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Oracle® Communications Service Broker Configuration Guide
Release 5.0

Part Number E15182-01
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1 Understanding Service Broker Configuration

This chapter introduces the Oracle Communications Service Broker Administration Console and Configuration MBeans. It will also guide you through the various configuration tasks and the order in which they are performed.

The following sections introduce the Service Broker configuration:

Configuration Overview

A Service Broker deployment includes two types of domains:

Each domain has an associated domain configuration, which is stored in the domain configuration directory. When you make configuration updates, you need to make changes in the domain configuration directory.

Domain Configuration Mode

The domain configuration mode specifies how configuration updates are propagated to servers in the domain.

If configuration updates are propagated to all servers in the domain as the changes are done, the domain configuration is online.

If updates are done only to the domain configuration and applied to each server when it is re-started, the domain configuration is offline.

Setting the domain configuration offline makes it possible to perform a set of configuration updates and have them applied the next time a server is restarted. This is used for example when doing a rolling upgrade of an installation.

Configuration Tools

You can access a domain configuration directory using one of the following tools:

  • Administration Console - a graphical user interface.

  • JMX Configuration MBeans - A Java software API based on standard Java Management Extensions (JMX). The API provides a machine interface for configuration.

  • Scripting Engine - the JMX Configuration MBeans are also accessible through a Scripting Engine. The script format is an XML which represent MBeans and MBean attributes that you want to configure. See "Using Scripting for Configuration and Management" in Oracle Communications Service Broker System Administrator's Guide for instructions.

  • JMX-compliant GUI - you can use any JMX-compliant GUI, for example, JConsole which is included with JDK.

All configuration tasks can be achieved in either way. You can use the Administration Console, the Configuration MBeans, the Scripting Engine and the JMX-compliant GUI interchangeably to make configuration changes, because all tools use Configuration MBeans as their underlying layer.

Administration Console Overview

The Administration Console enables you to manage a domain configuration. It renders in the GUI the data stored in the domain configuration directory, and it has read and write access to the domain configuration directory.

The Administration Console can be installed and run from any machine that has access to the domain configuration directory.

The Administration Console can run in two ways:

For information on starting the Administration Console see "Starting the Stand-Alone Administration Console" and "Starting the Web Administration Console".

The Administration Console manages a single domain. In a typical production deployment there are two instances of the Administration Console, one to manage the Signaling Domain and another to manage the Processing Domain.


In a test environment, where one domain includes both Signaling Servers and Processing Servers, there is only one Administration Console instance. In this case, the Administration Console manages both the Signaling Tier and Processing Tier in one domain.

Starting the Stand-Alone Administration Console

You run the stand-alone Administration Console from the machine on which it is installed.

To start the stand-alone Administration Console:

  1. Open a command line shell.

  2. Change to the Oracle_home/axia/admin_console directory.

  3. Enter the following command:


Starting the Web Administration Console

You run the Web Administration Console from the machine on which it is installed.

To start the Web Administration Console:

  1. Open a command line shell.

  2. Change to the Oracle_home/axia/admin_console directory.

  3. Enter the following command:

    ./ domain_configuration_directory

    Where domain_configuration_directory is the path to the domain configuration directory.

  4. When prompted for User name and Password, enter the authentication information to use during the Web Administration Console login procedure.

Logging in to the Web Administration Console

To log in to the Web Administration Console:

  1. Open your Web browser.

  2. Enter the URL:

    [https |http]://host:port/console


    • https or http depends on your security configuration.

    • host is the IP-address or host name.

    • port is the port for the Web Administration Console server. The default value for the port is 9000.

  3. If it is the first time you log in to the Web Administration Console, you are prompted to accept the certificate provided in the keystore. This is done differently depending on which Web browser you use. It also depends on if a self-signed certificate is used or if the certificate was provided by a certificate authority.

  4. When prompted for, enter the user name and password. The authentication information must exactly match the information provided when the Web Administration Console server was started. See "Starting the Web Administration Console".

