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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E12037-05
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9 Installing and Configuring Oracle Universal Content Management

This chapter describes how to extend a domain with Oracle Universal Content Management (Oracle UCM) using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard.


Oracle strongly recommends reading the release notes for any additional installation and deployment considerations prior to starting the setup process.

This chapter contains the following sections:

9.1 About Adding Oracle UCM to a Domain

The Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite system is installed using the WL_HOME and ORACLE_HOME locations described in Section 2.3, "Shared Storage and Recommended Directory Structure." WCHOST1 and WCHOST2 mount MW_HOME and use the existing binary installations.

Oracle UCM is installed using binaries that are shipped with the Enterprise Content Management Suite. Before proceeding, you must install these binaries into the Middleware Home.

  1. Start the installer for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite from the installation media:


    When the installer prompts you for a JRE/JDK location, enter the Oracle JDK location created in the Oracle WebLogic Server installation.

  2. In the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. In the Prerequisite Checks screen, verify that all checks complete successfully, and click Next.

  4. Specify the installation location. Select the previously installed Middleware Home from the drop-down list. For the Oracle Home directory, enter the directory name (ecm).

    Click Next.

  5. In the Installation Summary screen, click Install.

    The Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite software is installed.

  6. In the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.

9.2 Extending the Domain to Include Oracle UCM

You must extend the domain created in Chapter 4, "Creating a Domain" to include Oracle UCM. Optionally, a new domain may be created containing only Oracle UCM.


Before performing these steps, back up the domain as described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

To extend the domain to include Oracle UCM:

  1. Ensure that the database where you installed the repository is running. For Oracle RAC databases, Oracle recommends that all instances are running, so that the validation check later on becomes more reliable.

  2. Change the directory to the location of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard. This is within the common home directory (notice that domain extensions are run from the node where the Administration Server resides).

    SOAHOST1> cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
  3. Start the Configuration Wizard:

    SOAHOST1> ./
  4. In the Welcome screen, select Extend an existing WebLogic domain, and click Next.

  5. In the WebLogic Domain Directory screen, select the WebLogic domain directory (ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/aserver/domain_name), and click Next.

  6. The Select Extension Source screen appears. In this screen, do the following (as shown in Figure 9-1):

    • Select Extend my domain automatically to support the following added products.

    • Select the following product:

      • Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server - ecm

        (Select the version of Oracle UCM Content Server that appears in the Select Extension Source screen)

    Click Next.

    Figure 9-1 Select Extension Source screen for Oracle UCM

    Description of Figure 9-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-1 Select Extension Source screen for Oracle UCM"

  7. The Configure JDBC Component Schema screen appears. In this screen, do the following (as shown in Figure 9-2):

    • Select UCM Schema.

    • Select Configure selected component schemas as RAC multi data source schemas in the next panel.

    Click Next.

    Figure 9-2 Configure JDBC Component Schema Screen for Oracle UCM

    Description of Figure 9-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-2 Configure JDBC Component Schema Screen for Oracle UCM"

  8. The Configure RAC Multi Data Sources Component Schema screen appears. In this screen, do the following (as shown in Figure 9-3):

    1. Select UCM Schema. Leave the other data sources as they are.

    2. Enter values for the following fields, specifying the connect information for the Oracle RAC database that was seeded with RCU:

      Driver: Select Oracle driver (Thin) for RAC Service-Instance connections, Versions:10, 11.

      Service Name: Enter the service name of the database (

      Username: Enter the complete user name (including the prefix) for the schemas. The user names shown in Figure 9-3 assume that DEV was used as the prefix for schema creation from RCU.

      Password: Enter the password to use to access the schemas.

    3. Click Add and enter the details for the first Oracle RAC instance.

    4. Repeat these steps for each Oracle RAC instance.


      Leave the SOA and WebCenter schemas as they are.
    5. Click Next.

