This chapter describes how to create customization layers for saving changes made to the page at runtime. It also describes how to enable Oracle Composer sandbox creation to provide users the option to preview their changes before saving them to the back end. It contains the following sections:
Most industries customize their enterprise applications to serve different audiences and domains. Problems can arise when an application is modified at the site level. For example, upgrading an application with site-level customizations may lead to data loss or data-merge errors. Consequently, a new version of the application cannot be deployed until all merge conflicts are reconciled.
In the metadata domain, MDS provides the customization feature to address such problems. The customization feature allows for the creation of nonintrusive customization layers that are applied on top of the base application definitions. Customization layers, or layered changes, are described in their own documents and are stored separately from the base application definition. At runtime, applicable customizations are loaded from the metadata store and layered over the base metadata definition to produce the desired effect. Product upgrades and patches affect only the base metadata definition, so customizations continue to function properly.
MDS enables clients to specify multiple customization types. For example, you can add customizations to runtime modes, application or user roles, application states, or any client specified criteria. Each such customization type is called a customization layer and is depicted using a CustomizationClass
. A CustomizationClass
is the interface MDS uses to identify the customization layer to be overlaid on the base definition. For example, you can configure your application to save customizations based on the departments to which users belong. You can create a customization layer called DepartmentCC
in which customizations made by users in different departments are stored in different folders within the layer. Another example would be to configure MDS to save View mode changes as personalizations in one layer and Edit mode changes as customizations in another layer or vice versa.
Customization layers are applied in order of precedence, that is, if the same change is made in two different layers that apply to the given user and session, the change defined in the higher precedence layer is applied first.
When you implement a CustomizationClass
, you must register it with the MDS. The MDS provides a means of associating a list of CustomizationClass
types with a single MetadataObject
. This is called the fine-grained association. The MDS also provides the means of associating a list of CustomizationClass
types with a set of MetadataObjects
. This is called the coarse-grained association. For information about the CustomizationClass
and about creating a customization layer, see Section 10.3, "Adding Customization Layers to View and Edit Modes: Example."
Typically, in a custom WebCenter application, runtime customizations are saved immediately in the JDEV_HOME
directory. Changes made in both View and Edit modes are saved in this way. However, in certain circumstances, users might first want to apply customizations in their own view and evaluate whether to keep or cancel the changes before actually saving them to the back end. You can configure Oracle Composer to create a sandbox if you are using a database repository to store customizations. For information about creating a sandbox, see Section 10.2, "Using Oracle Composer Sandbox."
A sandbox is a temporary storage layer for saving runtime page customizations until they are committed to the back end. If you configure a sandbox, a Save button is displayed on the Oracle Composer toolbar to enable users to save their changes. In a sandbox-enabled application, if a user clicks Close without first saving changes, a Close Confirm dialog prompts the user to save or cancel changes before closing Oracle Composer.
Personalizations made in View mode are saved immediately. As such changes are available only to the user modifying the page, there is no particular value in reviewing such changes before saving.
Since Edit mode customizations are available to all users who access the page, you can enable a sandbox so that a user can experiment with page customizations and assess them before committing them. If you enable a sandbox for the application, a Save button is displayed on the Oracle Composer toolbar in both Design view and Source view of the page.
This section discusses the steps you can take to enable sandbox creation and describes runtime behavior of a sandbox-enabled application. It contains the following subsections:
Section 10.2.1, "How to Enable Oracle Composer Sandbox Creation"
Section 10.2.5, "How to Enable Application Sandbox Creation"
Section 10.2.6, "What Happens When You Enable Application Sandbox Creation"
You can enable a sandbox only if your application uses a database store. Therefore, you must ensure that you have configured a database store before performing the steps in this section. For information about setting up a database store, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC for Oracle WebLogic Server.
