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Oracle® Guardian User's Guide

Part Number E15055-01
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3 Command Reference

This chapter describes the Guardian User Interface components and features, and also provides a detailed reference to the Guardian Command Line Interface. The following topics are included:

3.1 Main Menu Bar

The Main Menu Bar is at the top of the Oracle Guardian main window just below the Oracle Guardian title bar. The Menu Bar contains the following menus:

The Menu Bar menus in turn contain a series of options and submenus, some of which also lead to additional menus, dialog boxes, or wizards. The following sections provide a description of each of these menus, and instructions for invoking them.

3.1.1 Keyboard Shortcuts

You can invoke many menus, submenus, and menu options by using a keyboard shortcut. To display Menu Bar menus, press the Alt key and type the menu selection key for the menu you want to display. The menu selection key is the letter underlined in the menu name in the Menu Bar when you press the Alt key.

Some menu options also have keyboard shortcuts, which consist of a specific sequence of characters pressed simultaneously. If a menu item has a keyboard shortcut, the key sequence is listed next to the item in the menu. To see the complete list of keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+Shift+L.

3.1.2 File Menu

Table 3-1 describes the File menu options and submenus.

Table 3-1 File Menu

Menu Item Description


This option opens a submenu with the following options:

  • Domain Group — Open the Add Domain Group dialog box for creating a new Domain Group.

  • Domain — Open the Domain Activation Wizard.

  • Inventory — Open the Inventory Wizard.

  • Evaluation — Open the Evaluation Wizard.

  • Shortcut — Open the Shortcut Wizard.

Open File

(Disabled.) This is an Eclipse Platform menu option that does not apply to this application.


Open the selected item. Select an item in the Navigation Pane, and then select File > Open to display the contents for that item in the Document Pane.


Close the current display in the Document Pane.

Close All

Close all Document Pane displays.

Save As

Export the selected Domain Inventory or Evaluation as a file (PDF or HTML).


Print the contents of the Report tab or Source tab currently displayed in the Document Pane.


Open the Import dialog box for importing Guardian Preferences, Workspace, or Report Plug-in.


Open the Export dialog box for exporting Guardian Preferences, Workspace, or Report Plug-in.


Exit Guardian.

3.1.3 Edit Menu

Table 3-2 describes the Edit menu options.

Table 3-2 Edit Menu

Menu Item Description


(Disabled.) This is an Eclipse Platform menu option that does not apply to this application. Use Ctrl+X for cut operations, where applicable.


(Disabled.) This is an Eclipse Platform menu option that does not apply to this application. Use Ctrl+V for paste operations, where applicable.

3.1.4 Tools Menu

Table 3-3 describes the Tools menu options and submenus.

Table 3-3 Tools Menu

Menu Item Description

Purge Inactive Domains

Remove deactivated domains from the Domain Explorer and the Guardian Registry. This also removes from the Guardian Workspace any Domain Inventories, Evaluation Summaries, and Service Request Archives for those domains.

Modify Domain

Modify the selected domain. Opens the Domain Properties dialog box, where you can reconfigure the properties for the selected domain.


This opens the Domain Deactivation Wizard for the selected domain.

View Log

This opens a submenu with the following options:

  • Signature Log — Display the Guardian Signature log file.

  • Guardian Log — Display the Guardian log file.

3.1.5 Window Menu

Table 3-4 describes the Window menu options and submenus.

Table 3-4 Window Menu

Menu Item Description

Show View

This opens a submenu containing the following options:

  • Domain Explorer — Opens the Domain Explorer in the Navigation Pane.

  • Bundle Explorer — Opens the Bundle Explorer in the Navigation Pane.

  • Shortcut Explorer — Opens the Shortcut Explorer in the Navigation Pane.

  • Signature Explorer — Opens the Signature Explorer in the Navigation Pane.

  • Active Domains Table — Opens the Active Domains Table in the Document Pane.

  • Shortcuts Table — Opens the Shortcuts Table in the Document Pane.

  • Progress View — Opens the Progress View below the Navigation Pane.

  • Outline View — Opens the Outline View to the right of the Document Pane.

Reset Perspective

Reset the Guardian displays to their default settings.


This opens the Preferences page.

3.1.6 Help Menu

Table 3-5 describes the Help menu options and submenus.

Table 3-5 Help Menu

Menu Item Description

Help Contents

This opens the Oracle Guardian Online Help System.


This opens the Online Help Search utility.

Dynamic Help

This opens the Guardian Dynamic Online Help pane (to the right of the Document Pane).

Cheat Sheet

This opens the Cheat Sheet Selection dialog box for selecting and displaying a Guardian Cheat Sheet (to the right of the Document Pane). The Cheat Sheet provides step-by-step instructions for basic Guardian tasks. Action buttons are provided for some tasks; click a button to initiate that task.

Manage Guardian

This opens a submenu with the following options:

  • Update Guardian — Open the Update Wizard.

  • Manage Configuration — Open the Product Configuration Manager for performing the following tasks:

  • Scan for Updates

  • View Installation History

  • Show Activities

  • Add an Extension Location

Key Assist

Display the list of keyboard shortcuts.

About Oracle Guardian

Open the About Oracle Guardian dialog box. This displays the version of your current Guardian installation, and details about Guardian features, plug-ins, and configuration.

3.2 Main Toolbar

The Main Toolbar is located below the Main Menu Bar, and contains action buttons for the most common Guardian tasks. You can roll your mouse pointer over a button to display the tool tip text for that button.

Table 3-6 describes the Main Toolbar buttons.

Table 3-6 Guardian Main Toolbar Buttons

Button Description


Display the selected resource in the Document Pane.

  • Opens the Active Domain Table when Target Domains is selected in the Domain Explorer.

  • Opens the Domain Inventory view when a Domain Inventory is selected in the Domain Explorer.

  • Opens the Evaluation Summary view when an Evaluation Summary is selected in the Domain Explorer.

  • Opens the Signature view when a signature is selected in the Signature Explorer or Bundle Explorer.

  • Opens the Signature Bundle view when a Bundle is selected in the Bundle Explorer.

  • Opens the Evaluation Wizard when a Shortcut is selected in the Shortcut Explorer.


Print the contents of the Report tab or Source tab currently displayed in the Document Pane.


Open the Domain Activation Wizard.


Open the Inventory Wizard.


Open the Evaluation Wizard.


Open the Update Wizard.

3.3 Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane resides in the left side of the Oracle Guardian main window. The Navigation Pane contains several tabs leading to Explorer Views. You can have multiple Views open at once, but only one can be displayed at a time. Click on a tab to display that Explorer View.

The following section provides an overview of Navigation Pane elements.

3.3.1 Navigation Pane Elements

Navigation Pane elements include the following:

The following sections describe each of these elements. Explorer Views

At the top of the Navigation Pane are the Explorer View tabs. Select a tab to display that View. Table 3-7 provides an overview of the Navigation Pane Explorer Views.

Table 3-7 Navigation Pane Explorer Tabs

Explorer Tab Description

Domain Explorer

Open the Domain Explorer. This View enables you to browse, manage, and monitor the domains you have defined in Guardian. Right-click in the Domain Explorer to open a context menu of domain operations. See Section 3.3.2, "Domain Explorer," for a complete description. See Section 2.5, "Domains," for instructions on Domain Explorer tasks.

Signature Explorer

Open the Signature Explorer. This View enables you to browse the available signatures and view the contents of a selected signature. See Section 3.3.3, "Signature Explorer," for a complete description. See Section 2.9, "Signatures," for instructions on Signature Explorer tasks.

Bundle Explorer

Open the Bundle Explorer. This View enables you to browse the available Signature Bundles and their contents. See Section 3.3.4, "Bundle Explorer," for a complete description. See Section 2.11, "Bundles," for instructions on Bundle Explorer tasks.

Shortcut Explorer

Open the Shortcut Explorer. This View enables you to view and manage your Evaluation Shortcuts. See Section 3.3.5, "Shortcut Explorer," for a complete description. See Section 2.12, "Shortcuts," for instructions on Shortcut Explorer tasks. Explorer Toolbar Icons

Below each Explorer tab title bar is the Explorer toolbar. An Explorer toolbar may contain all or some of the active icons listed in Table 3-8.

Table 3-8 Explorer Toolbar Icons

Icon Name








Expand all items

Expand all items

Collapse all items

Collapse all items

Open Explorer menu

Open Explorer menu

Link with editor

Link with Editor

In Table 3-8, note following:

  • The Restore icon is available only if the View has been maximized.

  • The Link with Editor icon links the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Navigator Pane. Explorer Toolbar Menus

The Domain Explorer, Signature Explorer, and Bundle Explorer each contain a menu icon in the right corner of the toolbar. Click the menu icon to open a menu of display options for that Explorer.

Table 3-9 describes the Explorer menus.

Table 3-9 Explorer Menus

Explorer Menu Options

Domain Explorer

The Domain Explorer menu contains the following options:

  • Filter Domain Explorer — Open the Filter Domain Explorer dialog box to filter inventories and evaluations by date created.

  • Link with Editor — Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree.

Signature Explorer

The Signature Explorer menu contains the following options:

  • Sort Signatures — This opens a submenu of the following options for sorting signatures in the Signature Explorer:

  • By Name

  • By Severity

  • Filters — Open the Filters Wizard, for specifying which signatures to include in signature displays. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for instructions.

  • Link with Editor — Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree.

Bundle Explorer

The Bundle Explorer menu contains the following options:

  • Filters — Open the Filters Wizard, for specifying which signatures to include in signature displays. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for instructions.

  • Sort Signatures — This opens a submenu of the following options for sorting Bundles and signatures in the Bundle Explorer:

  • By Bundle Name, Signature Name

  • By Bundle Name, Severity

  • Link with Editor — Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree. Explorer Context Menus

Right-click in an Explorer View to display the context menu of tasks and operations you can perform from that View. You can also right-click on a specific item to select it and open the context menu for that item. Menu options that do not apply to your selection are deactivated.

The following sections provide detailed descriptions about these context menus:

3.3.2 Domain Explorer

The Domain Explorer is a Navigator View that enables you to browse, manage, and monitor the domains you have activated in Guardian. In the Navigation Pane, select the Domain Explorer tab to display the explorer.

Table 3-10 provides an overview of Domain Explorer elements:

Table 3-10 Domain Explorer Elements

Element Description

Target Domains Folder

This is the top-level folder in the Domain Explorer Target Domains tree. This folder contains a unique Domain Node for each domain activated in Guardian. Open the folder to see the available nodes. Double-click on the Target Domains folder to display the Active Domains Table in the Document Pane.

See Section 3.4.10, "Active Domains Table," also.

Domain Nodes

These represent domains you have activated in Guardian. Open the Target Domains folder to see the available nodes.

See Section, "Domain Nodes," for more information.

Domain History Folders

These contain the Domain Inventories and Evaluation Summaries for a domain. Each Domain Node contains the following two History folders:

  • Inventory History

  • Evaluation History

See Section, "Domain History Folders," for more information.

Domain Explorer Menu

Click the Domain Explorer menu icon to display a menu containing the following options:

  • Filter Domain Explorer — Opens the Filter Domain Explorer dialog box for filtering out older Inventories and Evaluations from the Domain Explorer tree.

  • Link with Editor — Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree.

