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Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Administration API Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2.1)

Part Number E17595-04
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B Error Messages

This appendix describes general error messages from the Administration API. The messages are grouped into these categories:

Note: A propertyName in a message uses XPath notation to identify the location of the property in the input XML.

See Also:

"Using the Message Logs"

Invalid Input Errors

In the Web services API, these errors are InvalidInputFault SOAP faults. They are general input errors.

EQA-10000: An object type must be specified for operation operationName.
Cause: The operation did not contain an object type.
Action: Specify an object type.
EQA-10001: The operation operationName is not supported for object type objectType.
Cause: An invalid operation was specified for the object type.
Action: Use a valid operation, such as export instead of exportAll.
EQA-10002: The value inputValue is not a supported object type.
Cause: The operation specified an object type that is not supported by the Administration API.
Action: Verify that you entered the object type correctly.
EQA-10003: An object key must be specified for operation operationName.
Cause: The operation did not include an object key.
Action: Include the object key for a creatable object.
EQA-10004: Invalid object key objectKey. Specify keyName1, keyName2 . . . .
Cause: An invalid or incomplete object key was specified.
Action: Specify the required key names and values.
EQA-10005: The object type objectType is not supported with the product version version that was specified in the input XML.
Cause: The object type specified in the input XML is not supported in the product version that was provided in the input XML. For example, an object type may not have been available in release 11.1.2, but is available in release 11.2.1. The product version is specified using the productVersion attribute of the <search:config> XML element.
Action: Specify the correct product version for the object.
EQA-10006: Specify at least one object key for operation operationName.
Cause: The operation required a list of object keys representing the objects to process, but no object keys were specified.
Action: Specify at least one object key.
EQA-10007: The input XML must be specified for operation operationName.
Cause: The operation did not include the input XML.
Action: Specify the input XML.
EQA-10008: An unexpected error occurred while reading the input XML.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while reading the XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-10009: The input XML is not a valid XML document.
Cause: The input XML was not a well-formed XML document.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message and correct the syntax errors in the input XML.
EQA-10010: The input XML does not conform to the XML schema.
Cause: The input XML did not conform to the XML schema.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message and correct the input XML to conform to the schema.
EQA-10011: The object with type universalType was not found in the input XML.
Cause: The input XML did not contain the specified object type.
Action: Ensure that the input XML contains an object description for the universal type specified in the operation.
EQA-10012: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType was not found in the input XML.
Cause: The input XML did not contain the specified creatable object.
Action: Ensure that the input XML contains an object description for the creatable object specified in the operation.
EQA-10015: The duplicate method duplicateMethod is not supported for object type objectType.
Cause: A duplicate method was specified that is not supported for this object type.
Action: Specify a different duplicate method, or omit the duplicate method to use the default.
EQA-10016: The value inputValue is not a supported duplicate method.
Cause: A duplicate method was specified that is not supported for any object type.
Action: Specify a supported duplicate method, or omit the duplicate method to use the default.
EQA-10017: The update method must be specified for operation operationName.
Cause: The operation did not contain an update method.
Action: Specify an update method for the operation.
EQA-10018: The update method method is not supported for object type objectType.
Cause: An update method was specified that is not supported for this object type.
Action: Specify a supported update method.
EQA-10019: The value inputValue is not a supported update method.
Cause: A value was specified that is not a valid update method for any object type.
Action: Specify a supported update method.
EQA-10021: The "not found method" notFoundMethod is not supported for object type objectType.
Cause: A "not found method" was specified that is not supported for this object type.
Action: Specify a supported "not found method" for the object type.
EQA-10022: The value inputValue is not a supported "not found method."
Cause: A value was specified that is not a valid "not found method" for any object type.
Action: Specify a supported "not found method."
EQA-10024: The property propertyName for object type objectType must be specified.
Cause: The object definition did not contain a required property.
Action: Specify the property.
EQA-10025: The property propertyName for object type objectType cannot be empty.
Cause: The object definition omitted a value for a required property.
Action: Enter a value for the property in the object definition.
EQA-10026: The property propertyName for object type objectType is malformed.
Cause: A property value in the object description was not well-formed according to the expected format. For example, if the property represents a URL, the property value must be a well-formed URL.
Action: Specify a well-formed property value. Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both for more information.
EQA-10027: The property propertyName for object type objectType must be between value1 and value2.
Cause: The specified value of a property was outside the valid range.
Action: Specify a value within the valid range.
