This figure shows the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse Server Overview editor. It contains three areas: General Information, Automatic Publishing, and Server Properties. The General Information area contains fields Server Name with value Oracle CEP v11, Host name with value localhost, and Runtime with pull-down menu value Oracle CEP v11. There is an Edit link next to the Runtime field. The Automatic Publishing area contains a radio button group compose of radio buttons Use default publishing settings, Never publish automatically, and Override default settings. The Never publish automatically button is selected. There is an Edit link next to the Use default publishing settings. This area also contains a Publishing interval (in seconds) field with value 0. The Server Properties area contains fields Domain Directory with value C:/OracleCEP/user_projects/domains/ocep_domain/defaultserver, Start Script with value C:/OracleCEP/user_projects/domains/ocep_domain/defaultserver/startwlevs.cmd, Stop Script with value C:/OracleCEP/user_projects/domains/ocep_domain/defaultserver/stopwlevs.cmd, User Name with value wlevs, User Password with value wlevs, and Debug Port with value 8453. There is a Browse button next to the Domain Directory, Start Script, and Stop Script fields.