2 Customizing Oracle Enterprise Repository

This chapter provides information about customizing Oracle Enterprise Repository for your organization.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Overview

Organizations can customize the look and feel of Oracle Enterprise Repository. The Oracle Enterprise Repository color palette can be modified. In addition, the Oracle Enterprise Repository home page can be customized by role or by department. This allows organizations to promote governance and specific assets to a subset of Oracle Enterprise Repository users.

2.2 Rebranding Oracle Enterprise Repository

Start with CSS

Oracle Enterprise Repository uses CSS (cascading style sheets) that can be edited to control colors and other visual aspects of the application. Oracle Enterprise Repository is built on a mostly-neutral color palette and is branded around a single color. You can edit the color and type faces from the CSS, as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Cascading Style Sheets

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Cascading Style Sheets"

Oracle Enterprise Repository ships with the following skins:

  • Blue -- #0066CC

  • Green -- #669933

  • Neutral -- #999999

  • oracle -- #999999

Oracle Enterprise Repository ships with the Oracle skin as the default.

The skins also include these colors:

  • White -- #FFFFFF

  • Grey -- #EEEEEE

2.3 Role/Department-based Homepage Display

This feature displays a specific homepage based on user role or department assignment. This section contains the following topic:

2.3.1 Installation

You can customize the Oracle Enterprise Repository homepage by role or by department. Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a file named homepages.xml. See Example 2-1.

  2. Add the homepages.xml file to the application classpath. The Oracle Enterprise Repository application's WEB-INF/classes directory is recommended.

  3. Set the Homepage property cmee.enterprisetab.homepage to http://SERVER/APP/custom/autoselect.jsp, where SERVER is the name of the server and APP is the context name of the Oracle Enterprise Repository web application.

Homepage selection is defined by the contents of the homepages.xml file.

Example 2-1 Example homepages.xml File

The following provides an example of the contents of a homepages.xml file:

1 <~HomepageSelector>
2 <select criteria="roles">
3 <option value="Admin">http://www.oracle.com</option>
4 <option value="Architect">architect.jsp</option>
5 <option value="Developer">developer.jsp</option>
6 <option value="User">generaluser.jsp</option>
7 <defaultLocation>homepageDefault.jsp</defaultLocation>
8 </select>
9 </~HomepageSelector>

Note the following line numbers:

  • Lines 2:

    • Sets the value for criteria. Valid values are

      • roles

      • departments

  • Lines 3-6:

    • The option value is indicated by the name of the role or department used for selection.

    • The node value is a relative path or absolute path to the page to which the user will be redirected. The path for a home page hosted on the Oracle Enterprise Repository application server is relative to the custom/autoselect.jsp file. In the above example, the architect.jsp file is also located in the custom directory.

    • Order is important. Users with multiple roles or memberships in multiple departments will be directed to the first matching selection.

  • Line 7

    • Identifies the default homepage for users who do not meet any of the selection criteria.

2.4 Install Oracle Enterprise Repository Solution Packs

This section describes the install instructions for the base data pack and harvester solution pack.

Base Data Pack

Base data pack is installed as part of the Oracle Enterprise Repository database installation. The Base data is not available by any other method. It is not delivered during any upgrades from one version of Oracle Enterprise Repository to the next.

The asset types delivered as part of Base Data are largely considered templates. The creation of a new asset type originates by cloning something that already exists. It is recommended that two best practices are applied to these asset types.

  1. The base data asset types must not be deleted until at least one asset type is created, which is specific to the new Oracle Enterprise Repository application.

  2. If enhancements are desired to a base asset type, it is recommended to clone that base asset type, consider the clone to be the real type for all future operations, and inactivate the base asset type to avoid confusion.

Harvester Solution Pack

The Harvester is available in, which is bundled with the Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g installation.

The installation of the Harvester Solution Pack requires use of the Import /Export tool. This tool is available from the Admin tab of Oracle Enterprise Repository in the Import Export option. The asset types delivered as part of the Harvester Solution Pack are required by the Harvester tool. For information about the Import/Export tool, see the Import/Export Tool chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware User Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.