EQA-10028: The value inputValue is not supported for property propertyName and object type objectType.
Cause: The specified value of a property was not a supported value.
Action: Specify a valid value.
EQA-10029: The property propertyName for object type objectType must be an absolute path.
Cause: A file path was specified that is not an absolute path. The specified value cannot be a relative path.
Action: Specify an absolute path.
EQA-10030: The property propertyName for object type objectType cannot contain: inputValue
Cause: The property prohibited the use of the input value.
Action: Specify a valid value.
EQA-10031: The property propertyName for object type objectType can only contain ASCII characters.
Cause: The object definition contained invalid characters, such as multibyte characters, in a property value.
Action: Specify an ASCII value.
EQA-10032: The resource specified in property propertyName for object type objectType was not found.
Cause: A property value identified an external resource, such as a file, that was not found.
Action: Ensure that the specified resource exists.
EQA-10033: The property propertyName for object type objectType must not be empty for operation operationName.
Cause: The object definition omitted the value of a property that is required for this operation and object type.
Action: Specify a value for the property.
EQA-10034: The value inputValue1 for property propertyName1 of object type objectType is not valid for value inputValue2 of property propertyName2.
Cause: The object definition specified a value for propertyName1 that is invalid when propertyName2 has a value of inputValue2.
Action: Specify a valid combination of values for the two properties.
EQA-10035: The properties propertyName1 and propertyName2 for object type objectType must have different values.
Cause: The object definition specified the same value for the two properties.
Action: Change one of the property values.
EQA-10036: The property propertyName for object type objectType must not start with someWord.
Cause: A property value began with an invalid string.
Action: Specify a valid property value.
EQA-10037: The value inputValue for property propertyName of object type objectType is a reserved value.
Cause: A value was specified for the property and object type that is reserved for internal use by Oracle SES.
Action: Specify a valid property value.
EQA-10038: The property propertyName for object type objectType must start with value.
Cause: A property name began with one or more invalid characters.
Action: Correct the name so that it begins with the specified value.
EQA-10039: The property propertyName for object type objectType must end with value.
Cause: A property name ended with one or more invalid characters.
Action: Correct the name so that it ends with the specified value.
EQA-10040: The property propertyName for object type objectType must not end with inputValue.
Cause: A property name ended with one or more invalid characters.
Action: Correct the name so that it does not end with the specified value.
EQA-10041: The property propertyName for object type objectType must be specified when property propertyName is specified.
Cause: The object definition did not contain a required property.
Action: Specify both properties or neither of them.
EQA-10042: The value inputValue for property propertyName of object type objectType is already in use.
Cause: A property value was in use by another object of the same type, and only one object of this type can have this value.
Action: Specify a different value for the property, or remove the value from the other object that is using it.
EQA-10043: The value inputValue for property propertyName of object type objectType contains an invalid protocol.
Cause: A property value contained an invalid protocol. For example, the protocol for a Web source starting URL must be http or https.
Action: Specify a valid protocol for the property value.
EQA-10044: The value inputValue for property propertyName of object type objectType contains an invalid separator.
Cause: A file URL prefix contained an invalid character for the separator.
Action: Use a slash (/) instead of a backslash (\) as the separator in a URL.
EQA-10045: At least one of the properties propertyName1 or propertyName2 for object type objectType must have the value inputValue.
Cause: The object definition did not contain a property with the required value.
Action: Change one of the specified properties to the required value.
EQA-10046: The value inputValue of property propertyName for object type objectType is not supported. The supported values are: value1, value2 . . . .}
Cause: A property contained an unsupported value.
Action: Change the property value to a supported values.
EQA-10047: The value of property propertyName1 for object type objectType must be greater than or equal to the value of property propertyName2.
Cause: A property value was too small.
Action: Increase the property value so that it is as least as large as the other property value.
EQA-10048: The property propertyName for object type objectType must start with an alphabetic character and may only contain alphanumeric characters and _, $, and #.
Cause: A property contained one or more invalid characters.
Action: Use only valid characters for the property value
EQA-10049: The property propertyName for object type objectType must be in the format of format.
Cause: A property value had an invalid format.
Action: Specify the value in the specified format.
EQA-10050: The property propertyName1 for object type objectType can only contain one value when property propertyName2 has value inputValue.
Cause: A property contained multiple values, whereas only one value is allowed.
Action: Specify only one value for the property.
EQA-10051: Key patterns are not supported for operation operationName and object type objectType.
Cause: An invalid option was specified for this operation and object type. The operation can support key patterns for some object types, but not for the specified object type.
Action: Do not specify a key pattern for this object type.
EQA-10052: The values of properties propertyName1 and propertyName2 for object type objectType must be the same.
Cause: The object description contained two properties with different values, when they must have the same value.
