68 UPGAST-00001 to UPGAST-02007

UPGAST-00001: The OFM Upgrade Assistant cannot continue due to an unexpected error.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during the upgrade or verification.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00002: Invalid argument {0}; an argument must begin with a hyphen.
Cause: A command-line argument did not start with a hyphen.
Action: Run the command again, using a hyphen to identify any arguments. Enter the command ua -help for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00003: invalid argument {0}
Cause: The specified argument was not recognized.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid argument. Enter the command ua -help for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00004: Value for argument {0} not supplied.
Cause: The value for a command-line argument was not specified.
Action: Run the command again, specifying the required value for the command-line argument. Enter the command ua -help for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00005: Mandatory argument {0} not supplied.
Cause: A mandatory command-line argument was not supplied.
Action: Run the command again, specifying the mandatory command-line argument. Enter the command ua -help for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00006: Mandatory arguments {0} not supplied.
Cause: The listed mandatory command-line arguments were not supplied.
Action: Run the command again, specifying each mandatory command-line argument. Enter the command ua -help for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00007: Invalid source Oracle home directory: {0}.
Cause: The source Oracle home directory did not exist or cannot be accessed.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid source Oracle home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00008: Invalid Oracle Universal Installer inventory location file: {0}.
Cause: The Oracle Universal Installer inventory location file was not found.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid Oracle Universal Installer inventory location file.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00009: Invalid log level: {0}.
Cause: The log level specified was not recognized.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid log level. See the command-line help for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00010: Port number {0} is not valid.
Cause: The port number specified was not a positive numeric value or was out of range.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid port number.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00011: Host name {0} is not valid or unknown.
Cause: Lookup of the specified host name failed.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid host name.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00012: Required port is missing.
Cause: A required port was not entered.
Action: Enter the required port.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00013: Invalid source Oracle home. The source Oracle home must be an Oracle home found in the Oracle Universal Installer inventory.
Cause: The specified source Oracle home directory did not exist in the Oracle Universal Installer inventory.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid source Oracle home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00014: unable to connect to WebLogic Server at {0}:{1}
Cause: Failed connecting to the WebLogic Server at the specified host and port.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00015: Invalid Oracle instance home directory: {0}.
Cause: The Oracle instance home directory did not exist or cannot be accessed.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid Oracle instance home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00016: Required password is missing.
Cause: A required password was not entered.
Action: Enter the required password.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00017: Required Business Intelligence source install directory is missing.
Cause: A required Business Intelligence source install directory was not entered.
Action: Enter the required Business Intelligence source install directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00018: The Business Intelligence source install directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Cause: The specified Business Intelligence source install directory did not exist or could not be accessed.
Action: Specify a valid Business Intelligence source install directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00019: Unable to connect to database. Reason: {0}.
Cause: The database connection failed for the specified reason.
Action: Correct the problem, using information provided in the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file; then, retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00020: Required connect string is missing.
Cause: A required connect string was not entered.
Action: Enter the required connect string.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00021: Required user name is missing.
Cause: A required user name was not entered.
Action: Enter the required user name.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00022: The source file {0} does not exist.
Cause: The source file for a file copy operation did not exist.
Action: Check the location of the specified file. This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00023: cannot read file {0}
Cause: The specified file could not be read.
Action: Check the permissions of the specified file and ensure that the file has read access.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00024: unable to expand wildcard file specification {0}
Cause: The specified file specification could not be expanded.
Action: See log file for details. This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00025: The directory {0} is not an Oracle instance home directory.
Cause: The directory specified was not a valid Oracle instance home directory.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid destination Oracle instance home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00026: The source Oracle home installation type must be an Identity Management installation type. {0} is not an Identity Management installation type.
Cause: An incorrect source Oracle home was specified.
Action: Specify a source Oracle home that is an Identity Management installation type.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00027: The source Oracle home installation type must be a middle-tier installation type. {0} is not a middle-tier installation type.
Cause: An incorrect source Oracle home was specified.
Action: Specify a source Oracle home that is a middle-tier installation type.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00028: Required service name is missing.
Cause: A required service name was not entered.
Action: Enter the required service name. A service name typically includes the domain; for example, db1.example.com.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00029: The source install directory is not a Business Intelligence installation.
