3 Setting Up Your Development Environment

This chapter describes how you set up your development environment so that you can integrate an Excel workbook with a Fusion web application.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Introduction to Setting Up Your Development Environment

Setting up your development environment involves making sure that you have the correct versions of JDeveloper, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Internet Explorer installed. You must also enable support for Microsoft .NET programmability, if it is not enabled. Once you verify that you have the required software and enabled Microsoft .NET programmability, complete the setup of your development environment by:

  • Allowing Excel to run an integrated Excel workbook

  • Setting up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework

The chapter concludes by describing how you can remove the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework and use the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module on a system where you have multiple instances of JDeveloper. These latter sections provide information that is useful if you want to move the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework to a directory that is independent of your JDeveloper installation.

3.2 Required Oracle ADF Modules and Third-Party Software

Before you begin to integrate your desktop application with a Fusion web application, ensure that you have the required Oracle ADF modules and third-party software installed and configured:

  • JDeveloper

    Install the current release of JDeveloper. The Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module is located in the JDEV_HOME\jdeveloper\adfdi directory, where JDEV_HOME is the directory into which you installed JDeveloper. The adfdi directory is also known as ADFDI_HOME.

    The bin\excel\client subdirectory under ADFDI_HOME contains a setup tool (setup.exe) that installs the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework on the system where you run this tool. For more information, see Section 3.5, "Setting Up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".

  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows operating systems support the development and deployment of Excel workbooks that integrate with Fusion web applications. For more information about supported versions of Windows, see the "Oracle JDeveloper and Application Development Framework Certification Information" page on OTN at:


  • Microsoft Office Excel 2007

    The Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module supports the integration of Fusion web applications with the following types of Excel workbook:

    • Excel Workbook

      The default file format for Excel 2007 workbooks is the Excel 2007 XML-based file format (.xlsx).

    • Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook

      Workbooks in this format (.xlsm) use the Excel 2007 XML-based file format and can store VBA macro code.

    The Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module does not support the use of other Excel file formats.

  • Internet Explorer

    Parts of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module use a browser control that is hosted in a Microsoft .NET Framework web browser control. Internet Explorer is the only web browser that supports this feature. For more information about supported versions of Internet Explorer, see the "Oracle JDeveloper and Application Development Framework Certification Information" page on OTN at:


  • Application server

    For information about the application servers that you can use to deploy an application developed using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module, see the see the "Oracle JDeveloper and Application Development Framework Certification Information" page on OTN at:


3.3 Enabling Microsoft .NET Programmability Support

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 must have Microsoft .NET programmability support enabled before you can set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module and start development of an Excel workbook that integrates with a Fusion web application. If you enabled Microsoft .NET programmability support during installation of Microsoft Office Excel 2007, no further action is required.

To enable Microsoft .NET programmability support:

  1. Click the Windows Start button, click Settings > Control Panel.

  2. In the Control Panel, select and open Add or Remove Programs.

  3. Select the entry in the Add or Remove Programs dialog box for Microsoft Office 2007 and click Change.

  4. Follow the instructions on the wizard that appears to enable Microsoft .NET programmability support for Microsoft Office Excel.

3.4 Allowing Excel to Run an Integrated Excel Workbook

You must configure security settings for the Excel application so that you can successfully run an integrated Excel workbook in design mode, test mode and when published post-development. To configure the settings, select the checkbox for Trust access to the VBA project object model as described in the following procedure. Perform this procedure once.

To allow Excel to run an integrated Excel workbook:

  1. Open Excel.

  2. Click the Microsoft Office button and then click Excel Options.

  3. Click the Trust Center tab and then click Trust Center Settings.

  4. Click the Macro Settings tab and then click the Trust access to the VBA project object model checkbox.

  5. Click OK.

For more information about securing an Excel workbook that is integrated with a Fusion web application, see Chapter 11, "Securing Your Integrated Excel Workbook" and Section 14.3, "Configuring Security Settings for Excel" for additional information that may be required.

3.5 Setting Up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework

The Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module includes a setup tool (setup.exe) that verifies if software in the following list is installed on the system where you run the setup tool. If one or more of these pieces of software is not installed, the setup tool installs it in the order specified.

  1. Windows Installer 3.1

  2. Microsoft .NET Framework

    The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 provides the runtime and associated files required to run applications developed to target the Microsoft .NET Framework.


    Installation of Microsoft .NET Framework may require you to restart the system where you install it. After you restart, the setup tool automatically recommences to finalize installation.
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office

    The Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (version 3.0 Runtime) Service Pack 1 (x86) is required to run VSTO solutions for the 2007 Microsoft Office system.

  4. Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework

    This appears as Oracle ADF 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)Desktop Integration in the Microsoft Windows Add or Remove Programs dialog box.

Although you do not require administrator privileges to execute the setup.exe tool (available in ADFDI_HOME\bin\excel\client directory), administrator privileges may be required to execute the installers for the software that setup.exe attempts to download and install. You should also ensure that the proxy settings for Internet Explorer are configured to allow access to *.microsoft.com because the setup.exe tool attempts to automatically download missing prerequisite software from Microsoft's web site.

If you use multiple instances of JDeveloper or if you have an existing instance of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework on the system where you plan to invoke the setup.exe tool, review the information in Section 3.8, "Using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Module on a System with Multiple Instances of JDeveloper" before you perform the following procedure.

By default, the setup.exe tool executes in English. You can change the language that appears when the setup.exe tool executes by following the instructions in Section 3.9, "Localizing the Setup of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".

To set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework:

  1. Execute the setup.exe file located in the ADFDI_HOME\bin\excel\client folder. For example, if you installed JDeveloper in D:\JDev, then setup.exe is available in following folder:


  2. Follow the instructions that appear in the dialog boxes launched by setup.exe to successfully install the required components.

  3. If prompted, click Yes to restart the system and complete the setup of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module.

3.6 Upgrading the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework

If you are using an old version of Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework, the following procedure guides you how to upgrade to a new version.

To upgrade the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework:

  1. Uninstall the old Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework. For more information, see Section 3.7, "Removing the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".

  2. Install the new version of Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework. For more information, see Section 3.5, "Setting Up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".


If you do not uninstall the old version, an error occurs unless the new installer is in the exact same location as the old installer.

3.7 Removing the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework

You use the Microsoft Windows Control Panel to remove the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework from the system where you set it up. After you remove the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework, you can no longer use integrated Excel workbooks on this system unless you reinstall the framework.

To remove the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework:

  1. Click the Windows Start button and then click Settings > Control Panel.

  2. In the Control Panel, select and open Add or Remove Programs.

  3. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select Oracle ADF 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Desktop Integration and then click Remove.

3.8 Using the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Module on a System with Multiple Instances of JDeveloper

You can have only one active installation of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module on a given system. By default, the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module is extracted to ADFDI_HOME. If you decide to move to another version of JDeveloper in a different directory, you must remove the old version of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module, as described in Section 3.7, "Removing the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework". You must then set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module provided with the new version of JDeveloper that you are moving to, as described in Section 3.5, "Setting Up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".

Alternatively, set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module in a directory that is independent of your JDeveloper installation. This approach means that you do not have to remove the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module before moving to a newer version.

To set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module in an independent directory:

  1. Create a directory independent of the JDeveloper installation directory. For example, you may create the following directory:


  2. When you move to a newer version of JDeveloper, copy the contents of the following directory:




    where ADFDI_HOME is the directory where Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module is extracted.

  3. Execute the setup.exe file located in D:\adfdi-excel-setup\client.

  4. Follow the instructions that appear in the dialog boxes launched by setup.exe to set up the new version of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module.

  5. If prompted, click Yes to restart the system and complete the setup of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module.

3.8.1 What Happens When an Integrated Workbook is Opened in a New Version of Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Module

Each integrated workbook includes a set of hidden metadata that describes and controls the integration of the workbook with the web application.

When you open an integrated workbook created in a previous version, the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration module detects the version and upgrades the metadata of the integrated workbook to the version installed on client.

3.9 Localizing the Setup of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework

Follow the instructions in this section to localize the setup of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework. By default, the setup tool described in Section 3.5, "Setting Up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework" executes in English. You download and install a language pack from the Microsoft Download Centre for the language that you want to appear when the setup tool executes.

This section assumes that no instance of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework is present on your system and that your system uses a non-English version of the operating system. If the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework is present, remove it as described in Section 3.7, "Removing the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".

For information about supported operating systems, see Section 3.2, "Required Oracle ADF Modules and Third-Party Software".

To localize the setup of the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework:

  1. Download the appropriate language pack (for example, French) for Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office from the Microsoft Download Centre at:


  2. Install the language pack that you downloaded in Step 1.

  3. Set up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client framework as described in Section 3.5, "Setting Up the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client Framework".

    The installers invoked by the setup.exe tool appear in the language of the language pack you installed.