10 Configuring Oracle CQL Processors

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Oracle CQL replaces Event Processing Language (EPL) in Oracle CEP Release 11gR1 (11.1.1). Oracle CEP supports EPL for backwards compatibility. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Configuring EPL Processors".

10.1 Overview of Oracle CQL Processor Configuration

An Oracle CEP application contains one or more complex event processors, or processors for short. Each processor takes as input events from one or more adapters; these adapters in turn listen to data feeds that send a continuous stream of data from a source. The source could be anything, from a financial data feed to the Oracle CEP load generator.

The main feature of an Oracle CQL processor is its associated Oracle Continuous Query Language (Oracle CQL) rules that select a subset of the incoming events to then pass on to the component that is listening to the processor. The listening component could be another processor, or the business object POJO that typically defines the end of the event processing network, and thus does something with the events, such as publish them to a client application. For more information on Oracle CQL, see the Oracle CEP CQL Language Reference.

For each Oracle CQL processor in your application, you must create a processor element in a component configuration file. In this processor element you specify the initial set of Oracle CQL rules of the processor and any optional processor configuration.

You can configure additional optional Oracle CQL processor features in the Oracle CQL processor EPN assembly file.

The component configuration file processor element's name element must match the EPN assembly file processor element's id attribute. For example, given the EPN assembly file processor element shown in Example 10-1, the corresponding component configuration file processor element is shown in Example 10-2.

Example 10-1 EPN Assembly File Oracle CQL Processor Id: proc

<wlevs:processor id="proc">
    <wlevs:table-source ref="Stock" />

Example 10-2 Component Configuration File Oracle CQL Processor Name: proc

        <query id="q1"><![CDATA[
            SELECT ExchangeStream.symbol, ExchangeStream.price, Stock.exchange
            FROM   ExchangeStream [Now], Stock
            WHERE  ExchangeStream.symbol = Stock.symbol 

You can create a processor element in any of the following component configuration files:

  • The default Oracle CEP application configuration file (by default, META-INF/wlevs/config.xml).

  • A separate configuration file.

If your application has more than one processor, you can create a processor element for each of them in the default config.xml file, you can create separate XML files in META-INF/wlevs for each, or create a single XML file in META-INF/wlevs that contains the configuration for all processors, or even all components of your application (adapters, processors, and channels). Choose the method that best suits your development environment.

By default, Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse creates one component configuration file and one EPN assembly file. When you create an Oracle CQL processor using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse, by default, the processor element is added to the default component configuration file META-INF/wlevs/config.xml file. Using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse, you can choose to create a new configuration file or use an existing configuration file at the time you create the Oracle CQL processor.

Component configuration files are deployed as part of the Oracle CEP application bundle. You can later update this configuration at runtime using Oracle CEP Visualizer, the wlevs.Admin utility, or manipulating the appropriate JMX Mbeans directly.

For more information, see:

For more information on Oracle CQL processor configuration, see:

10.2 Configuring an Oracle CQL Processor

You can configure a processor manually or by using the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse.

See Section B.1, "Component Configuration Schema wlevs_application_config.xsd" for the complete XSD Schema that describes the processor component configuration file.

See Section 10.5, "Example Oracle CQL Processor Configuration Files" for a complete example of an Oracle CQL processor component configuration file and assembly file.

This section describes the following topics:

10.2.1 How to Configure an Oracle CQL Processor Using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse

The most efficient and least error-prone way to create and edit a processor is to use the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse. Optionally, you can create and edit a processor manually (see Section 10.2.2, "How to Create an Oracle CQL Processor Component Configuration File Manually").

To configure an Oracle CQL processor using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse:

  1. Use Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse to create a processor.

    See Section, "How to Create a Processor Node".

    When you use the EPN editor to create an Oracle CQL processor, Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse prompts you to choose either the default component configuration file or a new component configuration file. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse and the Event Processing Network".

  2. Right-click the processor node and select Go to Configuration Source.

    Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse opens the appropriate component configuration file. The default processor component configuration is shown in Example 10-3.

    The default processor component configuration includes a name element and rules element.

    Use the rules element to group the child elements you create to contain the Oracle CQL statements this processor executes, including:

    • rule: contains Oracle CQL statements that register or create user-defined windows. The rule element id attribute must match the name of the window.