Cause: The source install directory specified did not contain the required file version.txt.
Action: Specify a valid Business Intelligence source install directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00030: Required Oracle instance home directory is missing.
Cause: A required Oracle instance home directory was not entered.
Action: Enter the required Oracle instance home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00031: unable to get the active DomainMBean for the WebLogic Server domain
Cause: Failed getting the active DomainMBean for the WebLogic Server domain.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00032: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to communicate with the WebLogic Server.
Cause: Communication with the WebLogic Administrative Server was either lost or never established.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00033: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to create a datasource definition named {0}.
Cause: The creation of a domain-level datasource in the WLS Adminisrtation Server failed.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00034: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to establish an EDIT connection.
Cause: The connection to the Edit service in the WLS Administration Server failed.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00035: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to save configuration changes.
Cause: Verification in the WLS Administration Server failed.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00036: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to start an edit operation.
Cause: The Edit service in the WLS Administration Server failed to start an edit operation.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00037: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to fetch or store attribute "{0}" in the WebLogic Server.
Cause: This is an internal logic error. The most common cause is an incorrect attribute name.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00038: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to locate an MBean named "{0}".
Cause: One of the upgrade steps was looking for an MBean with this name. That is was not found might or might not be an error, depending on context.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00039: Portal middle-tier upgrade does not allow the -noRetainPorts command-line argument.
Cause: The -noRetainPorts command-line argument was specified during a Portal middle-tier upgrade.
Action: Rerun the upgrade specifying the -retainPorts command-line argument

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00040: unable to get the DomainRuntimeMBean for the WebLogic Server domain
Cause: Failed getting the DomainRuntimeMBean for the current WebLogic Server domain.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00041: unable to determine OID and RDBMS location
Cause: Not all of the needed information was supplied on the command line.
Action: Specify -dbHost -dbPort -dbServiceName -oidHost and -oidSslPort options.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00042: unable to resolve OPMN MBean
Cause: The Upgrade Assistant was unable to find management information for the non-J2EE components.
Action: Make sure that nonJ2EE components have been configured with the WLS Admin Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00043: The -noStopComponents argument cannot be specified along with the retain ports option.
Cause: The option to not stop source components was specified with the retain ports option.
Action: Run the command again, without specifying -noStopComponents.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00044: The source Oracle home does not contain any components which require an upgrade.
Cause: The specified source Oracle home directory did not contain any components that would require an upgrade.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid source Oracle home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00045: The version of the source Oracle home is not supported.
Cause: The specified source Oracle home directory was not a supported version. For middle-tier upgrade, the source Oracle home version must be 10.1.2 or 10.1.3. For Identity Management upgrade, the source Oracle home version must be 10.1.2 or 10.1.4.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid source Oracle home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00047: Upgrades of BAM schemas are not allowed from this type of Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a BAM schema upgrade from an Oracle home that was not a SOA Oracle home.
Action: Perform the BAM schema upgrade from a SOA Oracle home.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00048: unable to open the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to open its log file.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00049: unable to read the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to read its log file.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00050: unable to create logging directory: {0}
Cause: The directory for the OFM Upgrade Assistant log files could not be created.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00051: unable to create the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to create its log file.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00052: unable to initialize logging for the OFM Upgrade Assistant
Cause: Initialization of OFM Upgrade Assistant logging failed.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00053: No upgrade components were found in the OFM Upgrade Assistant config file {0}.
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to find any upgrade components in the specified configuration file.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00054: error loading the OFM Upgrade Assistant config file {0}
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to load its configuration file.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00055: error reading the Oracle Universal Installer inventory
Cause: An error occurred while reading the Oracle Universal Installer inventory.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00056: error initializing component {0}
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to initialize the specified components upgrade software.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00057: Invalid source data home directory: {0}.
Cause: The source data home directory did not exist or cannot be accessed.
Action: Run the command again, specifying a valid source data home directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00060: An invalid installation type {0} has been found in properties file {1}.
Cause: The installation type found in the source Oracle home was not supported.
Action: Specify a source Oracle home that has a supported installation type.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00061: installation type not found
Cause: The installation type of the source Oracle home could not be determined.
