Edit Join dialog: Items tab

Use this dialog to create a new join, or to edit an existing join.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Join Wizard: Step 1 dialog

For more information, see:

"What are joins?"

"What are single item joins?"

"How to create joins"


Use this field to enter the name of the join. This name is displayed in the Discoverer Administrator Workarea. Discoverer end users only see this name when two or more joins exist between two folders, and the end user has to choose between them.


Use this field to enter additional information about the join. This description is displayed in the Discoverer Administrator Workarea. Discoverer end users only see this description when two or more joins exist between two folders, and the end user has to choose between them.

Master Items

Use this field to select the item in the master folder that you want to join. Fields are prefixed with the folder name, for example Products.Product Key.

Choose More items to display the "New Join dialog", where you can select a folder or item from anywhere in the EUL.


Use this drop down list to select how you want to match the items in the master folder and the detail folder. For example, choose the equals (=) operator to find an exact match between the two items.

List of join operators:

Operator Equi or Non-equi Join? Description
= equi relates rows that have equivalent values for specified items
< > non-equi not equal
< non-equi less than
<= non-equi less than or equal
>= non-equi greater than or equal
> non-equi greater than

Note: For more information about non-equi joins, see "What are non-equi-joins?".

Detail Items

Use this drop down list to select the item in the detail folder that matches the item in the master folder. The detail item folder can be in the same business area as the master folder, or in a different business area.

Choose More items to display the "New Join dialog", where you can select a folder or item from anywhere in the EUL.


Use this button to add a join item to the join. Here, you can create multi-item joins by selecting another master folder, operator, and detail folder.


Use this button to remove the currently selected join item from the join.