Emails Sent

The total number of sent messages for the selected time period.

Published: August 19, 2009