Action: Ensure that the source Oracle home is a supported version and is working properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00062: An invalid installation type has been found in source Oracle home {0}.
Cause: The installation type of the source Oracle home was not supported.
Action: Ensure that the source Oracle home is a supported version and is working properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00063: unable to load the properties file {0}
Cause: An error was encountered reading or parsing the properties file of the source Oracle home. The OFM Upgrade Assistant uses the information in the ias.properties file to determine the type of the source Oracle home.
Action: See the secondary message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00064: no components need to be upgraded
Cause: No components were found in the source Oracle home that need upgrading. An upgrade will not be needed.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00065: Configuration parameter {0} not found in source Oracle home {1}.
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant uses the information in the ias.properties file to determine the type and contents of the source Oracle home. In this case, a parameter in the properties file was missing and, as a result, the OFM Upgrade Assistant cannot proceed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00066: Configuration parameter {0} has invalid value of {1} in source Oracle home {2}.
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant uses the information in the ias.properties file to determine the type and contents of the source Oracle home. In this case, a parameter in the properties file was invalid and, as a result, the OFM Upgrade Assistant cannot proceed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00067: One or more errors occurred while identifying components to be upgraded.
Cause: Errors were encountered while analyzing the source Oracle home.
Action: See the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00068: One or more errors occurred while initializing components to be upgraded.
Cause: Errors were encountered while setting up the components upgrade software.
Action: See the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00069: Examination found that no components need to be upgraded. No upgrade will be performed.
Cause: No components were identified as needing upgrade during the examinaton phase. No upgrade will be performed.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00070: Required Business Intelligence source data directory is missing.
Cause: A required Business Intelligence source data directory was not entered.
Action: Enter the required Business Intelligence source data directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00071: The Business Intelligence source data directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Cause: The specified Business Intelligence source data directory did not exist or could not be accessed.
Action: Specify a valid Business Intelligence source data directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00072: The source data directory is not a Business Intelligence data directory.
Cause: The source data directory specified did not contain the required file web/config/instanceconfig.xml.
Action: Specify a valid Business Intelligence source data directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00073: failed to set startup type to manual for Windows service {0}
Cause: An error was encountered when changing the startup mode of a Windows service. At the end of the upgrade process, the OFM Upgrade Assistant sets each Windows service associated with the 10g Oracle home to manual startup. Windows services in the source home must be set to manual startup to prevent resource conflicts with the 11g upgraded instance.
Action: Using the Windows Services utility, manually set the startup type for the specified Windows service.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00074: spawned process timed out
Cause: A spawned process stopped responding.
Action: Examine the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file to determine what actions were being performed when the error occurred.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00075: spawn process exception
Cause: An error was encountered spawning a process.
Action: Examine the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file to determine what actions were being performed when the error occurred.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00076: spawned process exception
Cause: An error was encountered in a spawned process.
Action: Examine the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file to determine what actions were being performed when the error occurred.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00077: The IP address of the source host {0} cannot be determined.
Cause: The network address of a host could not be determined.
Action: Check the validity of the specified host.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00078: The IP address of the destination host {0} cannot be determined.
Cause: The network address of a host could not be determined.
Action: Check the validity of the specified host.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00079: failed to create temporary directory: {0}
Cause: An error was encountered creating a temporary directory.
Action: Ensure that the directory location exists and is not protected.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00080: failed to start WebLogic Server {0}
Cause: An error was encountered starting a WebLogic Server.
Action: Examine the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file to determine the reason why the WebLogic server failed to start.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00081: failed to stop WebLogic Server {0}
Cause: An error was encountered stopping a WebLogic Server.
Action: Examine the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file to determine the reason why the WebLogic server failed to stop.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00088: Argument {0} is not valid for this upgrade operation.
Cause: The specified argument could not be used with the type of upgrade attempted.
Action: Run the command again, without the invalid argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00090: failed to connect to Oracle Internet Directory
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant was unable to connect to the Oracle Internet Directory server.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00091: errors during the examination of components
Cause: Errors were encountered while checking components' readiness for upgrade.
Action: See the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00092: errors during the upgrade of components
Cause: Errors were encountered while upgrading one or more components.