Action: Change one of the property values to be the same as the other one.
EQA-10053: The value inputValue of property propertyName for object type objectType must be writable.
Cause: The property value was not a writable location. For example, the property may represent a file system path, such as the crawler log file directory for a crawlerSettings object.
Action: Ensure that you are connected to the Administration API as a user with write privileges to the specified location.
EQA-10054: The value for property propertyName1 of object type objectType is not valid for value inputValue of property propertyName2.
Cause: The value for propertyName1 is invalid when propertyName2 has a value of inputValue.
Action: Specify a valid combination of values for the two properties.
EQA-10055: The value for property propertyName of object type objectType is not a directory path.
Cause: A property contained an invalid directory path.
Action: Change the property value to an existing directory path.
EQA-10056: The value of property propertyName for object type objectType cannot be changed.
Cause: A property contained a new value, but it cannot be changed after the object is created.
Action: Specify the current value of the property or omit the property from the object description.
EQA-10057: The value inputValue of property propertyName for object type objectType does not match the expected value expectedValue.
Cause: A property contained a value that did not match the expected value. This error may occur when the property must have a specific value. For example, a property containing the version number of an identity plug-in must match the version of the Java plug-in implementation.
Action: Specify the expected value for the property.
EQA-10058: The value of property propertyName for object type objectType does not match the expected value.
Cause: The property contained a list of values that did not match the expected list. For example, a property containing the security attributes for a source must match the plug-in for that source type.
Action: Correct the property value.
EQA-10059: The parameters for object type objectType were rejected.
Cause: The parameters for the object type were invalid. An underlying cause was included with the message.
Action: Act according to the underlying cause message.
EQA-10060: The value propertyValue of property propertyName for object type objectType is too long.
Cause: The property value specified for the property name was too long.
Action: Specify a shorter property value.
EQA-10062: The value of property propertyName for object type objectType cannot be: propertyValue
Cause: The value of the property was set to "propertyValue".
Action: Specify a different property value.
EQA-10064: The value propertyValue for property propertyName of object type objectType must be an existing tablespace name.
Cause: The value of the property was not the name of an existing database tablespace.
Action: Ensure that the tablespace exists before performing the API operation.
EQA-10065: The property propertyName for object type objectType is not supported with the product version productVersion.
Cause: A property was specified that is not supported in this release of Oracle SES, but it is supported in other releases.
Action: Remove the property from the input XML
EQA-10066: The value propertyValue of property propertyName for object type objectType is not a valid regular expression.
Cause: The value of the property must be a regular expression, but an invalid regular expression was specified.
Action: Correct the value so it is a valid regular expression.
EQA-10067: The object type objectType is not supported with the product version productVersion.
Cause: The object type is not supported in the release of SES that was used.
Action: Remove the object type from the input XML.
EQA-10200: The class inputValue does not implement the plug-in manager interface managerInterface.
Cause: A Java class was specified that did not implement the plug-in manager interface.
Action: Specify a Java class that implements the plug-in manager interface.
EQA-10201: The class inputValue implements the plug-in interface instead of the plug-in manager interface. Use the manager class name.
Cause: A Java class was specified that implements the plug-in interface instead of the plug-in manager interface.
Action: Specify a Java class that implements the plug-in manager interface.
EQA-10202: The plug-in parameters were rejected by the plug-in manager. See the log file for more information.
Cause: A plug-in manager validated the plug-in parameters, and it rejected the input values.
Action: Inspect the log file for more information.
EQA-10203: Unable to instantiate the plug-in manager class inputValue. Ensure that the class contains an empty constructor.
Cause: A problem occurred while loading the plug-in manager class.
Action: Ensure the class contains an empty constructor. Inspect the log file for more information.
EQA-10204: The input XML must be specified for operation operationName and type objectType.
Cause: The operation did not include the input XML, which it requires for this object type. For example, the activate operation requires input XML for identity plug-ins, but not for clustering.
Action: Include the input XML in the operation.
EQA-10206: The key name keyName is not valid for object type objectType.
Cause: A key name was specified that is not valid for this object type.
Action: Specify a valid key name for the object type.
EQA-10207: A value must be specified for key name keyName.
Cause: A key name was specified without a key value.
Action: Specify a value for the key name.
EQA-10208: The manager class inputValue does not provide plug-ins that implement the interface interfaceName.
Cause: The specified manager class did not provide plug-in instances that implement the correct interface.
Action: Correct the manager class to return plug-in instances that implement the specified interface.
EQA-10209: The security attributes were rejected by the plug-in manager inputValue. See the log file for more information.
Cause: The plug-in manager rejected the security attributes.
Action: Inspect the log file for more information.
EQA-10210: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType occurs more than once in the input to operation operationName.