Understanding the Administration Console User Interface

The Administration Console consists of several working areas described in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Administration Console Working Areas

Working Area Description

Domain Navigation pane

Provides a hierarchical view of the domain. You can use the Domain Navigation pane to access individual components which are deployed in the domain. In a Signaling Domain you can navigate through SSUs, whereas in a Processing Domain you can navigate through the OE, IMs and SMs.

Configuration pane

Displays configuration parameters of components that you select in the Domain Navigation pane. You can use the Configuration pane to setup and modify configuration of components deployed in the domain.

Change Center pane

Enables you to manage changes that you make in the configuration of domain's components.

For more information, see "Locking a Domain Configuration for Changes".

Locking a Domain Configuration for Changes

You need to lock a domain configuration in order to make configuration updates to it. When you lock the domain, it is locked for edits from other administration clients. To lock a domain configuration, click the Lock & Edit button in the Change Center pane.

After locking a domain configuration, you can make changes to it. You need to commit the changes in order to apply them on the domain configuration. To apply changes on a domain configuration, click the Commit button in the Change Center pane.

As long as you don't commit changes, you can discard them. To discard changes, click the Discard button. After you discard all changes, the domain configuration is locked again.

Switching Domain Configuration Mode

For information on domain configuration modes, see "Domain Configuration Mode".

To switch the domain configuration mode from online to offline, click the Switch to Offline Mode button in the Change Center pane. Click the button again to switch back from offline to online.

Configuration MBeans Overview

Service Broker provides a standard software API to configure the Service Broker modules in the form of Java Management eXtensions (JMX) Configuration MBeans. JMX is a Java technology that provides tools to manage system resources (e.g. applications, devices). The resources are represented by objects called Management Beans (MBeans). JMX configuration MBeans are simple Java objects that provide an API to set/get configuration attributes. Service Broker configuration is entirely supported by JMX configuration MBeans and can be used by JMX clients to set/get Service Broker configuration. JMX is specified in the Java Specification Requests.

This section describes the Service Broker Configuration MBeans.

About the Service Broker Configuration MBeans

You can access and manage a domain configuration using the configuration MBeans on the domain's Administration Server (where the domain Administration Console is running). Each component in a domain, that is SSU, OE, IM or SM, has a set of MBeans, organized in a logical hierarchy, that together form the complete component configuration.

Figure 1-1 shows an example of the MBean hierarchy for the IM-SCF CAP phase 1 component:

Figure 1-1 Example of an IM Configuration MBean Hierarchy

A set of IM Configuration MBeans

Service Broker MBean Object Names

All MBeans are registered in the MBean Server under an object name of type Service Broker encodes its MBean object names as follows:

com.convergin:Type=<MBean-type-name>,Target=<server>,Version=<version_number>, Location=AdminServer,Name=<component-name>.<unique-resource-name>

Table 1-2 describes the key properties that Service Broker encodes in its MBean object names.

Table 1-2 Service Broker MBean Object Name Key Properties

Property Description


The short name of the MBean's type. The short name is the unqualified type name without the MBean suffix. For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the LinksetMBean, the Type would be Linkset.


In the specific case of SS7 SSU MBeans, this property specifies the name of the target server where the SSU is running.


Specifies the version of the MBean instance. When you upgrade an MBean to a later version, this parameter parameter enables Service Broker to keep the same name for different versions of the same MBean and use the version number to differentiate between them.


Specifies the location of an MBean. This parameter is always set to AdminServer.


The name of the Service Broker component whose configuration is stored in the MBean, followed by a unique string that was provided upon creation of the MBean to identify the component resource which is represented by the MBean.

For example:

com.convergin:Type=IpRemoteSystem,Target=ssu_managed_1,Version=1.0, Location=AdminServer,Name=sbssuss7.SG01 

Opening a Domain Configuration and Locking it for Changes

You need to open a domain configuration in order to make configuration updates to it. When you open the domain, it is locked for edits from other administration clients. To open a domain configuration, invoke the operation openDomain on the MBean DomainServiceMBean.