Action: See the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00095: error setting the Oracle look-and-feel for the graphical user interface
Cause: An internal error occurred while setting the appearance for the graphical user interface.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00096: error initializing the help system
Cause: An internal error occurred while setting up the help system.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00097: The IP address of the host {0} cannot be determined.
Cause: The network address of the specified host could not be determined.
Action: Check the validity of the specified host.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00098: A running Oracle Internet Directory server cannot be located.
Cause: No running Oracle Internet Directory server was detected in the 11g configuration. Upgrade needs this server.
Action: Ensure that at least one Oracle Internet Directory has been configured and is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00099: End point named {0} cannot be found for {1}.
Cause: The named end point could not be located for a component.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00101: Unable to access the schema version registry. Reason: {0}.
Cause: Access to schema version registry failed for the specified reason.
Action: See log file for details. Correct the problem causing the failure to connect to the schema version registry and then retry connecting.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00102: Required ODS schema password is missing.
Cause: The required ODS schema password was not entered.
Action: Enter the required ODS schema password.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00103: failed to get Oracle Internet Directory host and port
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to determine host and port information for an LDAP server.
Action: See log file for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00104: Required Oracle Internet Directory password is missing.
Cause: The required Oracle Internet Directory password was not entered.
Action: Enter the required Oracle Internet Directory password.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00105: Required SYS password is missing.
Cause: The required SYS password was not entered.
Action: Enter the required SYS password.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00106: Identity Management upgrade not allowed from this type of Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform an Identity Management upgrade from an Oracle home that does not allow this type of upgrade.
Action: Perform the upgrade from an Identity Management Oracle home.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00107: The DISPLAY environment variable is not set. The OFM Upgrade Assistant graphical user interface (GUI) requires that this environment variable be set on UNIX.
Cause: The required DISPLAY environment variable was not defined.
Action: Set the required DISPLAY environment variable and then rerun the OFM Upgrade Assistant.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00109: The destination Oracle instance is not an Identity Management instance.
Cause: An incorrect destination Oracle instance was specified.
Action: Specify a destination Oracle instance that is an Identity Management instance.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00110: The destination Oracle instance is not a middle-tier instance.
Cause: An incorrect destination Oracle instance was specified.
Action: Specify a destination Oracle instance that is a middle-tier instance.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00111: Verify instance option is not available from a SOA Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a verify instance from a SOA Oracle home.
Action: None.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00112: A middle-tier upgrade is not allowed from an Identity Management Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a middle-tier upgrade from an Oracle home that does not allow this type of upgrade.
Action: Perform the upgrade from an Oracle home that allows middle-tier upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00113: Specify which schemas are to be upgraded using the {0} and {1} arguments.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a metadata repository upgrade without specifying which schemas to upgrade.
Action: Specify the schemas to be upgraded.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00114: Upgrades of Oracle Portal and Discoverer schemas are not allowed from this type of Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform an Oracle Portal or Discoverer schema upgrade from an Oracle home that does not allow this type of upgrade.
Action: Perform the upgrade from an Oracle home that allows Oracle Portal or Discoverer schema upgrades.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00115: Upgrades of B2B schemas are not allowed from this type of Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a B2B schema upgrade from an Oracle home that is not a SOA Oracle home.
Action: Perform the B2B schema upgrade from a SOA Oracle home.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00116: Select which metadata repository schemas are to be upgraded.
Cause: The user has chosen to upgrade metadata repository schemas but did not specify which schemas to upgrade.
Action: Specify the metadata repository schemas to be upgraded.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00117: Argument {0} is not valid with the graphical user interface.
Cause: The specified argument cannot be used with the graphical user interface.
Action: Run the command again, without the invalid argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00118: End point named {0} not found while setting port values.
Cause: An attempt was made to change a port number. A required ListeningEndpoint attribute was not found.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00119: Port value {1} cannot be set for the end point named {0}.
Cause: An error occurred while setting a new port value.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00120: The password for schema {0} cannot be obtained from the credential storage facility (CSF).
Cause: An error occurred while fetching a stored password.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00121: A middle-tier upgrade is not allowed from a SOA Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a middle-tier upgrade from an Oracle home that does not allow this type of upgrade.