This section describes how to enable the creation of an Oracle Composer sandbox. It contains the following subsections:
Section, "Updating Your Application's adf-config.xml File"
Section, "Updating Your Application's web.xml File"
Section, "Selecting a Database Store for Your Application"
You must update the adf-config.xml
file to define and configure namespaces for all the metadata for which you want to support sandbox creation. This section describes how.
For information about the Oracle Composer-specific configurations you can make inadf-config.xml
, see Section B.2.2, "adf-config.xml."To configure sandbox creation in adf-config.xml
Open the adf-config.xml
file located in the ADF META-INF
folder under Descriptors
in the Application Resources panel.
Under the <metadata-namespaces>
element, ensure that <namespace>
elements are defined for all metadata for which you want to enable sandbox creation, as shown in Example 10-1.
Example 10-1 Namespace Definitions in the adf-config.xml File
<!-- Your jspx customizations alone go here --> <namespace path="/pages" metadata-store-usage="WebCenterFileMetadataStore"> <namespace-restriction type="CUSTOMIZATIONS"/> </namespace> <!-- Your pagedef customizations alone go here --> <namespace path="/pageDefs" metadata-store-usage="WebCenterFileMetadataStore"> <namespace-restriction type="CUSTOMIZATIONS"/> </namespace>
Add the <sandbox-namespaces>
element within the <page-editor-config>
section and add individual <namespace>
tags for all namespaces for which you want to enable sandbox creation, as show in Example 10-2.
Save the adf-config.xml
To ensure that a sandbox is configured when you are in Edit mode of a page, you must create a filter in your application's web.xml
file and set the appropriate filter mappings. All requests are then routed through this filter, and a sandbox is created for all Edit mode customizations. If you are using a file system metadata store, then there is no action performed on a filtered request.
For information about the Oracle Composer-specific configurations you can make inweb.xml
, see Section B.2.3, "web.xml."This section provides the example of defining a Composer-specific filter and its relevant filter mappings in your application's web.xml
file. It describes how to add the filter, WebCenterComposerFilter
To define a Composer-specific filter and the filter mappings:
Open the application_root
Add ServletADFFilter
and WebCenterComposerFilter
before the adfBindings
filter so that all requests are routed through these filters first:
<filter> <filter-name>ServletADFFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>oracle.adf.share.http.ServletADFFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter> <filter-name>WebCenterComposerFilter</filter-name> <filter-class></filter-class> </filter>
Add corresponding <filter-mapping>
elements before the filter mapping for AdfBindingFilter
as shown in Example 10-3.
Example 10-3 Filter Mappings for Composer-Specific Filter
<filter-mapping> <filter-name>ServletADFFilter</filter-name> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name> <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>WebCenterComposerFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>WebCenterComposerFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-pattern> <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> </filter-mapping>
The <url-pattern>
tag is used to specify the pages that must pass through the WebCenterComposerFilter
so that sandbox creation can be enabled when a page goes into Edit mode.
The order in which you define filters is important. Requests pass through these filters sequentially and if they are not defined in the correct order, the application will not run as designed. Yourweb.xml
file must have the ServletADFFilter
implementation first, followed by WebCenterComposerFilter
and AdfBindingFilter
implementations, in that order.Save the web.xml
To enable sandbox creation, your application must be configured to use a database store. Therefore, while deploying your application to a WebLogic Managed Server, ensure that you select a database repository and specify a partition name for the application.
For information about deploying your application from JDeveloper to a WebLogic Managed Server, see Section 38.3.3, "Deploying a Custom WebCenter Application to a Managed Server."
When a user switches to page Edit mode, the presence of a Save button on the Oracle Composer toolbar indicates that sandbox creation is enabled for the application. Changes made to the page or shared components on the page are not saved until the user clicks Save. Once saved, the customizations are available to all application users. If the Save button is not rendered, then sandbox is not available and each change is committed immediately.
When editing component properties in the Component Properties dialog, clicking Apply results in the following:
If the sandbox is not available, then the page is refreshed to display the changes made to component properties and changes are saved to the back end.