See Section, "Domain Explorer Toolbar Menu," for more information.

Domain Explorer Context Menu

Right-click on an item in the Domain Explorer to display a context menu of domain and Domain Group operations.

See Section, "Domain Explorer Context Menu," for more information. Domain Nodes

A domain node represents a domain that has been activated (defined and enabled for evaluation) in Guardian. When you activate a domain for the first time in Guardian, a node for the new domain is added to the Target Domains folder in the Domain Explorer tree. A unique name is automatically generated for the new domain, based upon your entries in the Domain Activation Wizard.

The generated name has the following syntax:



  • <domain_name> is the name for this domain.

  • <hostname> is the listen address (hostname) for the WebLogic Administration Server for this domain. This is the hostname you entered in the Hostname field of the Domain Activation Wizard (for example, localhost).

  • <listen-port> is the listen port for the WebLogic Administration Server for this domain.

For example:



In the Command Line Interface, the domain node name is referred to as the domainId for the domain.

The Domain Explorer tree displays only the active Domain Nodes. "Active" does not refer to the state of the domain servers themselves, but rather to whether you have enabled that domain for evaluation. If you deactivate a domain in Guardian, that domain is removed from the Domain Explorer tree. However, if you reactivate the domain, the node for that domain is again displayed, and the original contents of the History folders are also again available. Deactivating a domain does not remove the Workspace data for that domain. Domain Node Icon and Icon Decorations

The Domain Explorer displays only the active Domain Nodes. In the Domain Explorer tree, active domains have a blue node icon to the left of the domain name. Icon decorations indicate whether the username and password have been persisted, and whether the domain requires SSL encryption for all communication.


Oracle recommends using SSL encryption for communication between the client and the Guardian Agent. Guardian uses 128 bit open source encryption for SSL. However, the configuration on the server for the domain determines whether or not Guardian will use 128 bit SSL encryption when activating that domain.

Table 3-11 shows the Domain Node and icon decorations.

Table 3-11 Domain Node Icon and Decorations

Icon Name






In Table 3-11:

  • The domain icon indicates an active domain node.

  • The password icon indicates that the username and password have been persisted. Applied to active icons only.

  • The SSL icon indicates that the domain requires 128 bit SSL. Applied to active icons only. Domain History Folders

Domain Inventories and Evaluation Summaries for a domain are accumulated in History folders, which persist on disk in your Guardian Workspace. These are represented as folder icons below each Domain Node in the Domain Explorer Target Domains tree. Each Domain Node contains the following two History folders:

The following sections describe each of these folders. Inventory History Folder

The Inventory History folder contains the Domain Inventories that have been generated for that domain. Double-click on a Domain Inventory name to display the inventory details in the Document Pane.

Each time you activate, evaluate, or inventory a domain, a new Domain Inventory is created and added to the Inventory History folder for that domain. A unique name is generated for each new Inventory, using the following format:

<domain_name>_<hostname>_<listen_port>_<date> <time>.

See Section 1.5.7, "Domain Inventory," and Section 3.4.5, "Domain Inventory View," also. Evaluation History Folder

The Evaluation History folder contains the Evaluation Summaries that have been generated for that domain. Double-click on an Evaluation Summary name to display the evaluation details in the Document Pane.

Each time you evaluate a domain, a new Evaluation Summary is created and added to the Evaluation History folder for that domain. A unique name is generated for each new Inventory, using this format:

<bundle_name>_<date> <time> 

Each Evaluation Summary listed in the Evaluation History folder has an icon indicating whether any signatures were detected. If any signatures were detected, the icon is decorated with a severity indicator. The detected signature with the highest severity determines the severity of the Evaluation Summary.

Table 3-12 describes the meaning of each severity indicator.

Table 3-12 Description of Evaluation Summary Icons

Icon Severity Meaning


The evaluation detected at least one critical signature.



The evaluation detected at least one warning signature and no critical signatures.



The evaluation detected at least one informational signature and no critical or warning signatures.

No detected signatures

No Detected Signatures

The evaluation did not detect any signatures. Domain Explorer Toolbar Menu

Click the Domain Explorer toolbar menu icon to display a menu containing the options listed and described in Table 3-13.

Table 3-13 Domain Explorer Toolbar Menu Options

Option Description

Filter Domain Explorer

This opens the Filter Domain Explorer dialog box. Use this to filter out older Domain Inventories and Evaluation Summaries from the Domain Explorer tree.

Link with Editor

Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. When enabled, if you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree in the Navigator Pane will track which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Navigator Pane. Domain Explorer Context Menu

You can use either of the following methods to open the Domain Explorer context menu:

  • To apply a menu option to a specific object, right-click the object in the Domain Explorer tree and then select the option from the context menu.

  • To open the context menu without preselecting an object, right-click in an empty area in the Domain Explorer display.

Table 3-14 describes the Domain Explorer context menu options.

Table 3-14 Domain Explorer Context Menu Options

Option Description


Delete the selected Domain Inventory, or Evaluation Summary. This deletes the selected entry from the Domain Explorer as well as the associated files from your Guardian Workspace. A confirmation box prompts you to confirm or cancel the operation.


This opens the Domain Activation Wizard. If the domain is already activated, this option is disabled. See Section 3.6.4, "Domain Activation Wizard," for details.


This opens the Domain Deactivation Wizard. If the domain is already deactivated, this option is disabled. See Section 3.6.5, "Domain Deactivation Wizard," for details.

Modify Domain

This opens the Domain Properties dialog box for the selected domain. You can then modify the property settings for that domain. See Section, "Domain Properties Dialog Box," for details.


This opens the Inventory Wizard for the selected domain. If no domain is selected, you can select one from the domain list in the wizard. See Section 3.6.8, "Inventory Wizard," for details.

Add Shortcut

This opens the Shortcut Wizard for this domain. See Section 3.6.9, "Shortcut Wizard," for details.


This opens the Evaluation Wizard for the selected domain. If no domain is selected, you can select one from the domain list in the wizard. See Section 3.6.6, "Evaluation Wizard," for details.

Evaluate from file

This opens the Evaluate a Domain dialog box for the selected domain. Use this to select a domain, Signature Bundle, and Data File to use for the Evaluation. See Section, "Evaluate from File Dialog Box," for details.


Compare two Inventories or two Evaluations. The two items must be of the same type. Ctrl+click to select two items, then right-click and select Compare from the context menu. The results are displayed in the Document Pane.

Add Domain Group

Create a new Domain Group. Right-click on Target Domains and select Add Domain Group from the context menu to display the Add Domain Group dialog box. See Section, "Add Domain Group Dialog Box," for details.

Delete Domain Group

Remove the selected Domain Group. Right-click on a Domain Group and select Delete Domain Group from the context menu. A confirmation dialog box prompts you to confirm or cancel the operation. Click Yes to delete the selected group. You cannot delete a domain group that is not empty. To depopulate a group, drag and drop the Domain Nodes from that group into the Target Domains folder or anther Domain Group. See Section 2.6.3, "Delete Domain Group," also.

Rename Domain Group

This opens the Rename Domain Group dialog box for the selected domain. Enter the new name and click OK. See Section, "Rename Domain Group Dialog Box," also.

Evaluate Bundle

This opens a submenu listing the Bundles available for evaluation. Select a Bundle to open the Bundle Evaluation Wizard for that Bundle. See Section 3.6.3, "Bundle Evaluation Wizard," for details. Domain Properties Dialog Box

Domain Properties govern how Guardian accesses a target domain. The Domain Properties dialog box enables you to view and modify the Domain Properties for a specific domain.

To open the Domain Properties dialog box for a domain, right-click on the domain name in the Domain Explorer tree, and then select Modify Domain from the context menu.

The Domain Properties dialog box contains the elements described in Table 3-15:

Table 3-15 Domain Properties

Element Description


This is the name for this domain.

Administration Server URL

This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.


This is the username for a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor for this domain.


This is the password for the WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor specified for Username.

Remember username/password

Select this checkbox to encrypt and store the domain login credentials on disk. This saves you from having to enter the credentials each time you perform a domain operation.

Enable proxy connection

Select this if a proxy server is to be used to access the target domain. Then, select a proxy server from the drop-down list. If there are no proxy servers in the drop down list, this checkbox is disabled. See Section 2.7, "Proxy Servers," for complete instructions on enabling and adding proxies.

Max Agent Threads

Specifies the maximum number of Agent threads to allocate in the WebLogic Server Administration Server. This can be an integer value from 1 to 20. The default is 10.

Agent Thread Timeout

Specifies the maximum number of seconds that can elapse before an Agent thread is deactivated when collecting data from managed servers. This can be an integer value from 10 to 600. The default is 60.


This contains a text description or other details pertaining to this domain. Evaluate from File Dialog Box

To capture target domain data to a file for later evaluation, you can set the following flag in your guardian.ini file:

When this flag is set, each time a domain is evaluated, the data is captured and written to two files in the data subdirectory of your Guardian Workspace. The files are named as follows:


Where <nnnnnnnnnnnnn> is a timestamp for the creation of the file.

For example:


These two files are differentiated by their respective timestamps, and their size. The earlier, smaller file contains the data collected from the domain as restricted by the selected Signature Bundle. The second and much larger file contains a collection of all available data from the domain.

The captured data can then be evaluated, as explained below. The evaluation proceeds the same as with a "live" evaluation, except that the data in the capture file is evaluated, rather than evaluating the real-time data from a live server.


In most cases, you can use the smaller of the two files for the evaluation. However, using the larger data file reveals more Detected Signatures, since there is no Bundle restriction.

You can use the Evaluate from File dialog box to specify a domain, Signature Bundle, and data file to use for a data file evaluation.

You can use either of the following methods to open the Evaluate from File dialog box:

  • If you do not want to preselect a domain for evaluation, right-click anywhere in the Domain Explorer and then select Evaluate from File from the context menu.

  • To preselect a domain for evaluation, open the Domain Explorer and then open the Target Domains folder. Right-click on the name of the domain you want to evaluate and select Evaluate from File from the context menu. The dialog box opens with that domain preselected.

The Evaluate from File dialog box contains the elements described in Table 3-16.

Table 3-16 Evaluate from File Dialog Box Elements

Element Description


This specifies the domain to evaluate. Select a domain from the drop down menu. If you preselected a domain when opening the dialog box, this field is already filled.


This specifies the Signature Bundle to use for the evaluation. Select a Bundle from the drop down menu. This can be one of the following:

  • Default Signatures

  • Other Signatures

  • Security Advisories

  • Critical Signatures

  • Configuration Remedy

See Section 2.11, "Bundles," for instructions on using Bundles.

Data File

This specifies the data file to use for the evaluation. Adding the flag Add Domain Group Dialog Box

Use the Add Domain Group dialog box to create a new Domain Group. To open, right-click on Target Domains in the Domain Explorer tree and select Add Domain Group from the context menu. Enter a name for the domain and click OK to add the new group to the Target Domains folder.

See Section 2.6, "Domain Groups," for instructions on populating and using Domain Groups. Rename Domain Group Dialog Box

Use the Rename Domain Group dialog box to change the name for a Domain Group. To open, right-click on Target Domains in the Domain Explorer tree and select Rename Domain Group from the context menu. Enter the new name and click OK.

See Section 2.6.2, "Rename Domain Group," also.