Cause: An object was specified multiple times for the operation, but only one version of an object can be used as input to an operation.
Action: Remove all but one reference to the object.
EQA-10211: The object key objectKey occurs more than once in the key list for operation operationName.
Cause: An object key was specified multiple times in the key list for the operation.
Action: Remove all but one reference to the object.
EQA-10212: The value of property propertyName in the object with key objectKey and type creatableType could not be encrypted. See the log file for more information.
Cause: A value was specified that could not be encrypted.
Action: Inspect the log file for more information.
EQA-10213: The value of property propertyName in the object with type universalType could not be encrypted. See the log file for more information.
Cause: A value was specified that could not be encrypted.
Action: Inspect the log file for more information.
EQA-10214: The value of property propertyName in the object with key objectKey and type creatableType could not be decrypted. Ensure that the encryption key is correct and that the property contains an encrypted value.
Cause: A property value could not be decrypted.
Action: Ensure that the property contains a value encrypted by Oracle SES, and the decryption key is the same as the original encryption key.
EQA-10215: The value of property propertyName in the object with type universalType could not be decrypted. Ensure that the encryption key is correct and that the property contains an encrypted value.
Cause: The specified value could not be decrypted.
Action: Ensure that the property contains a value encrypted by Oracle SES, and the decryption key is the same as the original encryption key.
EQA-10216: An encryption key must be specified for operation operationName.
Cause: The operation did not include an encryption key.
Action: Include an encryption key in the operation.
EQA-10217: The encryption key must be at least value characters.
Cause: The encryption key was too short.
Action: Enter an encryption key with at least the minimum number of characters.
EQA-10218: The encryption key must contain both letters and numbers.
Cause: The encryption key contained letters or numbers, but not both as required.
Action: Enter an encryption key that contains both letters and numbers.
EQA-10219: The object type for operation operationName must be a stateful type.
Cause: The operation specified an object type that does not have state properties.
Action: Specify a valid operation for the object type.
EQA-10220: The value inputValue is not a supported state property name for object type objectType.
Cause: A state property was specified that is invalid for the object type.
Action: Specify a supported state property for the object type.
EQA-10221: The value inputValue is not a supported operation control name.
Cause: The specified control name was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid setting for the operation control.
EQA-10222: The operation control inputValue is not supported for operation operationName.
Cause: A control name was specified that is invalid for this operation.
Action: Use either valid operation control or none.
EQA-10223: The value inputValue is not supported for operation control controlName. The supported values are: value1, value2 . . . .
Cause: The value of the operation control was invalid.
Action: Specify one of the listed values.
EQA-10224: An object key cannot be specified for the universal object type universalType.
Cause: An object key was specified for a universal object type.
Action: Omit the object key from the operation, or specify the correct object type for the key.
EQA-10225: The attachment with resource name resourceName for the object with key objectKey and type creatableType was not found.
Cause: The specified attachment was not found.
Action: Ensure that the resource name is correct.
EQA-10226: The attachment with resource name resourceName for the object with type universalType was not found.
Cause: The specified attachment was not found.
Action: Ensure that the resource name is correct.
EQA-10227: The attachment with resource name resourceName occurs more than once in the attachment list for operation operationName.
Cause: The attachment list referenced a resource name multiple times.
Action: Remove the duplicate entry from the attachment list.
EQA-10228: A resource name must be specified for all attachments in operation operationName.
Cause: An attachment was specified without a resource name.
Action: Provide a resource name for each attachment.
EQA-10229: The value inputValue is not a valid user for the active identity plug-in.
Cause: The specified value is not a valid user according to the active identity plug-in. For example, a property may have to be an LDAP user name corresponding to the identity plug-in, but the value specified was not.
Action: Specify the correct user name and password for the active identity plug-in.
EQA-10230: The encryption key can only contain ASCII characters.
Cause: An encryption key contained invalid characters, such as double-byte characters.
Action: Use only ASCII characters in the encryption key.
EQA-10231: A value for operation control controlName must be specified.
Cause: A Web service operation control that requires a value was specified, but no value was given.
Action: Specify a value for the operation control.
EQA-10232: The value controlValue for operation control controlName is invalid.
Cause: The control value specified for an operation control did not have a valid format.
Action: Ensure the value has the correct format.
EQA-10233: An error occurred while processing the encrypted property propertyName in the object with type objectType. Ensure that the product version is specified correctly in the input XML and that the property contains an encrypted value.
Cause: An error occurred while processing an encrypted value contained in the input XML. The error might be caused by using an incorrect product version for the input XML, or the "encrypted" attribute may have been set incorrectly for the XML element containing the property value.
Action: Ensure that the product version is specified correctly in the input XML and that the property contains an encrypted value.

