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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E10139-04
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A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  J  K  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


_ADF_ChangedColumn column, 7.11, 7.19
_ADF_FlagColumn column, 7.10.2, 7.11
_ADF_RowKeyColumn column, 7.11
_ADF_StatusColumn column, 7.9, 7.11
_ADFDI_FormBottomStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_FormDoubleClickCellStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_FormTopStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_HeaderStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_InputTextStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_LabelStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_OutputTextStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_ReadOnlyTableStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_TableCellROStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_TableCellStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_TableChangedColumnStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_TableDoubleClickCellStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_TableFlagColumnStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDI_TriangleHeaderStyle style, 9.2
_ADFDIres reserved resource bundle ID, 10.2


AbortOnFailure property, 8.2.9, A.11
action bindings
Commit , 7.3, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
CreateInsert , 7.5.1
Delete , 7.9.1
Action Collection Editor, invoking, 8.2
action sets
ADF Model action, invoking, 8.2.1
ADF Table component Download action, invoking in, 7.6.2
alert message, displaying, 8.2.7
ComponentAction action, 8.2
ComponentAction action, invoking in, 8.2.2
Confirmation action, 8.2
Dialog action, 8.2
disconnected workbook, invoking in, 8.2.3
error handling, 8.2.9
invoking, 8.1, 8.2
naming conventions, 8.2
status message, displaying, 8.2.5
worksheet event, invoking from, 8.2.4
worksheet ribbon button, 8.2
WorksheetMethod action, 8.2
ActionOptions properties
error handling, 8.2.9
listed, A.11
ActionOptions properties, A.11
ADF Read-only Table component, A.10
ADF Table component, A.9.3
Confirmation action, A.11.1
Dialog action, A.11.2
properties, A.11
workbook actions, A.12
worksheet actions, A.13
Actions property, A.11
ActionSet action, 8.2
Activate worksheet event, 8.2.4
adding integrated Excl workbook in JDeveloper, 4.4.1
ADF bindings filter, 4.2.2
ADF Button component
inserting, 6.2
properties, A.8
ADF component
ReadOnly property, 9.5
style, applying, 9.2.1
ADF Desktop Integration
deploying to end users, 14.2
deploying web application, 4.2.3
Designer edition, setting up, 3.5.1
development environment, setting up, 3.5
editions, 3.5.1
installation, developers, 3
installation, end users, 14.2
logging, C.3.2.1
moving installation, 3.8
publish a workbook from Excel, 14.3.1
publish a workbook using publish tool, 14.3.2
removing, 3.6
Ribbon tab, 5.2
Runtime edition, setting up, I.1
shared libraries, 4.2.3
upgrading, 3.7
workbook properties, 4.4.3
worksheet properties, 4.4.3
ADF Desktop Integration configuration file, C.3.2.2
ADF Desktop Integration List of Values component
DependsOnListID property, 8.8.1
overview, 6.6
TreeNodeList subcomponent, 7.13
ADF Desktop Integration Model API
about, H
adding library to JDeveloper project, H.2.1