3.3.3 Signature Explorer

The Signature Explorer is a Navigator View that enables you to browse the available signatures and view the contents of a selected signature. In the Navigation Pane, select the Signature Explorer tab to display the explorer.

The Signature Explorer contains a list of all existing signatures currently installed in Guardian. Double-click on a signature title to display the contents of that signature in the Document Pane. Signature Severity Icons

To the left of each signature title in the Signature Explorer signature list is a Signature Severity icon. The icon indicates the severity level for that signature.

Table 3-17 identifies each of the signature severity icons

Table 3-17 Signature Severity Icons

Icon Severity





Informational Signature Explorer Toolbar Menu

Click the Signature Explorer toolbar menu icon to open a menu of options for sorting and filtering the signature list.

The Signature Explorer toolbar menu contains the options described in Table 3-18.

Table 3-18 Signature Explorer Toolbar Menu Options

Option Description

Sort Signatures

This opens a submenu containing the following options:

By Name — List the signatures alphabetically by name. This is the default ordering when you first open the Signature Explorer.

By Severity — Group the signatures by severity level, and list signatures alphabetically by name within each severity level.


This opens the Filters Wizard, for specifying which signatures to include in signature displays. See Section 3.6.7, "Filters Wizard," for details. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for instructions on using the wizard.

Link with Editor

Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree. Signature Explorer Context Menu

Right-click on a signature name in the Signature Explorer to display the Signature Explorer context menu. This menu has only one option, described in Table 3-19.

Table 3-19 Signature Explorer Context Menu Option

Option Description


This opens a submenu with the Manage Annotations option. Select this option to open the Annotations Wizard. See Section 3.6.2, "Annotations Wizard," for details. See Section 2.10, "Signature Annotations," for instructions on using this wizard.

3.3.4 Bundle Explorer

The Bundle Explorer is a Navigator view for browsing the available Signature Bundles and their contents. In the Navigation Pane, select the Bundle Explorer tab to display the explorer.

The Bundle Explorer contains the elements described in Table 3-20.

Table 3-20 Bundle Explorer Elements

Element Description

Bundles Folder

This is the top level folder in the Bundle Explorer tree. This contains a folder for each Signature Bundle that is available for evaluation.

Bundle Nodes (folders)

Signatures are grouped into different Bundles, based on their characteristics. The Bundles folder contains a node (folder) for each Bundle that is available for evaluation. Double-click a Bundle Node to display the Signature Bundle Document View for that Bundle.

Signature Titles

Open a Bundle Node folder to see a list of the signature titles included in that Bundle. Double-click on a signature title to display the contents of that signature in the Document Pane.

Bundle Explorer Toolbar Menu

Click the Bundle Explorer menu icon to display a menu containing the following options:

  • Filters — Opens the Filters Wizard for filtering the contents of Bundle and signature lists.

  • Sort Signatures — Opens a submenu with the following options:

  • By Bundle Name, Signature Name

  • By Bundle Name, Severity

  • Link with Editor — Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree.

See Section, "Bundle Explorer Toolbar Menu," for more information.

Bundle Explorer Context Menu

Right-click on a signature title in the Bundle Explorer to display a context menu with the following option:

  • Annotations — Opens a submenu with the following option:

  • Manage Annotations — Select this to open the Annotations Wizard for add an annotation to the selected signature.

See Section, "Bundle Explorer Context Menu," for more information. Bundle and Signature Severity Icons

Each Bundle Node has an icon indicating the severity level for that Bundle. The security level for the Bundle is determined by the highest security level occurring for any signature in that Bundle. For example, if only one signature in the Bundle has a severity level of Critical, then the entire Bundle will have a severity level of Critical.

Each of the Bundle and Signature Severity icons are shown in Table 3-21.

Table 3-21 Bundle and Signature Severity Icons

Icon Severity





Informational Bundle Explorer Toolbar Menu

Click the Bundle Explorer menu icon to open a menu with the options described in Table 3-22.

Table 3-22 Bundle Explorer Toolbar Menu

Element Description


This opens the Filters Wizard, for specifying which signatures to include in signature displays. See Section 3.6.7, "Filters Wizard," for details. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for instructions on using the wizard.

Sort Signatures

This displays a submenu with the following options for sorting the signatures displayed in the Bundle Explorer:

  • By Bundle Name, Signature Name— List the Bundles alphabetically, and then list the signatures in each Bundle alphabetically by Signature Title. This is the default ordering when you first open the Bundle Explorer.

  • By Bundle Name, Severity— Group the signatures in each Bundle by severity level, and the list the signatures alphabetically by Signature Title, within each severity level.

Selecting either of the Sort Signatures choices collapses all the Bundle Nodes. To see the signatures in the new sort order, either click each Bundle Node individually to expand it, or click the Expand All icon to expand all of the Bundle Nodes.

Link with Editor

Link the Navigator Pane Tree to the Document Pane View. If you have multiple Document Views open in the Document Pane, the Explorer Tree tracks which Document View is currently active (displayed). The current active Document View name is then also selected (highlighted) in the Explorer Tree. Bundle Explorer Context Menu

In the Bundle Explorer, right-click on a signature title to display the Bundle Explorer context menu. This menu has only one option, which is described in Table 3-23.

Table 3-23 Signature Explorer Context Menu Option

Option Description


This opens a submenu with the Manage Annotations option. Select this to open the Annotations Wizard.

See Section 3.6.2, "Annotations Wizard," for details. See Section 2.10, "Signature Annotations," for instructions on using this wizard.

3.3.5 Shortcut Explorer

The Shortcut Explorer is a Navigation Pane View for viewing and managing your Evaluation Shortcuts. In the Navigation Pane, select the Shortcut Explorer tab to display the explorer.

The Shortcut Explorer displays a list of all of the Evaluation Shortcuts you have created. Double-click on a Shortcut to open the Shortcut Evaluation Wizard with the Shortcut target domain and Signature Bundle preselected.

See Section 1.5.15, "Shortcut," for a description of Shortcuts. See Section 2.12, "Shortcuts," for instructions on creating and using Shortcuts. Shortcut Explorer Context Menu

You can use either of the following methods to open the Shortcut Explorer context menu:

  • To apply a menu option to a specific object, right-click the object in the Shortcut Explorer tree and then select the option from the context menu.

  • To open the context menu without preselecting an object, right-click in an empty area in the Shortcut Explorer display.

The Shortcut Explorer context menu contains the options described in Table 3-24.

Table 3-24 Shortcut Explorer Context Menu Options

Element Description

Add Shortcut

This opens the Shortcut Wizard for creating a new Evaluation Shortcut. See Section 3.6.9, "Shortcut Wizard," for instructions.

Delete Shortcut

Delete the selected Shortcut. A Confirm Delete dialog box prompts you to confirm the delete operation. Click OK to delete the Shortcut.

Evaluate Shortcut

This opens the Shortcut Evaluation Wizard for conducting an evaluation as defined in the selected Shortcut. See Section 3.6.10, "Shortcut Evaluation Wizard," for instructions.

3.4 Document Pane

The Document Pane is located in the central portion of the Oracle Guardian main window. The Document Pane displays the Document Views.

The Document Pane contains the following elements:

3.4.1 Document Views

The Document Views display the details documents for the object selected in the Navigation Pane. Some Views also have editing features for cutting, copying, and pasting text selections into an external editor. If edit options are available for a View, you can right-click in that View to open an Edit menu of those options.

You can have multiple Views open in the Document Pane, but only one can be active at a time. Each opened View has a tab, located at the top of the Document Pane. Click on a View tab to activate and display that View. Some Views have additional tabs, located at the bottom of the View display. These display additional pages for that View, such as the Overview, Source, and Report pages.

Table 3-25 provides an overview of the Document Views.

Table 3-25 Document Views

View/Editor Description

Domain Inventory View

Open the Domain Explorer > Inventory History folder and then double-click on a Domain Inventory title to display that inventory in the Document Pane. The inventory includes descriptions of your servers, Java Virtual Machines, operating systems, databases, product versions, and certain configuration settings. The Domain Inventory View contains the following tabs:

  • Overview — Display the Domain Inventory Overview for this Inventory.

  • Source — Display the XML source for the Inventory.

  • Report — Display the Domain Inventory report for this inventory.

See Section 3.4.5, "Domain Inventory View," for details.

Evaluation Summary View

Open the Domain Explorer > Evaluation History folder, and then double-click on an Evaluation Summary title to display that Evaluation Summary in the Document Pane. This contains a table of all detected signatures for the evaluated domain. Select a signature in the list to display the signature Description and Remedy details for that signature. See Section 3.4.6, "Evaluation Summary View," for details.

Signature View

Double-click on a signature entry in the Signature Explorer or Bundle Explorer to display this View. This View contains the following tabs:

  • Overview — Display the Signature Overview for the signature.

  • Source — Display the XML source for the signature.

  • Report — Display the Signature Report for that signature.

See Section 3.4.8, "Signature View," for details.

Signature Bundle View

Double-click on a Bundle Node in the Bundle Explorer to display this View. This View provides a description and some additional details about the selected Bundle. Also included is the Signature Definition for the Bundle. See Section 3.4.9, "Signature Bundle View," for details.

Active Domains Table

Select Window > Show View > Active Domains Table to display this View. This contains a table of all of the domains currently activated in Guardian, and action buttons for the following tasks:

  • Open Admin Console — Open an instance of the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  • Modify Domain — Open the Domain Properties configuration page for the selected domain.

  • Deactivate Domain — Open the Domain Deactivation Wizard for the selected domains.

See Section 3.4.10, "Active Domains Table," for details.

Shortcuts Table

Select Window > Show View > Shortcuts Table to display this View. This contains a table of all of your Shortcuts, and action buttons for the following tasks:

  • Add Shortcut — Open the Shortcut Wizard for creating Shortcuts.

  • Delete Shortcut — Delete the selected Shortcut. A Confirm Delete dialog box prompts you to confirm the delete operation. Click OK to delete the Shortcut.

See Section 3.4.11, "Shortcuts Table," for details.

3.4.2 Document Pane Outline Views

When a Document View is open, you can select Window > Show View > Outline View to display the Outline View for the current Document View. You can use the Outline View as a navigator for the current Document View. You can click the Overview, Source, or Report nodes in the Outline View to bring the corresponding tab of the Document View to the forefront. You can open the Outline View Source node to select specific XML tag names, to jump to those tags in the Source page and highlight them.

3.4.3 Document View Title Bars

Each Document View has a title bar that contains the name of the View, an identity icon (for example, a Domain or Signature icon), and buttons to close, minimize, maximize, and restore the display.

The View title bars also have the following additional features:

  • Bubble Help/Text

    Roll your cursor over title bar text for a bubble help description of that text or page. For example, for a Domain Inventory View, this displays the full Guardian Workspace path and inventory file name for that Domain Inventory.

  • Maximize and Restore

    Double-click the title bar to maximize a View. Double-click it again to restore it to its original size.

  • System Menu

    Right-click on a title bar to open the System Menu for that View. This contains options for restoring, sizing, minimizing/maximizing, and closing Views. This menu also enables you to open a new (unedited) copy of the View, or to move a tab or tab group.

  • Tab Groups

    You can group multiple Views together on a title bar as a tab group. Tab groups can be moved together as a unit, using either the System Menu > Move menu option or drop cursors. Only the title bar of the currently active View is visible in a tab group.

  • Show List Icon

    If you have more Views open than can fit on a title bar, a Show List icon appears to the right of the title bar tabs. The icon includes a number that indicates how many more open Views can fit on the title bar. Click the icon to display a list of all the title bar View. Select an item from the list to make it active and bring it to the forefront of the Navigation Pane or Document Pane display. The items listed in bold font are those that cannot fit on the title bar. The items not listed in bold are those that are already shown on the title bar.

  • Drag and Drop

    You can move Views by dragging their title bars to different locations, as follows:

    • You can move Navigation Pane Views almost anywhere, including outside the Oracle Guardian main window. However, you can move Document Views only within the Document Pane.

    • As you drag a View or Editor title bar, the mouse pointer changes into a drop cursor that indicates where the View will dock when you release it.

    • The point in the title bar at which you click determines what will be dragged. Click a View tab to move that View only, without moving the entire tab group. To move the tab group, click to the right of the tabs in the title bar, or select Move > Tab Group from the System Menu.

3.4.4 Document View Context Menus

The following Document Views have context menus:

The Active Domains Table and Shortcuts Table Views do not have context menus.

Each tab page for a View has a context menu specific to the tab contents. Some context menus—for example, Edit menus—may be available only for certain items within that View.

To open a context menu, right-click on an item in that View. Document View Edit Menus

Edit menus are available in some View pages for text items that can be copied and pasted to an external editor. If an item cannot be edited (copied), the Edit menu will not be available. Right-click on an item to display a menu of standard edit options for that item.

Table 3-26 lists and describes the Edit context menu options.

Table 3-26 Document View Edit Menu

Element Description


Undo last edit operation.


(Disabled.) This is an Eclipse Platform menu option that does not apply to this application.


Copy selected text to Clipboard or copy buffer.


(Disabled.) This is an Eclipse Platform menu option that does not apply to this application.


(Disabled.) This is an Eclipse Platform menu option that does not apply to this application.

Select All

Select all text in Document View.

3.4.5 Domain Inventory View

The Domain Inventory Document View displays the contents of a Domain Inventory. The Domain Inventory is an XML document that describes the products in your domain, and is persisted in your Guardian Workspace. The inventory includes descriptions of your servers, Java Virtual Machines, operating systems, databases, product versions, and certain configuration settings. See Section 1.5.7, "Domain Inventory," for details.

You can use either of the following methods to open a Domain Inventory View:

  • In the Domain Explorer, open the Inventory History folder, and then double-click on a Domain Inventory name to display that inventory in the Document Pane.

  • Activate a domain, or inventory a domain. Then click OK in the Progress View.

The Domain Inventory View contains the following tabs:

The contents of each of these tab pages are described in the following sections. Domain Inventory Overview Tab

The Domain Inventory Overview page displays a summary of the selected Domain Inventory. The Overview page contains the following sections:

These are described in the following sections. General Information Section

The Domain Inventory General Information section contains the information described in Table 3-27.

Table 3-27 Domain Inventory General Information Section

Field Description

Domain Name

This is the name of the domain assessed in this Domain Inventory.

Inventory Date/Time

Date and time this Domain Inventory was created. Servers Section

The Domain Inventory Servers section contains the information described in Table 3-28.

Table 3-28 Domain Inventory Servers Section

Field Description

Number of Servers Configured

This is located at the far left at the top of the Servers section. This indicates the number of all configured servers, regardless of their state.

Number of Active Servers

This is located at the top of the Servers section, in the middle above the Server Details section. This is a number less than or equal to Number of Configured Servers. When this number is less than Number of Configured Servers, it indicates that some of the servers are not running.

Number of Available Agents

This is located at the top of the Servers section at the far right above the Server Details section. This is a number less than or equal to Number of Active Servers. When this number is less than Number of Active Servers, it indicates that the Guardian Agent is either not deployed or not started on one or more running servers.

Server list area

This contains a list of all configured servers. An icon indicates whether a server is running or not. Click on a server name in the Servers list area to view the details for that server.

Server Details

This subsection contains the following information:

  • Name — This is the name of this server.

  • Version — This is the basic version number for this server.

  • WebLogic Version — This is the complete version number for this instance of the WebLogic Server.

  • Admin Server — (True/False) Specifies whether this server is the Administration Server for this domain.

  • Production Mode — (True/False) Specifies whether this server is running in Production Mode or Development Mode.

  • Agent State — Specifies the current state of the Guardian Agent deployed in the WebLogic Administration Server for this domain. This can be one of the following:

  • Available

  • Unavailable

Java Details

This subsection contains the following information:

  • Java Vendor

  • Java Version

  • Java VM (Virtual Machine) Vendor

  • Java VM Name,

  • Java VM Version

  • Free Memory

  • Total Memory

  • Max Memory

Operating System Details

This subsection displays the operating system name, version, and processor architecture. JDBC

The Domain Inventory JDBC section contains the information described in Table 3-29.

Table 3-29 Domain Inventory JDBC Section

Element Description

Number of Unique JDBC Connection Pool/Data Source Configurations

(Numeric value) Indicates the current number of unique JDBC Connection Pool and Data Source Configurations for this domain.

JDBC Connection Pool list area

This contains a list of the JDBC Connection Pools configured for this domain. Click on an entry in the JDBC Connection Pool list to display the JDBC Details for that Connection Pool.

JDBC Details

Click on an entry in the JDBC Connection Pool list to display the JDBC Details for that Connection Pool. The details for the first entry in the list are displayed by default.

This subsection contains the following information:

  • JDBC Connection Pool name

  • JDBC data source name

  • Database product name and version

  • JDBC Driver name and version Domain Inventory Source Tab

The Domain Inventory Source page displays the XML source for the selected Domain Inventory. This page also has a context menu of options for saving, copying, and printing the inventory XML source. Domain Inventory Source Tab Context Menu

Right-click in the Source page to display a context menu with the options described in Table 3-30.

Table 3-30 Domain Inventory Source Tab Context Menu

Element Description

Save As

Save Source tab contents as an XML file. Opens a file browser from which you can specify the file name and location.


Copy selected text to clipboard.


Print Source tab contents to the specified printer. Opens a standard Print dialog box for specifying print parameters and preferences.

Select All

Select all text in page.


Find the specified text. Opens the Find/Replace dialog box for specifying the string search parameters. Select and then right-click on text to preselect the search text. The Source page is a read-only View, so the Replace feature is disabled.

Find Next

Find the next instance of the specified search string or selected text.

Find Previous

Find the previous instance of the specified search string or selected text. Domain Inventory Report Tab

The Domain Inventory Report page displays all of the information contained in the Domain Inventory Overview page, in a printer friendly format. This page also has a system menu of options for exporting, printing, creating a desktop shortcut for the page, adding the inventory to your favorites list, and other file operations. Right-click anywhere in the Report page to display this menu. Some options may not be applicable in this context.

3.4.6 Evaluation Summary View

The Evaluation Summary View displays the contents of a selected Evaluation Summary document. An Evaluation Summary is created each time you evaluate a domain, and is persisted in the Guardian Workspace. See Section 1.5.13, "Evaluation Summary," for more information. See Section 2.8, "Inventories and Evaluations," for instructions on conducting evaluations.

You can use either of the following methods to display an Evaluation Summary:

  • In the Domain Explorer, open the Evaluation History folder, and then double-click on an Evaluation entry to display that Evaluation Summary in the Document Pane.

  • Conduct an evaluation. An Evaluation Summary is opened automatically when the evaluation completes. See Section 2.8.3, "Evaluate Domain," for instructions.

The Evaluation Summary View contains the following tabs:

The following sections describe the contents of each of these tab pages. Evaluation Summary Overview Tab

The Overview page displays the results data for the selected Evaluation Summary, which includes a table of all signatures detected in the Evaluation. You can click on a signature entry in the table to view the Description and Remedy information for that signature. The Description and Remedy information is displayed in the lower half of the Overview page, just below the Detected Signatures table. You can expand or collapse a View section by clicking the triangle icon in the heading.

The Evaluation Summary Overview page contains the following sections:

These are described in the following sections. General Information Section

The General Information section of the Evaluation Summary View contains the information described in Table 3-31.

Table 3-31 Evaluation Summary View General Information Section

Field Description

Domain Name

This is the name of the target domain.

Bundle Name

This is the Signature Bundle used for this evaluation.

Evaluation Date/Time

This is the date and time stamp for when the evaluation was completed.


This is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that it took to complete the evaluation.

Targeted Signatures

This is the number of signatures in the Bundle that target products that are actually present in the evaluated domain. Some signatures may not be targeted because the products targeted by the signature are not present in the domain.

Detected Signatures

This is the number of targeted signatures that were detected for this domain. Detected signatures are targeted signatures that in turn target issues that were detected in your domain during the evaluation. Detected Signatures Table

The Detected Signatures Table contains the list of signatures detected for this domain for this evaluation, and some additional information about each detected signature.

Select a signature entry in the table to display the details for that signature in the Description and Remedy sections of the View. Details for the first entry are displayed by default.

Click on a table column heading to sort the table contents according to that column order. The default sort order is by Severity and then Name.

Table 3-32 describes the information contained in the Detected Signatures Table for each detected signature:

Table 3-32 Detected Signatures Table

Field Description


This is the severity level for this signature. This can be one of the following:



  • INFO


This is the signature title.


This is indicates the type of impact this issue could have in your domain (for example, Server Outage, Subsystem Outage, Administration, Performance, etc.).


This is the Oracle product in your domain that is targeted by this signature for this issue.


This is the product component, feature, or support product targeted by this signature for this issue.


This is an additional level of detail pertaining to the targeted topic for this signature.


This is the signature ID number.

SR (Service Request)

This lists any support service requests you have filed for this signature.

Evaluation Summary Signature Severity Icons

To the left of each signature title in the Severity column of the table is a Signature Severity icon. The icon indicates the severity level for that signature.

The Signature Severity icons are shown in Table 3-33.

Table 3-33 Signature Severity Icons

Icon Severity






Detected Signatures Table Context Menu

Right-click on a signature title in the Detected Signatures table to open a context menu with the options described in Table 3-34.

Table 3-34 Detected Signatures Table Context Menu

Element Description


This opens the Sorting dialog box for sorting signatures. You can sort in ascending or descending order, and according to any hierarchical combination of the following criteria:

  • By Name

  • By Severity

  • Impact

  • Product

  • Topic

See Section 2.9.3, "Sort Signatures," for instructions.


This opens the Filters Wizard, for specifying which signatures to include in signature displays. See Section 3.6.7, "Filters Wizard," for details. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for instructions.


This opens a submenu with the following option:

Manage Annotations: Select this to open the Annotations Wizard. See Section 3.6.2, "Annotations Wizard," for details. See Section 2.10, "Signature Annotations," for instructions on using this wizard. Description Section

The Description section of the Evaluation Summary View is the left panel below the Detected Signatures table. Select a signature entry in the Detected Signatures table to display the Description details for that signature. This section contains the information described in Table 3-35.

Table 3-35 Evaluation Summary Description Section

Field Description


This is the full title for the signature.


This is the severity level for this signature. This can be one of the following:



  • INFO


This is indicates the type of impact this issue could have in your domain (for example, Server Outage, Subsystem Outage, Administration, Performance, etc.).

Signature Description

This is the complete text description of the error targeted by the signature. Remedy Section

The Remedy section of the Evaluation Summary View is located below the Detected Signatures table, on the right side. Select a signature entry in the Detected Signatures table to display the Remedy details for that signature.

The Remedy section contains the information described in Table 3-36:

Table 3-36 Evaluation Summary View Remedy Section

Field/Area Description

Server list

This is the area at the top of the Remedy section. It contains a list of the servers in the evaluated domain that may be affected by this issue.

Remedy text

This is the area just below the Server list, and contains the recommended solution for this issue.

For More Information

This section contains links to recommended documentation and other supporting resources for resolving this issue.

Get more help from Oracle Support

Click this link to open the Guardian Service Request Wizard for creating service request archive based on this signature. See Section 3.6.11, "Service Request Wizard," for details. See Section 2.17, "Support," for instructions on using this wizard. Evaluation Summary Overview Tab Context Menu

Right-click on a signature title in the Detected Signatures table to open a context menu with the options described in Table 3-37.

Table 3-37 Detected Signatures Table Context Menu

Element Description


This opens the Sorting dialog box for sorting signatures. You can sort in ascending or descending order, and according to any hierarchical combination of the following criteria:

  • By Name

  • By Severity

  • Impact

  • Product

  • Topic

See Section 2.9.3, "Sort Signatures," for instructions.


This opens the Filters Wizard, for specifying which signatures to include in signature displays. See Section 3.6.7, "Filters Wizard," for instructions. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for details.


This opens a submenu with the following option:

Manage Annotations: Select this to open the Annotations Wizard. See Section 3.6.2, "Annotations Wizard," for details. See Section 2.10, "Signature Annotations," for instructions on using this wizard. Evaluation Summary Source Tab

The Evaluation Summary Source tab page displays the XML source for the selected Evaluation Summary. This page also has a context menu of options for saving, copying, and printing the inventory XML source. Evaluation Summary Source Tab Context Menu

Right-click in the Source page to display a context menu with the options that are described in Table 3-38.

Table 3-38 Evaluation Summary Source Tab Context Menu

Element Description

Save As

Save Source tab contents as an XML file. Opens a file browser from which you can specify the file name and location.


Copy selected text to the Clipboard.


Print Source tab contents to the specified printer. Opens a standard Print dialog box for specifying print parameters and preferences.

Select All

Select all text in page.


Find and replace the specified text. Opens Find/Replace dialog box for specifying the string search and replace parameters. Select and then right-click on text to preselect the search text.

Find Next

Find the next instance of the specified search string or selected text.

Find Previous

Find the previous instance of the specified search string or selected text. Evaluation Summary Report Tab

The Evaluation Summary Report page displays all of the information contained in the Evaluation Summary Overview page, in a printer friendly format. This page also has a system menu of options for exporting, printing, creating a desktop shortcut for the page, adding the inventory to your favorites list, and other file operations. Right-click anywhere in the Report page to display this menu. Some options may not be applicable in this context.

3.4.7 Text Compare View

The Text Compare View enables you to view two Domain Inventories or two Evaluation Summaries, side-by-side. You can compare inventories or evaluations from the same or different domains. Both objects must be of the same type—that is, two inventories or two evaluations. You cannot compare an inventory against an evaluation.

To display the Text Compare View:

  1. Open the Domain Explorer History folder containing the resources to be compared (Inventory History or Evaluation History).

  2. Select the two documents to be compared.

    Click on the first item to select it, and then hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the second item.

  3. Right-click on the selected items and select Compare from the context menu.

    This opens the Text Compare View in the Document Pane. The differences between the two files are highlighted, and related segments are shown in boxed sections, with connectors indicating the relation.

The Text Compare navigation controls are described in Table 3-39.

Table 3-39 Text Compare View Navigation Controls

Action Instructions

Go to next/previous segment

Click the up/down arrows at the top right corner of the Text Compare display.

Jump to a segment

Click on a segment bar in the far right column.

Resize panels

Move your cursor over the center divider until the cursor changes to a double arrow. Then click and drag the divider to the left or right to resize the panels. Text Compare View Context Menu

Right-click in the left or right Text Compare View panel to display the Text Compare context menu. Table 3-40 describes the options contained in this menu.

Table 3-40 Text Compare View Context Menu

Option Description


Copy the selected text. You can then use a text editor to paste the selected text into a file and save it.

Select All

Select all text in the current panel. You can then use a text editor to paste the selected text into a file and save it.

Ignore White Space

Remove white space characters in both panels.

Show Whitespace Characters

Show white space characters and carriage returns in both panels. A light blue dot indicates a white space characters. A light blue paragraph symbol indicates a carriage return.

Show Line Numbers

Display line numbers in both panels.


Display the Find/Replace dialog box. Enter your search criteria and click Find to search in the selected panel. Replace is disabled for this page.

3.4.8 Signature View

The Signature View displays some basic descriptive and target information for a selected signature. See Section 3.4.6, "Evaluation Summary View," for information about viewing the entire contents of a signature.

Double-click on a signature entry in the Signature Explorer or Bundle Explorer to display this View.

The Signature View contains the following tabs:

The following sections describe the contents of each of these tab pages. Signature View Overview Tab

The Signature View Overview tab page displays some basic descriptive and target information for the signature. See Section 3.4.6, "Evaluation Summary View," for information about viewing the entire contents of a signature.

Table 3-41 lists and describes the sections contained in the Signature View Overview page.

Table 3-41 Signature View Overview Page Sections

Section Description

General Information

This section contains the following information for the selected signature:

  • ID — Signature identification number.

  • Name — The complete signature title.

  • Publication Date — Signatures are periodically updated as signature target or remedy information changes. This date indicates the publication date for this version of this signature.


This is a description of the issue addressed by this signature.


This section contains the target information for this signature. The Target section contains the following subsection:

  • [Expression] — This contains an XPath expression identifying the targets for this signature. The target identifies the product, product version, and/or environment to which this issue pertains. Signature View Source Tab

The Signature View Source tab page displays the complete XML source for the selected signature. This page also has a context menu of options for saving, copying, and printing the inventory XML source. Signature View Source Tab Context Menu

Right-click in the Source page to display a context menu that contains the options described in Table 3-42.

Table 3-42 Signature View Source Tab Context Menu

Element Description

Save As

Save Source tab contents as an XML file. Opens a file browser from which you can specify the file name and location.


Copy selected text to clipboard.


Print Source tab contents to the specified printer. Opens a standard Print dialog box for specifying print parameters and preferences.

Select All

Select all text in page.


Find and replace the specified text. Opens Find/Replace dialog box for specifying the string search and replace parameters. Select and then right-click on text to preselect the search text.

Find Next

Find the next instance of the specified search string or selected text.

Find Previous

Find the previous instance of the specified search string or selected text. Signature View Report Tab

The Signature View Report page displays all of the information contained in the Signature View Overview page, in a printer friendly format. This page also has a system menu of options for exporting, printing, creating a desktop shortcut for the page, adding the inventory to your favorites list, and other file operations. Right-click anywhere in the Report page to display this menu. Some options may not be applicable in this context.

3.4.9 Signature Bundle View

The Document Pane Signature Bundle View displays a description and some additional details about the selected Signature Bundle. This also includes the Signature Definition for the Bundle, which determines which signatures are included in the Bundle.

To open the Signature Bundle View, double-click on a Bundle Node in the Bundle Explorer.

The Signature Bundle View has the following tabs:

The following sections describe the contents of each of these tab pages. Signature Bundle View Overview Tab

The Signature Bundle View Overview page displays a description and some additional details about the selected Signature Bundle.

Table 3-43 describes the sections contained in the Overview page.

Table 3-43 Signature Bundle View Overview Tab

Section Description

General Information

This section contains the following information:

  • ID

  • Name

  • Creation Date

  • Last Modification Date


This is a summary description of the Bundle contents.

Signature Def

This is the XPath expression that defines which signatures are included in this Bundle. Signature Bundle View Report Tab

The Signature Bundle View Report page displays all of the information contained in the Signature Bundle View Overview page, in a printer friendly format. This page also has a system menu of options for exporting, printing, creating a desktop shortcut for the page, adding the inventory to your favorites list, and other file operations. Right-click anywhere in the Report page to display this menu. Some options may not be applicable in this context.

3.4.10 Active Domains Table

The Active Domains Table is a Document View for managing the domains currently activated in Guardian.

You can use either of the following methods to open the Active Domains Table:

  • Double-click on Target Domains in the Navigation Pane to display the Active Domains Table.

  • In the Main Menu Bar, select Window > Show View > Active Domains Table.

Table 3-44 describes the information contained in the Active Domains Table for each active domain.

Table 3-44 Active Domains table Fields

Field Description


This is the domain name.

Administration Server URL

This is the URL for the WebLogic Administration Server for this domain.

Last Evaluation

This is the name of the most recent Evaluation Summary for this domain.

By default, the domains are listed alphabetically by domain name. Click a column heading to sort the table entries according to the sort order for that column. Click a column heading again to alternate between ascending or descending order. Active Domains Table Toolbar Buttons

Table 3-45 describes the buttons contained in the Active Domains Table toolbar. Note that you must select an entry in the table to activate the buttons.

Table 3-45 Active Domains Table Toolbar Buttons

Element Description

Open Admin Console

This opens an Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console in your default Web browser. If you selected the Remember username/password checkbox when activating or modifying the domain, the browser will automatically log you into the Administration Console. If not, the browser will start at the Administration Console login page.

Modify Domain

This opens the Domain Properties dialog box, which enables you to configure how Guardian accesses the domain, and to configure the Max Agent Threads and Agent Thread Timeout parameters. See Section 2.5.4, "Modify Domain Properties," for instructions.

Deactivate Domain

This invokes the Domain Deactivation Wizard for deactivating the selected domain. See Section 2.5.3, "Deactivate Domain," for instructions.

3.4.11 Shortcuts Table

The Shortcuts Table is a Document Pane View for viewing and managing the Evaluation Shortcuts you have created.


See Section 1.5.15, "Shortcut," for a description of Evaluation Shortcuts. See Section 2.12.1, "Create Shortcut," for instructions on creating Evaluation Shortcuts.

To open the Shortcuts Table, go to the Main Menu Bar and select Window > Show View > Shortcuts Table.

Table 3-46 describes the information contained in the Shortcuts Table for each Shortcut.

Table 3-46 Shortcuts Table

Element Description


This is the Shortcut name.


This is the domain targeted for evaluation.


This is the Signature Bundle used for the evaluation.

By default, the Shortcuts are listed alphabetically by Shortcut name. Clicking a column heading sorts the Shortcuts according to the sort order for that column. For example, clicking the Domain column orders the Shortcuts alphabetically by domain name. Clicking the same column heading in succession alternates between ascending and descending order. Shortcuts Table Toolbar

Table 3-47 describes the buttons contained in the Shortcuts Table toolbar.

Table 3-47 Shortcuts Table Toolbar Buttons

Button Description

Add Shortcut

This opens the Shortcut Wizard for creating a new Evaluation Shortcut.

Delete Shortcut

Delete the selected Shortcut. A confirmation box prompts you to confirm the delete operation.

3.5 Preferences

The Preferences page enables you to customize your Oracle Guardian environment.

You can use either of the following methods to open the Preferences page:

Preference parameters are organized into primary and secondary categories, or pages. The left pane of the Preferences page contains a Navigation Tree listing these pages, in hierarchical order. Click on a category title in the tree to display that page. See Section 2.4, "Preferences," for instructions on setting Preferences.

Table 3-48 provides an overview of the Preferences pages.

Table 3-48 Preferences Categories and Pages

Category Description


This includes the following pages:

  • General (main)

  • Appearance

  • Compare/Patch

  • Content Types

  • Editors

  • Keys

  • Network Connections

  • Perspectives

  • Welcome Page

  • Workspace


This includes the following pages:

  • Guardian (main)

  • Encryption

  • Evaluation

  • Logging And Debug

  • Oracle Support

  • Proxies

  • Reporting

  • XML Appearance


These parameters control the content and appearance of Guardian online help. This includes the following pages:

  • Help (main)

  • Content


These parameters are for configuring and automating Guardian application and signature updates. This includes the following pages:

  • Install/Update (main)

  • Automatic Updates

3.6 Wizards

Oracle Guardian provides the several wizards for guiding you through some of the more common or complex Guardian tasks.

Table 3-49 describes the Guardian wizards and how to invoke them.

Table 3-49 Guardian Wizards

Menu Item Description

Annotations Wizard

Right-click on a signature title in the Signature Explorer or Bundle Explorer and select Annotations from the context menu. This opens a submenu with a single option, Manage Annotations. Select this to open the Annotations Wizard. This contains fields and options for annotating the selected signature. See Section 3.6.2, "Annotations Wizard," for details. See Section 2.10, "Signature Annotations," for instructions on using this wizard.

Bundle Evaluation Wizard

Right-click in the Domain Explorer and select Evaluate Bundle from the context menu. This opens a submenu listing the Bundles available for evaluation. Select a Bundle to open the Bundle Evaluation Wizard for that Bundle. See Section 3.6.3, "Bundle Evaluation Wizard," for details. See Section 2.11.3, "Evaluate Bundles," for instructions on using this wizard.

Domain Activation Wizard

This contains fields and options for configuring and activating a domain in Guardian. Click Activate to open the Domain Activation Wizard. See Section 3.6.4, "Domain Activation Wizard," for details. See Section 2.5.1, "Activate Domain," for instructions on using this wizard.

Domain Deactivation Wizard

In Domain Explorer, right-click on a domain entry and select Deactivate Domain from the context menu to open this wizard. This contains a table of all active domains. See Section 3.6.5, "Domain Deactivation Wizard," for details. See Section 2.5.3, "Deactivate Domain," for instructions on using this wizard.

Evaluation Wizard

Click Evaluate to open the Evaluation Wizard for evaluating one or more domains. See Section 3.6.6, "Evaluation Wizard," for details. See Section 2.8.3, "Evaluate Domain," for instructions on using this wizard.

Filters Wizard

Click the Signature Explorer menu icon and select the Filters menu option. The Filters Wizard enables you to specify which signatures to display in Signature Lists. See Section 3.6.7, "Filters Wizard," for details. See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for instructions on using this wizard.

Inventory Wizard

Click Inventory to open the Inventory Wizard. A Domain Inventory is a snapshot of all of the configuration details for a domain as it exists at that moment. See Section 3.6.8, "Inventory Wizard," for details. See Section 2.8.1, "Inventory Domain," for instructions on using this wizard.

Shortcut Wizard

Select File > New > Shortcut to open the Shortcut Wizard for creating and modifying Shortcuts. See Section 3.6.9, "Shortcut Wizard," for details. See Section 2.12.1, "Create Shortcut," for instructions on using this wizard.

Shortcut Evaluation Wizard

Click the Shortcut Explorer tab to open the Shortcut Explorer. Then, double-click on a Shortcut name in the Shortcut list to open the Shortcut Evaluation Wizard. See Section 3.6.10, "Shortcut Evaluation Wizard," for details. See Section 2.12.2, "Evaluate Shortcut," for instructions on using this wizard.

Service Request Wizard

Select a signature in an Evaluation Summary and click Get more help from Oracle Support. This opens the Service Request Wizard for the selected signature. This enables you to create a service request archive based on the selected signature. See Section 3.6.11, "Service Request Wizard," for details. See Section 2.17, "Support," for instructions on using this wizard.

Update Wizard

Click Update to open the Update Wizard. This wizard enables you to automatically download new Oracle Guardian software and signatures from the Oracle Guardian update site. See Section 3.6.12, "Update Wizard," for details. See Section 2.18, "Updates and Upgrades," for instructions on using this wizard.

Note: Upgrading from Guardian 1.0.x must be done manually. See Section 2.18.2, "Manually Update Guardian," and Section 2.18.3, "Manually Update Guardian Registry," for instructions.

You can otherwise use the Update Wizard to automatically update to Guardian 10.3.2. You do not have to update manually in this case.

3.6.1 Wizard Title Bar Menus

Right-click a wizard title bar to open a context menu of options to Move, Size, or Close the wizard. You can also move or resize a Wizard by dragging the title bar or window borders.

3.6.2 Annotations Wizard

Use the Annotations Wizard to create an annotation for a selected signature.

To open the Annotations Wizard, first navigate to a signature list containing the signature you want to annotate. Then right-click on the signature title and select Annotations > Manage Annotations from the context menu.

See Section 2.10, "Signature Annotations," for instructions on using this wizard.

The Annotations Wizard contains the elements described in Table 3-50.

Table 3-50 Annotations Wizard

Element Description

Annotations Table

This contains a list of the annotations that exist for the selected signature. See Section, "Annotations Table," for a description of Annotations table contents.


Click Add to open the Add Annotation dialog box for creating a new annotation for this signature. See Section 2.10.1, "Annotate Signature," for instructions.


Click Edit to open the Edit Annotation dialog box for creating a new annotation for this signature. See Section 2.10.2, "Edit Annotation," for instructions.


Select an annotation in the table and click Delete to remove that annotation from this signature.

Note: There is no prompt for confirmation; the annotation is removed immediately.

See Section 2.10.3, "Delete Annotation," for instructions. Annotations Table

The Annotations Wizard contains an Annotations table listing the annotations that exist for the selected signature.

Table 3-51 describes the information contained in the Annotations table for each annotation in the list:

Table 3-51 Annotations Wizard Annotations Table

Field Description


This is the type of annotation. This can be one of the following:

  • Ignore — Ignore this signature for the specified targets.

  • Flag — Flag this signature for the specified targets.


This is the annotation name.


This contains notes about the signature.


This is the date and time the annotation was created.


These are the target domains for this annotation.


This is the evaluation set to which this annotation applies. This can be one of the following:

  • This Evaluation Only

  • All Evaluations

Note: This option is available only if the annotation was created for a signature in an Evaluation Summary. Annotations created from other locations do not have this specification.

3.6.3 Bundle Evaluation Wizard

Use the Bundle Evaluation Wizard to preselect a domain and Bundle for Evaluation, and then initiate the evaluation.

To open the Bundle Evaluation Wizard:

  1. In the Domain Explorer, open the Evaluation History folder.

  2. Right-click on an Evaluation Summary and select Evaluate Bundle from the context menu.

    This opens a submenu containing a list of Bundles available for evaluation.

  3. Select a Bundle to open the Bundle Evaluation Wizard for that Bundle.

    The Bundle Evaluation Wizard opens with the selected domain and Bundle preselected, just as if you had invoked a Shortcut.

See Section 2.11.3, "Evaluate Bundles," for instructions on using this wizard.

Table 3-52 describes the sections and fields contained in the Bundles Evaluation Wizard.

Table 3-52 Bundle Evaluation Wizard

Sections Description

Available Domains Table

This lists the currently active domains available to evaluate. The table contains the following fields:

  • Name — This is the domain name.

  • Admin Server URL — This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.

  • Bundle — This is the Signature Bundle to be used for the Shortcut Evaluation

Select a domain in this table to specify the domain to evaluate.

Bundle Menu

This is a drop-down menu for selecting the Bundle to be used for this evaluation. Right-click the Bundle entry for a domain in the Available Domains table to display this menu. Select one of the following:

  • All Signatures

  • Configuration Remedy

  • Critical Signatures

  • Default Signatures

  • JRockit JRA Signatures

  • Other Signatures

  • Patch Remedy

  • Security Advisories

  • Service Pack remedy

  • Snapshot-All

  • Snapshot-Deployment Descriptor

  • Snapshot-JDBC

  • Snapshot-JMS

  • Snapshot-JRockit

  • Snapshot-Security

  • Upgrade Remedy


This is the username for a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor for this domain.


This is the password for the WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor specified for Username.

Remember username/password

Select this checkbox to encrypt and store the domain login credentials on disk. This saves you from having to enter the credentials each time you perform a domain operation.

3.6.4 Domain Activation Wizard

Use the Domain Activations Wizard to activate a domain in Guardian.

You can use any of the following methods to open the wizard:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+A.

  • Click Activate in the Main Toolbar.

  • Select New > Domain from the File menu.

  • Click the Domain Explorer tab to open the Domain Explorer. Then, right-click anywhere in the Domain Explorer and select Activate Domain from the context menu.

See Section 2.5.1, "Activate Domain," for complete instructions on using this wizard.


Oracle recommends using SSL encryption for communication between the client and the Guardian Agent. Guardian uses 128 bit open source encryption for SSL. However, the configuration on the server for the domain determines whether or not Guardian will use 128 bit SSL encryption when activating that domain.

The Domain Activation Wizard contains the following tabs:

These are described in the following sections. General Tab

Table 3-53 describes the fields contained in the General tab.

Table 3-53 Domain Activations Wizard — General Tab

Field Description


Select one of the following from the drop-down menu:

Note: Oracle recommends using SSL encryption for communication between the client and the Guardian Agent.

  • http:// — Select this to use the HTTP protocol without encryption.

  • https:// — Select this to use HTTP protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption (recommended). Guardian uses 128 bit open source encryption for SSL. However, the configuration on the server for the domain determines whether or not Guardian will use 128 bit SSL encryption when activating that domain.

Host Name

This is the listen address for the WebLogic Administration Server in the target domain.

Port Number

This is the listen port for the WebLogic Administration Server for the target domain.


This is the username of a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor account on the target domain.


This is the password for the WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor account on the target domain.

Remember Username/Password

This specifies that the domain credentials are to be stored so that you do not have to enter them for future domain operations. Usernames and passwords are encrypted when stored. Advanced Tab

Table 3-54 describes the fields and options contained in the Advanced tab.

Table 3-54 Domain Activation Wizard — Advanced Tab

Field Description

Enable Proxy Connection

Select this if a proxy server is to be used to access the target domain. Then, select a proxy server from the drop-down list. Click Add Proxy Servers to add proxy servers to this list. See Section 2.7.1, "Add Inbound Proxy Servers," for complete instructions.

Max. Agent Threads

Specifies the maximum number of Agent threads to allocate in the WebLogic Server Administration Server. This can be an integer value from 1 to 20. The default is 10.

Agent Thread Timeout (secs)

Specifies the maximum number of seconds that can elapse before an Agent thread is deactivated while collecting data from managed servers. This can be an integer value from 10 to 600. The default is 60.

Domain Notes

This is a text field in which you can enter text description or other details pertaining to this domain. These notes are displayed in inventories and evaluations for this domain.

3.6.5 Domain Deactivation Wizard

You can use either of the following methods to open the Domain Deactivation Wizard:

  • In the Domain Explorer, right-click on a domain and select Deactivate from the context menu.

  • Select Window > Show View > Active Domains Table. Then, select a domain from the table and click Deactivate Domain.

Select a domain and click Finish to deactivate the domain.


You will not be prompted to confirm the deactivate operation. The domain will be deactivated immediately.

See Section 2.5.3, "Deactivate Domain," for complete instructions on using this wizard.

Table 3-55 describes the fields contained in the Domain Deactivation Wizard.

Table 3-55 Domain Deactivation Wizard

Sections Description


This is the name for this domain.

Admin Server URL

This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.

3.6.6 Evaluation Wizard

Use the Evaluation Wizard to evaluate a domain. You can select one or more domains for evaluation.

You can use any of the following methods to select a domain and open the wizard:

  • In the Domain Explorer, select a domain and then click the Evaluation button. To select multiple domains, press the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting additional items.

  • Right-click on a domain and then select Evaluate from the context menu.

  • Double-click a domain name in the Domain Explorer.

  • Select File > New > Evaluation from the title bar.

  • Select Window > Show View > Active Domains Table to display the Active Domains Table. Then, double-click a domain name to open the wizard for the selected domain.

See Section 2.8.3, "Evaluate Domain," for complete instructions on using this wizard.

Table 3-56 describes the fields contained in the Evaluation Wizard.

Table 3-56 Evaluation Wizard

Fields Description

Available Domains Table

This lists the currently active domains available to evaluate. The table contains the following fields:

  • Name — This is the domain name.

  • Admin Server URL — This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.

  • Bundle — This is the Signature Bundle to be used for the Shortcut Evaluation

Select a domain in this table to specify the domain to evaluate.

Bundle Menu

This is a drop-down menu for selecting the Bundle to be used for this evaluation. Right-click the Bundle entry for a domain in the Available Domains table to display a list of the available Bundles. Select a Bundle from the list.


This is the username for a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor for this domain.


This is the password for the WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor specified for Username.

Remember username/password

Select this checkbox to encrypt and store the domain login credentials on disk. This saves you from having to enter the credentials each time you perform a domain operation.

Create Shortcut

Select this checkbox to create a Shortcut for this evaluation. This is useful if you routinely perform this particular type of evaluation. See Section 2.12, "Shortcuts," for detailed instructions on creating, evaluating, and managing Shortcuts.

Shortcut Name

This is a text field for entering the name of the new Shortcut.

3.6.7 Filters Wizard

Use the Filters Wizard to specify which signatures to display in signature lists.

You can use either of the following methods to open the wizard:

  • From the Signature Explorer or Bundle Explorer:

    In the Explorer toolbar, click the menu icon and select Filters from the menu.

  • From an Evaluation Summary:

    Right-click on any signature in the Detected Signatures list, and select Filters from the context menu.

See Section 2.9.2, "Filter Signatures," for complete instructions on using this wizard.

Table 3-57 describes the sections and fields contained in the Filters Wizard.

Table 3-57 Filters Wizard Sections and Fields

Section Description


Filter according to name. This section contains the following fields and options:

  • Show Name (radio button)

  • Hide Name (radio button)

  • Name — (Text field) Specify all or a portion of a signature name to use as the filter criteria. This can be a character string or standard regular expression. Enter .* to filter all signatures. The default is Show all (.*).


Filter according to severity. This section contains the following options:

  • Show Severity

  • Hide Severity

Select one of the above, and then select/deselect a severity level. These are:

  • Critical

  • Warning

  • Information.

The default is Show all (all selected).


Filter annotated signatures according to Annotation Type. This section contains the following options:

  • Show Type

  • Hide Type

  • Annotation Name

Select one of the above, and then select/deselect an Annotation Type. These are:

  • Flag

  • Ignore.

The default is Hide signatures with an Annotation Type of Ignore. See Section 1.5.10, "Signature Annotations," for more information on Annotation Types.

Annotation Name

Filter annotated signatures according to Annotation Name. This section contains the following options:

  • Show Annotation Name

  • Hide Annotation Name

  • Annotation Name — (Text field) Specify all or a portion of an annotation name to use as the filter criteria. This can be a character string or standard regular expression. Enter .* to filter all annotations.

The default is Show all (.*).


Filter annotated signatures according to annotation comment. Specify all or a portion of a comment to use as the filter criteria. This can be a character string or standard regular expression. Enter .* to filter all signatures. The default is Show all (.*).


Filter annotated signatures in this domain. This section contains the following options:

  • Show Domain

  • Hide Domain

The default is Show Domain.


Filter annotated signatures in this Evaluation. This section contains the following options:

  • Show Evaluation

  • Hide Evaluation

The default is Show Evaluation.

3.6.8 Inventory Wizard

Use the Inventory Wizard to inventory a domain.

You can use any of the following methods to open the wizard:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+I.

  • Click Inventory on the Main Toolbar.

  • Select File > New > Inventory.

  • In the Domain Explorer, right-click on a domain name in the Domain Explorer tree and select Inventory from the context menu.

See Section 1.5.7, "Domain Inventory," for a description of Domain Inventories. See Section 2.8.1, "Inventory Domain," for instructions on using the Domain Inventory Wizard.

Table 3-58 describes the sections and fields contained in the Inventory Wizard.

Table 3-58 Inventory Wizard

Section/Field Description

Available Domains Table

This lists the currently active domains available to inventory. The table contains the following fields:

  • Name — This is the domain name.

  • Admin Server URL — This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.

Select a domain in this table to specify the domain to inventory.


This is the username for a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor for this domain.


This is the password for the WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor specified for Username.

Remember username/password

Select this checkbox to encrypt and store the domain login credentials on disk. This saves you from having to enter the credentials each time you perform a domain operation.

3.6.9 Shortcut Wizard

Use the Shortcut Wizard to create an Evaluation Shortcut.

You can use any of the following methods to open the wizard:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+S.

  • Select File > New > Shortcut.

  • Select Window > Show View > Shortcuts Table to open the Shortcuts Table. Then, click Add Shortcut in the Shortcuts Table toolbar.

  • Right-click in the Domain Explorer or Shortcut Explorer and select Add Shortcut from the context menu.

See Section 1.5.15, "Shortcut," for a description of Shortcuts. See Section 2.12.1, "Create Shortcut," for instructions.

Table 3-59 describes the sections and fields contained in the Shortcut Wizard.

Table 3-59 Shortcut Wizard

Fields Description

Available Domains Table

This lists the currently active domains available to evaluate. The table contains the following fields:

  • Name — This is the domain name.

  • Admin Server URL — This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.

  • Bundle — This is the Signature Bundle to be used for the Shortcut Evaluation

Select a domain in this table to specify the domain to evaluate.

Bundle Menu

This is a drop-down menu for selecting the Bundle to be used for this evaluation. Right-click the Bundle entry for a domain in the Available Domains table to display a list of the available Bundles. Select a Bundle from the list.

Create Shortcut

Select this checkbox to create a Shortcut for this evaluation. This is useful if you routinely perform this particular type of evaluation. See Section 2.12, "Shortcuts," for detailed instructions on creating, evaluating, and managing Shortcuts.

Shortcut Name

This is a text field for entering the name of the new Shortcut.

3.6.10 Shortcut Evaluation Wizard

Use the Shortcut Evaluation Wizard to evaluate a selected Shortcut.

You can use any of the following methods to open the wizard:

  • Select Window > Show View > Shortcuts Table to open the Shortcuts Table. Then, double-click on a Shortcut name in the Shortcut Table.

  • Click the Shortcut Explorer tab to open the Shortcut Explorer. Then, double-click on a Shortcut name in the Shortcut list.

  • Click the Shortcut Explorer tab to open the Shortcut Explorer. Then, right-click on a Shortcut name in the Shortcut list and select Evaluate Shortcut from the context menu.

See Section 1.5.15, "Shortcut," for a description of Shortcuts. See Section 2.12.2, "Evaluate Shortcut," for instructions.

Table 3-60 describes the sections and fields contained in the Shortcut Evaluation Wizard.

Table 3-60 Shortcut Evaluation Wizard

Fields Description

Available Domains Table

This lists the currently active domains available to evaluate. The table contains the following fields:

  • Name — This is the domain name.

  • Admin Server URL — This is the URL for the WebLogic Server Administration Server for this domain.

  • Bundle — This is the Signature Bundle to be used for the Shortcut Evaluation

Select a domain in this table to specify the domain to evaluate.

Bundle Menu

This is a drop-down menu for selecting the Bundle to be used for this evaluation. Right-click the Bundle entry for a domain in the Available Domains table to display a list of the available Bundles. You can change the Bundle selection, but only for the current evaluation. The Bundle for that Shortcut will remain unchanged for future invocations of the Shortcut Evaluation Wizard.


This is the username for a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor for this domain.


This is the password for the WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor specified for Username.

Remember username/password

Select this checkbox to encrypt and store the domain login credentials on disk. This saves you from having to enter the credentials each time you perform a domain operation.

3.6.11 Service Request Wizard

You can use the Service Request Wizard to create a service request archive based on a detected signature, which can be submitted to Oracle Customer Support at your convenience.

To open the Service Request Wizard:

  1. Open the Evaluation Summary containing the signature you want to include in the support service request.

    Double-click on an Evaluation Summary entry in the Domain Explorer.

  2. Select the signature you want to include in the support service request.

    Click on a signature entry to highlight it. This displays the Description and Remedy for the signature in the bottom portion of the Evaluation Summary View in the Document Pane.

  3. Click the Get more help from Oracle support link at the bottom of the signature Remedy section to open the wizard.


    Clicking Get more help from Oracle support does not connect Guardian with Oracle Support. Clicking this link only launches the Service Request Wizard. For more information, see Section 1.5.16, "Service Request Archive."

See Section 1.5.16, "Service Request Archive," for a description of a Guardian Service Request Archive. See Section 2.17, "Support," for instructions on using the wizard.

The Service Request Wizard presents a series of pages that guide you through the service request creation process. These pages are described in Table 3-61.

Table 3-61 Service Request Wizard

Page Description

Select Server Node

Note: If there is only one server in your domain, then the Administration Server is used by default and this step is skipped.

Specifies the server node for the domain that has the detected signature. To change the server node preselected in the dialog box, select another server from the pull down list.

Service Request Notes

In the Additional Service Request Notes field, enter any additional text that may be helpful to Oracle customer support in resolving your service request.

Select Service Request Attachments

Select the background information files to include with the service request. These attachments save the Oracle Support Engineer time so that your service request can be resolved more quickly. You can select one or more of the following:

  • Service Request Attachments

  • Domain Inventory

  • Detected Signature Results

  • Recommended Attachments

  • Server Log

  • Other Attachments

Domain Login

Specify the username and password for a WebLogic Server Administrator or Monitor for this domain.

Select Service Request Archive Destination

In the Select Archive Location field, enter the location to which to save the service request archive file, or click the ellipsis (...) to open a file browser from which you can select the location.

3.6.12 Update Wizard

Use the Update Wizard to update your Guardian software and signature Bundles.

You can use either of the following methods to open the wizard:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+U.

  • Click the Update button on the Main Toolbar.

  • Select Help > Software Updates > Guardian Updates.

See Section 1.7.4, "Update Guardian," for a description of this feature. See Section 2.18, "Updates and Upgrades," for instructions on using the wizard.

The Update Wizard presents a series of pages that guide you through the update process. Table 3-62 describes each of these pages.

Table 3-62 Update Wizard

Page Description

My Oracle Support Login

Enter your Oracle My Support Username and Password. Select the Remember username/password checkbox to encrypt and store the domain login credentials on disk. This will save you having to enter the credentials each time you use the Update Wizard.

No Updates Dialog Box

If there are no new signatures or application features available, a dialog box prompts you to try again at a later time.

Search Results

If there are new signatures or application features available, this page displays the results. Expand the folders in the Select the features to install tree to see the available selections.

Feature License

Click the radio button to accept the terms in the license agreement and proceed with the installation.

Installation Location

Select the installation location, or accept the default. Click Change Location to open a directory browser from which you can select the location. A progress indicator tracks the progress as the updates are downloaded.

Feature Verification

Verify the list of features to install, and click Install or Install All.

Restart Guardian

After the updates are installed, you are prompted as to whether to restart Guardian. Click Yes to restart Guardian and incorporate the new features.

3.7 Log Files

The Oracle Guardian log files contain information that My Oracle Support can use to diagnose and resolve issues with your Guardian system.

Table 3-63 describes the Guardian log files.

Table 3-63 Guardian Log Files

File Name Description

This is located in the Guardian installation directory you specified during installation. This file contains information about every operation the Guardian application performs.


This is located in the Guardian installation directory you specified during installation. This file contains information about each evaluation performed, including entries for all detected signatures. You can also use a command line script to automatically scan the signature.log for detected signatures, and to automatically receive notifications when new signatures are detected.


This is located in the .metadata subdirectory of the Guardian Workspace directory you specified when starting Guardian. This file contains information about certain Guardian operations.


This is located in the ../configuration/org.eclipse.update subdirectory located in the Guardian installation directory you specified during installation. This file contains Guardian installation details.

3.7.2 Related Reference

3.8 Command Line Interface

The Guardian Command Line Interface (CLI)—also referred to as Guardian Headless Mode—is a set of Guardian commands that can be issued directly from the operating system command prompt. There is a Guardian CLI command for each of the most common tasks you can perform using the Guardian User Interface.

The Guardian command interpreter is a .cmd batch file for Windows, and a .sh shell script for Linux. Both the Windows batch file and the Linux shell script are wrappers that accumulate and organize arguments to the Java command.

See Section 2.13, "Command Line Interface," for instructions on starting and using the Command Line Interface.

3.8.1 Important Notes

The following are some guidelines for using the Command Line Interface. See Section 2.13, "Command Line Interface," for complete instructions on using the CLI commands.

  • The Command Line Interface uses your specified Guardian Workspace as the location for all CLI operations, unless you specify otherwise in each command. Identifying the Guardian Workspace location is essential for accessing the correct set of active domains, Domain Inventories, and Evaluation Summaries. See Section 2.3.1, "Select Workspace," for instructions on selecting a Guardian Workspace.

  • You can redirect the display of Domain Inventories and Evaluation Summaries to a Web browser instead of the Document Pane in the Guardian user interface. See Section 2.15, "Redirecting Display of Evaluation Summaries and Domain Inventories," for details.

  • Guardian Command Line Interface commands are case sensitive.

  • Each command must include the prefix -g with no trailing space, as shown in the following example:

    guardianHeadless.cmd -glistActiveDomains 
  • Quotes are required for command parameters only if the parameter contains a space.

  • On Linux, command output is directed by default to stdout and stderr. On Windows, command output is written to the following output file:


    The output file is created in your current directory, and is overwritten each time you run a Guardian Headless Mode command. See Section 2.13.2, "Redirecting Guardian CLI Command Output," for instructions on redirecting this to a different file.

  • To create an output file containing the list of CLI commands and their syntax, type the following command at the operating system prompt:

    guardianHeadless.cmd -ghelp 

The following section provides an overview of the Command Line Interface commands.

3.8.2 Overview of CLI Commands

Table 3-64 provides a brief description of each of the Guardian Command Line Interface commands. See Section 3.8.3, "CLI Command Reference," for a detailed description and syntax for each command.

Table 3-64 Guardian Command Line Interface Commands

Command Description


Activate the specified domain and return the domain identifier.


Create a Shortcut for the specified domain and Bundle.


Deactivate the specified domain.


Delete the specified Shortcut.


Evaluate the specified domain and Bundle. To see the results, open the Guardian User Interface, open the Domain Explorer > Evaluation History folder, and select the evaluation. The results are displayed in the Evaluation Summary View in the Document Pane.


Evaluate the domain and Bundle associated with the specified Shortcut. To see the results, open the Guardian User Interface, open the Domain Explorer > Evaluation History folder, and select the evaluation. The results are displayed in the Evaluation Summary View in the Document Pane.


Display the list of commands and command syntax.


Inventory the specified domain. To see the results, open the Guardian User Interface, open the Domain Explorer > Inventory History folder, and select the inventory. The results are displayed in the Domain Inventory View in the Document Pane.


List the active domains in Domain Identifier format.


List the Bundle identifier and Bundle name for each of the available Signature Bundles.


List the Shortcuts available for evaluation.


Execute the commands contained in the specified script file.

3.8.3 CLI Command Reference

This section describes the syntax, arguments, and usage for each of the Command Line Interface commands. See Section 2.13, "Command Line Interface," for instructions on starting and using the Command Line Interface. activateDomain

Activate the specified domain and return the domain identifier.

activateDomain -t targetUrl -u username -p password 
[ -c persistCredentials ] [ -data workspaceDir ] [ -x proxy ]
[ -m maxAgentThreads ] [ -o agentThreadTimeoutSecs ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-65.

Table 3-65 activateDomain Command Arguments

Argument Description

(Without quotes) This is the address of the Administration Server for the domain, in the following format:


This is the username for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


This is the password for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


(true or false, without quotes) This specifies whether to persist the username and password. If set to true, the login credentials will be saved on disk in encrypted form. The default is false.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace.


(Without quotes) This is the proxy IP address and port, in the following format:


Specifies the maximum number of Agent threads to allocate in the WebLogic Server Administration Server. This can be an integer value from 1 to 20. The default is 10.


Specifies the maximum time in seconds before a Guardian Agent thread is terminated when collecting data from managed servers. createShortcut

Create a Shortcut for the specified domain and Bundle.

createShortcut -d domainId [ -b bundleId ] [ -s shortcutName ] 
[ -data workspaceDir ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-66.

Table 3-66 createShortcut Command Arguments

Argument Description

This is the Domain Identifier for the Shortcut.


(Numeric) This is the Bundle Identifier for the Shortcut. The default is 0, which is the identifier for the Bundle named Default Signatures. Use the listBundles command to see the list of Bundle values.


(In quotes) This is the name of the Shortcut. The default is:

"<bundle_name> in <domain_name>" 

For example:

Critical Signatures in TestDomain 

Where Critical Signatures is the name of the Bundle and TestDomain is the domain name.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. deactivateDomain

Deactivate the specified domain.

deactivateDomain -d domainId [ -l deleteUserData ] [ -data workspaceDir ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-67.

Table 3-67 deactivateDomain Command Arguments

Argument Description

This is the Domain Identifier of the domain to be deactivated.


(true or false, without quotes) This specifies whether to delete the Domain Inventories and Evaluation Summaries from the Guardian Workspace. The default is false.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. deleteShortcut

Delete the specified Shortcut.

deleteShortcut -s shortcutName [ -data workspaceDir ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-68.

Table 3-68 deleteShortcut Command Arguments

Argument Description

(In quotes) This is the name of the Shortcut to be deleted, as listed in the output from the listShortcuts command.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. evaluateDomainBundle

Evaluate the specified domain and Bundle. To see the results, open the Guardian User Interface and open the Domain Explorer > Evaluation History folder and select the evaluation. The results are displayed in the Evaluation Summary View in the Document Pane.

evaluateDomainBundle -d domainId [ -b bundleId ]
[ -u username -p password ] [ -c persistCredentials ] [ -data workspaceDir ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-69.

Table 3-69 evaluateDomainBundle Command Arguments

Argument Description

This is the Domain Identifier of the domain to be evaluated.


(Numeric) This is the Bundle Identifier for the Bundle to be evaluated. The default is 0, which is the identifier for the Bundle named Default Signatures. Use the listBundles command to see the list of Bundle values.


(Not required if persistCredentials is set to true in activateDomain.) This is the username for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


(Not required if persistCredentials is set to true in activateDomain) This is the password for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


(true or false, without quotes) This specifies whether to persist the username and password. If set to true, the login credentials will be saved on disk in encrypted form. The default is false.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. evaluateShortcut

Evaluate the domain and Bundle associated with the specified Shortcut. To see the results, open the Guardian User Interface and open the Domain Explorer > Evaluation History folder and select the evaluation. The results are displayed in the Evaluation Summary View in the Document Pane.

evaluateShortcut -s shortcutName [ -u username -p password ]
[ -c persistCredentials ] [ -data workspaceDir ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-70.

Table 3-70 evaluateShortcut Command Arguments

Argument Description


(In quotes) This is the name of the Shortcut to be evaluated.


(Not required if persistCredentials is set to true in activateDomain.) This is the username for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


(Not required if persistCredentials is set to true in activateDomain) This is the password for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


(true or false, without quotes) This specifies whether to persist the username and password. If set to true, the login credentials will be saved on disk in encrypted form. The default is false.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. help

Display the list of commands and command syntax.

There are no arguments for this command. inventoryDomain

Inventory the specified domain. To see the results, open the Guardian User Interface and open the Domain Explorer > Inventory History folder and select the inventory. The results are displayed in the Domain Inventory View in the Document Pane.

inventoryDomain -d domainId [ -u username -p password]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-71.

Table 3-71 inventoryDomain Command Arguments

Argument Description


This is the Domain Identifier of the domain to be evaluated.


(Not required if persistCredentials is set to true in activateDomain.) This is the username for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain.


(Not required if persistCredentials is set to true in activateDomain) This is the password for the Administrator or Monitor account for the specified domain listActiveDomains

List the active domains in domain identifier format.

listActiveDomains [ -data workspaceDir ]

The argument for this command is described in Table 3-72.

Table 3-72 listActiveDomains Command Argument

Argument Description


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. listBundles

List the Bundle identifier and Bundle name for each of the available Signature Bundles.

listBundles [ -data workspaceDir ]

The argument for this command is described in Table 3-73.

Table 3-73 listBundles Command Argument

Argument Description


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. listShortcuts

List the Shortcuts available for evaluation.

listShortcuts [ -data workspaceDir ]

The argument for this command is described in Table 3-74.

Table 3-74 listShortcuts Command Argument

Argument Description


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace. script

Execute the commands contained in the specified script file.

script -f scriptname [ -data workspaceDir ]

The arguments for this command are described in Table 3-75.

Table 3-75 script Command Arguments

Argument Description


This is the name of a script file containing Guardian commands. Each command must be on a separate line. See Section 2.13.3, "Running Scripts," for instructions.


(In quotes) This is the absolute pathname for the Guardian Workspace.