    • view: contains Oracle CQL view statements (the Oracle CQL equivalent of subqueries). The view element id attribute defines the name of the view.

    • query: contains Oracle CQL select statements. The query element id attribute defines the name of the query.

    The default processor component configuration includes a dummy query element with id Query.

    Example 10-3 Default Processor Component Configuration

            <query id="Query"><!-- <![CDATA[ select * from MyChannel [now] ]]> -->
  3. Replace the dummy query element with the rule, view, and query elements you create to contain the Oracle CQL statements this processor executes.

    For more information, see "Introduction to Oracle CQL Queries, Views, and Joins" in the Oracle CEP CQL Language Reference.

  4. Select File > Save.

  5. Optionally, configure additional Oracle CQL processor features in the assembly file:

10.2.2 How to Create an Oracle CQL Processor Component Configuration File Manually

Although the most efficient and least error-prone way to create and edit a processor configuration is to use the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse (see Section 10.2.1, "How to Configure an Oracle CQL Processor Using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse"), alternatively, you can also create and maintain a processor configuration file manually.

This section describes the main steps to create the processor configuration file manually. For simplicity, it is assumed in the procedure that you are going to configure all processors in a single XML file, although you can also create separate files for each processor.

To create an Oracle CQL processor component configuration file manually:

  1. Design the set of Oracle CQL rules that the processor executes. These rules can be as simple as selecting all incoming events to restricting the set based on time, property values, and so on, as shown in the following:

    SELECT *
    FROM   TradeStream [Now]
    WHERE  price > 10000

    Oracle CQL is similar in many ways to Structure Query Language (SQL), the language used to query relational database tables, although the syntax between the two differs in many ways. The other big difference is that Oracle CQL queries take another dimension into account (time), and the processor executes the Oracle CQL continually, rather than SQL queries that are static.

    For more information, see "Introduction to Oracle CQL Queries, Views, and Joins" in the Oracle CEP CQL Language Reference.

  2. Create the processor configuration XML file that will contain the Oracle CQL rules you designed in the preceding step, as well as other optional features, for each processor in your application.

    You can name this XML file anything you want, provided it ends with the .xml extension.

    The root element of the processor configuration file is config, with namespace definitions shown in the next step.

  3. For each processor in your application, add a processor child element of config.

    Uniquely identify each processor with the name child element. This name must be the same as the value of the id attribute in the wlevs:processor element of the EPN assembly file that defines the event processing network of your application. This is how Oracle CEP knows to which particular processor component in the EPN assembly file this processor configuration applies. See Section 1.4, "Creating the EPN Assembly File" for details.

    For example, if your application has two processors, the configuration file might initially look like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <n1:config xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/xml/ns/wlevs/config/application  wlevs_application_config.xsd"

    In the example, the configuration file includes two processors called firstProcessor and secondProcessor. This means that the EPN assembly file must include at least two processor registrations with the same identifiers:

    <wlevs:processor id="firstProcessor" ...>
    <wlevs:processor id="secondProcessor" ...>


    Identifiers and names in XML files are case sensitive, so be sure you specify the same case when referencing the component's identifier in the EPN assembly file.
  4. Add a rules child element to each processor element.

    Use the rules element to group the child elements you create to contain the Oracle CQL statements this processor executes, including:

    • rule: contains Oracle CQL statements that register or create user-defined windows. The rule element id attribute must match the name of the window.

    • view: contains Oracle CQL view statements (the Oracle CQL equivalent of subqueries). The view element id attribute defines the name of the view.

    • query: contains Oracle CQL select statements. The query element id attribute defines the name of the query.

    Use the required id attribute of the view and query elements to uniquely identify each rule. Use the XML CDATA type to input the actual Oracle CQL rule. For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application wlevs_application_config.xsd"
                <view id="lastEvents" schema="cusip bid srcId bidQty"><![CDATA[ 
                    select mod(price) 
                    from filteredStream[partition by srcId, cusip rows 1]
                <query id="q1"><![CDATA[
                    SELECT *
                    FROM   lastEvents [Now]
                    WHERE  price > 10000
  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Optionally, configure additional Oracle CQL processor features in the assembly file:

10.3 Configuring an Oracle CQL Processor Table Source

You can configure an Oracle CQL processor to access a table in a relational database table as an event stream in which each row in the table is represented as a tuple.