classes and methods, H.3
ModelHelper class, H.3.1
temporary row object, H.1
ADF Desktop Integration servlet. See adfdiRemote servlet
ADF Desktop Integration task pane
displaying bindings, 4.3
ADF Desktop Integration Tree Node List component
dependent list of values, 8.8.3, 8.8.5
ADF Input Text component
inserting, 6.4
properties, A.2
ADF Label component
inserting, 6.3
properties, A.4
string key, retrieving from resource bundle, 9.4
ADF Library Web Application Support, 4.2
ADF List of Values component
dependent, creating, 8.8.1
properties, listed, A.5
ADF Model action, invoking, 8.2.1
ADF Model Layer for desktop integration, 12.2
ADF Output Text component
inserting, 6.5
properties, A.3
ADF Read-only Table component
adding columns, 7.16.2
creating, 7.16
Excel formula
calculating sum of a column, 8.10.3
generating values for a column, 8.10.1
functionality, 7.1
limiting number of rows downloaded, 7.17
properties, A.10
TreeID property, A.10
ADF Read-only Table component column properties, listed, A.10
ADF Table component
actions, listed, A.9.3
batch processing, 7.10
cached attributes, clearing values, 7.18
ClearCachedRowAttributes action, 7.18.1
column properties, A.9.2
creatting list of values, 7.13.1
DeleteFlaggedRows action, 7.11
deleting data, 7.9
Download action, 7.6
DownloadForInsert action, 7.7, 7.7.1
downloading data, 7.6
dynamic column, 7.8.2, 7.15
error-reporting, 12.5
evaluating ReadOnly EL expression, 7.8.3
Excel formula
calculating sum of a column, 8.10.3
generating values for a column, 8.10.1
functionality, 7.1
importing data, I.2
Importing data from a non-integrated worksheet, I.2
inserting data, 7.5
inserting into Excel workbooks, 7.3
Key column, 7.12
limiting number of rows downloaded, 7.17
ModelDrivenColumnComponent subcomponent, 7.14
page definition file requirements, 7.2
polymorphic view obect, 7.5.2
properties, A.9.1
status reporting, 12.5
supported operations, 7.2
tracking changes, 7.19
TreeID property, 7.6.1, A.9.1
TreeNodeList subcomponent, 7.13
Upload action, 7.8.1, 7.11
upload fails, 7.8.4
uploading data, 7.8
ADF Table component actions
error-reporting, 12.4.2
listed, A.9.3
ADF Table component column properties, listed, A.9.2
adfBindings bindings filter, 4.2.2
adf-desktop-integration-admin-tool.jar file, D.1, E.2
adf-desktop-integration.jar file
adding to technology scope, 4.2.2
location, E.1
adf-desktop-integration-model-api.jar file, 4.2.2
ADFdi logging console, C.3.2.1
ADFdi_AbortUploadOnFailure span element, 7.8.5
ADFdi_CloseWindow span element, 7.8.5, 8.4.1
ADFdi_DownLoadAfterUpload span element, 7.8.5
adfdi-client-registry.xml client registry file, 11.3, 11.3.3
adfdiExcelDownload download filter, 4.2.2
adfdiRemote servlet
adding to web application, 4.2.2
configuration, E
HTTP filter, adding, E.1, E.1
URL pattern, E.1
verifying that it is enabled, C.1
ADFLibraryFilter filter, 4.2.2, E.2
ADFmAction. See ADFm action
administration tool
command-line options, D.1
Excel workbook, D.1
workbook settings, changing, D.1
alert messages
action set, displaying after execution, 8.2.7
FailureMessage property, 8.2.7
SuccessMessage property, 8.2.7
Alert properties, listed, A.11
Annotation property, A.1, A.12
application template, 4.2.1
ApplicationHomeFolder workbook property, 4.4.3, 5.10, A.12
attribute control hints, listed, B.3
AttributeNamePrefix property, 7.15.1
authenticating an Excel workbook user, 11.2
verifying end-user, C.2
authorization, 11


batch processing, 7.10
BatchOptions properties, listed, A.9.1
BatchOptions property, 7.2, 7.3
BatchOptions.StartBatchActionID property, 7.9.2
BatchSize property, 7.10.1, A.9.1
binding ID picker, 5.7
supported for ADF Desktop Integration, 4.3
bindings palette, described, 5.4
branding information, for an Excel workbook, 9.6
BrandingItems workbook property
defined, A.12
described, 9.6


CachceDataContexts property, A.13
CachedAttributes property
ADF Table component RowData properties, 8.5
described for use with an ADF Table component, A.9.1
described for use with an Excel worksheet, A.13
usage in an ADF Table component, 8.5
clearing values of cached attributes, 7.18
resource bundles, 10.2.5
sensitive data, 11.4
static data, 15.1
calculated cells, using Excel formulas, 8.10
CellStyleName property, 7.5.1, A.9.2, A.10
ChangeIndicatorAttribute property, 12.7.1
ChangeIndicatorAttributeID property
ADF Table component rows, A.9.1
worksheet rows, A.13
Class property, A.12
ClearAllData workbook action, A.12
ClearCachedRowAttributes action, 7.18.1, A.9.3
ClickActionSet action, 8.2
ClickActionSet property, 6.2
client-side logging, C.3.2.4
client-side validation, 12.3
ADF Read-only Table component column properties, A.10
ADF Table component column properties, A.9.2
calculating sum of a column, 8.10.3
generating values from Excel formulas, 8.10.1
Columns property, 7.5.1, 7.16
command buttons
workbook runtime ribbon tab, creating, 8.3.1
worksheet runtime ribbon tab, creating, 8.3.2
commandMenuItem component, downloading Excel workbook, 14.4
Commit action binding, 7.3, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
CommitBatchActionID property
ADF Table component, 7.3, 7.5.1
batch options for an ADF Table component, 7.10.1
deleting rows from an ADF Table component, 7.9.2
described, A.9.1
component layout and design on a worksheet, 7.1
ComponentAction action, 8.2
ComponentID property, 8.2.2, A.1
components palette
described, 5.5
inserting an ADF Output Text component, 6.5
configuration files
j2ee-logging.xml configuration file, C.3.1
Confirmation action, 8.2, A.11.1
Confirmation action properties, A.11.1
control hints, attribute, B.3
CreateInsert action binding, 7.5.1
currentRowIndex EL expression property, B.2
currentRowMode EL expression property, B.2
custom upload dialog, 7.8.5


ADF Table component, deleting, 7.9
ADF Table component, uploading from, 7.8
data conflict, managing, 12.7
data control frame
ShareFrame property, 8.4.3, 8.4.3
sharing between an Excel workbook and a web application, 8.4.3
data security, 11.4
DataBindings.cpx file in a desktop integration project, 4.3.2
dataType attribute control hint, B.3
date format, Excel, 9.2
Deactivate worksheet event, 8.2.4, A.13, A.13
Delete action binding, 7.9.1
DeleteFlaggedRows action, 7.9, 7.11, A.9.3
DeleteRowActionID property, 7.9.1, 7.9.2, A.9.1
DeleteRowEnabled property, 7.9.1, A.9.1
dependent list of values, creating, 8.8
DependsOnList property, A.6
DependsOnListID property, 8.8.1, A.5
deployment descriptor file. See web.xml file
deployment of an Excel workbook, 14.1
design time, 5.1
desktop integration
Java data types, supported, G
desktop integration. See ADF Desktop Integration
development environment, setting up, 3.1
development tools
described, 5.1
Ribbon tab, 5.2
task pane, 5.3
Dialog action
display options, 8.4
Page property, A.11.2
ShareFrame property, A.11.2
Target property, 8.4, 8.4.1, A.11.2
Title property, A.11.2, A.11.2
web page, displaying in Excel Document Actions, 8.4.2
web page, displaying in popup dialog, 8.4.1
web page, invoking, 8.4
Dialog.Target property, 8.4
disconnected workbooks
action sets, invoking, 8.2.3
from web application, 15
DisplayRowErrors action, A.9.3
DisplayTableErrors action, A.9.3
DisplayWorksheetErrors worksheet action
described, A.13
usage, 12.4.2
DoubleClickActionSet action, described, 8.2
Download action, ADF Read-only Table component, A.10
Download action, ADF Table component, A.9.3
download filter, 4.2.2
DownloadFlaggedRows action
described, A.9.3
usage, 12.7
DownloadForInsert action
described, A.9.3
EL expressions, evaluating, 7.7
usage, 7.7
DownSync worksheet action, 6.4, A.13
dynamic columns
adding to ADF Table components, 7.15
InsertComponent property, 7.15.2
specifying header labels, 7.15.3
specifying syles accroding to data type, 7.15.4
supporting Insert and Update operations, 7.15.2
Update operation, 7.15.2
UpdateComponent property, 7.15.2
DynamicColumn property, 7.15, A.9.2


EditOptions workbook action, A.12
EL expressions
currentRowIndex EL expression property, B.2
currentRowMode EL expression property, B.2
DownloadForInsert action, 7.7
dynamic columns, 7.15.1
error-reporting, 12.4.1
errors EL expression property, B.2
Excel formula, B.1
Expression Builder, 5.8
guidelines for syntax, B
hyperlinks, generating dynamic, 8.9.1
literal values, B.1
readOnly EL expression property, B.2
referencing managed beans, 6.7
resource bundle string keys, B.2
rowCount EL expression property, B.2
styles, applying, 9.2.2, 9.3
syntax for a desktop integration project, 4.3.4
syntax for resource bundles, 10.2.5
workbook initialization parameters, B.2
worksheet errors, B.2
writing, 5.8
enable ADF Desktop Integration
executing, 4.4.2
Enabled property, A.11, A.11
error handling using action sets, 8.2.9
adding detail, 12.6
component actions, using, 12.4.2
EL expression, using, 12.4.1
in an integrated Excel workbook, 12.4
errors EL expression property, B.2
Event property, A.13
Events properties
Event property, A.13
InvokeOnceOnly property, A.13
listed, A.13
Events worksheet property, 8.2.4, A.13
Excel date format, 9.2
Excel Document Actions
value to display web pages, 8.4
web pages, displaying, 8.4.2
Excel formulas
calculated cells, 8.10
creating columns with values generated by, 8.10.1
EL expressions, B.1
styles, evaluating EL expressions to apply, 9.3
Excel HYPERLINK function, 8.9, 8.9
Excel OFFSET function, 8.10.3
Excel SUM function, 8.10.3
Excel T function, 8.9
Excel workbook
adding a worksheet to integrate with a web application, 4.4.4
ADF Table components, inserting, 7.3
administration tool, changing settings, D.1
appearance, configuring, 9
associating with page definition files, 4.4.4
branding information, 9.6
configuring a new workbook, 4.4.3
conversion utility, D, H
creating page definition files, 4.3.1
databound search form, 8.6.2
deployment, 14.1
downloading data to ADF Table components, 7.6
forms, creating, 8.6
HTTP filter parameters, 14.4
metadata, exporting, C.4
MIME mapping, 4.2.2
publication, 14.3
published, changing at runtime, I.4
reloading a page definition file, 4.3.3
search form, creating, 8.6.1
storing in a desktop integration project, 4.4.2
styles, predefined, 9.2
styles, using, 9
supported file formats, 3.2
synchronized with web applications, 8.4.3
test mode, running in, 13.3
testing, 13.2
troubleshooting, C
version information, 9.6
web pages, displaying, 8.4
web pages, invoking, 14.4
Expression Builder, invoking, 5.8


FailureActionID property, 7.9.2, 8.2.9, A.9.1, A.11
FailureMessage property, 8.2.7, A.11
file formats
.xlsm file format, 3.2
.xlsx file format, 3.2
adfBindings, 4.2.2
adfdiExcelDownload, 4.2.2
ADFLibraryFilter, 4.2.2, E.2
bindings filter, 4.2.2
HTTP filter, E
FlagAllRows action, A.9.3
flagged row, 7.9, 7.10.2
Excel workbook, creating in, 8.6
search form, 8.6
web application, invoking from, 8.6.2
form-type component, defined, 6.1
formulas, use of Excel, 8.10
Fusion web applications
application template, 4.2.1
synchronized with an Excel workbook, 8.4.3


hash code value for metadata tamper-check, 11.3
HeaderLabel property, 7.5.1, A.9.2, A.10
HeaderStyleName property, 7.5.1, A.9.2, A.10
HTTP filter name property, E.1, E.1
HTTP filter parameters for an Excel workbook, 14.4
HTTP filters
adfdiRemote servlet, adding, E.1, E.1
parameters, configuring, E.2
HYPERLINK Excel function, 8.9, 8.9
hyperlink, configuring components to display dynamically generated, 8.9.1


ID property, A.9.2, A.10
IDAttributeID property, A.13
importing data from a non-integrated Excel worksheet, I.2
Initialize action, A.9.3
Insert operation, 7.15.2
InsertAfterRowActionID property, A.9.1
InsertBeforeRowActionID property, 7.5.1, A.9.1
InsertComponent property, 7.15.2, A.9.2
InsertRowEnabled property, 7.4.1, 7.5.1, A.9.1
InsertRowsAfterUploadEnabled property, 7.5.1, A.9.1
InsertUsesUpdate property, 7.5.1, A.9.2
ADF Desktop Integration, for developers, 3
ADF Desktop Integration, for end users, 14.2
integrated Excel workbook
adding, JDeveloper, 4.4.1
localizing set up, 3.9
migrating, 3.7.1
integrated Excel workbook, defined, 1.2
internationalization, 10
Internet Explorer
proxy settings, 3.5.1
supported version, 3.2
InvokeOnceOnly property, A.13


j2ee-logging.xml configuration file, C.3.1
.JAR files
adf-desktop-integration-admin-tool.jar file, D.1, E.2
adf-desktop-integration.jar file, 4.2.2, E.1
adf-desktop-integration-model-api.jar, 4.2.2
resourcebundle.jar file, 4.2.2
Java data types supported by desktop integration, G
JDeveloper project, adding desktop integration, 4.2.1


Key Column, 7.12
Key column, 7.1


label attribute control hint, B.3
Label property
described, A.1
evaluating, 6.3
retrieving string key value, 9.4
value, updating, 9.4
Label property
retrieving string key values, 9.4
string key from resource bundle, 9.4
layout of components in Excel workbook, 9
Limitations of integrated Excel workbook at runtime, I.5
LimitBatchSize property, 7.10.1, A.9.1
list of values
in ADF Table component, 7.13
list of values, creating dependent, 8.8
List property, A.6
ListID property, 6.6, A.5
literal values in EL expressions, B.1
Excel workbook, 10.1
regional and language options, 9.2
described, 10
user-visible strings, 10.1
log files
client-side generation, C.3.2.2
client-side logging, C.3.2.4
generating, C.3
server-side generation, C.3, C.3.1
server-side logging levels, C.3.1
logging tools, C.3.2.1
login mechanism, 11.2.1
types of authentication, 11.2.1
Login workbook action, A.12
Login.windowSize workbook property, A.12
Logout workbook action, A.12


macros, use of in an integrated Excel workbook, 8.11
managed beans, configuring ADF components to display output, 6.7
mandatory attribute control hint, B.3
MarkAllRowsChanged action, A.9.3
MarkAllRowsUnchanged action, A.9.3
Master Price List module
Fusion web application
download integrated Excel workbook,
log in, 2.3.1
overview, 2.3
search product, 2.3.4
toolbar, 2.3.3
web interface, 2.3.2
integrated Excel workbook
download data, 2.4.2
log in, 2.4.1
overview, 2.4
search product, 2.4.3
upload data, 2.4.6
overview, 2.1
set up, 2.2
user profiles, 2.3.1
Message property, A.11
exporting from Excel workbook, C.4
tamper check, 11.3
Method property, 8.2.2
migrating an integrated Excel workbook, 3.7.1
MIME mapping for an Excel workbook, 4.2.2
creating, 7.14
support for dependent list of values, 7.14
design, 5.1
test, 5.1


functionality available, 15.1
working, 15
OFFSET Excel function, 8.10.3
OKButtonLabel property, A.11
Oracle ADF tab
reloading page definition files, 4.3.3
Oracle ADF tab commands
creating, 8.3
Runtime Ribbon tab property, 8.3
OutputText property, A.10
overridable resources, 10.2.3


Page Definition property, A.13
page definition files
associating with an Excel workbook, 4.4.4
creating for a desktop integration project, 4.3.1
EL expression syntax, 4.3.4
Excel workbooks, 4.3
exposing bindings, 5.4
reloading in an Excel workbook, 4.3.3
requirements for ADF Table components, 7.2
selecting, 5.11
Page property, A.11.2
PageDefinition property, 5.11
Parameters workbook property, A.12
Parameters worksheet property, A.13
pick dialogs
ADF Table component, inserting values, 8.5
ADF Table component, invoking from, 8.5
web page, 8.5
popup dialog, invoking, 8.4.1
Position property, A.1
predefined style, 9.2
Pre-insert data, 7.7
Project workbook property, 4.4.3, A.12
action set, A.11
ADF Button component, A.8
ADF Input Text component, A.2
ADF Label component, A.4
ADF List of Values component, A.5
ADF Output Text component, A.3
ADF Read-only Table component, A.10
ADF Table component, A.9.1
BatchOptions properties, 7.8.2
Confirmation action, A.11.1
Dialog action, A.11.2
TreeNodeList subcomponent, A.6
WebPagesFolder workbook property, 4.4.3, 5.10, 11.3
workbook, 5.3
.properties resource bundle type, 10.2.5
property inspector
displaying, 5.2
overview, 5.6
property values, validating, C
publish tool, 14.3.2
changing a published Excel workbook at runtime, I.4
Excel workbook, 14.3
publishing an integrated Excel workbook from Excel, 14.3.1
publishing an integrated Excel workbook using publish tool, 14.3.2


readOnly attribute control hint, B.3
readOnly EL expression property, B.2
ReadOnly property, 9.5, A.1
regional and language options, 9.2
RemoteServletPath workbook property, A.12
Removing personal information, I.3
reserved resource bundle
defined, 10.2
overriding, 10.2.3
string keys, F
resource bundles
caching, 10.2.5
EL expression syntax, 10.2.5
EL expressions, B.2
override the reserved, 10.2.3
.properties resource bundle type, 10.2.5
registering, 10.2.1
reserved resource bundle, 10.2
Resources property, A.12
retrieving string keys for labels, 9.4
.rts resource bundle type, 10.2.5
string keys in reserved resource bundle, F
supported types, 10.2.5
working with, 10
.xlf resource bundle type, 10.2.5
resourcebundle.jar file, 4.2.2
Resources workbook property, 10.2, A.12
Ribbon Commands property, A.13
RowActions properties
ADF Table component, 7.5.1
listed, A.9.1
method action control bindings, 7.2
RowActions.FailureActionID property, 7.8.2
rowCount EL expression property, B.2
RowData properties
CachedAttributes property, 8.5, A.9.1, A.13
ChangeIndicatorAttributeID property, A.9.1, A.13
RowDownSync action, A.9.3
RowInconsistentExceptions error messages, 12.7
RowLimit properties
ADF Read-only Table component, 7.16
ADF Table component, 7.3
description, A.1
usage, 7.17
RowLimit property, A.9.1
RowLimit.Enabled property, 7.17.1
RowLimit.MaxRows property, 7.17.1
RowLimit.WarningMessage property, 7.17.1
RowUpSync action, A.9.3
.rts resource bundle type, 10.2.5
Runtime Ribbon Tab workbook property, 8.3, A.12


search forms
creating, 8.6
databound in an Excel workbook, 8.6.2
Excel workbook, in, 8.6.1
invoking from a web application, 8.6.2
data security, 11.4
Excel's security features, 11.4
securing an Excel workbook, 11
SelectActionSet action set
usage, 8.2
worksheet ribbon button, 8.2
server data context, reetablishing between sessions, 15.2
server ping test, 13.2
ServerContext properties
CachceDataContexts property, A.13
IDAttributeID property, A.13
ServerContext property, A.13
server-side logging levels, C.3.1
server-side validation, 12.2
adfdiRemote servlet, 4.2.2, C.1
servlet class property, E.1
servlet name property, E.1
ShareFrame property, 8.4.3, 8.4.3, A.11.2
Shutdown worksheet event, 8.2.4, A.13
span elements
ADFdi_AbortUploadOnFailure , 7.8.5
ADFdi_CloseWindow , 7.8.5, 8.4.1
ADFdi_DownLoadAfterUpload , 7.8.5
StartBatchActionID property, 7.10.1, A.9.1
Startup worksheet event, 8.2.4, A.13
Status action set property, 8.2.5
status message, displaying during action set execution, 8.2.5
Status properties
Enabled , A.11
Message , A.11
Title , A.11
string keys
label, associating with, 9.4
reserved resource bundle, F
StyleName property, A.1
_ADFDI_FormBottomStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_FormDoubleClickCellStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_FormTopStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_HeaderStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_LabelStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_OutputTextStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_ReadOnlyTableStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_TableCellROStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_TableCellStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_TableChangedColumnStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_TableDoubleClickCellStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_TableFlagColumnStyle , 9.2
_ADFDI_TriangleHeaderStyle , 9.2
_AFDI_InputTextStyle , 9.2
applying, 9.2.1
EL expression, applying using, 9.2.2, 9.3
Excel date format, 9.2
Excel workbook, configuring, 9
locale sensitive, applying, 10.1
Oracle ADF component properties, 9.2
predefined, listed, 9.2
usability, 9.5
SuccessActionID property, 7.9.2, 8.2.9, A.11
SuccessMessage property, 8.2.7, A.11
SUM Excel function, 8.10.3


T Excel function, 8.9
table-type component, defined, 7.1
tamper check
configuring, 11.3
disabling, 11.3.2
hash code value, 11.3
Target property, 8.4.1, A.11.2
technology scope
ADF Desktop Integration, 4.2
ADF Library Web Application Support, 4.2
Temporary Row Object, H.1
testing an integrated Excel workbook, 13.2
third-party software, required, 3.5
Title property, A.11, A.11, A.11.2, A.11.2, A.12
tracking changes in an ADF Table component, 7.19
TreeID property, 7.6.1, A.9.1, A.10
TreeNodeID property, 7.15.1
TreeNodeList subcomponent
overview, A.6
properties, listed, A.6
troubleshooting an Excel workbook, C


UnflagAllRows action, A.9.3
UniqueAttribute property, A.9.1
Update operation, 7.15.2
updateable attribute control hint, B.3
UpdateComponent property, 7.5.1, 7.15.2, A.9.2
UpdateRowActionID property, A.9.1
UpdateRowEnabled property, A.9.1
creating a custom upload dialog, 7.8.5
data from an ADF Table component, 7.8
invoking Upload action, 7.8.1
Upload action, 7.11
upload failure, 7.8.4
Upload action, A.9.3
UpSync worksheet action, 6.4, A.13
URL pattern for adfdiRemote servlet, E.1
usability, apply styles for, 9.5
using navigation buttons, 6.9
using publish tool with ANT, 14.3.2


ADF Model Layer, 12.2
client-side validation, 12.3
property values by property inspector, C
server-side validation, 12.2
Value property, A.1
version information for an integrated Excel workbook, 9.6
ViewAboutDialog workbook action, 9.6, A.12
ViewController project, 4.2.1
Visible property, A.9.2, A.12


web applications
deploying Excel workbook with, 14.4
desktop integration, verifying support, C.1
using workbook while disconnected, 15
web browser control, 11.2.1
web pages
display options, popup dialog, 8.4
displaying in Excel Document Actions, 8.4.2
Excel workbook, invoking, 14.4
Excel workbook, invoking from, 8.4
invoking, 5.9
pick dialog, inserting values from, 8.5
popup dialog, displaying, 8.4.1
WebAppRoot workbook property, 4.4.3, A.12, C.2
WEB-INF directory, location of, 11.3
WebPagesFolder workbook property, 4.4.3, 5.10, 11.3, A.12
web.xml file
configuration, E
example entries, E.3
modifying, 4.2.2
workbook actions
listed, A.12
Workbook Commands property, 8.3
workbook commands for the runtime ribbon tab, creating, 8.3.1
Workbook Commands property, A.12
workbook initialization parameters, EL expressions, B.2
workbook properties
ApplicationHomeFolder , 4.4.3, 5.10, 11.3
listed, A.12
Project , 4.4.3
reset WorkbookID , 11.3
WebAppRoot , 4.4.3
WebPagesFolder , 4.4.3, 5.10, 11.3
WorkbookID workbook property, 11.3, A.12
worksheet actions
DownSync , 6.4
listed, A.13
UpSync , 6.4
worksheet command buttons, creating, 8.3.2
Worksheet Commands property, 8.3
worksheet error, retrieving using EL expressions, B.2
worksheet events
action set, 8.2
action set, invoking an, 8.2.4
Activate , 8.2.4
Deactivate , 8.2.4
listed, A.13
Shutdown , 8.2.4
Startup , 8.2.4
worksheet properties
editing, 4.4.3
listed, A.13
PageDefinition property, 5.11
worksheet protection, 9.7
WorksheetMethod action in action sets, 8.2


.xlf resource bundle type, 10.2.5
.xlsm file format, 3.2
.xlsx file format, 3.2