7 Configuring Email Notifications and Distribution Lists

This section contains the following topics:

7.1 Using Email Notifications/ Email Distribution Lists

Users can create e-mail distribution lists so that the list members are automatically copied on certain e-mail notifications that are generated as part of the asset registration process. Distribution lists can help automate the asset registration workflow because members of the distribution list are notified about asset registration events that the list owner is involved in as an asset reviewer or approver. For example, if a list owner is expecting to be absent, they can "delegate" asset review and approval responsibility by adding other authorized users to their e-mail distribution list.

Distribution lists are created on a user's MyStuff -> Configuration Options -> Manage Email Notifications page. Existing Oracle Enterprise Repository users can be selected for a distribution list, as well as external e-mail addresses, but only if that option is permitted by the Oracle Enterprise Repository administrator.

7.2 When List Members Are Copied on E-mails

The members of a user's distribution list will be copied on an e-mail in the following circumstances:

On the following notification e-mails:

  • Asset Accepted

  • Asset Assign

  • Asset Registered

  • Asset Submission/Rejection

  • Asset Unaccepted

  • Asset Unassigned

  • Asset Unregistered

  • Asset Unsubmitted

To receive e-mail notification when a new version of an asset is created, you need to enter the cmee.registrar.email system setting with the e-mail address. To update the cmee.registrar.email system setting with e-mail address, navigate to the Admin page -> System Settings. Enable the system setting, if you already haven't, by entering cmee.registrar.email in the Enable New System Setting field, and then click Enable. If the setting already exists, then enter cmee.registrar.email in the Search field. In the Notifications section, enter the email address in the System Registrar Email field, as shown in Figure 7-1. Click Save to save the settings.

Figure 7-1 Functional Settings

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of "Figure 7-1 Functional Settings"

In the Asset Editor when the distribution list owner clicks:

  • Any e-mail envelope icon on the Administration tab, except the Notify Subscribers icon.

  • The Approved By e-mail envelope icon on any asset approval tab.

7.3 Managing E-mail Distribution Lists

These procedures are performed in the Email Notifications section on the My Stuff page, as shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Email Notifications

Description of Figure 7-2 follows
Description of "Figure 7-2 Email Notifications"

Creating a Distribution List

Perform the following steps to create an e-mail distribution list.

  1. Click Create List to open the Update Distribution List dialog, as shown in Figure 7-3.

    Figure 7-3 Update Distribution List

    Description of Figure 7-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-3 Update Distribution List"

  2. Click Create List to open the Update Distribution List dialog.

    1. Enter appropriate text in the Name text box.

    2. Use the Department list to narrow the search.

    3. Click Search.

    Search results appear in the list in the Search Results column.


    Search results appear in the list in the Search Results column.
  3. Search results appear in the list in the Search Results column.

  4. Add users to the distribution list by using the >> and << icons to move users from the Search Results column to the Selected Users column. To add or remove all users from either column, use the All >> and All << buttons.


    Distribution list can contain a maximum of 20 members.
  5. To add external users to the list, type the e-mail addresses in the Additional Email Addresses box, using commas as delimiters.

    For example: jack@msn.com,jill@yahoo.com,jake@comcast.net

  6. Click OK to save the distribution list.

    Figure 7-4 Email Notifications

    Description of Figure 7-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-4 Email Notifications "

7.4 Updating a Distribution List

Follow these steps to update an e-mail distribution list.

  1. Click Update List to open the Update Distribution List dialog.

  2. Add new members or remove members following the instructions in Creating a Distribution List.

  3. Click OK to save the distribution list.