B Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Configuration Screens

This appendix describes the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard screens for configuring Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite applications:

B.1 Welcome

welcome screen
Description of the illustration welcome_create_domain.gif

The Welcome screen appears each time you start the configuration wizard.

Select Create a new WebLogic domain to create a new WebLogic domain in your projects directory.

Select Extend an existing WebLogic domain if you want to add applications and services, or to override existing database access (JDBC) and messaging (JMS) settings.

Click Next to continue.

B.2 Select a WebLogic Domain Directory

Description of select_domain_dir_default.gif follows
Description of the illustration select_domain_dir_default.gif

Select the WebLogic directory to which you want to add your applications or services, or both.

Click Next to continue.

B.3 Select Domain Source

welcome screen
Description of the illustration ecm1_config_select_source.gif

Select the source from which to create a new Oracle WebLogic Server domain. Select Generate a domain automatically to support the following products, and then select the products.

When you select Oracle Imaging and Process Management or Oracle Information Rights Management on the Select Domain Source screen, Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle JRF are automatically selected.

Select Base this domain on an existing template to create your domain based on an existing domain template. Click Browse to navigate your directories to find an existing template.

Click Next to continue.

B.4 Select Extension Source

Description of ecm1_extend_select_source.gif follows
Description of the illustration ecm1_extend_select_source.gif

Select the source from which to extend an existing Oracle WebLogic Server domain. Select Extend my domain automatically to support the following added products, and then select the products.

When you select Oracle Imaging and Process Management or Oracle Information Rights Management on the Extend Domain Source screen, Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle JRF are automatically selected.

Select Extend my domain using an existing extension template to extend your domain based on an existing extension template. Click Browse to navigate your directories to find an existing template.

Click Next to continue.

B.5 Specify Domain Name and Location

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config3.gif

Use the default domain name, domain location, and application location, or specify different ones.

Click Next to continue.

B.6 Configure Administrator User Name and Password

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_admin_default.gif

Create a user that will be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator for starting development mode servers.

  • User name

    Specify the user name.

  • User password

    Specify the password for the user.

  • Confirm user password

    Reenter the user password.

  • Description

    Enter a description for the user. This field is optional.

Click Next to continue.

B.7 Configure Server Start Mode and JDK

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_mode_jdk_default.gif

In the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode section, select one of the following startup modes:

  • Development Mode

    In this mode, boot.properties is used for user names and passwords, and polling is used for application deployment. Sun SDK is the default for this mode.

  • Production Mode

    In this mode, user names and passwords are required, and polling is not used for application deployment. JRockit SDK is the default for this mode.

In the JDK Selection section, select a JDK from the list of available JDKs, or select Other JDK, and then click Browse to find another JDK on your system.

Click Next to continue.

B.8 Configure JDBC Component Schema

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_jdbc_schema_default.gif

Use this screen to edit the configuration information for each JDBC component schema.

A component schema contains a pool of database connections. Your application uses a component schema by looking it up in the JNDI tree, requesting a connection, using the connection, and then returning the connection to the component schema.

Click Next to continue.

B.9 Test Component Schema

welcome screen
Description of the illustration test_schema.gif

Use this screen to test JDBC connections to application schemas.

Click Select All to select all of the schemas for connection testing, or select one or more individual schemas.

Click Unselect All to deselect all of the schemas.

Click Test Connections to test the JDBC connections to the selected schema or schemas.

The Connection Result Log section shows the results of connection testing.

Click Next to continue.

B.10 Select Optional Configuration

welcome screen
Description of the illustration select_optional_config_d.gif

Select any of the server and cluster settings that you want to customize.

Click Next to continue.

B.11 Configure the Administration Server

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_admin_server_d.gif

Use this screen to change the default configuration of the Administration Server for an Oracle WebLogic Server domain. Each domain must have one Administration Server, which hosts the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console used to perform administration tasks.

For the Administration Server, you can change values in these fields:

  • Name

    Name of the Administration Server

  • Listen Address

    An address on which the Administration Server will listen, selected from the list

  • Listen Port

    Listen port number

  • SSL Listen Port

    Port number for SSL connections, active when SSL enabled is selected

  • SSL Enabled

    Enabled if selected and if a port number for SSL connections is provided in the SSL Listen Port field

Click Next to continue.

B.12 Configure Managed Servers

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_managed_servers_d.gif

A Managed Server is an instance of Oracle WebLogic Server used to host enterprise applications. A typical production environment has at least one Managed Server.

Use this screen to change the default configuration of Managed Servers. For each Managed Server, you can change values in these columns:

  • Name

    Name of the Managed Server

  • Listen Address

    An address on which the server will listen, selected from the list

  • Listen Port

    Listen port number

  • SSL Listen Port

    Port number for SSL connections, active when SSL enabled is selected in the same row

  • SSL Enabled

    Enabled if selected and if a port number for SSL connections is provided in the same row

Click Next to continue.

B.13 Configure Clusters

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_clusters_default.gif

Use this screen to configure Oracle WebLogic Server clusters.

A cluster contains multiple Oracle WebLogic Server instances running simultaneously and working together for scalability and reliability. To clients, a cluster appears as a single Oracle WebLogic Server instance.


  • If you do not specify a cluster on the Configure Clusters screen, you cannot add Managed Servers later to create a cluster.

  • If you decide to enable a cluster, then you must assign a cluster address.

Click Next to continue.

B.14 Configure Machines

welcome screen
Description of the illustration ecm1_config_machines.gif

Use this screen to add or delete machines that host Oracle WebLogic Server instances.

The Administration Server and Node Manager use the machine configuration on this screen to start remote servers.

Click Next to continue.

B.15 Target Deployments to Clusters or Servers

welcome screen
Description of the illustration target_deployments_default.gif

Use this screen to target your deployments to servers or clusters. Doing so enables Oracle WebLogic Server to serve the deployments to clients.

Click Next to continue.

B.16 Target Services to Clusters or Servers

welcome screen
Description of the illustration ecm1_cfg_target_svcs_d2.gif

Use this screen to target your services (such as JMS and JDBC) to servers or clusters. Doing so enables your applications to use these services. For example, if you want to connect your application to Oracle WSM Policy Manager, you need to select AdminServer on the left and mds-owsm under JDBC and JDBC System Resource on the right.

Click Next to continue.

B.17 Configure RDBMS Security Store Database

welcome screen
Description of the illustration config_rdbms_sec_store_d.gif

Use this screen to make changes to your security store. Make sure that your RDBMS tables are created prior to booting your domain. The scripts used by the DBA are located in server/lib directory under the Oracle WebLogic Server home directory.

Click Next to continue.

B.18 Configure Key Store Credentials

Description of config_key_store_cred.gif follows
Description of the illustration config_key_store_cred.gif

Use this screen to specify passwords for Oracle Information Rights Management (Oracle IRM) and the Oracle Enterprise Manager plug-in for Oracle IRM.

B.19 Configuration Summary

welcome screen
Description of the illustration configuration_summary_d.gif

Review the contents of your domain.

Click Previous to go back and change something on a preceding screen.

Click Next to continue.

B.20 Creating Domain

welcome screen
Description of the illustration creating_domain_100_default.gif

This screen shows the progress of the domain creation.

When the Progress bar shows 100%, click Done to dismiss the window.

B.21 Creating Domain (Extended Domain)

welcome screen
Description of the illustration creating_domain_ext_100.gif

This screen shows the progress of the domain extension.

When the Progress bar shows 100%, click Done to dismiss the window.