Creatable Administration Object Errors

In the Web services API, these errors are CreatableAdminObjectFault SOAP faults. They apply only to creatable object types.

EQA-11000: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType was not found.
Cause: An object with the given key and type did not exist.
Action: Ensure that the object key and type are correct and the object actually exists.
EQA-11001: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType already exists.
Cause: An object with the given key and type was previously defined.
Action: Perform an update operation instead of create to revise the definition of an existing object. Or, in a createAll operation, specify overwrite or ignore for the duplicate method.
EQA-11002: The operation operationName is not supported for the object with key objectKey and type creatableType.
Cause: The specified operation cannot be performed on the object.
Action: If possible, use a related, supported operation for the object, such as delete instead of deleteList. Otherwise, none. The operation is not supported.
EQA-11003: The maximum number of objects allowed with type creatableType and value keyValue for key keyName is maxObjects.
Cause: The object was not created, because the maximum number of objects with the specified name and value already existed. For example, an altWord object can have a maximum of four alternate words with the same keyword.
Action: Delete one or more existing objects before trying to create new ones with the specified name and value.
EQA-11004: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType is not an instance of type creatableType that is currently supported.
Cause: The specified key and object type were valid, but the object cannot be managed through the Administration API. For example, the Administration API can manage sources but cannot manage all source types.
Action: Use a method of managing the object that is currently supported, such as the Administration GUI.