Action: Perform the upgrade from an Oracle home that allows middle-tier upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00122: A middle-tier upgrade is not allowed from a Web Center Oracle home.
Cause: The user has chosen to perform a middle-tier upgrade from an Oracle home that does not allow this type of upgrade.
Action: Perform the upgrade from an Oracle home that allows middle-tier upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00123: The database cluster specification contains syntax errors.
Cause: The cluster specification must be of the form "host:port:instance^...@service". See the Upgrade Assistant documentation for further details.
Action: Correct the errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00124: The root script file {0} cannot be written.
Cause: A file I/O error has prevented the creation of a necessary root script file.
Action: Check that Oracle home directory protections allow the file to be created.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00125: The Oracle home that the OFM Upgrade Assistant is running from is not found in the Oracle Universal Installers inventory.
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant was not found in the Oracle Universal Installers inventory.
Action: Specify an inventory location pointer file on the command line or reinstall an Oracle home for the OFM Upgrade Assistant to run from.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00126: The OFM Upgrade Assistant is not supported in this Oracle home.
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant was not supported in this Oracle home and therefore could not be run from this Oracle home.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00127: Oracle Internet Directory upgrade failed. The OFM Upgrade Assistant will not proceed.
Cause: It is not possible to continue with the upgrade of the other components in the instance because they depend on the successful completion of Oracle Internet Directory upgrade.
Action: See log file for details. Correct the problem and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00128: Oracle Internet Directory examination failed. The OFM Upgrade Assistant will not proceed.
Cause: It is not possible to continue with the examination of the other components in the instance because they depend on the successful completion of Oracle Internet Directory examination.
Action: See log file for details. Correct the problem and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00129: Registered database server not found for {0}:{1} service {2}.
Cause: A database server was not registered with the supplied connection information.
Action: Check that information entered is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00130: Registered schema named {0} not found.
Cause: A schema was not registered under the supplied name.
Action: Check spelling of schema name.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00133: unable to get host name or port for a database server object
Cause: No value was obtained for the host name or port number.
Action: Check that the database server is properly registered at farm level and that host name and port values are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00134: Required dump file name is missing.
Cause: A required dump file was not entered.
Action: Enter the required dump file name.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00135: Required password was not supplied
Cause: No value was entered in response to a password prompt.
Action: Run the Upgrade Assistant again and supply all required passwords.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00138: upgrade exception occurred
Cause: An unexpected upgrade exception has occurred.
Action: See the secondary error message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00139: Upgrading the OWA packages to a new version as the database contains the older version. This process might take time.
Cause: The OWA software package of Portal was detected, and its presence requires additional time for the upgrade to complete.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00140: Startup of {0} OPMN managed processes failed (Reason: {1}).
Cause: The starting of OPMN or OPMN managed processes has failed.
Action: Check the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00141: startup of 11g OPMN managed processes failed
Cause: The starting of OPMN or OPMN managed processes has failed.
Action: Check the OFM Upgrade Assistant log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-00143: User chose to cancel rather than upgrade OID without DIP.
Cause: OID and DIP are both configured in the source Oracle home, but only OID in the destination.
Action: If you want to upgrade DIP, configure DIP in the destination Instance and run the Upgrade Assistant again.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01001: Upgrade is unable to connect to SSL port of OID.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the OID server using the host name, SSL port number and password specified. The server might be down.
Action: Verify that the OID server is running. Verify that the host name, SSL port number, and cn=orcladmin password are correctly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01002: Upgrade is unable to connect to the metadata repository database.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the metadata repository database. The database might be down, or the password might be incorrect.
Action: Verify that the Repository Database instance and listener have been started. Verify that the user name and password are correct. Retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01003: Upgrade is unable to open XML file: {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to open the xml file mrua.xml, or the file was corrupted.
Action: Verify that the file exists in the specified directory, and that the read permission on the file is set correctly. Examine the file to ensure that the contents are correct. Edit the file if needed to correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01004: Upgrade is unable to dynamically load component-specific software modules.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to dynamically load the Java classes of its component-specific software modules. mrua.xml file might have been corrupted.
Action: This is an internal error. Verify that the Java classpath has been correctly set, the mrua.xml file is correct, and that the .jar files for all component-specific software modules are present in the jlib directory. Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01005: error initializing component-specific software module {0}
Cause: Repository Upgrade was unable to initialize the named component-specific software module. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01006: Schema upgrade failed for {0}.