If the sandbox is available, then the page is refreshed to display the changes made to component properties. To save changes, user must click Save.
Clicking Save or Close on the page results in the following events:
On clicking Save, the sandbox is committed and a new sandbox is created. The page remains in Edit mode.
On clicking Close, either of the following two events can occur:
If there are no changes since the last Save operation, then the sandbox is destroyed and Oracle Composer is closed, taking the user back to View mode.
If there are unsaved changes, then a Close Confirmation dialog lists the page name and unsaved task flow names, as shown in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1 Confirm Close Dialog in Oracle Composer
Users can select from the following options:
Click Save to commit the sandbox and close Oracle Composer.
Click Don't Save to destroy the sandbox and close Oracle Composer.
Click Cancel to close the dialog and return to Oracle Composer without saving the changes.
If a user navigates away from a page while editing it and then returns to the page, any unsaved changes are lost.What Happens During Concurrent Edits
If two or more users are editing the same page or task flow using the same customization layer, then the page displays a message to each user that another user is editing the page or task flow, as shown in Figure 10-2.
If two or more users have zoomed into a task flow at the same time in the same customization layer and are editing it, then a concurrency message appears, as shown in Figure 10-3.
Figure 10-3 Task Flow Concurrency Message
If a user zoomed into a task flow, made some customizations, and zoomed out of the task flow, then the task flow concurrency message continues to display to other users until that user saves the customizations.Changes that are saved last overwrite prior changes. For example, if users A and B are editing a page or task flow simultaneously, then concurrency issues are handled as follows:
If A saves the page or task flow first, then A's changes are committed to MDS. Later, when B saves the page or task flow, A's changes are overwritten with B's changes.
If A deletes a component while B is trying to personalize (say move) that same component in View mode, a WebCenter error page is displayed to B. B has to simply navigate back to the original page. The deleted component does not appear, and B can continue working on other components.
To ensure that changes are committed to the back end immediately, you can disable the sandbox.
To disable sandbox:
Open the adf-config.xml
file located in the ADF META-INF
folder under Descriptors
in the Application Resources panel.
Under the <page-editor-config>
element, add the <disable-sandbox>
attribute and set it to true
Save adf-config.xml
When users edit a page at runtime, if the browser closes unexpectedly or the user navigates away from the page, the sandbox used in that session is still available. Any other user accessing the same page continues to see a concurrency message that another user is editing the same page. You can destroy such stale sandboxes to free some space in the database store and enhance performance.
You can ensure that a stale sandbox is destroyed when:
A session times out.
The <session-timeout>
element in the application's web.xml
file defines the time duration after which the sandbox is destroyed.
The user logs in to Edit mode of the page again, with the same user name.
In this case, a new sandbox is created when the same user switches to Edit mode. To ensure this happens, you must configure WebCenterComposerSessionListener
in your application's web.xml
file. This listener is called when a session times out. It creates a new sandbox when the same user renters page Edit mode.
To configure WebCenterComposerSessionListener
Open the application_root
Define a new listener, WebCenterComposerSessionListener
, as shown in the following example:
<listener> <description>Oracle Composer Http Session Listener</description> <display-name>Oracle Composer Http Session Listener</display-name> <listener-class> </listener-class> </listener>
Save the web.xml
For information about the Oracle Composer-specific configurations you can make in web.xml
, see Section B.2.3, "web.xml."
Consider an example where you have created an application that displays a banner at the top of the page, a sidebar on the left with options to manage pages, and the page at the center of the browser window. You may want to enable users to edit the page in Oracle Composer and edit the sidebar using some other mechanism such as updating an XML file. Enabling Oracle Composer sandbox in such a case only saves changes to page content but not the sidebar. If you enable the application sandbox, then all changes made at runtime are saved at one time, to one location. If you enable sandbox creation at the application level, then Oracle Composer does not create its own sandbox when page Edit mode is invoked. Instead, the application sandbox is used. That is, a user interface provided by the application is used for committing and destroying the sandbox. To enable the application to provide a sandbox for Oracle Composer, you must first perform a set of configurations.