Invalid State Errors

In the Web services API, these errors are InvalidStateFault SOAP faults. They are caused by the current state of the object, such as failing to delete a schedule because it is currently executing.

EQA-13000: Operation operationName cannot be performed on an object with type objectType in state objectStatus.
Cause: An operation was specified that could not be performed on the object while it was in its current state.
Action: Correct the state of the object before proceeding.
EQA-13001: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType is already active.
Cause: The activate operation was attempted on a creatable object that was already active.
Action: None. The object is active.
EQA-13002: The object with type universalType is already active.
Cause: The activate operation was attempted on a universal object that was already active.
Action: None. The object is active.
EQA-13003: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType is already inactive.
Cause: The deactivate operation was attempted on a creatable object that was already inactive.
Action: None. The object is inactive.
EQA-13004: The object with type universalType is already inactive.
Cause: The deactivate operation was attempted on a universal object that was already inactive.
Action: None. The object is inactive.
EQA-13005: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType cannot be activated because another object with the same type is already active.
Cause: The activate operation was attempted on a creatable object, but another object of the same type was already active. Only one object of this type can be active at a time, such as an identity plug-in.
Action: Deactivate the other object of this type, then try again.
EQA-13006: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType is already starting.
Cause: The start operation was attempted on a creatable object that was already starting.
Action: To restart the object, first stop it or wait for it to stop.
EQA-13007: The object with type universalType is already starting.
Cause: The start operation was attempted on a universal object that was already starting.
Action: To restart the object, first stop it or wait for it to stop.
EQA-13008: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType is already stopping.
Cause: The stop operation was attempted on a creatable object that was already stopping.
Action: None. Wait for it to stop.
EQA-13009: The object with type universalType is already stopping.
Cause: The stop operation was attempted on a universal object that was already stopping.
Action: None. Wait for it to stop.

Administration API Run-Time Errors

In the Web services API, these errors are AdminRuntimeFault SOAP faults. They are unexpected or result from conditions encountered at run-time, such as an invalid user name or an unavailable database. In the Java client, these are unchecked exceptions.