Cause: Repository Upgrade framework detected that schema upgrade of the component named in the error message failed.
Action: Examine the upgrade log files for additional error messages. It may be possible to correct the problem and retry the upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01007: Schema upgrade returned improper status.
Cause: The Repository Upgrade component-specific software module for the named component returned an incorrect status to the upgrade framework. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01008: Schema examination failed for {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework determined that the examination phase of upgrade failed for the named component. This is often due to a failed prerequisite check. No schemas changes have been made to the component that failed.
Action: Check the upgrade log files for the cause of the message. Correct the source of the problem if possible, and retry the examination. Do not go on to perform an actual upgrade in upgrade mode unless all components succeed during examination.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01009: SQL script {0} does not exist.
Cause: The repository upgrade component-specific software module named in the error message attempted to run a SQL script that could not be located. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01011: Verify that database version {0} has been certified with Oracle Fusion Middleware.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework determined that the database release number of the repository database is at a version that was not yet certified with Oracle Fusion Middleware repository upgrade at the time the product shipped. Upgrade will continue.
Action: Verify that this version of the database has been certified for use with Oracle Fusion Middleware repository upgrade. If upgrade is performed using an uncertified release of the database, errors may occur during or after the upgrade. Upgrade should not be performed using database releases that have not yet been certified for use with the current release of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01012: unable to load PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to load or validate the PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01013: unable to load PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION10G
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to load or validate the PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION10G. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01014: Component-specific software module raised an exception: {0}.
Cause: During repository upgrade one of the component-specific software modules raised an uncaught exception to the upgrade framework. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01015: Some repository upgrade component-specific software modules report failure.
Cause: One or more component-specific software modules returned an error status during repository upgrade. Some other components might have upgraded successfully.
Action: Review the upgrade logs to determine which components have failed, and pinpoint the source of the errors for each component. Correct the conditions that caused the errors. It may be possible to rerun the upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01016: Upgrade from OracleAS release {0} is not allowed.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework detected that the metadata repository is from an OracleAS release that is no longer supported for upgrade to the current release.
Action: Start with an OracleAS release that is directly upgradable to the current release. It may be necessary to perform the upgrade as a two step process. First upgrade the repository to a newer release that is supported for by the current release of Oracle Fusion Middleware. Then repeat the upgrade process from that supported release to the current release of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01017: Some Oracle Fusion Middleware components not set to VALID status in schema_version_registry. Check the log file.
Cause: During repository upgrade one or more components did not record the necessary version and status information in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01018: {0} component version is: {1} {2} upgraded flag is: {3}.
Cause: During repository upgrade one or more components reported a successful upgrade but the version and status information was not updated in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01019: {0} is not in schema_version_registry namespace {1}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework detected that the named component was missing a required entry in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY. This might be caused by an internal error or incorrect configuration before the upgrade was performed. The component might not be recorded in the repository database.
Action: Verify that the component already has been created in the repository database by Repository Creation Utility (RCU) under the same namespace being used for upgrade. Retry the upgrade. If RCU has created the component schemas and the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01020: Oracle home {0} does not exist.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework detected that the OracleHome input parameter refers to a nonexistant or inacessible directory.
Action: Verify that the OracleHome parameter has been specified correctly and refers to an existing Oracle home directory. If the directory exists, verify that the file permissions on the directory permit access. Retry the upgrade operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01021: Oracle home {0} does not contain the bin directory.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework determined that the OracleHome input parameter refers to an existing directory; however, that directory lacked a bin subdirectory. The directory did not appear to be a valid Oracle home.
Action: Verify that the OracleHome parameter refers to an existing Oracle home directory, which must contain a bin subdirectory. Retry the upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01022: Metadata repository is at MRC version: {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade detected that the metadata repository that was being upgraded is currently at the version listed in the message. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01023: Metadata repository database is at RDBMS version: {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework detected that the metadata repository database is at the version release number listed in the message. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01024: Oracle home {0} does not contain the rdbms directory.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework determined that the OracleHome input parameter refers to an existing directory, however, that directory lacked the rdbm subdirectory. The directory did not appear to be a valid Oracle home.