      Figure 9-3 Configure RAC Multi Data Source Component Schema Screen for Oracle UCM

      Figure 9-3 Configure RAC Multi Data Source Component Schema Screen for Oracle UCM

      Description of Figure 9-3 follows
      Description of "Figure 9-3 Configure RAC Multi Data Source Component Schema Screen for Oracle UCM"

  9. In the Test JDBC Data Sources screen, the connections should be tested automatically. The Status column displays the results. Ensure that all connections were successful. If not, click Previous to return to the previous screen and correct your entries.

    Click Next when all the connections are successful.

  10. In the Optional Configuration screen, select the following:

    • Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines

    • Deployment and Services

    Click Next.

  11. In the Configure Managed Servers screen, click Add to add the required managed servers as shown in Table 9-1. Do not modify the other servers that appear in this screen; leave them as they are.

    Table 9-1 Managed Servers

    Name Listen Address Listen Port SSL Listen Port SSL Enabled











    Click Next.

  12. In the Configure Clusters screen, click Add to add the clusters as shown in Table 9-2. Do not modify the other clusters that appear in this screen; leave them as they are.

    Table 9-2 Clusters

    Name Cluster Messaging Mode Multicast Address Multicast Port Cluster Address





    Leave it empty.

    Click Next.

  13. In the Assign Servers to Clusters screen, add the following. Do not modify the other assignments that appear in this screen; leave them as they are.

    • UCM_Cluster

      • WC_UCM1

      • WC_UCM2

    Click Next.

  14. In the Configure Machines screen, click the Unix Machine tab and add the following two new machines:

    Table 9-3 Machines

    Name Node Manager Listen Address





    Leave all other fields to their default values. Click Next.

  15. In the Assign Servers to Machines screen, assign servers to machines as follows:

    • Assign WC_UCM1 to WCHOST1.

    • Assign WC_UCM2 to WCHOST2.

      Click Next.

  16. In the Target Deployments to Clusters or Servers screen, click Next.

  17. In the Target Services to Clusters or Servers screen, click Next.

  18. In the Configuration Summary screen, click Extend.

  19. Click OK in the warning dialog about conflicts in ports for the domain.

  20. In the Creating Domain screen, click Done.

  21. Restart the Administration Server to make these changes to take effect. See Section 5.4, "Restarting the Administration Server."

9.3 Propagating the Domain Configuration to WCHOST1 and WCHOST2 Using the unpack Utility

Perform these steps to propagate the domain configuration:

  1. Run the following command on WCHOST1 to copy the template pack using the following command:

    SOAHOST1> cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    SOAHOST1> ./ -managed=true -domain=ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/aserver/domain_name -template=edgdomaintemplate.jar -template_name=edgdomain_template
  2. Run the unpack command on WCHOST1 to unpack the propagated template.


    Make sure to run the unpack command from the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin directory, not from WL_HOME/common/bin.
    WCHOST1> cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    WCHOST1> ./ -domain=ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver/domain_name -template=edgdomaintemplate.jar -app_dir=ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver/applications


    The ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver directory must exist before running unpack. In addition, the ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver/applications must be empty.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for WCHOST2.

9.4 Starting Node Manager on WCHOST1 and WCHOST2

Perform these steps to start Node Manager on WCHOST1 and WCHOST2 if Node Manager has not started already:

  1. On each server, run the script, which is located in the ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin directory, to set the StartScriptEnabled property to 'true' before starting Node Manager:

    WCHOSTn> cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    WCHOSTn> ./


    You must use the StartScriptEnabled property to avoid class loading failures and other problems.


    If the Oracle UCM server is sharing the MW_HOME in a local or shared storage with SOA, as suggested in the shared storage configuration described in Chapter 2, "Database and Environment Preconfiguration," it is not required to run again. In this case, Node Manager has already been configured to use a start script.
  2. Run the following commands on both WCHOST1 and WCHOST2 to start Node Manager:

    WCHOSTn> cd WL_HOME/server/bin
    WCHOSTn> ./

9.5 Restarting the Administration Server

Restart the Administration Server for these changes take effect. To restart the Administration Server, stop it first using the Administration Console and then start it again as described in Chapter 4, "Starting the Administration Server on SOAHOST1."

9.6 Starting and Configuring the WC_UCM1 Managed Server

To start the WC_UCM1 managed server:

  1. Use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console as follows:

    1. Expand the Environment node in the Domain Structure window.

    2. Choose Servers.

      The Summary of Servers screen appears.

    3. Click the Control tab.

    4. Select WC_UCM1 and then click Start.

  2. Verify that the server status is reported as Running in the Administration Console. If the server is shown as Starting or Resuming, wait for the server status to change to Started. If another status is reported (such as Admin or Failed), check the server output log files for errors. See Section 11.6, "Troubleshooting" for possible causes.

9.6.1 Configuring the WC_UCM1 Managed Server

To configure the WC_UCM1 managed server:

  1. Log in to WC_UCM1 at http://WCHOST1:16200/cs using your Oracle WebLogic administration user name and password to display a configuration page.


    The UCM configuration files are on a shared disk so that all members of the cluster can access them. The shared disk location for the Oracle WebCenter enterprise deployment is at ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster.
  2. Change the following values on the server configuration page. Make sure to select the Is New Content Server Instance check box to see all options:

    • Content Server Instance Folder: Set this to ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster/cs.

    • Native File Repository Location: Set this to ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster/cs/vault.

    • WebLayout Folder: Set this to ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster/cs/weblayout.

    • Server Socket Port: Set this to 4444.

    • Socket Connection Address Security Filter: Set this to a pipe-delimited list of localhost and the server IPs:|WCHOST1_IP_Address|WCHOST2_IP_Address|HTTPHOST1_IP_Address|HTTPHOST2_IP_Address


      For this step, use IP addresses, not hostnames.
    • WebServer HTTP/HTTPS Address: Set this to

    • Web Address is HTTPS: Select this check box.

    • Server Instance Label: Set this to UCM_Cluster1.

    • Server Instance Description: Set this to Cluster ucm_cluster1.

    • Auto_Number Prefix: Set this to ucm_cluster1-.

  3. Click Submit when finished, and restart the managed server using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

9.7 Updating the cwallet File in the Administration Server

The Oracle UCM server updates the cwallet.sso file located in ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver/domain_name/config/fmwconfig when it starts. You must propagate this change back to the Administration Server. To do this, copy the file to ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/aserver/domain_name/config/fmwconfig in SOAHOST1 using the following command (all on a single line):

WCMHOST1> scp ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver/domain_name/config/fmwconfig/cwallet.sso oracle@SOAHOST1:ORACLE_BASE /admin/domain_name/aserver/domain_name/config/fmwconfig/


If any operation is performed in the WC_UCMn servers that modifies the cwallet.sso file in the ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/mserver/domain_name/config/fmwconfig directory, the file must be immediately copied to the Administration Server domain directory on SOAHOST1 at ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/aserver/domain_name/config/fmwconfig.

9.8 Starting and Configuring the WC_UCM2 Managed Server

To start the WC_UCM2 managed server:

  1. Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console as follows:

    1. Expand the Environment node in the Domain Structure window.

    2. Choose Servers.

      The Summary of Servers page appears.

    3. Click the Control tab.

    4. Select WC_UCM2 and then click Start.

  2. Verify that the server status is reported as Running in the Administration Console. If the server is shown as Starting or Resuming, wait for the server status to change to Started. If another status is reported (such as Admin or Failed), check the server output log files for errors. See Section 11.6, "Troubleshooting" for possible causes.

9.8.1 Configuring the WC_UCM2 Managed Server

To configure the WC_UCM2 managed server:

  1. Log in to WC_UCM2 at http://WCHOST2:16200/cs using your Oracle WebLogic administration user name and password to display a configuration page:


    The UCM configuration files are on a shared disk so that all members of the cluster can access them. The shared disk location for the Oracle ECM enterprise deployment is at ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/aserver/ucm_cluster.
  2. Change the following values on the server configuration page:

    • Content Server Instance Folder: Set this to ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster/cs

    • WebLayout Folder: Set this to ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster/cs/weblayout

      Make sure that the Is new Content Server Instance? check box is NOT selected.

    • Native File Repository Location: Set this to ORACLE_BASE/admin/wc_domain/ucm_cluster/cs/vault

  3. Click Submit when finished and restart the managed server using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

9.9 Configuring Service Retries for Oracle UCM

Set the following parameter in Oracle Content Server's config.cfg file in order to enable login retries during an Oracle RAC failover:


If this value is not set, you are required to manually retry any operation that was in progress when the failover began.

To add the configuration parameter for Oracle UCM:

  1. Go to the WebLogic Server Administration Console for Oracle UCM at http://WCHOST1:16200/cs, and log in using your Oracle WebLogic administration user name and password.

  2. Open the Administration page, and then choose Admin Server. The Content Admin Server page appears.

  3. Click General Configuration on the left. The General Configuration page appears.

  4. In the Additional Configuration Variables box, add the following parameter:

  5. Click Save and restart all UCM managed servers.


    The new parameter is included in the config.cfg file, which is at the following location:

    You can also edit this file directly in a text editor. Do not forget to restart all UCM managed servers.

9.10 Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the WC_UCM Managed Servers

To enable Oracle HTTP Server to route to UCM_Cluster, which contains the WC_UCM1 and WC_UCM2 managed servers, you must set the WebLogicCluster parameter to the list of nodes in the cluster:

  1. On WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2, add the following lines to the ORACLE_BASE/admin/instance_name/config/OHS/component_name/mod_wl_ohs.conf file:


    <Location /cs>
        WebLogicCluster WCHOST1:16200,WCHOST2:16200
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WLCookieName IDCCS_SESSIONID
        WLProxySSL ON
        WLProxySSLPassThrough ON 
    <Location /adfAuthentication>
        WebLogicCluster WCHOST1:16200,WCHOST2:16200
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WLCookieName IDCCS_SESSIONID
        WLProxySSL ON
        WLProxySSLPassThrough ON 
    <Location /login>
        WebLogicCluster WCHOST1:16200,WCHOST2:16200
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WLCookieName IDCCS_SESSIONID
        WLProxySSL ON
        WLProxySSLPassThrough ON 
    <Location /_ocsh>
        WebLogicCluster WCHOST1:16200,WCHOST2:16200
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WLCookieName IDCCS_SESSIONID
        WLProxySSL ON
        WLProxySSLPassThrough ON 
  2. Restart Oracle HTTP Server on both WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2.

    WEBHOST1> ORACLE_BASE/admin/instance_name/bin/opmnctl restartproc ias-component=ohs1
    WEBHOST2> ORACLE_BASE/admin/instance_name/bin/opmnctl restartproc ias-component=ohs2

9.11 Validating Access Through Oracle HTTP Server

You should verify URLs to ensure that appropriate routing and failover is working from Oracle HTTP Server to UCM_Cluster. Perform these steps to verify the URLs:

  1. While WC_UCM2 is running, stop WC_UCM1 using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Access http://WEBHOST1:7777/cs to verify it is functioning properly.

  3. Start WC_UCM1 from the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  4. Stop WC_UCM2 from the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  5. Access http://WEBHOST1:7777/cs to verify it is functioning properly.

9.12 Backing Up the Installation

After you have verified that the extended domain is working, back up the installation. This is a quick backup for the express purpose of immediate restore in case of problems in the further steps. The backup destination is the local disk. You can discard this backup once the enterprise deployment setup is complete. At that point, the regular deployment-specific backup and recovery process can be initiated. The Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide provides further details. For information on describing the Oracle HTTP Server data that must be backed up and restored, refer to the "Backup and Recovery Recommendations for Oracle HTTP Server" section in that guide. For information on how to recover components, see the "Recovery of Components" and "Recovery After Loss of Component" sections in the guide. For recommendations specific to recovering from the loss of a host, see the "Recovering Oracle HTTP Server to a Different Host" section in the guide. Also refer to the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Guide Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for information on database backup.

Perform these steps to back up the installation:

  1. Back up the Web tier:

    1. Shut down the instance using opmnctl.

      SOAHOST1> ORACLE_BASE/admin/instance_name/bin/opmnctl stopall
    2. Back up the Middleware Home on the Web tier using the following command (as root):

      SOAHOST1> tar -cvpf BACKUP_LOCATION/web.tar MW_HOME
    3. Back up the Oracle Instance Home on the Web tier using the following command:

      SOAHOST1> tar -cvpf BACKUP_LOCATION/web_instance_name.tar ORACLE_INSTANCE
    4. Start the instance using opmnctl:

      SOAHOST1> cd ORACLE_BASE/admin/instance_name/bin
      SOAHOST1> opmnctl startall
  2. Back up the database. This is a full database backup (either hot or cold) using Oracle Recovery Manager (recommended) or operating system tools such as tar for cold backups if possible.

  3. Back up the Administration Server domain directory to save your domain configuration. The configuration files all exist in the ORACLE_BASE/admin/ domain_name directory:

  4. Run the following command to create the backup:

    SOAHOST1> tar -cvpf edgdomainback.tar ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name

9.13 Configure Oracle Content Server for Oracle WebCenter

This section describes tasks required for configuring Oracle Content Server that enable features for Oracle WebCenter. This section includes the following:

9.13.1 Configure Folder_g and WebCenterConfigure Components

To configure the Folder_g and WebCenterConfigure components:

  1. Log into Oracle Content Server Admin page using your Oracle WebLogic administration user name and password.

  2. Click the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar.

    The Administration selections appear.

  3. Click Admin Server.

  4. Go to the Component Manager page.

  5. Click All Features.

    All components from the Document Management, Folders, Inbound Refinery, Integration, and Web Content Management categories appear.

  6. Select the checkbox for all components.

  7. Click Update.

  8. Restart Content Server. Optionally, Content Server may be restarted after all the configuration steps in Section 9.13 have been completed.

You may optionally enable other components with this procedure. For more information, see Section 11.2.1, "Oracle Content Server Prerequisites" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

9.13.2 Enable Folders_g component

The Folders_g component provides hierarchical folder interface to content in Oracle Content Server. To Enable the Folders_g component:

  1. Log onto Oracle Content Server.

  2. Select Admin Server, Component Manager , and then click the Folders_g checkbox.

  3. Click Save/Update at the bottom.

  4. Restart Content Server. Optionally, Content Server may be restarted after all the configuration steps in Section 9.13 have been completed.

9.13.3 Enable and configure Dynamic Converter component

The Dynamic Converter component configures an instance of Oracle Content Server with an Oracle WebCenter application. It sets configuration settings and adds services. This enables the Slide Previewer capability and HTML renditions in Oracle WebCenter.

  1. Log onto Oracle Content Server:

  2. Select Administration, Admin Server, and then Enable DynamicConverter.

  3. Restart Oracle Content server

  4. Set the file types to be sent to the Dynamic Converter:

    1. Select Administration, Dynamic Converter Admin, Configuration Settings, and then Conversion Formats.

    2. Select each file format from the drop down list, for example, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF.


      the 'Dynamic Converter Admin' menu option will not be visible until you have bounced the UCM after installing the 'Dynamic Converter' component
    3. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

9.13.4 Enable the 'WebCenterConfigure' component

The WebCenterConfigure component creates and uses an account named WCILS for item level security.

To enable the WebCenterConfigure component:

  1. Log onto Oracle Content Server.

  2. Select Administration, Admin Server and then Component Manager.

  3. -> Click on the WebCenterConfigure checkbox, click the Save/Update button at the bottom

  4. Restart Content Server. Optionally, Content Server may be restarted after all the configuration steps in Section 9.13 have been completed.

9.14 Registering Oracle Content Server with Oracle WebCenter

To register a content repository:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Spaces.

  2. From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings, and then Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Service Configuration page, select Content Repository.

  4. To connect to a new content repository, click Add.

  5. Enter a unique name for this connection, specify the content repository type, and indicate whether this connection is the active (or default) connection for the application.

    • Connection Name

      Enter a unique name for this content repository connection. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter application.

    • Repository Type

      Choose the type of repository to which you want to connect: Oracle Content Server.

    • Active Connection

      Make this the default content repository for your WebCenter application.

      You can connect your WebCenter application to multiple content repositories; all connections are used. One connection must be designated the default (or active) connection.

  6. Enter additional details for the WebCenter Spaces repository:

    • Content Administrator

      Enter a user name with administrative rights for this Oracle Content Server instance. This user is used to create and maintain folders for WebCenter Spaces content and manage content access rights. Defaults to sysadmin. Administrative privileges are required for this connection so that operations can be performed on behalf of WebCenter users.

    • Spaces Root

      Enter the root folder under which all group spaces content is stored. Specify a content repository folder that does not yet exist and use the format: /foldername. For example: /MyWebCenterSpaces. The spacesRoot cannot be /, the root itself, and it must be unique across applications. The folder specified is created for you when the WebCenter application starts up.

    • Application Name

      Enter a unique name for this WebCenter Spaces application within this content repository. For example: MyWCS

      The name must begin with an alphabetical character, followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters or the underscore character. The string must be less than or equal to thirty characters.

      This name is used to separate data when multiple WebCenter Spaces applications share the same content repository and should be unique across applications.

  7. Enter connection details for the content repository:

    • RIDC Socket Type

      Choose: Socket - Uses an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server. The client IP address must be added to the list of authorized addresses in the Oracle Content Server. In this case, the client is the machine on which Oracle WebCenter is running.

    • Server Host

      Enter the host name of the machine where the Oracle Content Server is running. For example:

    • Server Port

      Enter the port on which the Oracle Content Server listens: 4444

    • Connection Timeout (ms)

      Specify the length of time allowed to log in to Oracle Content Server (in milliseconds) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation. Choose a reasonable timeout depending on your environment. For example: 30000.

    • Authentication Method

      Choose: Identity Propagation - Oracle Content Server and the WebCenter application use the same identity store to authenticate users.

  8. Click OK to save this connection.

  9. To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

For more information on managing the content repository, see Chapter 11, "Managing Content Repositories" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

9.15 Installing and Configuring the Inbound Refinery

The Inbound Refinery (IBR) is required for Document Conversion by Oracle UCM. The actual number of IBRs varies depending on requirements. Oracle recommends, for availability reasons, installing at least two IBRs. These are installed on separate machines, outside of the enterprise deployment topology.

9.15.1 Install Inbound Refinery

This guide does not document the detailed procedures for installing Inbound Refinery. Depending on load and the number of document conversions, the number of Inbound Refineries vary. Overview

You can install Inbound Refineries within the same domain as Content Server, or in a separate domain. All communication from Content Servers to Inbound Refineries takes place through the configured network ports.

For the examples in this guide, we assume that the Inbound Refineries are installed as part of a separate domain. The following restrictions apply:

  • No more than one Inbound Refinery per domain per machine can be installed.

  • Inbound Refinery instances that are on separate machines must ensure that their configuration is all local and not on shared disk.

This latter requirement is important to remember if and when Inbound Refinery instances are installed onto machines where there are existing Content Server installations. Whereas configuration in a Content Server cluster MUST be shared, configuration information of Inbound Refinery instances MUST NOT be shared with other Inbound Refinery instances.

Inbound Refinery instances are not clusterable in any meaningful sense. They operate completely independently.


See Section 7.8, "Configuring WebLogic Servers to Use the Custom Keystores" for configuring Inbound Refinery Servers to use Custom Keystores. Installation Steps

You can configure a Content Server with one or more Inbound Refinery instances, and the same Inbound Refinery can act as a provider to one or more Content Servers. For information on configuring Inbound Refinery instances, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Conversion.

To install and configure Inbound Refineries:

  1. Use the Configuration Wizard that was used to create Oracle UCM.

  2. Select the option for installing the Inbound Refinery.

  3. Create one or more Inbound Refinery Managed Servers.

  4. Create a cluster and add all the Inbound Refinery Managed Servers to the cluster.

  5. Ensure that each Inbound Refinery Managed Server resides on a separate machine.

When finished, follow the Configuration steps in Section 9.15.2 for EVERY Inbound Refinery created.

An Inbound Refinery needs only to be accessed once through HTTP in order to initialize its configuration. This can be done directly, at the Managed Server's listen address. An Inbound Refinery should not be placed behind an HTTP Server.

All subsequent access to an Inbound Refinery is through the socket listener. This listener is protected through the Incoming Socket Connection Address Security Filter configured in the next section.

9.15.2 Configuring Inbound Refinery

Oracle recommends configuring each Content Server with all Inbound Refineries. The process for configuring Oracle UCM is to add an Inbound Refinery as a provider. There are also post-installation steps that must be performed with the IBR.

The following sections describe the procedures for post-installation configuration of the Inbound Refinery: Configure Inbound Refinery settings

Access the IBR post-installation configuration screen at the following URL:


  1. Select a socket port, for example, 5555.

    This port is used later when configuring Oracle UCM.

  2. For Incoming Socket Connection Address Security Filter, add the IP addresses of all the Oracle UCM hosts.

  3. Take note of the value for Server Instance Name, you will need it later in the process. You can change it to a more useful name, if you wish.

  4. Restart the IBR server.

Log onto the Inbound Refinery at the following URL:


  1. Select Administration, and then Admin Server.

    1. Enable PDFExportConverter.

    2. Click Update.

    3. Bounce the server.

  2. Select Conversion Settings, Primary Web Renditions, and then check Convert to PDF using PDF Export.

  3. Select Conversion Settings, Additional Renditions, and then check Create Thumbnail Images using Outside In.

  4. Select Conversion Settings, Third Party Application Settings, General OutsideIn Filter Options, and then select Options.

    When you select Options, a separate pop-up window appears.

    1. Set the Path to fonts to the fonts on the IBR system.

      For many conversions, the IBR needs access to a directory with usable TrueType fonts. On a Windows machine, the default Windows fonts in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts will work. On a Linux machine, you may have fonts in a directory, for example: /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF.

    2. Select Use internal graphics rendering under UNIX Rendering Options.

    3. Click Update.

      When finished, restart the Administration server and all Inbound Refineries, then follow the configuration steps. Configure Document Conversion

Once Inbound Refineries and Content Server are installed and deployed, additional configuration steps are needed before the Content Server sends jobs to the IBR for conversion. This is a brief outline; For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Content Server.

Select primary web-viewable conversion

Go to Conversion Settings and select Primary Web Rendition. This page selects which conversion IBR attempts to perform on files it receives from a Content Server. The conversions available depend on which components are enabled on the IBR. With no components, the only option is Convert to multi-page Tiff using Outside In. If no conversions are selected, files are not converted. To select conversions, select them and click Update. Configuring Oracle UCM with the Inbound Refinery

Log into Oracle UCM:

  1. Select Administration, and then Providers.

  2. Add an outgoing provider.

  3. Enter the details for your IBR instance, including, name, description, host, server port (IBRs intradoc port), context root, and instance name.

    The IBR instance name is obtained from the IBR server. To find the instance name do the following:

    1. Log into the IBR.

    2. Select Administration, and then Configuration for <instanceName>.


    if you miss this step, you will not see the Refinery Administration menu item in the Administration menu.
  4. Check Handles Inbound Refinery Conversion Jobs.

  5. Restart the Content Server.

  6. Set the file types to be sent to the IBR:

    1. Select Administration, Refinery Administration and then File Formats Wizard.

    2. Check the boxes for the appropriate file types to send to the refinery.