EQA-15000: An unexpected error occurred during operation operationName.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during an API operation.
Action: Inspect the underlying error message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15001: A connection to the database could not be established.
Cause: An attempt to connect to the database failed.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception in the log file.
EQA-15002: A connection to the Web Service URL wsURL could not be established.
Cause: An attempt to connect to the Web service URL failed.
Action: Verify that the Web service endpoint is running by opening http://host:port/search/api/admin/AdminService?WSDL in a browser. If it is running and the problem remains, then inspect the underlying exception in the log file.
EQA-15003: Invalid login credentials. Check your user name and password and try again.
Cause: An invalid user name, password, or both were provided.
Action: Enter the correct user name and password, and try again.
EQA-15004: The operation operationName can only be performed by logged in users.
Cause: A Web services operation was attempted without previously logging in for stateful mode or providing credentials for stateless mode. This error also occurs after an interactive searchadmin session times out.
Action: For stateful mode, call login first. For stateless mode, provide the Credentials argument for the operation. For an interactive session, exit and open a new session.
EQA-15005: An unexpected error occurred while marshalling the XML document.
Cause: An error occurred while constructing the output XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15006: An unexpected error occurred while unmarshalling the XML document.
Cause: An error occurred while processing the input XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15007: The XML schema xsdName was not found.
Cause: A required XML schema was not found.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15008: An unexpected error occurred while reading the XML schema.
Cause: An error occurred while reading a required XML schema.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15009: An unexpected error occurred while reading from the database.
Cause: An error occurred while reading from the database.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15010: The plug-in manager raised an error while validating the plug-in parameters.
Cause: A plug-in manager class raised an error during validation of the plug-in parameters in the input XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15011: The plug-in manager raised an unexpected error.
Cause: A plug-in manager raised an unexpected error.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15014: Operation operationName cannot proceed because the remote resource located at resourceURI cannot be contacted.
Cause: An operation was unable to contact a remote resource (such as a federated source), which was needed to continue.
Action: Ensure that the remote resource is available and try again.
EQA-15015: The external tool externalToolName raised an error.
Cause: The API invoked an external executable tool, which raised an error.
Action: Inspect the underlying error message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15016: The system property propertyName was not set properly.
Cause: A system property required by SES was missing or set incorrectly.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
EQA-15017: The privileged user required to perform the operation was not found. See the log file for more information.
Cause: Some operations in Oracle SES required the existence of a privileged user in LDAP. If the user is not found, then the operation cannot be performed.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
EQA-15018: More than one active Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Job Request was found when only one was expected to exist. Contact the System Administrator to correct the problem.
Cause: When processing an Oracle SES schedule, more than one Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job request was found. When more than one exists, Oracle SES cannot process the schedule correctly.
Action: Correct the problem in Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, such as removing the extra job request.
EQA-15019: The schedule frequency configured in Oracle Enterprise Scheduler for the schedule with name scheduleName is not a supported frequency in Oracle Secure Enterprise Search. Contact the System Administrator to correct the problem.
Cause: A schedule was configured with an unsupported frequency.
Action: Contact the System Administrator. Oracle SES supports hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly schedules.
EQA-15020: Crawler execution failed due to an error executing the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS) Job Request. Check the ESS logs for more information.
Cause: An error occurred in processing the job request.
Action: Check the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler logs.

Dependent Object Errors

In the Web services API, these errors are DependentObjectFault SOAP faults. They are related to dependent objects of the object being processed. For example, an operation on a schedule might fail because of the current state of a source.

