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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class ContextInstance

  extended by oracle.irm.engine.types.classifications.context.Context
      extended by oracle.irm.engine.types.rights.context.ContextInstance

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContextInstance
extends Context
implements Serializable

Context Instance type. A Context created from ContextTemplate has a number of additional properties relating to Domain administration and ItemCode usage.

XML Serialization

Context Instance instances can be serialized as an XML document. This XML document can also be used to recreate a Context Instance object. The following XML document shows an example Context Instance in XML form.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rights:ContextInstance xmlns:rights="">
        <name>Top Secret</name>
        <description>This is a top secret context</description>

Context Instance instances can also be serialized by reference. A reference contains all the information needed to uniquely identify a Context Instance without needing to serialize the complete object. The reference form of the XML document can be seen below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rights:ContextInstanceRef xmlns:rights="">

See Also:
saveChangesToContext, createContextFromTemplate, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class ContextInstance.Role
          Role enumeration.
static class ContextInstance.Visibility
          Visibility enumeration.


Constructor Summary
          No argument constructor.
ContextInstance(UUID uuid, Label[] labels, ItemCode[] items, ContextInstanceRef[] trustedContexts, ContextInstance.Visibility visibility, ContextTemplateRef template)


Method Summary
 ItemCode[] getItems()
          Context level item exclusions.
 Label[] getLabels()
          Labels for the context.
 ContextTemplateRef getTemplate()
          The context template.
 ContextInstanceRef[] getTrustedContexts()
          Trusted contexts.
 ContextInstance.Visibility getVisibility()
          Context visibility.
 void setItems(ItemCode[] value)
          Context level item exclusions.
 void setLabels(Label[] value)
          Labels for the context.
 void setTemplate(ContextTemplateRef value)
          The context template.
 void setTrustedContexts(ContextInstanceRef[] value)
          Trusted contexts.
 void setVisibility(ContextInstance.Visibility value)
          Context visibility.


Methods inherited from class oracle.irm.engine.types.classifications.context.Context
getUuid, setUuid


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public ContextInstance()
No argument constructor.


public ContextInstance(UUID uuid,
                       Label[] labels,
                       ItemCode[] items,
                       ContextInstanceRef[] trustedContexts,
                       ContextInstance.Visibility visibility,
                       ContextTemplateRef template)

Method Detail


public Label[] getLabels()
Labels for the context. A context must have at least one name and description for the default language. Alternative names and descriptions can be provided for localized languages.
the value of the property.


public void setLabels(Label[] value)
Labels for the context. A context must have at least one name and description for the default language. Alternative names and descriptions can be provided for localized languages.
value - the new value for the property.


public ItemCode[] getItems()
Context level item exclusions. Document related rights can include individual account based ItemCode inclusions and exclusions. However, if a document is accidently released and needs to be excluded for all accounts, Context level item exclusions can be used.
the value of the property.


public void setItems(ItemCode[] value)
Context level item exclusions. Document related rights can include individual account based ItemCode inclusions and exclusions. However, if a document is accidently released and needs to be excluded for all accounts, Context level item exclusions can be used.
value - the new value for the property.


public ContextInstanceRef[] getTrustedContexts()
Trusted contexts. The list of contexts that can be used for resealing. i.e. the list of contexts that can be specified as the destination classification when resealing content sealed to this context.
the value of the property.


public void setTrustedContexts(ContextInstanceRef[] value)
Trusted contexts. The list of contexts that can be used for resealing. i.e. the list of contexts that can be specified as the destination classification when resealing content sealed to this context.
value - the new value for the property.


public ContextInstance.Visibility getVisibility()
Context visibility. Inspectors are able to view all Context instances and examine details such as account rights. Context can be hidden from inspectors. e.g. if the Context was for mergers and acquisitions it may need to be hidden from domain level inspectors. The default is that a Context is visible to domain level users such as inspectors.
the value of the property.


public void setVisibility(ContextInstance.Visibility value)
Context visibility. Inspectors are able to view all Context instances and examine details such as account rights. Context can be hidden from inspectors. e.g. if the Context was for mergers and acquisitions it may need to be hidden from domain level inspectors. The default is that a Context is visible to domain level users such as inspectors.
value - the new value for the property.


public ContextTemplateRef getTemplate()
The context template. This property represents the relationship between the context and the context template. This relationship is set when the context is created.
the value of the property.


public void setTemplate(ContextTemplateRef value)
The context template. This property represents the relationship between the context and the context template. This relationship is set when the context is created.
value - the new value for the property.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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