In this section, assume that you create the table you want to access using the SQL statement that Example 10-4 shows.

Example 10-4 Table Create SQL Statement

create table Stock (symbol varchar(16), exchange varchar(16));

After configuration, you can define Oracle CQL queries that access the Stock table as if it was just another event stream. In the following example, the query joins one event stream ExchangeStream with the Stock table:

SELECT ExchangeStream.symbol, ExchangeStream.price, Stock.exchange
FROM   ExchangeStream [Now], Stock
WHERE  ExchangeStream.symbol = Stock.symbol

10.3.1 How to Configure an Oracle CQL Processor Table Source Using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse

The most efficient and least error-prone way to configure an Oracle CQL processor to access a relational database table is to use the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse.

To configure an Oracle CQL processor table source using Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse:

  1. Create a data source for the database that contains the table you want to use.

    Example 10-5 shows an example Oracle CEP server config.xml file with data source StockDS.

    Example 10-5 Oracle CEP Server config.xml File With Data Source StockDS

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <n1:config xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/server wlevs_server_config.xsd" xmlns:n1="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/server" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

    For more information, see "Configuring Access to a Relational Database" in the Oracle CEP Administrator's Guide.

  2. Use Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse to create a table node.

    See Section, "How to Create a Basic Node".

  3. Use Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse to create an Oracle CQL processor.

    See Section, "How to Create a Processor Node".

  4. Connect the table node to the Oracle CQL processor node.

    See Section, "How to Connect Nodes".

    The EPN Editor adds a wlevs:table-source element to the target processor node that references the source table.

  5. Right-click the table node in your EPN and select Go to Assembly Source.

    Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse opens the EPN assembly file for this table node.

  6. Edit the table element as Example 10-6 shows and configure the table element attributes as shown in Table 10-1.

    Example 10-6 EPN Assembly File table Element

    <wlevs:table id="Stock" event-type="StockEvent" data-source="StockDs" />

    Table 10-1 EPN Assembly File table Element Attributes

    Attribute Description


    The name of the table source. Subsequent references to this table source use this name.


    The type-name you specified for the table event-type you created in step 9.


    The data-source name you specified in the Oracle CEP server config.xml file in step 1.

  7. Right-click the Oracle CQL processor node connected to the table in your EPN and select Go to Assembly Source.

    Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse opens the EPN assembly file for this Oracle CQL processor.

  8. Edit the Oracle CQL processor element's table-source child element as Example 10-7 shows.

    Set the ref attribute to the id of the table element you specified in step 6.

    Example 10-7 EPN Assembly File table-source Element

    <wlevs:processor id="proc">
        <wlevs:table-source ref="Stock" />
  9. Edit the EPN assembly file to update the event-type-repository element with a new event-type child element for the table as Example 10-8shows.

    Create a property child element for each column of the table you want to access and configure the property attributes as shown in Table 10-2.

    Example 10-8 EPN Assembly File event-type element for a Table

        <wlevs:event-type type-name="StockEvent">
                <wlevs:property name="symbol" type="[C" length="16" />
                <wlevs:property name="exchange" type="[C" length="16" />

    Table 10-2 EPN Assembly File event-type Element Property Attributes

    Attribute Description


    The name of the table column you want to access as specified in the SQL create table statement. You do not need to specify all columns.


    The Oracle CEP Java type from Table 10-3 that corresponds to the column's SQL data type.

    In Example 10-4, the type value for column symbol is [C.


    The column size as specified in the SQL create table statement.

    In Example 10-4, the length of column symbol is 16.

    Table 10-3 SQL Column Types and Oracle CEP Type Equivalents

    SQL Type Oracle CEP Java Type com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.Type Description




    Array, of depth 1, of java.lang.Object.




    An instance of java.math.BigInteger.




    Array, of depth 1, of byte.




    An instance of java.lang.Boolean.




    Array, of depth 1, of byte.




    An instance of java.lang.Boolean.




    An instance of java.lang.Character.




    Array, of depth 1, of byte.




    An instance of java.sql.Date.




    An instance of java.math.BigDecimal.




    An instance of java.lang.Double




    An instance of java.lang.Double




    An instance of java.lang.Integer.




    An instance of java.lang.Object.




    Array, of depth 1, of char.




    Array, of depth 1, of byte.




    Array, of depth 1, of char.