Action: Verify that the OracleHome parameter points to an existing Oracle home directory that contains an rdbms subdirectory. Retry the upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01025: Loaded PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework successfully loaded and validated the PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01026: DBMS_IAS_VERSION package version is: {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework determined that the PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION was at the software revision level specified in the message. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01027: not installed
Cause: Repository upgrade framework detected that a necessary software component was not installed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01028: All repository upgrade component-specific software modules report success.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework detected that all components reported success during the examination or upgrade phase of repository upgrade. All components returned either the upgrade successful or the already upgraded status. This message is displayed after repository upgrade has completed successfully. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01029: All Oracle Fusion Middleware components set to VALID status in schema_version_registry.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework reports that all components were set to the VALID state in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY, and all component version numbers were correct. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01030: Component {0} has valid schema_version_registry settings after upgrade.
Cause: The component named in the message had the correct and expected data in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01031: {0} is not in schema_version_registry namespace {1}.
Cause: The repository upgrade component-specific software module reported that an optional component was not found in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01032: {0} app_registry entry is: {1} {2}.
Cause: Repository Upgrade component-specific software module reported that the named component has an entry in the 10g APP_REGISTRY view. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01033: {0} schema_registry entry is: {1} {2} namespace {3}.
Cause: Repository upgrade component-specific software module reported that the named component has this version and status information recorded in SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY under the specified namespace. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01034: Verify that connect string is correct and database listener process is started.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the metadata repository database. This might be caused by an invalid database connection string, or because the database listener was down.
Action: Verify that connect string is correct and database listener process is started.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01035: Verify that user name and password are correct.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the metadata repository database. This might have been caused by an invalid user name or password. This is a warning message.
Action: Verify that user name and password are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01036: Connect as user 'SYS AS SYSDBA', not just 'SYS'.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the metadata repository database. The possible cause is that the user name must be SYS AS SYSDBA, not SYS. This is a warning message.
Action: Connect as user 'SYS AS SYSDBA', not just 'SYS'.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01037: Start the database.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the metadata repository database. The possible cause is that the database instance is down and needs to be started. This is a warning message.
Action: Start the database.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01038: Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Upgrade Framework {0}
Cause: Repository upgrade framework reported its software product version. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01039: error while reading from app_registry
Cause: The repository upgrade component-specific software module encountered an error while attempting to access the OracleAS 10g APP_REGISTRY view. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01040: {0} is not present in app_registry.
Cause: The repository upgrade component-specific software module detected that a component is missing an entry in the OracleAS 10g APP_REGISTRY view. This error condition will cause the examination phase of upgrade to fail.
Action: Verify that the database being upgraded contains an OracleAS Metadata Repository. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01041: {0} is not present in app_registry.
Cause: Repository upgrade component-specific software module detected that an optional component is missing from the 10g APP_REGISTRY view. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01042: SQL version and status query failed for component {0}.
Cause: The repository upgrade component-specific software module encountered an error while trying to obtain version and status information for the component. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01043: unable to connect to the source database
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the source database instance. The database might be down, or the password might be incorrect.
Action: Verify that the source connect string, user name, and password are correct. Verify that the database server and listener are running. Examine the log file for additional information.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01044: unable to connect to the target database
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the target database instance. The database might be down, or the password might be incorrect.
Action: Verify that the target connect string, user name, and password are correct. Verify that the database server and listener are running. Examine the log file for additional information.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01045: Database version {0} is not supported.
Cause: A database connection could not be established because the database type identifier was not recognized as one of the known types that are supported by Repository Upgrade.
Action: Use only a supported database type either Oracle or Microsoft.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01047: Repository upgrade component-specific software module protocol error.
Cause: During execution of a repository upgrade component-specific software module, the upgrade mode was neither examine nor upgrade.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01048: Repository upgrade internal protocol error.
Cause: During execution of schema upgrade an uncaught exception was rasied during the examine or upgrade phases.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01050: error loading OFM Upgrade Assistant config file {0}
Cause: The OFM Upgrade Assistant failed to load its configuration file.