EQA-16000: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with type universalType was not found.
Cause: A universal administrative object referenced another object that did not exist, such as a resultList with rendering attributes that were not created previously.
Action: Create the dependent object first.
EQA-16001: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with key objectKey and type creatableType was not found.
Cause: A creatable administrative object referenced another object that did not exist, such as a schedule with an assigned source that was not created previously.
Action: Create the dependent object first.
EQA-16002: A duplicate dependent object dependentObjectName was found in object with type universalType.
Cause: A universal administrative object referenced a list of dependent objects that contained duplicates, such as a resultList that listed the same rendering attributes twice.
Action: Remove the duplicates in the dependent object list.
EQA-16003: A duplicate dependent object dependentObjectName was found in object with key objectKey and type creatableType.
Cause: A creatable administrative object referenced a list of dependent objects that contained duplicates, such as a schedule that listed the same assigned source twice.
Action: Remove the duplicates in the dependent object list.
EQA-16004: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with type universalType is in use.
Cause: A universal administrative object referenced a dependent object that was already being referenced. Only one object can reference the dependent object.
Action: Remove the reference to the dependent object from the other administrative object. For example, remove the rendering attribute from the other resultList.
EQA-16005: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with key objectKey and type creatableType is in use.
Cause: A creatable administrative object referenced a dependent object that was already being referenced. For example, a schedule cannot be created with an assigned source that is assigned to another schedule. Only one object can reference the dependent object.
Action: Remove the reference to the dependent object from the other administrative object. For example, remove the assigned source from the other schedule.
EQA-16006: The object with type universalType is in use by dependent object dependentObjectName.
Cause: The universal administrative object was in use by a dependent object.
Action: Eliminate the dependency before attempting this operation again.
EQA-16007: The object with key objectKey and type creatableType is in use by dependent object dependentObjectName.
Cause: The creatable administrative object was in use by the dependent object. For example, a search attribute cannot be deleted while a source attribute mapping is using it.
Action: Eliminate the dependency. For example, first remove the source with the attribute mapping or remove the attribute mapping from the source, then delete the search attribute.
EQA-16008: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with type universalType was found but is not valid for this object.
Cause: A universal administrative object referenced a dependent object that was invalid for this reference, such as a Date attribute where only String attributes are valid.
Action: Reference a dependent object with valid characteristics. You may modify the characteristics of the specified dependent object or reference a different dependent object.
EQA-16009: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with key objectKey and type creatableType was found but is not valid for this object.
Cause: A creatable administrative object referenced a dependent object that was invalid for this reference, such as a Date attribute where only String attributes are valid.
Action: Reference a dependent object with valid characteristics. You may modify the characteristics of the specified dependent object or reference a different dependent object.
EQA-16010: Operation operationName cannot be performed on object with type universalType because of the state of a dependent object with type dependentObjectType.
Cause: The universal administrative object depends on an object that was in an invalid state for the operation.
Action: Correct the state of the dependent object.
EQA-16011: Operation operationName cannot be performed on object with key objectKey and type creatableType because of the state of a dependent object with type dependentObjectType.
Cause: The creatable administrative object depends on an object that was in an invalid state for the operation. For example, a source cannot be deleted while assigned to a schedule that is executing.
Action: Correct the state of the dependent object.
EQA-16012: The property propertyName for object with type universalType must contain the following dependent objects: dependentObjectName1, dependentObjectName2 . . . .
Cause: A property in the universal administrative object did not contain the required dependent objects.
Action: Modify the property to contain the listed dependent objects.
EQA-16013: The property propertyName for object with key objectKey and type creatableType must contain the following dependent objects: dependentObjectName1, dependentNameObject2 . . . .
Cause: A property in the creatable administrative object did not contain the required dependent objects, such as the mandatory attribute names for a federated source.
Action: Modify the property to contain the listed dependent objects.
EQA-16014: The property propertyName for object with type universalType requires a dependent object with type dependentObjectType to be active.
Cause: A dependent object was not active, as required by the universal administrative object.
Action: Activate an appropriate dependent object with the specified type.
EQA-16015: The property propertyName for object with key objectKey and type creatableType requires a dependent object with type dependentObjectType to be active.
Cause: A dependent object was not active, as required by the creatable administrative object. For example, an active identity plug-in is needed for using a source-level ACL policy in a source.
Action: Activate an appropriate dependent object with the specified type.
EQA-16016: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with type universalType was not found as specified. The specified value specifiedValue for property propertyName differs from the actual value actualValue.
Cause: A universal administrative object referenced the properties of a dependent object, but the specified values did not match the actual values. For example, the data type of a search attribute might be specified incorrectly.
Action: Correct the specification of the dependent object.
EQA-16017: The dependent object dependentObjectName referenced in object with key objectKey and type objectType was not found as specified. The specified value specifiedValue for property propertyName differs from the actual value actualValue.
Cause: A creatable administrative object referenced the properties of a dependent object, but the specified values did not match the actual values. For example, the data type of a search attribute might be specified incorrectly.
Action: Correct the specification of the dependent object.
EQA-16019: Usage of the value propertyValue for property propertyName requires that the parent object with key objectKey and type creatableType has not been crawled.
Cause: The source description contained a property value that cannot be used after the source has been crawled.
Action: Either delete and re-create the source with this property value, or specify a different value for the property.
EQA-16020: The operation operationName for object with type universalType requires a dependent object with type dependentObjectType to be active.
Cause: A dependent object was not active, as required for the operation on the specified universal administrative object.
Action: Activate the specified dependent object.
EQA-16021: The operation operationName for object with key objectKey and type creatableType requires a dependent object with type dependentObjectType to be active.
Cause: A dependent object was not active, as required for the operation on the specified creatable administrative object. For example, an identity plug-in must be active when exporting a source that uses source-level ACL and access control entries.
Action: Activate the specified dependent object.