    Array, of depth 1, of char.




    Array, of depth 1, of byte.




    An instance of java.math.BigDecimal.




    Array, of depth 1, of char.




    An instance of java.lang.Object.




    An instance of java.lang.Float




    An instance of java.lang.Integer.




    For more information on processing XMLTYPE data in Oracle CQL, see "SQL/XML (SQLX)" in the Oracle CEP CQL Language Reference.




    An instance of java.sql.Time.




    An instance of java.sql.Timestamp.




    An instance of java.lang.Integer.




    Array, of depth 1, of byte.




    Array, of depth 1, of char.

    For more information on creating event types, see:

  10. Edit the EPN assembly file to add Oracle CQL queries that use the table's event-type as shown in Example 10-9.

    Example 10-9 Oracle CQL Query Using Table Event Type StockEvent

            <query id="q1"><![CDATA[
                SELECT  ExchangeStream.symbol, ExchangeStream.price, Stock.exchange
                FROM    ExchangeStream [Now], Stock
                WHERE   ExchangeStream.symbol = Stock.symbol 

10.4 Configuring an Oracle CQL Processor Cache Source

You can configure an Oracle CQL processor to access the Oracle CEP cache.

For more information, see:

10.5 Example Oracle CQL Processor Configuration Files

This section provides example Oracle CQL processor configuration files, including:

10.5.1 Oracle CQL Processor Component Configuration File

The following example shows a component configuration file for an Oracle CQL processor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application wlevs_application_config.xsd"
            <view id="lastEvents" schema="cusip bid srcId bidQty ask askQty seq"><![CDATA[ 
                select mod(price) 
                from filteredStream[partition by srcId, cusip rows 1]
            <query id="q1"><![CDATA[
                SELECT *
                FROM   lastEvents [Now]
                WHERE  price > 10000

In the example, the name element specifies that the processor for which the Oracle CQL rules are being configured is called proc. This in turn implies that the EPN assembly file that defines your application must include a corresponding wlevs:processor element with an id attribute value of proc to link these Oracle CQL rules with an actual proc processor instance (see Section 10.5.2, "Oracle CQL Processor EPN Assembly File").

This Oracle CQL processor component configuration file also defines a view element to specify an Oracle CQL view statement (the Oracle CQL equivalent of a subquery). The results of the view's select are not output to a down-stream channel.

Finally, this Oracle CQL processor component configuration file defines a query element to specify an Oracle CQL query statement. The query statement selects from the view. By default, the results of a query are output to a down-stream channel. You can control this behavior in the channel configuration using a selector element. For more information, see:

10.5.2 Oracle CQL Processor EPN Assembly File

The following example shows an EPN assembly file for an Oracle CQL processor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

        <wlevs:event-type type-name="ExchangeEvent">
                <wlevs:property name="symbol" type="[C" length="16" />
                <wlevs:property name="price" type="java.lang.Double" />
        <wlevs:event-type type-name="StockExchangeEvent">
                <wlevs:property name="symbol" type="[C" length="16" />
                <wlevs:property name="price" type="java.lang.Double" />
                <wlevs:property name="exchange" type="[C" length="16" />
        <wlevs:event-type type-name="StockEvent">
                <wlevs:property name="symbol" type="[C" length="16" />
                <wlevs:property name="exchange" type="[C" length="16" />

    <!-- Assemble EPN (event processing network) -->
    <wlevs:adapter id="adapter" class="com.bea.wlevs.example.db.ExchangeAdapter" >
        <wlevs:listener ref="ExchangeStream"/>

    <wlevs:channel id="ExchangeStream" event-type="ExchangeEvent" >
        <wlevs:listener ref="proc"/>

    <wlevs:table id="Stock" event-type="StockEvent" data-source="StockDs" />

    <wlevs:processor id="proc" advertise="true" >
        <wlevs:table-source ref="Stock" />

    <wlevs:channel id="OutputStream" advertise="true" event-type="StockExchangeEvent" >
        <wlevs:listener ref="bean"/>
        <wlevs:source ref="proc"/>

    <osgi:reference id="ds" interface="com.bea.core.datasource.DataSourceService" cardinality="0..1" />

    <!-- Create business object -->
    <bean id="bean" class="com.bea.wlevs.example.db.OutputBean">
        <property name="dataSourceService" ref="ds"/>