Action: See secondary message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01051: unable to connect to the Oracle B2B schema {0}
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the Oracle B2B schema. The database might be down, or the password might be incorrect.
Action: Verify that the host, port, service name, and password are correct. Verify that the database server and listener are running. Examine the log file for additional information.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01052: unable to connect to the Oracle BAM schema {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to connect to the Oracle BAM database schema. The database might be down, or the password might be incorrect.
Action: Verify that the host, port, service name, and password are correct. Verify that the database server and listener are running. Examine the log file for additional information.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01060: SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY table CUSTOM1 or CUSTOM2 column is missing.
Cause: Repository Upgrade framework detected that the SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY database table is missing the CUSTOM1 or CUSTOM2 columns. This error message identifies an older preproduction version of schema version registry table that is no longer compatible with current software. The two custom columns need to be added to correct the problem. This is an interim error condition that can occur during product development cycle but will not occur in the production version of Oracle Fusion Middleware.
Action: The two missing columns CUSTOM1 and CUSTOM2 need be added to the schema version registry table. After the columns have been added this error will not appear again, and OFM Upgrade Assistant can be run again. To add the missing columns the user should connect to the database as SYS or SYSTEM user and then execute this SQL statement which will add the two missing columns to the table: ALTER TABLE SYSTEM.SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY$ ADD (custom1 NUMBER, custom2 VARCHAR2(30));

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01061: Exception raised while repository upgrade was attempting to access MAS topology for BAM: {0}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to access the MAS topology for BAM. The error message displays the base exception that caused the failure. This error message indicates a severe error condition.
Action: Verify that BAM has been installed and configured for this instance. Verify that the MAS topology service is running. Examine the log file for additional information. Contact Oracle Support Services if BAM has been installed and configured yet this error persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01062: Exception raised while repository upgrade was running an external command.
Cause: An exception was raised while running an external command (such as sqlplus) in a subprocess. Check the stack trace for detailed information.
Action: Attempt to correct the environment problem if any, then retry the upgrade. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01063: Exception raised while repository upgrade was performing SQL queries.
Cause: An exception was raised while performing SQL operations to determine schema versions. Check the stack trace for detailed information.
Action: Attempt to correct the environment problem if any, then retry the upgrade. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01064: The MAS topology for Business Intelligence may be corrupted. Unable to fetch node: {0} of {1}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to access the MAS topology for Business Intelligence. The error message indicates which topology node was missing. Either Business Intelligence is not configured for this instance, or the Business Intelligence topology is corrupt. This error message indicates a severe error condition.
Action: Verify that Business Intelligence has been installed and configured for this instance. Verify that the MAS topology service is running. Examine the log file for additional information. Contact Oracle Support Services if BI has been installed and configured yet this error persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-01065: LDAP DBCN entry is corrupted. Unable to fetch node: {0} of {1}.
Cause: Repository upgrade framework was unable to access the LDAP directory to obtain a list of OracleAS 10g Metadata Repositories. The error message indicates which topology node was missing. This error message indicates a severe error condition.
Action: Delete the directory record that was identified as being corrupt. Examine the log file for additional information. After deleting the corrupt record, retry the repository upgrade that failed. Contact Oracle Support Services if this error persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02001: Unable to connect to {0} because {1}.
Cause: The identified server could not be contacted.
Action: Review the log file for the server. Verify that the source of the URL is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02002: Repository schema {0} wrong status {1} or version {2}.
Cause: Something went wrong the last time the metadata repository was upgraded.
Action: Check the log from the repository upgrade.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02003: unable to obtain port number.
Cause: Component was not running or was misconfigured.
Action: Check that the component is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02004: Error {1} while requesting {0}.
Cause: The server was unavailable.
Action: Review the log file for the server. Verify that the source of the URL is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02005: Verification has run into an unexpected error {1} on object {0}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during verification.
Action: See the secondary message for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02006: Request to {0} URL {1} received error "{2}".
Cause: The identified server did not respond as expected.
Action: Review the identified server's log to identify the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade

UPGAST-02007: Unable to find a schema with password to test on database {0}.
Cause: To verify that the database is available, verification looks in the Credential Store for schema credentials. It was unable to locate a schema with credentials.
Action: None. The database cannot be tested.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade