Oracle® Fusion Applications Incentive Compensation Security Reference Manual

11g Release 1 (

Part Number E23062-01

Title and Copyright Information

Oracle Fusion Applications Incentive Compensation Security Reference Manual

11g Release 1 (

Part Number E23062-01

Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Mahesh Sabapathy, Nigel Smith

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Abstract Role: Contingent Worker


Role Hierarchy and required role membership


Data Security Policies

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

GRC Entitlements

GRC Entitlement Incompatibilities

Abstract Role: Employee


Role Hierarchy and required role membership


Data Security Policies

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

GRC Entitlements

GRC Entitlement Incompatibilities

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Analyst


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Abstract Role: Incentive Compensation Participant


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Abstract Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Abstract Role: Line Manager


Role Hierarchy and required role membership


Data Security Policies

Enforcement across Tools and access methods

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

GRC Entitlements

GRC Entitlement Incompatibilities

Data Role Templates

Unassigned Duties


This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources available to help you more effectively use Oracle Fusion Applications.

Oracle Fusion Applications Help

You can access Oracle Fusion Applications Help for the current page, section, activity, or task by clicking the help icon.

With a local installation of help, you can add custom help files to replace or supplement the provided content. Help content patches are regularly made available to ensure you have access to the latest information. Patching does not affect your custom content.

Oracle Fusion Applications Guides

Oracle Fusion Applications guides are a structured collection of the help topics, examples, and FAQs from the help system packaged for easy download and offline reference, and sequenced to facilitate learning. You can access the guides from the Guides menu in the global area at the top of Oracle Fusion Applications Help pages.

The Guides menu also provides access to the business process models on which Oracle Fusion Applications is based.

Guides are designed for specific audiences:

To supplement these guides, which cover specific business processes and offerings, the following guides address common areas:


Intended Audience


Common User Guide

All users

Explains tasks performed by most users.

Common Implementation Guide


Explains tasks within the Define Common Applications Configuration task list, which is included in all offerings.

Information Technology Management, Implement Applications Guide


Explains how to use Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager to plan, manage, and track your implementation projects, migrate setup data, and validate implementations.

Technical Guides

System administrators, application developers, and technical members of implementation teams

Explain how to install, patch, administer, and customize Oracle Fusion Applications.

Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Services include health checks, guided lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My Oracle Support Community. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product area. You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts, white papers, and troubleshooting tips.

Oracle Enterprise Repository

Oracle Enterprise Repository provides visibility into service-oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your software from planning through implementation, testing, production, and changes. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use the Oracle Enterprise Repository for:

The Oracle Fusion Applications information is provided as a solution pack that you can upload to your own deployment of Oracle Enterprise Repository. You can document and govern integration interface assets provided by Oracle with other assets in your environment in a common repository.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

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Security Reference Manuals describe the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference implementation. This manual includes descriptions of all the predefined data that is included in the security reference implementation for an offering. The reference implementation can be customized to fit divergent enterprise requirements.

Security Reference Implementation

The Oracle Fusion Applications security approach supports a reference implementation that addresses common business security needs and consists of roles, policies, and templates for generating data roles.

Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manuals present the following information about the predefined security reference implementation.

For information about the common roles required to setup and administer an offering, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security Reference Manual.

For an overview and detailed information about the Oracle Fusion Applications security approach, including an explanation of role types, enforcement, and how to implement and administer security for your deployment, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide.

How to Use this Security Reference Manual

Enterprises address needs specific to their organization by changing or extending the role definitions, role hierarchies, and data security and segregation of duties policies of the reference implementation.

For each job or abstract role, review the duties, role hierarchy, and policies that it carries so you understand which users should be provisioned with the role, or which adjustments your enterprise requires before the role can be provisioned. 


All information presented in this manual can be accessed in the various user interface pages of Oracle Fusion Applications provided for security setup, implementation customizations, and administration. The advantage of reviewing the security reference implementation as it is presented in this manual is that you can more easily compare and plan your customizations.

Review which duty roles a job role inherits. Before making changes, consider the segregation of duties policies defined for the role. Violations may be introduced by or may dictate a change in included duties.


From the entitlement of a role as expressed by privileges, you can deduce the function security enforced by a role. If your enterprise needs certain functions removed from access by certain roles, change the data security policies or duties carried by the role.

Review the data security policies conferred on job roles by their inherited duty roles.  Review data role templates to determine what data roles are generated when you setup the dimensions of your enterprise such as business units or inventory organization.

Review the privacy in effect for a job or abstract role based on its data security policies. Privacy is additionally protected by security components, as described in the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide.


As you make changes to the security reference implementation for an Oracle Fusion Applications deployment, the predefined implementation as delivered remains available. Upgrade and maintenance patches to the security reference implementation preserve your changes to the implementation.

Offering: Incentive Compensation

Configure how you manage incentive compensation, including incentive plans, performance monitoring, credit and rollup rules, earnings calculations, and payment determination.

This manual describes the security reference implementation for the Incentive Compensation offering.

There are a set of common roles that are required to setup and administer an offering. For information about these common roles, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security Reference Manual.

Abstract Role: Contingent Worker

Identifies the person as a contingent worker.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Contingent Worker

Duty Role


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty (HCM)

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (HCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty (HCM)

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Expense Entry Duty (HCM)

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Review supplier negotiation attachments as procurement requester.

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

Party Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views trading community parties.

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payee Bank Account Management Duty (HCM)

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Person Name Maintenance Duty

Maintains persons' name related attributes.

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made towards savings and contribution type plans.

Portrait Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.

Portrait Availability Duty

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

Portrait Benefits Duty

Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the person's photo, phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Portrait Compensation Duty

Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Contact Duty

Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

Portrait Maintenance Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Grants access to a person's own personal and employment information in the portrait.

Portrait View Duty

Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.

Public Person Selection Duty

Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed by other teams.

Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Review purchase order and referenced document attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Manage purchase order attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Receiving Management Requester Duty (HCM)

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requester Analysis Duty (HCM)

Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition BU that requester belongs to

Requisition Attachment Management Duty (HCM)

Manages attachments on requisitions.

Requisition Self Service User Duty (HCM)

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Reviews attachments on requisitions.

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty (HCM)

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Receipt Summary Duty (HCM)

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty (HCM)

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Social Connection Worker Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Talent Worker Duty

Performs all talent management duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Task Management Duty

Manages transaction tasks.

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

View Batch Jobs Duty (HCM)

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

View Employment Information Duty

Views employment information.

View Secured Custom Help Duty (HCM)

Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.

Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Worker Gallery Access Duty

Restricts access to private data in the portrait to workers themselves and HR specialists.

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Worker Processes Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own data including address, marital status, documents, onboarding processes, and information sharing.

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Worker Selection Duty

Selects workers.

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings, options and features. Role memberships marked with a "*" in the "All" column are required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Contingent Worker

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature

Incentive Compensation


Attachments User


Procurement Requester

          Public Person Selection Duty


Public Person Selection Duty


Worker Duty


          Approval Notification Duty


          Approve Transactions Duty


          Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


          Employee Enrollment Duty

          Expense Entry Duty

                    Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


          Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Access Duty

                              Portrait View Duty

                                        Portrait Availability Duty

                                        Portrait Compensation Duty

                                        Portrait Contact Duty

          HCM Information Comparison Duty

                    Public Person Selection Duty


          My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

          Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

          Personal Compensation Management Duty

          Social Connection Worker Duty

          Talent Worker Duty

                    Goal Management Worker Duty

                    Performance Management Worker Duty

                    View Employment Information Duty

                    Workforce Profile Worker Duty

          Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

          View Batch Jobs Duty


          View Secured Custom Help Duty


          Worker Availability Viewing Duty

          Worker Gallery Access Duty

                    Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Portrait Benefits Duty

                              Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

                              Task Management Duty

          Worker Processes Duty

                              Public Person Selection Duty


          Worker Role Management Duty


          Worker Selection Duty



Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Contingent Worker

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

View Notification Details

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Approve Transactions

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

View Chinese PHF/SI Account Numbers

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Create Social Group

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Define Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Elect Benefits

Maintain Plan Beneficiary Designation

Maintain Primary Care Provider

Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Expense Entry Duty (HCM)

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Manage Expense Report

Review Expense Reimbursement

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

Manage Performance Goal

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Compare HCM Information

Item Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

View Supplier Negotiation

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Duty (HCM)

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Manage Third Party Bank Account

View Third Party Bank Account

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Create Performance Document by Worker

Print Performance Document

Provide Performance Evaluation Feedback

View Performance Information on Worker Dashboard

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made towards savings and contribution type plans.

Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Change Person Address

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

View Person Gallery Work Area

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Change Person Marital Status

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Change Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Receiving Management Requester Duty (HCM)

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return

Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work Area

Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt

View Receiving Receipt Notification

Requisition Self Service User Duty (HCM)

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to Location

Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests

Create Requisition with One Time Location

Manage Requisition

View Requisition

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty (HCM)

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Inbound Shipment Details

Review Receipt Summary Duty (HCM)

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty (HCM)

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Review Receiving Transaction History

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Add Someone to Social Group

Invite Someone to Social Group

Link Social Group

Unlink Social Group

View Related Social Groups

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

Update US W-4

View US End of Year Tax Form

View Batch Jobs Duty (HCM)

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

Manage Scheduled Processes Work Area

View Batch Jobs

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Manage Person Documentation

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Search Worker

View Nonworker Portrait

View Person Gallery Work Area

View Worker Portrait

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Share Worker Information

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Complete Onboarding

Review Assignment

Review Compensation

Review Roles

Verify Personal Information

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Print Worker Portrait

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Self Request Roles

View Own Account Details

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Manage Workforce Processes Work Area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Define Talent Profile

Define Talent Profile Item

Manage Model Talent Profile

Manage Person Talent Profile

Manage Talent Profile Interest List

Match Talent Profile

Update Talent Profile Item

View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the abstract role Contingent Worker

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Contingent Worker can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Contingent Worker can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can delete application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can read application attachment for the categories including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can read application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can update application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Reference Territory

A Contingent Worker can choose application reference territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Choose Application Reference Territory (Data)

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Beneficiary Organization

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Beneficiary Organization

Benefit Authorization

A Contingent Worker can view benefit authorization for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: View Benefit Authorization (Data)

Resource: Benefit Authorization

Benefit Covered Dependent

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Covered Dependent

Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

A Contingent Worker can review benefit participant enrollment result for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Benefit Participant Rate

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Rate

Benefit Relation

A Contingent Worker can manage benefit relation for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Benefit Relation (Data)

Resource: Benefit Relation


A Contingent Worker can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note

A Contingent Worker can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note


A Contingent Worker can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense

Expense Report

A Contingent Worker can manage expense report for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense Report (Data)

Resource: Expense Report

Help Topic

A Contingent Worker can view secured custom help content for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: View Secured Custom Help Duty

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic

HR Job

A Contingent Worker can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job


A Contingent Worker can maintain item asset maintenance group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Asset Maintenance Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item costing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Costing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item general planning group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item General Planning Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item inventory group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Inventory Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item invoicing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Invoicing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item lead times group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Lead Times Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item mrp and mps group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item MRP and MPS Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item order management group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Order Management Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item people for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item People (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item physical group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Physical Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item primary group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Primary Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item process manufacturing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Process Manufacturing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item purchasing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Purchasing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item receiving group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Receiving Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item revision for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Revision (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item service group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Service Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item structure group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item web option group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Web Option Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item work in process group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Work in Process Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item


A Contingent Worker can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Message Board

A Contingent Worker can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Contingent Worker can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities

Payroll Personal Deduction

A Contingent Worker can update us w-4 for themselves if they are employed by a us legal employer

Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Privilege: Update US W-4 (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

A Contingent Worker can view chinese accounts for themselves if they are employed by a chinese legal employer

Role: Chinese Accounts View Duty

Privilege: View Chinese Accounts (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction


A Contingent Worker can change person address for themselves

Role: Person Address Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can change person marital status for themselves

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Marital Status (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can manage worker public portrait for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Worker Public Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can print worker portrait for themselves

Role: Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can share worker information for themselves

Role: Worker Information Sharing Duty

Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can view worker availability portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Availability Duty

Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can view worker personal and employment portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Privilege: View Worker Personal and Employment Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Address

A Contingent Worker can manage person private address details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Address Details (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment

A Contingent Worker can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Communication Method

A Contingent Worker can manage person communication method for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

A Contingent Worker can view person communication method for private communication methods granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact Relationship

A Contingent Worker can manage person contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

A Contingent Worker can manage person private contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Documentation

A Contingent Worker can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile for themselves

Role: Worker Document Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Email

A Contingent Worker can manage person email for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

A Contingent Worker can view person email for work e-mail addresses and private e-mail addresses granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Image

A Contingent Worker can manage person image for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

A Contingent Worker can view person image for public images for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

Person Life Event

A Contingent Worker can manage person life event for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)

Resource: Person Life Event

Person Name

A Contingent Worker can change person name for themselves

Role: Person Name Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Name (Data)

Resource: Person Name

Person Phone

A Contingent Worker can manage person phone for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

A Contingent Worker can view person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Plan Beneficiary Designation

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Plan Beneficiary Designation

Portrait Private Note

A Contingent Worker can manage portrait private note for themselves

Role: Worker Processes Duty

Privilege: Manage Portrait Private Note (Data)

Resource: Portrait Private Note


A Contingent Worker can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Primary Care Provider

A Contingent Worker can define plan primary care provider for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Define Plan Primary Care Provider (Data)

Resource: Primary Care Provider

Public Person

A Contingent Worker can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Public Person Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Contingent Worker can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Gallery Search Duty

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Contingent Worker can view worker contact portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Contact Duty

Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Public Person


A Contingent Worker can manage requisition for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

A Contingent Worker can manage requisition for themselves for the financial business unit associated with their primary assignment

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Contingent Worker can view salary details for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

A Contingent Worker can view worker compensation portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Compensation Duty

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Social Connection

A Contingent Worker can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Group

A Contingent Worker can view social group for themselves

Role: Social Group Participation Duty

Privilege: View Social Group (Data)

Resource: Social Group

Social Profile

A Contingent Worker can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Talent Profile

A Contingent Worker can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Contingent Worker can view talent profile person for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

A Contingent Worker can view talent profile item worker for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Item Worker (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item


A Contingent Worker can manage tasks for themselves

Role: Task Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Tasks (Data)

Resource: Task

Total Compensation Statement

A Contingent Worker can view total compensation statement already generated for themselves

Role: Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated (Data)

Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Organization

A Contingent Worker can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

A Contingent Worker can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Relationship

A Contingent Worker can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User Roles

A Contingent Worker can self request roles for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: Self Request Roles (Data)

Resource: User Roles

A Contingent Worker can view own account details for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: View Own Account Details (Data)

Resource: User Roles

Variable Compensation Allocation

A Contingent Worker can manage variable compensation allocation by worker for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation


A Contingent Worker can choose worker for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Contingent Worker can compare worker employment information for themselves

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Worker Employment Information (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Contingent Worker can review worker availability for themselves

Role: Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)

Resource: Worker

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract  role.

GRC Entitlements

GRC entitlements defined for the duty roles and privileges that should be segregated for the abstract role Contingent Worker

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Pick Release Goods

Pick Waves Management Duty

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Ship Confirm Goods

Shipment Processing Duty

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

GRC Entitlement Incompatibilities

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract role Contingent Worker

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Item Costing

Pick Release Goods

Ship Confirm Goods

Abstract Role: Employee

Identifies the person as an employee.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Employee

Duty Role


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty (HCM)

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (HCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty (HCM)

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Employee Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records. This role is used by employees.

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Expense Entry Duty (HCM)

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Review supplier negotiation attachments as procurement requester.

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

Party Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views trading community parties.

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payee Bank Account Management Duty (HCM)

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Manages payment methods used to pay a person and defines how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Views payment methods used to pay a person and how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Views payslips.

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Person Name Maintenance Duty

Maintains persons' name related attributes.

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made towards savings and contribution type plans.

Portrait Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.

Portrait Availability Duty

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

Portrait Benefits Duty

Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the person's photo, phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Portrait Compensation Duty

Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Contact Duty

Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

Portrait Maintenance Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Grants access to a person's own personal and employment information in the portrait.

Portrait View Duty

Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.

Public Person Selection Duty

Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed by other teams.

Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Review purchase order and referenced document attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Manage purchase order attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Receiving Management Requester Duty (HCM)

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requester Analysis Duty (HCM)

Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition BU that requester belongs to

Requisition Attachment Management Duty (HCM)

Manages attachments on requisitions.

Requisition Self Service User Duty (HCM)

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Reviews attachments on requisitions.

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty (HCM)

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Receipt Summary Duty (HCM)

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty (HCM)

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Social Connection Worker Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Talent Worker Duty

Performs all talent management duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Task Management Duty

Manages transaction tasks.

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

View Batch Jobs Duty (HCM)

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

View Employment Information Duty

Views employment information.

View Secured Custom Help Duty (HCM)

Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.

Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Worker Gallery Access Duty

Restricts access to private data in the portrait to workers themselves and HR specialists.

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Worker Processes Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own data including address, marital status, documents, onboarding processes, and information sharing.

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Worker Selection Duty

Selects workers.

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings, options and features. Role memberships marked with a "*" in the "All" column are required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Employee

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature

Incentive Compensation


Attachments User


Employee Absence Recording Duty

Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Procurement Requester

          Public Person Selection Duty


Public Person Selection Duty


Worker Duty


          Approval Notification Duty


          Approve Transactions Duty


          Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


          Employee Enrollment Duty

          Expense Entry Duty

                    Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


          Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Access Duty

                              Portrait View Duty

                                        Portrait Availability Duty

                                        Portrait Compensation Duty

                                        Portrait Contact Duty

          HCM Information Comparison Duty

                    Public Person Selection Duty


          My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

          Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

          Personal Compensation Management Duty

          Social Connection Worker Duty

          Talent Worker Duty

                    Goal Management Worker Duty

                    Performance Management Worker Duty

                    View Employment Information Duty

                    Workforce Profile Worker Duty

          Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

          View Batch Jobs Duty


          View Secured Custom Help Duty


          Worker Availability Viewing Duty

          Worker Gallery Access Duty

                    Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Portrait Benefits Duty

                              Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

                              Task Management Duty

          Worker Processes Duty

                              Public Person Selection Duty


          Worker Role Management Duty


          Worker Selection Duty



Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Employee

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

View Notification Details

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Approve Transactions

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

View Chinese PHF/SI Account Numbers

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Create Social Group

Employee Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records. This role is used by employees.

Manage Absence Records

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Define Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Elect Benefits

Maintain Plan Beneficiary Designation

Maintain Primary Care Provider

Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Expense Entry Duty (HCM)

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Manage Expense Report

Review Expense Reimbursement

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

Manage Performance Goal

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Compare HCM Information

Item Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

View Supplier Negotiation

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Duty (HCM)

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Manage Third Party Bank Account

View Third Party Bank Account

Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Manages payment methods used to pay a person and defines how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Manage Personal Payment Method

Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Views payment methods used to pay a person and how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Manage Personal Payment Method

Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Views payslips.

View Payslip

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Create Performance Document by Worker

Print Performance Document

Provide Performance Evaluation Feedback

View Performance Information on Worker Dashboard

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made towards savings and contribution type plans.

Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Change Person Address

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

View Person Gallery Work Area

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Change Person Marital Status

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty (HCM)

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Change Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Receiving Management Requester Duty (HCM)

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return

Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work Area

Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt

View Receiving Receipt Notification

Requisition Self Service User Duty (HCM)

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to Location

Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests

Create Requisition with One Time Location

Manage Requisition

View Requisition

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty (HCM)

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Inbound Shipment Details

Review Receipt Summary Duty (HCM)

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty (HCM)

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Review Receiving Transaction History

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Add Someone to Social Group

Invite Someone to Social Group

Link Social Group

Unlink Social Group

View Related Social Groups

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

Update US W-4

View US End of Year Tax Form

View Batch Jobs Duty (HCM)

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

Manage Scheduled Processes Work Area

View Batch Jobs

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Manage Person Documentation

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Search Worker

View Nonworker Portrait

View Person Gallery Work Area

View Worker Portrait

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Share Worker Information

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Complete Onboarding

Review Assignment

Review Compensation

Review Roles

Verify Personal Information

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Print Worker Portrait

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Self Request Roles

View Own Account Details

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Manage Workforce Processes Work Area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Define Talent Profile

Define Talent Profile Item

Manage Model Talent Profile

Manage Person Talent Profile

Manage Talent Profile Interest List

Match Talent Profile

Update Talent Profile Item

View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the abstract role Employee

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Activities and Interests

An Employee can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

An Employee can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

An Employee can delete application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

An Employee can read application attachment for the categories including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

An Employee can read application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

An Employee can update application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Reference Territory

An Employee can choose application reference territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Choose Application Reference Territory (Data)

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Beneficiary Organization

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Beneficiary Organization

Benefit Authorization

An Employee can view benefit authorization for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: View Benefit Authorization (Data)

Resource: Benefit Authorization

Benefit Covered Dependent

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Covered Dependent

Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

An Employee can review benefit participant enrollment result for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Benefit Participant Rate

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Rate

Benefit Relation

An Employee can manage benefit relation for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Benefit Relation (Data)

Resource: Benefit Relation


An Employee can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note

An Employee can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note


An Employee can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense

Expense Report

An Employee can manage expense report for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense Report (Data)

Resource: Expense Report

Help Topic

An Employee can view secured custom help content for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: View Secured Custom Help Duty

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic

HR Job

An Employee can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job


An Employee can maintain item asset maintenance group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Asset Maintenance Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item costing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Costing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item general planning group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item General Planning Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item inventory group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Inventory Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item invoicing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Invoicing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item lead times group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Lead Times Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item mrp and mps group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item MRP and MPS Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item order management group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Order Management Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item people for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item People (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item physical group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Physical Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item primary group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Primary Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item process manufacturing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Process Manufacturing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item purchasing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Purchasing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item receiving group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Receiving Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item revision for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Revision (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item service group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Service Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item structure group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item web option group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Web Option Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item work in process group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Work in Process Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item


An Employee can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Message Board

An Employee can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

An Employee can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities

Payroll Personal Deduction

An Employee can update us w-4 for themselves if they are employed by a us legal employer

Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Privilege: Update US W-4 (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

An Employee can view chinese accounts for themselves if they are employed by a chinese legal employer

Role: Chinese Accounts View Duty

Privilege: View Chinese Accounts (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Relationship

An Employee can manage payroll person process results for themselves

Role: Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Privilege: Manage Payroll Person Process Results (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

An Employee can manage payroll relationship for themselves

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

An Employee can view payroll relationship for themselves

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship


An Employee can change person address for themselves

Role: Person Address Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can change person marital status for themselves

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Marital Status (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can manage worker public portrait for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Worker Public Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can print worker portrait for themselves

Role: Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can share worker information for themselves

Role: Worker Information Sharing Duty

Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can view worker availability portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Availability Duty

Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can view worker personal and employment portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Privilege: View Worker Personal and Employment Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

Personal Payment Method

An Employee can manage payroll relationship for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

An Employee can view payroll relationship for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

Person Address

An Employee can manage person private address details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Address Details (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment

An Employee can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Communication Method

An Employee can manage person communication method for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

An Employee can view person communication method for private communication methods granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact Relationship

An Employee can manage person contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

An Employee can manage person private contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Documentation

An Employee can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile for themselves

Role: Worker Document Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Email

An Employee can manage person email for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

An Employee can view person email for work e-mail addresses and private e-mail addresses granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Image

An Employee can manage person image for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

An Employee can view person image for public images for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

Person Life Event

An Employee can manage person life event for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)

Resource: Person Life Event

Person Name

An Employee can change person name for themselves

Role: Person Name Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Name (Data)

Resource: Person Name

Person Phone

An Employee can manage person phone for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

An Employee can view person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Plan Beneficiary Designation

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Plan Beneficiary Designation

Portrait Private Note

An Employee can manage portrait private note for themselves

Role: Worker Processes Duty

Privilege: Manage Portrait Private Note (Data)

Resource: Portrait Private Note


An Employee can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Primary Care Provider

An Employee can define plan primary care provider for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Define Plan Primary Care Provider (Data)

Resource: Primary Care Provider

Public Person

An Employee can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Public Person Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

An Employee can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Gallery Search Duty

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

An Employee can view worker contact portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Contact Duty

Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Public Person


An Employee can manage requisition for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Employee can manage requisition for themselves for the financial business unit associated with their primary assignment

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


An Employee can view salary details for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

An Employee can view worker compensation portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Compensation Duty

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Social Connection

An Employee can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Group

An Employee can view social group for themselves

Role: Social Group Participation Duty

Privilege: View Social Group (Data)

Resource: Social Group

Social Profile

An Employee can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Talent Profile

An Employee can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

An Employee can view talent profile person for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

An Employee can view talent profile item worker for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Item Worker (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item


An Employee can manage tasks for themselves

Role: Task Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Tasks (Data)

Resource: Task

Total Compensation Statement

An Employee can view total compensation statement already generated for themselves

Role: Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated (Data)

Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Organization

An Employee can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

An Employee can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Relationship

An Employee can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User Roles

An Employee can self request roles for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: Self Request Roles (Data)

Resource: User Roles

An Employee can view own account details for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: View Own Account Details (Data)

Resource: User Roles

Variable Compensation Allocation

An Employee can manage variable compensation allocation by worker for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation


An Employee can choose worker for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

An Employee can compare worker employment information for themselves

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Worker Employment Information (Data)

Resource: Worker

An Employee can review worker availability for themselves

Role: Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)

Resource: Worker

An Employee can view absence balance for themselves

Role: Employee Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: View Absence Balance (Data)

Resource: Worker

Worker Absence

An Employee can manage absence records for themselves

Role: Employee Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: Manage Absence Records (Data)

Resource: Worker Absence

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract  role.

GRC Entitlements

GRC entitlements defined for the duty roles and privileges that should be segregated for the abstract role Employee

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Pick Release Goods

Pick Waves Management Duty

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Ship Confirm Goods

Shipment Processing Duty

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

GRC Entitlement Incompatibilities

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract role Employee

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Item Costing

Pick Release Goods

Ship Confirm Goods

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Analyst

Manage participant data, exceptions, and reports


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Incentive Compensation Analyst

Duty Role


Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (FSCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation disputes

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Assign and maintain incentive plans and transactions for participants

Incentive Compensation Payment Review Duty

Review payment batches, paysheets and payment plans, and assignments

Incentive Compensation Paysheet Adjustment Duty

Adjust incentive compensation paysheets and payment transactions

Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Review incentive plans, plan components, and hierachies

Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

Create and maintain teams used in determining credit receivers

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty (FSCM)

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Create, review, and adjust incentive compensation transactions, credits and earnings

Party Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Views trading community parties.

Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty (FSCM)

Manages sales resource quota nofications.

Transactional Analysis Duty (FSCM)

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Incentive Compensation Analyst

Inherited Roles

Incentive Compensation Analyst

          Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Payment Review Duty

          Incentive Compensation Paysheet Adjustment Duty

          Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

          Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Incentive Compensation Analyst

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation disputes

Approve Incentive Compensation Dispute

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute for Participant

Manage Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Assign and maintain incentive plans and transactions for participants

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Plan

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Pay Group Assignment

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Payment Plan

Maintain Incentive Compensation Participant Detail

Maintain Incentive Compensation Participant Paysheet

Maintain Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Plan

Review Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Incentive Compensation Payment Review Duty

Review payment batches, paysheets and payment plans, and assignments

Review Incentive Compensation Pay Group

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Paysheet Adjustment Duty

Adjust incentive compensation paysheets and payment transactions

Create Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Delete Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Maintain Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Manage Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Submit Incentive Compensation Paysheet for Approval

Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Review incentive plans, plan components, and hierachies

Review Incentive Compensation Expression

Review Incentive Compensation Measure

Review Incentive Compensation Plan

Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Review Incentive Compensation Rate Dimension

Review Incentive Compensation Rate Table

Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

Create and maintain teams used in determining credit receivers

Create Incentive Compensation Team

Manage Incentive Compensation Team

Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Create, review, and adjust incentive compensation transactions, credits and earnings

Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction

Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty (FSCM)

Manages sales resource quota nofications.

Manage Sales Resource Quota Notification

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the job role Incentive Compensation Analyst

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation dispute for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation dispute for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Goal

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation measure for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation participant detail for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Participant Detail (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant subledger for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation payment transaction for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Paysheet Adjustment Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can maintain incentive compensation participant paysheet for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Maintain Incentive Compensation Participant Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation paysheet for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Role: Incentive Compensation Paysheet Adjustment Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation paysheet for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Paysheet Adjustment Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation plan component for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Team

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation team for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Team (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can maintain incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Privilege: Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation participant transaction for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Participant Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Sales Resource Quota

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can view sales resource quota for all resource quota records in the enterprise

Role: Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Trading Community Organization

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Set up incentive compensation application


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Help Text Administration Duty

Adds and maintains custom help for all applications.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration Duty (FSCM)

This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored (incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is a business administrator type role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

IC Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application descriptive flexfields.

IC Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application flexfield value sets.

IC Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application common, standard, and set-enabled lookups.

IC Application Profile Option Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application profile options.

IC Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application profile values.

Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Configure initial setup tasks

Incentive Compensation UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of incentive compensation pages

Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

Selects reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.

View Secured Custom Help Duty

Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.

Watchlist Administration Duty

Maintains the Watchlist categories and items displayed in Oracle Fusion Applications. Disables items for performance reasons if needed.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Inherited Roles

Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

          Administration Link View Duty

          Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty

                    Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration Duty

          IC Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

          IC Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

          IC Application Lookup Administration Duty

          IC Application Profile Option Administration Duty

          IC Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

          Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

                    Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                    Application Help Text Administration Duty

                              View Secured Custom Help Duty

                    Application Lookup Administration Duty

                    Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

                    Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                    Watchlist Administration Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

          Incentive Compensation UI Customization Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Help Text Administration Duty

Adds and maintains custom help for all applications.

Customize Help Topics

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Configure initial setup tasks

Configure Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns

Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar

Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar Period

Manage Incentive Compensation Currency Conversion Rate Type

Manage Incentive Compensation Currency Conversions

Manage Incentive Compensation Earning Types

Manage Incentive Compensation Intervals

Register Incentive Compensation Participant

Set Up Incentive Compensation Parameters

Incentive Compensation UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of incentive compensation pages

Customize Incentive Compensation UI

IC Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application descriptive flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

IC Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application flexfield value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

IC Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application common, standard, and set-enabled lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

IC Application Profile Option Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application profile options.

Manage Application Profile Option

IC Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Manages Incentive Compensation application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

Selects reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.

Maintain Reports and Analytics Region

Watchlist Administration Duty

Maintains the Watchlist categories and items displayed in Oracle Fusion Applications. Disables items for performance reasons if needed.

Set Watchlist Options

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the job role Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Application Descriptive Flexfield

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage application descriptive flexfield for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield (Data)

Resource: Application Descriptive Flexfield

Application Flexfield Value Set

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage application flexfield value set for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Type

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can delete application lookup types for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Lookup Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Lookup Types (Data)

Resource: Application Lookup Type

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can update application lookup types for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Lookup Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Lookup Types (Data)

Resource: Application Lookup Type

Application Profile Option

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can delete application profile option for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Profile Option Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Option (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Option

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can update application profile option for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Profile Option Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Option (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Option

Application Profile Value

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can delete application profile value for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can update application profile value for all ic applications data

Role: IC Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

Help Topic

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can view secured custom help content for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: View Secured Custom Help Duty

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic

Incentive Compensation Calendar

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation calendar for all incentive compensation calendars in the enterprise

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Calendar

Incentive Compensation Calendar Period Status

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation calendar period for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar Period (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Earnings Type

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation earning types for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Earning Types (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Interval Type

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation intervals for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Intervals (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation participant for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation System Parameter

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can set up incentive compensation parameters for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Set Up Incentive Compensation Parameters (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns Setup

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can configure incentive compensation tables and columns for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Application Administration Duty

Privilege: Configure Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Manager

Manage processes and workloads, assignments, and payments


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Incentive Compensation Manager

Duty Role


Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (FSCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

Create and maintain the assignments of analyst to participant, participants and roles to compensation and payment plans as well as pay groups

Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Create and manage requests to calculate the incentive compensation for a set of participants

Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Rule Management Duty

Create and edit rules that generate direct credit transactions and determine indirect credit receivers

Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation disputes

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation transactions and plans for participants

Incentive Compensation Pay Group Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation pay groups and assignments

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Approval Duty

Approve incentive compensation payment batches for payment

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Creation Duty

Create incentive compensation payment batches

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Payment Duty

Pay approved incentive compensation payment batches

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation payment plans and assignments

Incentive Compensation Payment Review Duty

Review payment batches, paysheets and payment plans, and assignments

Incentive Compensation Paysheet Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation paysheets

Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Review incentive plans, plan components, and hierachies

Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation processes

Incentive Compensation Role Plan Management Duty

Create and maintain roles associated with incentive plans and pay groups

Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

Create and maintain teams used in determining credit receivers

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty (FSCM)

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Create, review, and adjust incentive compensation transactions, credits and earnings

Party Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Views trading community parties.

Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty (FSCM)

Manages sales resource quota nofications.

Transactional Analysis Duty (FSCM)

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Incentive Compensation Manager

Inherited Roles

Incentive Compensation Manager

          Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

          Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Rule Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Pay Group Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Approval Duty

          Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Creation Duty

          Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Payment Duty

          Incentive Compensation Payment Plan Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Payment Review Duty

          Incentive Compensation Paysheet Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

          Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Role Plan Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Incentive Compensation Manager

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

Create and maintain the assignments of analyst to participant, participants and roles to compensation and payment plans as well as pay groups

Assign Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Create Incentive Compensation Role

Manage Incentive Compensation Analyst Group

Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar Period

Manage Incentive Compensation Participant Detail

Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Assignment to Role

Manage Incentive Compensation Role

Perform Incentive Compensation Pay Group Assignment to Role

Perform Incentive Compensation Payment Plan Assignment to Role

Register Incentive Compensation Participant

Review Incentive Compensation Participant Plan for Assignment

Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Create and manage requests to calculate the incentive compensation for a set of participants

Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event

Submit Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Rule Management Duty

Create and edit rules that generate direct credit transactions and determine indirect credit receivers

Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Rule

Manage Incentive Compensation Rollup Group

Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation disputes

Approve Incentive Compensation Dispute

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute for Participant

Manage Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation transactions and plans for participants

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Plan

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Pay Group Assignment

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Payment Plan

Maintain Incentive Compensation Participant Detail

Maintain Incentive Compensation Participant Paysheet

Maintain Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Plan

Review Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Approval Duty

Approve incentive compensation payment batches for payment

Create Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar Period

Manage Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Creation Duty

Create incentive compensation payment batches

Create Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Delete Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Payment Duty

Pay approved incentive compensation payment batches

Pay Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation payment plans and assignments

Manage Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Incentive Compensation Payment Review Duty

Review payment batches, paysheets and payment plans, and assignments

Review Incentive Compensation Pay Group

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Paysheet Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation paysheets

Approve Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Create Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Delete Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Maintain Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Manage Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Pay Group Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation pay groups and assignments

Manage Incentive Compensation Pay Group

Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Review incentive plans, plan components, and hierachies

Review Incentive Compensation Expression

Review Incentive Compensation Measure

Review Incentive Compensation Plan

Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Review Incentive Compensation Rate Dimension

Review Incentive Compensation Rate Table

Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation processes

Import Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Import Incentive Compensation Transaction

Maintain Incentive Compensation Classification Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Group Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Assignment

Manage Incentive Compensation Processes and Workload

Manage Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch

Incentive Compensation Role Plan Management Duty

Create and maintain roles associated with incentive plans and pay groups

Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Assignment to Role

Review Incentive Compensation Participant Plan for Assignment

Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

Create and maintain teams used in determining credit receivers

Create Incentive Compensation Team

Manage Incentive Compensation Team

Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Create, review, and adjust incentive compensation transactions, credits and earnings

Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction

Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty (FSCM)

Manages sales resource quota nofications.

Manage Sales Resource Quota Notification

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the job role Incentive Compensation Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Incentive Compensation Analyst Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation analyst group for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Analyst Group (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation calculation batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Calendar Period Status

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation calendar period for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar Period (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calendar Period (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Credit Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation credit batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Credit Rule

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation credit rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Rule Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation dispute for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation dispute for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Role: Incentive Compensation Dispute Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Goal

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation logged change event for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation measure for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation participant detail for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Participant Detail (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can register incentive compensation participant for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

Privilege: Register Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant subledger for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can create incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Creation Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Payment Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Payment Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can pay incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Payment Duty

Privilege: Pay Incentive Compensation Payment Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation payment plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation payment plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation payment transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Paysheet Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Manager can maintain incentive compensation participant paysheet for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Maintain Incentive Compensation Participant Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation paysheet for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation paysheet for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Paysheet Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Pay Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation pay group for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Pay Group Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Pay Group (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Payment Batch Creation Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Payment Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation plan component for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Review Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan Role Assignment

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation plan assignment to role for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Role Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Assignment to Role (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Role

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation role for all incentive compensation roles in the enterprise

Role: Incentive Compensation Assignment Admistration Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Role (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Role

Incentive Compensation Rollup Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation rollup group for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Rule Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Rollup Group (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Team

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation team for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Team Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Team (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Manager can maintain incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Privilege: Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation participant transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Participant Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation transaction collection batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Sales Resource Quota

An Incentive Compensation Manager can view sales resource quota for all resource quota records in the enterprise

Role: Quota Management Compensation Planning Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Trading Community Organization

An Incentive Compensation Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Abstract Role: Incentive Compensation Participant

Receive incentive compensation computed by the application and review reports


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant

Duty Role


Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (FSCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty (FSCM)

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Partner Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Party Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Views trading community parties.

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Views their own information.

Transactional Analysis Duty (FSCM)

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant

Inherited Roles

Incentive Compensation Participant

          Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                    Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Participant can create incentive compensation dispute for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation measure for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation participant for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation participant subledger for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation payment plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation payment transaction for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation paysheet for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation plan component for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Participant can review incentive compensation transaction for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction

Trading Community Organization

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Relationship

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

An Incentive Compensation Participant can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Abstract Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Manager

Manage participants who receive incentive compensation and review reports


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant Manager

Duty Role


Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (FSCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Monitor, for directs and self, incentive transactions, payments, and plans

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty (FSCM)

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Partner Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Party Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Views trading community parties.

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

Views their own information.

Transactional Analysis Duty (FSCM)

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant Manager

Inherited Roles

Incentive Compensation Participant Manager

          Incentive Compensation Participant

                    Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                              Transactional Analysis Duty

          Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                    Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant Manager

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Monitor, for directs and self, incentive transactions, payments, and plans

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Team Attainment

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the abstract role Incentive Compensation Participant Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can create incentive compensation dispute for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can create incentive compensation dispute for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation measure for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation measure for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant subledger for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation participant subledger for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation payment plan for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation payment plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation payment transaction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation payment transaction for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation paysheet for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation paysheet for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation plan for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation plan component for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation plan component for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation transaction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can review incentive compensation transaction for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction

Trading Community Organization

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Relationship

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

An Incentive Compensation Participant Manager can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Job Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Configure and manage incentive plans, plan components, and classification rules


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Create and manage requests to calculate the incentive compensation for a set of participants

Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Management Duty

Create and maintain transaction classification rules and associated criteria

Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive plans, plan components, rate tables and expressions

Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation processes

Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Create, review, and adjust incentive compensation transactions, credits and earnings

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Inherited Roles

Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

          Administration Link View Duty

          Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

          Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Create and manage requests to calculate the incentive compensation for a set of participants

Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event

Submit Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Management Duty

Create and maintain transaction classification rules and associated criteria

Manage Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Hierarchy

Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Category

Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive plans, plan components, rate tables and expressions

Manage Incentive Compensation Earning Types

Manage Incentive Compensation Expression

Manage Incentive Compensation Measure

Manage Incentive Compensation Plan

Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Manage Incentive Compensation Rate Dimension

Manage Incentive Compensation Rate Table

Perform Incentive Compensation Plan Assignment to Role

Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Create and maintain incentive compensation processes

Import Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Import Incentive Compensation Transaction

Maintain Incentive Compensation Classification Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Group Batch

Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Assignment

Manage Incentive Compensation Processes and Workload

Manage Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch

Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Create, review, and adjust incentive compensation transactions, credits and earnings

Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the job role Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation calculation batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Classification Rule

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation classification rule hierarchy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Hierarchy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Credit Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation credit batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Credit Category

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation credit category for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Classification Rule Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Credit Category (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Earnings Type

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation earning types for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Earning Types (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Expression

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation expression for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Expression (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Goal

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Interval Type

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation intervals for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Intervals (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation logged change event for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Calculation Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation measure for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation plan component for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Rate Dimension

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation rate dimension for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Rate Dimension (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Rate Table

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation rate table for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Rate Table (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns Setup

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can configure incentive compensation tables and columns for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Plan Management Duty

Privilege: Configure Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can maintain incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Privilege: Maintain Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can review incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation transaction collection batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Process Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Abstract Role: Line Manager

Identifies the person as a line manager.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Line Manager

Duty Role


Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records.

Absence and Leave Accrual Analysis Duty (HCM)

This duty role is used for analyzing employee historical and future planned absence trends and employee leave accrual balances

Assignment Status Type Service Duty

Allows the Assignment Status Type Service to be called

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty (HCM)

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty (HCM)

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Compensation Analysis Duty (HCM)

This duty role is used for analyzing employee salary, salary range penetration and the correlation of pay and performance

Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Adds contingent workers.

Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty (HCM)

Reviews outstanding corporate card transactions of employees in the reporting hierarchy.

Employee Hire Duty

Hires employees.

Employment Action Reason Search Duty

Searches employment actions and action reasons.

Employment Action Reason Selection Duty

Filters the action reason list of values.

Employment Action Type Search Duty

Searches action types.

Employment Action Type Selection Duty

Filters action type list of values.

Employment Public Objects Management Duty

Manages the public objects related to employment.

Employment Services Management Duty

Manages the services related to employment.

Expense Analysis Duty (HCM)

Analyzes employee expenses and trends for the employees in their reporting hierarchy.

Expense Approval Duty (HCM)

Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.

Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.

Goal Management Line Manager Duty

Goal Management Line Manager  - inherited by Line Manager

Goal Management Organization Owner Duty

Goal Management Organization Owner for functional access to Organization Goals

HCM Document Management Duty

Manages documents.

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

HR Salary Management Duty

Manages worker salary and views salary analytics.

HR Specialist Compensation Management Duty

Manages worker salary and off-cycle compensation for individual workers.

Individual Compensation Management Duty

Manages off-cycle compensation awards for individual workers.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Legislative Data Group Selection Duty

Filters the legislative data group list of values based on the user's legislative data group security profile.

Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

Manages compensation budgets by distributing and publishing budgets to lower manager.

Line Manager Compensation Management Duty

Manages compensation for workers in their organization by distributing budgets, awarding compensation to groups of workers on a periodic basis, or adjusting salary or awards for individual workers on an off-cycle basis, and viewing a worker's compensation in the portrait.

Line Manager Expense Analysis Duty (HCM)

BI Duty role for Line Managers to review and analyze team expenses. This duty role includes visibility to employee expenses, credit card expenses, and expense violation data. For managers with multiple reporting levels, the ability to drill down along the employee hierarchy is provided

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Manages workforce compensation by allocating compensation, rating performance, and promoting workers on a periodic basis.

Manager Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the worker and manager gallery cards. This role is associated with the HR specialist and line manager roles.

Manager Gallery Cards Access Duty

Restricts specific portrait cards to line managers or HR specialists only.

Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Grants access to the line manager transaction dashboard that contains analytics.

Manager Transaction Dashboard Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the manager transaction dashboard.

Non Worker Addition Duty

Adds nonworkers.

Party Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Views trading community parties.

Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Submits new payroll flows.

Pending Worker Addition Duty

Adds pending workers.

Pending Worker Hire Duty

Hires pending workers.

Performance Management Compensation Duty

Views performance documents from compensation workarea.

Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

Person Hiring Duty

Hires employees and adds contingent workers and nonworkers. This role is also responsible for entering pending workers and hiring them. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits the privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or line manager typically.

Portrait Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.

Portrait Availability Duty

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

Portrait Compensation Duty

Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Contact Duty

Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

Portrait Employment Information Duty

Grants access to view the employment card in the Portrait, which includes assignment and contract information. This role is associated with the line manager and HR specialist.

Portrait Maintenance Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Portrait View Duty

Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.

Position Lookup Service Duty

Calls the position lookup service.

Public Person Selection Duty

Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed by other teams.

Question Management Duty

Creates and maintains questions and responses.

Questionnaire Line Manager Duty

Performs all questionnaire duties as a line manager.

Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates and maintains questionnaires.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty (HCM)

Grants privileges to view trading communityrelationships data.

Salary Management Duty

Manages salary data for workers.

Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is associated with the line manager or HR specialist.

Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Searches supervisor hierarchy through services.

Talent Line Manager Duty

Performs all talent management duties as a line manager.

Talent Review Participant Duty

Manages the data utilized during the talent review meeting.

US New Hire Reporting Duty

Allows user to produce the New Hire State report.

User Role Account Management Duty

Manages user role accounts.

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Employment Information Duty

Views employment information.

Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.

Worker Checklist Management Duty

Manages checklist definitions.

Worker Employment Management Duty

Hires, promotes, transfers, and terminates workers. Changes locations, working hours, and workers' managers. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or line manager typically.

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Worker Location Change Duty

Changes persons' locations.

Worker Manager Change Duty

Changes persons' managers.

Worker Person Management Duty

Manages workers' documents, schedules, checklists, and information shared information by line managers.

Worker Preboarding Duty

Duty role that permits line managers and others to complete the preboarding component of an onboarding process.

Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

This duty role is used to view worker predictions

Worker Promotion Duty

Promotes persons.

Worker Service Creation Duty

Creates workers through the worker service.

Worker Termination Reporting Duty

Reports on workers' termination data.

Worker Transfer Duty

Transfers persons.

Worker Work Relationship Addition Duty

Adds work relationships to persons.

Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

Terminates work relationships.

Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Changes the working hours of persons.

Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Start Process menu on the Workforce Processes work area

Workforce Deployment Analysis Duty (HCM)

This duty role is used for analyzing headcount staffing, employee turnover, workforce diversity, internal mobility and employee performance

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as a line manager.

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings, options and features. Role memberships marked with a "*" in the "All" column are required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Line Manager

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature

Incentive Compensation


Absence Recording Duty

Absence and Leave Accrual Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Worker


Compensation Analysis Duty

Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty


Employment Public Objects Management Duty


Employment Services Management Duty


Expense Analysis Duty

Expense Approval Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty


HCM Information Comparison Duty

Line Manager Compensation Management Duty

          Individual Compensation Management Duty

Line Manager Expense Analysis Duty

Manager Gallery Access Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty


Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Manager Transaction Dashboard Navigation Duty

Party Information Inquiry Duty


Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Talent Line Manager Duty

          Goal Management Line Manager Duty

          Goal Management Organization Owner Duty

          Performance Management Line Manager Duty

          Talent Review Participant Duty

                              Individual Compensation Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty


                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

          View Employment Information Duty

          Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

User Role Account Management Duty


User Role Management Duty


Worker Employment Management Duty

Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

Workforce Deployment Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Line Manager

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records.

Manage Absence Records

View Absence Balance

Assignment Status Type Service Duty

Allows the Assignment Status Type Service to be called

Use Assignment Status Type Service

Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Adds contingent workers.

Add Contingent Worker

Create User

Renew Placement

Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty (HCM)

Reviews outstanding corporate card transactions of employees in the reporting hierarchy.

Manage Outstanding Corporate Card Transaction

Employee Hire Duty

Hires employees.

Create User

Hire Employee

Rehire Employee

Expense Approval Duty (HCM)

Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.

Approve Expense Report

Goal Management Line Manager Duty

Goal Management Line Manager  - inherited by Line Manager

Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Manage Performance Goal

Manage Performance Goal of Others

Goal Management Organization Owner Duty

Goal Management Organization Owner for functional access to Organization Goals

Assign Performance Goal to Groups of Workers

Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Manage Performance Goal

Manage Performance Goal for Organization

HCM Document Management Duty

Manages documents.

Manage Person Documentation

Search Person Documentation

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Compare HCM Information

HR Salary Management Duty

Manages worker salary and views salary analytics.

Enter Salary Details

View Salary Analytics

Individual Compensation Management Duty

Manages off-cycle compensation awards for individual workers.

Enter Variable Compensation Allocation

Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

Manages compensation budgets by distributing and publishing budgets to lower manager.

Export Compensation Budget Data by Line Manager

Manage Compensation Budget by Line Manager

Manage Group Compensation and Budgets

Model Compensation Distribution Model for Budgets by Line Manager

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Manages workforce compensation by allocating compensation, rating performance, and promoting workers on a periodic basis.

Allocate Compensation Person Rate by Line Manager

Approve and Submit Compensation Allocation by Line Manager

Assign Compensation Performance Rating by Line Manager

Award Compensation Promotion by Line Manager

Create Compensation Distribution Model for Allocation by Line Manager

Export Compensation Allocation Details to Spreadsheet by Line Manager

Generate Compensation Allocation Statements by Line Manager

Manage Group Compensation and Budgets

Run Group Compensation Line Manager Reports by Line Manager

Manager Gallery Cards Access Duty

Restricts specific portrait cards to line managers or HR specialists only.

Print Worker Portrait

Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Grants access to the line manager transaction dashboard that contains analytics.

View Manager Transaction Dashboard

Non Worker Addition Duty

Adds nonworkers.

Create Person Nonworker

Create User

Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Submits new payroll flows.

Submit Payroll Flow

Pending Worker Hire Duty

Hires pending workers.

Add Worker Pending Hire

Hire Pending Worker

Performance Management Compensation Duty

Views performance documents from compensation workarea.

Print Performance Document

View Worker Performance Management Document

Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.

Approve Worker Performance Document

Cancel Worker Performance Document by Manager

Change Participant Due Date by Manager

Complete Worker Performance Document by Manager

Create Performance Document by Manager

Delete Worker Performance Document by Manager

Print Performance Document

Reopen Performance Document by Manager

Reset Worker Performance Evaluation Status by Manager

Restore Performance Document by Manager

Select Feedback Participants

Track Participant Feedback Status

Transfer Performance Document by Manager

View Performance Information on Manager Dashboard

View Performance Information on Worker Dashboard for Manager

View Performance and Potential

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

View Person Gallery Work Area

Position Lookup Service Duty

Calls the position lookup service.

Use Position lookup Service

Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates and maintains questionnaires.

Manage Questionnaires

Question Management Duty

Creates and maintains questions and responses.

Manage Questions

Salary Management Duty

Manages salary data for workers.

Enter Salary Details

Export Salary

View Salary Analytics

Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is associated with the line manager or HR specialist.

Manage Work Schedule Assignment

Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Searches supervisor hierarchy through services.

Search Supervisor Hierarchy

Talent Review Participant Duty

Manages the data utilized during the talent review meeting.

Manage Talent Review Content

User Role Account Management Duty

Manages user role accounts.

Map and Synchronize User Account Details

View Person Account Details

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

US New Hire Reporting Duty

Allows user to produce the New Hire State report.

Run US New Hire State Report

Worker Checklist Management Duty

Manages checklist definitions.

Manage Person Allocated Checklist

Run Checklist Events Process

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Search Worker

View Nonworker Portrait

View Person Gallery Work Area

View Worker Portrait

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Share Worker Information

Worker Location Change Duty

Changes persons' locations.

Change Worker Location

Worker Manager Change Duty

Changes persons' managers.

Change Worker Manager

Worker Person Management Duty

Manages workers' documents, schedules, checklists, and information shared information by line managers.

New Person Work Area

Worker Preboarding Duty

Duty role that permits line managers and others to complete the preboarding component of an onboarding process.

Complete Preboarding

Review Worker Compensation

Review Worker Employment

Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

This duty role is used to view worker predictions

View Worker Prediction

Worker Promotion Duty

Promotes persons.

Promote Worker

Worker Termination Reporting Duty

Reports on workers' termination data.

View Conclude Placement Reports

View Termination Reports

Worker Transfer Duty

Transfers persons.

Transfer Worker

Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Changes the working hours of persons.

Change Worker Working Hour

Worker Work Relationship Addition Duty

Adds work relationships to persons.

Create Work Relationship

Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

Terminates work relationships.

Terminate Work Relationship

Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Start Process menu on the Workforce Processes work area

Start Workforce Business Process

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Manage Workforce Processes Work Area

Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as a line manager.

Define Talent Profile

Define Talent Profile Item

Manage Model Talent Profile

Manage Person Talent Profile

Manage Talent Profile Interest List

Match Talent Profile

Update Talent Profile Item

View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies for the abstract role Line Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation


A Line Manager can report person for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: US New Hire Reporting Duty

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Assignments

Assignment Grade

A Line Manager can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Supervisor

A Line Manager can search assignment supervisor hierarchy for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Privilege: Search Assignment Supervisor Hierarchy (Data)

Resource: Assignment Supervisor

Business Unit

A Line Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Compensation Allocation

A Line Manager can allocate compensation person rate by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Allocate Compensation Person Rate by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Allocation

A Line Manager can approve and submit compensation allocation by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Approve and Submit Compensation Allocation by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Allocation

Compensation Budget

A Line Manager can manage compensation budget by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Compensation Budget by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Budget

Compensation Note

A Line Manager can manage compensation note for public compensation notes for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile and for private compensation notes that they own

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Compensation Note (Data)

Resource: Compensation Note

Compensation Performance Rating

A Line Manager can assign compensation performance rating by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Assign Compensation Performance Rating by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Performance Rating

Compensation Promotion

A Line Manager can award compensation promotion by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Award Compensation Promotion by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Promotion

Compensation Stock Grant

A Line Manager can view compensation stock grant by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: View Compensation Stock Grant by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Stock Grant

Corporate Card Transaction

A Line Manager can manage outstanding corporate card transaction for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Outstanding Corporate Card Transaction (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card Transaction


A Line Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Line Manager can view employee expense for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense

Expense Report

A Line Manager can view employee expense for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense Report

Expense Report Approval Note

A Line Manager can manage expense report approval note for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval Note (Data)

Resource: Expense Report Approval Note

HR Checklist

A Line Manager can manage hr checklist for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Checklist Management Duty

Privilege: Manage HR Checklist (Data)

Resource: HR Checklist

HR Job

A Line Manager can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Legal Employer

A Line Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legislative Data Group

A Line Manager can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Legislative Data Group Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group


A Line Manager can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Worker Location Change Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Payroll Checklist

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Flow Definition

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Performance Document

A Line Manager can create performance document for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Privilege: Create Performance Document (Data)

Resource: Performance Document

A Line Manager can manage performance document for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Performance Document (Data)

Resource: Performance Document


A Line Manager can compare person for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Person (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can hire pending worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Hire Pending Worker (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can print worker portrait for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can rehire employee for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Rehire Employee (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can renew placement for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Renew Placement (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can report person for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: US New Hire Reporting Duty

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can search person live for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manager Gallery Access Duty

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can share worker information for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Information Sharing Duty

Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can view manager transaction dashboard for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Manager Transaction Dashboard (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can view worker availability portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Availability Duty

Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can view worker employment information portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Worker Employment Information Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Assignment

A Line Manager can promote worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Promote Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can search worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can transfer worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Transfer Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Checklist

A Line Manager can manage person allocated checklist for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Checklist Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Allocated Checklist (Data)

Resource: Person Checklist

Person Documentation

A Line Manager can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Document Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

A Line Manager can search person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Document Management Duty

Privilege: Search Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Email

A Line Manager can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Line Manager can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Line Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Line Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Public Person Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Line Manager can view worker contact portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Contact Duty

Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Public Person


A Line Manager can enter salary details for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HR Salary Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

Role: Salary Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

A Line Manager can view worker compensation portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Compensation Duty

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Schedule Assignment

A Line Manager can manage work schedule assignment for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Work Schedule Assignment (Data)

Resource: Schedule Assignment

Talent Profile

A Line Manager can match talent profile person for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: Match Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Line Manager can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Line Manager can view talent profile person for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

A Line Manager can view talent profile item manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Item Manager (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item

Talent Review Note

A Line Manager can manage talent review content for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Talent Review Participant Duty

Privilege: Manage Talent Review Content (Data)

Resource: Talent Review Note

Trading Community Organization

A Line Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Person

A Line Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Relationship

A Line Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Line Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User Roles

A Line Manager can assign user roles for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)

Resource: User Roles

A Line Manager can view person account details for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Account Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Account Details (Data)

Resource: User Roles

Variable Compensation Allocation

A Line Manager can enter variable compensation allocation for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Individual Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Variable Compensation Allocation (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation


A Line Manager can change worker location for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Location Change Duty

Privilege: Change Worker Location (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can change worker manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Manager Change Duty

Privilege: Change Worker Manager (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can change worker working hour for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Privilege: Change Worker Working Hour (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can compare worker employment information for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Worker Employment Information (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can review worker availability for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Location Change Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can search worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Manager Change Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

Role: Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can view absence balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: View Absence Balance (Data)

Resource: Worker

Worker Absence

A Line Manager can manage absence records for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: Manage Absence Records (Data)

Resource: Worker Absence

Worker Prediction

A Line Manager can view worker prediction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

Privilege: View Worker Prediction (Data)

Resource: Worker Prediction

Worker Service

A Line Manager can create worker service for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Service Creation Duty

Privilege: Create Worker Service (Data)

Resource: Worker Service

Workforce Business Process

A Line Manager can start workforce business process for workforce business processes in their workforce business process security profile

Role: Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Privilege: Start Workforce Business Process (Data)

Resource: Workforce Business Process

Work Relationship

A Line Manager can terminate work relationship for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

Privilege: Terminate Work Relationship (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship

A Line Manager can view conclude placement reports for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Termination Reporting Duty

Privilege: View Conclude Placement Reports (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship

World Territory

A Line Manager can choose world territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Enforcement across Tools and access methods

Data security policies enforced across analytical applications for the abstract role Line Manager






Line Manager



HR - Absence Event

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Accrual Transactions - Balance Information

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Accrual Transactions - Event Information

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Payroll Balance Detail

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Payroll Balance Summary

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Workforce - Balance Information

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Workforce - Event Information

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Workforce Gains and Losses - Balance Information

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR - Workforce Gains and Losses - Event Information

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Line Manager



HR Supervisor Hierarchy

For subordinates in their person and assignment Supervisor Hierarchy

HR Supervisor Hierarchy

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract  role.

GRC Entitlements

GRC entitlements defined for the duty roles and privileges that should be segregated for the abstract role Line Manager

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Maintain Employees

Employee Hire Duty

Create User

Hire Employee

Rehire Employee

GRC Entitlement Incompatibilities

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract role Line Manager

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Maintain Employees

Process Payroll

Data Role Templates

You use data role templates to create new roles that are authorized to specific data. 

For example, creating an Accounts Payable Manager authorized to the Suppliers, Invoices and Payments within a specific business unit. These types of roles are called data roles.

The data role template specifies which base roles to combine with which dimension values for a set of data security policies. The template generates the data roles using a naming convention specified by the template's naming rule. Data role templates are invoked automatically on the creation of a new dimension value.

Data role templates for the offering Incentive Compensation

Template Display Name

Incentive Compensation Template for Business Function Incentive Compensation

Template Name


Template Description

Incentive Compensation Template for Business Function Incentive Compensation

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function || BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Incentive Compensation Analyst

Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Incentive Compensation Manager

Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description

Incentive Compensation Analyst Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation analyst group for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation calculation batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation calculation batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Calculation Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can review incentive compensation calculation batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Calendar Period Status

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation calendar period for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Calendar Period Status

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation calendar period for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Classification Rule

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation classification rule hierarchy for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Credit Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation credit batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Credit Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation credit batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Credit Category

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation category hierarchy for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Credit Category

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation credit category for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Credit Rule

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation credit rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Credit Rule Participant

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can assign incentive compensation credit rule for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation dispute for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation dispute for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation dispute for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Dispute

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation dispute for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Earnings Type

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation earning types for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Earnings Type

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation earning types for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Expression

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation expression for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Goal

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Goal

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Goal

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Interval Type

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation intervals for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Interval Type

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation intervals for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation logged change event for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Logged Change Event

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation logged change event for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation measure for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation measure for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Measure

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation measure for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation participant detail for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation participant for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation participant detail for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Manager can register incentive compensation participant for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation participant subledger for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation participant subledger for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Pay Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation pay group for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Pay Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can create incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Payment Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can pay incentive compensation payment batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation payment plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation payment plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation payment transaction for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation payment transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can maintain incentive compensation participant paysheet for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation paysheet for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation paysheet for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Manager can maintain incentive compensation participant paysheet for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation paysheet for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation paysheet for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation plan for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation plan component for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation plan component for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation plan component for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Plan Role Assignment

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation plan assignment to role for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Rate Dimension

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation rate dimension for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Rate Table

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation rate table for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Rollup Group

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation rollup group for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Rollup Group Participant

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can assign incentive compensation rollup group for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Incentive Compensation System Parameter

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can set up incentive compensation parameters for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns Setup

An Incentive Compensation Application Administrator can configure incentive compensation tables and columns for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Tables and Columns Setup

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can configure incentive compensation tables and columns for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Team

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation team for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Team

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation team for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can maintain incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can manage incentive compensation participant transaction for the participants assigned to them directly, or indirectly, in the compensation analyst hierarchy

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Analyst can review incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Manager can maintain incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation participant transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Manager can review incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can maintain incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can review incentive compensation transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch

An Incentive Compensation Manager can manage incentive compensation transaction collection batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Transaction Collection Batch

An Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator can manage incentive compensation transaction collection batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Unassigned Duties

Incentive Compensation offering duties not assigned to any job or abstract role

Duty Role

Role Description

Incentive Compensation Credit and Rollup Rule Review Duty

Review the rules that generate direct credit transactions and determine indirect credit receivers