Once you open the domain, you can make configuration changes in two modes:

  • Autocommit mode

    When you update configurations in this mode, changes are committed and written to the configuration directory immediately. This is the default configuration mode.

  • Transaction mode

    When you update configuration in this mode, multiple changes accumulate into one transaction. Setting the domain configuration to transaction mode makes it possible to perform a set of configuration updates and have them applied all at once. To change to the transaction mode, invoke the operation begin on the MBean ConfigurationAdminMBean. To commit the accumulated changes, invoke the operation commit on the MBean ConfigurationAdminMBean. To discard the accumulated changes, invoke the operation rollback on the MBean ConfigurationAdminMBean.

To release the lock created when the domain was opened, invoke the operation closeDomain on the MBean DomainServiceMBean.

For more information, see "DomainServiceMBean" and "ConfigurationAdminMBean" in the chapter "Managing Domains" in Oracle Communications Service Broker System Administrator's Guide.

Switching Domain Configuration Mode

For information on domain configuration modes, see "Domain Configuration Mode".

To switch the domain configuration mode from online to offline, or from offline to online, set the attribute OnLine on the MBean DomainServiceMBean.

Using JConsole to Access Configuration MBeans

JConsole is a Java Monitoring and Management Console included in JDK 5.0 or higher. It provides configuration GUI for applications running on java platforms and supporting the Java Management eXtension technology. By using JConsole you can manage the Service Broker configuration MBeans.

With JConsole you can:

  • View Service Broker configuration by viewing instances of configuration MBeans, as well as their attributes and operations

  • Update Service Broker configuration by setting writable attribute values and invoking operations

Figure 1-2 shows an example of using JConsole for viewing information about an MBean instance's attribute.

Figure 1-2 Viewing Information about MBean Instance's Attribute

An MBean instance example.

For more information on using JConsole, see

Starting JConsole

To start JConsole:

  1. Run jconsole.exe. This file is located in JDK_HOME/bin, where JDK_HOME is the directory in which the Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed.

    The JConsole: New Connection dialog box is displayed as shown on Figure 1-3.

    Figure 1-3 JConsole: New Connection

    JConsole New Connection dialog box.
  2. Select the Remote Process option button and specify the IP address and port of the Administration Console Server on which configuration MBeans run.

  3. Click Connect. The Java Monitoring and Management Console window is displayed as shown on Figure 1-4.

    Figure 1-4 Java Monitoring and Management Console

    Java Monitoring and Management Console dialog box.
  4. Click the MBeans tab. The list of available domains and their MBeans is displayed on the left pane as shown on Figure 1-5.

    Figure 1-5 MBeans Tab

    Java Monitoring Management Console, MBeans tab active.
  5. On the left, in the navigation tree, expand the com.convergin node. This node contains all Service Broker MBeans.

  6. Under com.convergin, select the MBean that you want to monitor. The information about the selected MBean is selected in the right pane.

Understanding the Hierarchy of MBeans in JConsole

For each individual MBean, JConsole automatically generates a tree structure based on the object name of an MBean (for more information about the format of MBean object names, see "Service Broker MBean Object Names").

In this tree structure, each nested node represents a single property of the object name. For example, the object name of an OeMbean instance is com.convergin:Type=OE,Version=1.0.0,Location=AdminServer,Name=oe_instance.oe_instance. Figure 1-6 shows the tree structure that JConsole generated for this MBean.

Figure 1-6 MBean Tree Structure

A diagram of the MBean tree structure.

Notice that all Service Broker MBeans are located under the com.convergin node, because they all have a com.convergin domain in their object name. Under the com.convergin node you'll find all the types of Service Broker MBeans, each node represents one type of MBean.

Different instances of the same MBean type are displayed as different nodes nested into the node representing their common type. For example, different instances of DeploymentMBean are displayed as different nodes under the Deployment node, as shown on Figure 1-7.

Figure 1-7 Example of Displaying Different Instances of the Same Type

DeploymentMBean instances displayed as nodes