Another example where it is useful to enable the application sandbox is if you want users to edit page content, but ensure that the page is saved only on approval from the manager. By using an application sandbox, changes made by a user are in the sandbox until the manager approves the changes. The page is saved on approval.
To enable an application sandbox for use in Oracle Composer:
Implement a ComposerSessionOptionsFactory
class to provide MDSSessionOptions
for each request.
For information about performing this task, see Section 10.3.4, "How to Implement the ComposerSessionOptionsFactory Class."
Register your implementation with Oracle Composer.
For information about performing this task, see Section 10.3.5, "How to Register the Implementation with Oracle Composer."
Configure WebCenterComposerFilter
For information about performing this task, Section 10.3.6, "How to Configure WebCenterComposerFilter."
At runtime, the application-defined user interface enables users to save their changes to the back end or close Oracle Composer without saving the changes. In this case, Oracle Composer has no control over when customizations are canceled or committed to the back end.
You can apply customizations to a metadata object based on client-defined criteria. For example, you can customize an application and the metadata objects that it uses based on an end-user's permissions, an application's deployment location (also called localization), or a specific industry domain. Each such category—permissions, localization, and domain—denotes a customization layer, and each is depicted using a CustomizationClass
. A CustomizationClass
is the interface MDS uses to identify the customization layer to be overlaid on the base definition. See Section 10.3.3, "How to Create a Custom UserCC Tip Layer" for an example.
When you implement a CustomizationClass
, you must also register it with the MDS. The MDS provides the ability to associate a list of CustomizationClass
types with a single MetadataObject
. This is called fine-grained association. The MDS also provides the ability to associate a list of CustomizationClass
types with a set of MetadataObjects
. This is called the coarse-grained association.
A customizable application can have multiple customization layers. You can select the layer to which you want to apply customizations. The layer you choose to customize is called the tip layer. When you drop Oracle Composer components onto a JSF page, the ADF configures a default SiteCC
) tip layer in the application. Consequently, the adf-config.xml
file is updated to include the SiteCC
customization class. This tip layer stores all customizations made to the page.
This section explains through example how adding customization tip layers to View and Edit runtime modes provides personalization capabilities to all users and customization capabilities to selective users. To enable customizations in the Edit mode, the site
tip layer is added. To enable personalization in the View mode, the user
tip layer is added. By default, the user
tip layer is applied on top of the site
tip layer. The user
tip layer stores all customizations made in the View mode in a specific location created for the user who made them. Such changes are visible only to that user. The site
tip layer stores all customizations made in the Edit mode and are visible to all users.
To enable tip layers at runtime, Oracle Composer provides the WebCenterComposerFilter
filter and supplies a means of defining an abstract factory for creating the MDS SessionOptions
object. This object provides applicable customization layers at runtime and enables users to perform personalizations (View mode) or customizations (Edit mode) based on their role. When creating a new MDS session, the MDSSession.createSession
method of this object is used to specify the session options.
This section provides an example exercise for creating, implementing, and registering customization layers, configuring WebCenterComposerFilter, and switching between MDS customization layers. It contains the following subsections:
Section 10.3.4, "How to Implement the ComposerSessionOptionsFactory Class"
Section 10.3.5, "How to Register the Implementation with Oracle Composer"
Section 10.3.7, "How to Redirect the Servlet to Enable Switch Between MDS Customization Layers"
This section describes how to add the Page Customizable
component to a JSF page. The purpose of this exercise is to provide Oracle Composer in the Edit mode at runtime so that the admin
user can perform customizations at the site level. This section includes the addition of a Change Mode Link
to enable switching from View mode to Edit mode at runtime.
To add Oracle Composer to a JSF Page:
Open the JSPX page and select Oracle Composer from the Component Palette.
Select Change Mode Link and drop it onto the page.
Select Page Customizable and drop it onto the page.
The Source view should like this:
<af:form id="f1"> <pe:changeModeLink id="cml1"/> <pe:pageCustomizable id="pageCustomizable1"> <cust:panelCustomizable id="panelCustomizable1" layout="scroll"/> <f:facet name="editor"> <pe:pageEditor id="pep1"/> </f:facet> </pe:pageCustomizable> </af:form>
When you drop these components onto the page, the default SiteCC
tip layer is extended by the ADF. Consequently, the adf-config.xml
file is updated with this customization class:
<cust-config> <match> <customization-class name="oracle.adf.share.config.SiteCC" /> </match> </cust-config>
If you want your application to useUserCC
as the default tip layer, you can simply replace oracle.adf.share.config.SiteCC
with oracle.adf.share.config.UserCC
in the cust-config
section of the adf-config.xml
file. However, to use UserCC
as the default tip layer, you must have secured your application. You cannot implement a UserCC
tip layer without provisioning users and roles in your application.This section describes how to create a custom SiteCC
tip layer, site
, in which all site-level customizations performed in Edit mode are stored. In this sample application, site-level customizations are stored in the /mds/mdssys/cust/site/webcenter/
To create the site
tip layer:
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.
The Create Java Class dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter SiteCC
In the Extends field, enter CustomizationClass
This imports oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Click OK.
file is rendered in the Source view.
To implement the getCacheHint
, getName
, and getValue
methods, double-click the bulb on the left corner and select Implement Methods.
In the Implement Methods dialog, click OK.
In the Source view, press Enter
after public class SiteCC extends CustomizationClass
, and add the following string
{ private static final String DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME = "site"; private String mLayerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME; private String mLayerValue = "webcenter";
The following libraries are imported:
import oracle.mds.core.MetadataObject; import oracle.mds.core.RestrictedSession; import oracle.mds.cust.CacheHint;
Update the code as shown in bold here:
public class SiteCC extends CustomizationClass { private static final String DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME = "site"; private String mLayerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME; private String mLayerValue = "webcenter"; //Note: You can provide any site name. public CacheHint getCacheHint() { return CacheHint.ALL_USERS; } public String getName() { return mLayerName; } public String[] getValue(RestrictedSession mdsSession, MetadataObject mo) { return new String[] { mLayerValue }; } }
Save the
This section describes an example showing how to create a custom user
tip layer for a user, scott
. This layer is applied on top of the site
layer. The personalizations that a user performs in View mode are saved in this user
tip layer in a folder created specifically for the logged-in user. In this example, the personalizations performed in View mode are saved in the /mds/mdssys/cust/user/scott/
For illustration purpose, this example describes a simple scenario where aUserCC
tip layer is created for just one user, scott
. In a real life application, you can configure the UserCC
layer to return the name of the user who requested the page.To create the user tip layer:
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.
The Create Java Class dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter UserCC
In the Extends field, enter CustomizationClass
This imports the oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Click OK.
file displays in the Source view.
To implement the getCacheHint
, getName
, and getValue
methods, double-click the bulb on the left corner and select Implement Methods.
In the Implement Methods dialog, click OK.
In the Source view, press Enter
after public class SiteCC extends CustomizationClass
, and add the following string
{ private static final String DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME = "user"; private String mLayerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME; private String mLayerValue = "scott"; //The name of the logged-in user in this example. The logged-in user name can be acquired dynamically.
The following libraries are imported:
import oracle.mds.core.MetadataObject; import oracle.mds.core.RestrictedSession; import oracle.mds.cust.CacheHint;
Update the code as shown in bold here:
public class UserCC extends CustomizationClass { private static final String DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME = "user"; private String mLayerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME; private String mLayerValue = "scott"; public CacheHint getCacheHint() { return CacheHint.USER; } public String getName() { return mLayerName; } public String[] getValue(RestrictedSession mdsSession, MetadataObject mo) { return new String[]{mLayerValue}; } }
Save the
In this section, the ComposerSessionOptionsFactory
class provided by the ADF is implemented to supply MDS SessionOptions
for each HTTP request.
To implement the ComposerSessionOptionsFactory
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.
The Create Java Class dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter AppsSessionOptionsFactoryImpl
Click OK.
file is rendered in the Source view.
Import the following libraries:
import; import; import oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping; import oracle.mds.config.CustConfig; import oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions; import oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList; import oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass;
Add the following code to implement the ComposerSessionOptionsFactory
class and provide SessionOptions
public class AppsSessionOptionsFactoryImpl implements ComposerSessionOptionsFactory { public SessionOptions createSessionOptions(SessionOptions defaultSessionOptions, String mode) { CustomizationClass[] custLayer; CustConfig custConfig = null; if (ModeContext.EDIT_MODE.equals(mode)) { //Mode is Edit, change to SiteCC custLayer = EDIT_LAYER; } else { //Mode is View, change to UserCC + SiteCC custLayer = VIEW_LAYER; } try { CustClassList custClassList = new CustClassList(custLayer); CustClassListMapping custClassListMapping = new CustClassListMapping("/", null, null, custClassList); custConfig = new CustConfig(new CustClassListMapping[] { custClassListMapping }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(defaultOptions.getServletContextAsObject() != null){ return new SessionOptions(defaultSessionOptions.getIsolationLevel(), defaultSessionOptions.getLocale(), custConfig, defaultSessionOptions.getVersionContext(), defaultSessionOptions.getVersionCreatorName(), defaultSessionOptions.getCustomizationPolicy()); sessionOptions.getServletContextAsObject()); } else { return new SessionOptions(sessionOptions.getIsolationLevel(), sessionOptions.getLocale(), custConfig, sessionOptions.getVersionContext(), sessionOptions.getVersionCreatorName(), sessionOptions.getCustomizationPolicy()); } } //Edit mode SiteCC private static final CustomizationClass[] EDIT_LAYER = new CustomizationClass[] { new SiteCC() }; //View mode SiteCC + USerCC private static final CustomizationClass[] VIEW_LAYER = new CustomizationClass[] { new SiteCC(), new UserCC() }; }
For the site
and user
customization layers to function, you must register the ComposerSessionOptionsFactory
class with Oracle Composer. For example, if the concrete class is view.AppsSessionOptionsFactoryImpl
, the following snippet must be added to the adf-config.xml
file located in the \.adf\META-INF
folder in your application directory:
<page-editor-config xmlns=""> <session-options-factory>view.AppsSessionOptionsFactoryImpl</session-options-factory> </page-editor-config>
You must configure the WebCenterComposerFilter
filter in the web.xml
file located in the ViewController\public_html\WEB-INF
folder in your application directory. This filter registers Oracle Composer's concrete SessionOptionsFactory
with the ADF for every HTTP request. When the filter receives a call from the ADF, it forwards the request to the WebCenter application and gets the SessionOptions
with the new customized layer. If you have not set the Sandbox
or VersionContext
in the SessionOptions
, then Oracle Composer sets its own Sandbox and returns it to the ADF. For more information on Sandbox, see Section 10.2.1, "How to Enable Oracle Composer Sandbox Creation." The composerFilter
and its filter mapping must be configured after ServletADFFilter
and before ADFBindingFilter
. For example, see the following web.xml
.... <filter> <filter-name>ServletADFFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>oracle.adf.share.http.ServletADFFilter</filter-class> </filter> <!-- WebCenterComposerFilter goes here --> <filter> <filter-name>composerFilter</filter-name> <filter-class></filter-class> </filter> <filter> <filter-name>adfBindings</filter-name> <filter-class>oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter</filter-class> </filter> ..... <filter-mapping> <filter-name>ServletADFFilter</filter-name> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name> <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> </filter-mapping> <!-- WebCenterComposerFilter mapping goes here --> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>composerFilter</filter-name> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name> <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>adfBindings</filter-name> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name> <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> </filter-mapping> ....
The order in which you define filters is important. Requests pass through these filters sequentially and if they are not defined in the correct order, the application will not run as designed. Yourweb.xml
file must have the ServletADFFilter
implementation first, followed by WebCenterComposerFilter
and AdfBindingFilter
implementations, in that order.For information about the Oracle Composer-specific configurations you can make in web.xml
, see Section B.2.3, "web.xml."
To redirect the servlet, that is, to refresh the full page at runtime, you must create:
The AppNavigationUtils
class, which calls the AppNavigationUtils.redirectToSamePage()
The AppCloseHandler
CloseListener, which uses the AppNavigationUtils
The AppModeBean
, which displays Edit mode
This section describes how to create these objects. It contains the following subsections:
To create the AppNavigationUtils
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.
The Create Java Class dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter AppNavigationUtils
and click OK.
file is rendered in the Source view.
Import the following libraries:
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
Add the following code:
public class AppNavigationUtils { public static void redirectToSamePage() { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest(); String url = request.getRequestURL().toString(); String _adfCtrlState = request.getParameter("_adf.ctrl-state"); url = url + "?_adf.ctrl-state="+ _adfCtrlState; System.out.println(url); try { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().redirect(url); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().responseComplete(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
To create AppCloseHandler
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.
The Create Java Class dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter AppCloseHandler
and click OK.
file displays in the Source view.
Import the following libraries:
import; import;
Add the following code:
public class AppCloseHandler implements CloseListener { public void processClose(CloseEvent closeEvent) { AppNavigationUtils.redirectToSamePage(); } }
After creating AppCloseHandler
, you must register it in the Oracle Composer extension file, pe_ext.xml
To register the event handler:
In the pe_ext.xml
file, add the following entries:
<event-handlers> <event-handler event="close">view.AppCloseHandler</event-handler> </event-handlers>
Save the file.
For more information about event handlers, see Section 8.4, "Configuring Event Handlers for Oracle Composer UI Events."
To create AppModeBean
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.
The Create Java Class dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter AppModeBean
and click OK.
file displays in the Source view.
Import the following libraries:
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;import;
Add the following code:
public class AppModeBean { public void edit(ActionEvent actionEvent) { ModeContext.getCurrent().setEditMode(); AppNavigationUtils.redirectToSamePage(); } }
To see how the site
customization layer functions, first run the JSF page in a browser. Then log in to the page as admin
, and click the Edit link to switch to Edit mode. At runtime, customize the page. For example, drop a Web page, movable box, or an image onto the page. The page should look like Figure 10-4.
Go to \mds\mdssys\cust\site\webcenter
in your application directory, and open the pagename
file. This is where the site-level customizations that you made to the page are stored.
To use the user
customization layer, log in to the page as scott
and personalize the page in View mode. Then go to \mds\mdssys\cust\user\scott
in your application directory, and open the pagename
file. This is where the user-level customizations (personalizations) that you made to the page are stored.
This section provides information to assist you in troubleshooting MDS-related problems you may encounter while using Oracle Composer.
For information about configuring logging, see "Configuring ADF Logging for Oracle Composer".
Your application is configured to use MDS sandbox. When you run the application, the sandbox either does not work or generates exceptions.
Ensure the following:
A database repository is used. Sandbox works only with a database-based repository, and not with a file-based repository.
Ensure that the order of filters in web.xml
is correct. The <filter>
entries must be in the correct order for sandbox to work correctly.
For information, see Section 10.2, "Using Oracle Composer Sandbox."