1 Overview

This chapter introduces Oracle SQL Developer (SQL Developer). It contains the following sections:

1.1 Introduction

SQL Developer is a tool that simplifies the process of migrating data and applications from a Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server environment to an Oracle database. SQL Developer allows you to quickly and easily migrate an entire application system, that is the database schema including triggers and stored procedures, in an integrated, visual environment.


Microsoft SQL Server is used in this document to refer to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 unless otherwise stated; and Sybase Adaptive Server is used in this document to refer to Sybase Adaptive Server 12 or 15 unless otherwise stated.

1.2 Product Description

SQL Developer enables you to migrate a Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server database to an Oracle database. SQL Developer employs an intuitive and informative user interface to simplify the migration process.

SQL Developer uses a repository to store migration information. This allows you to query the initial state of the application before migration. By initially loading the components of the application system that can be migrated into a repository, you can work independently of the production application.

Furthermore, SQL Developer saves useful dependency information about the components you are converting. For example, SQL Developer keeps a record of all the tables accessed by a stored procedure. You can then use this information to understand the impact of modifying a given table.

1.3 Features

SQL Developer Release 2.1 includes core features and Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server migration specific features. SQL Developer allows you to:

  • Migrate a complete Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server database to an Oracle database.

  • Migrate groups, users, tables, primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, indexes, rules, check constraints, views, triggers, stored procedures, user-defined types, and privileges to Oracle.

  • Migrate multiple Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server source databases to a single Oracle database.

  • Customize the parser for stored procedures, triggers, or views.

  • Generate the Oracle SQL*Loader and SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server BCP scripts for offline data loading.

  • Display a representation of the source database and its Oracle equivalent.

  • Generate and view a summary report of the migration.

  • Customize users, tables, indexes, and tablespaces.

  • Customize the default data type mapping rules.

  • Create ANSI-compliant names.

  • Automatically resolve conflicts such as Oracle reserved words.

  • Remove and rename objects in the Oracle Model.

1.4 Glossary

The following terms are used to describe SQL Developer:

Dependency is used to define a relationship between two migration entities. For example, a database view is dependent upon the table it references.

Destination Database is the Oracle database to which SQL Developer migrates the data dictionary of the source database.

Migration Component is part of an application system that can be migrated to an Oracle database. Examples of migration components are tables and stored procedures.

Migration Entity is an instance of a migration component. The table EMP would be a migration entity belonging to the table MIGRATION COMPONENT.

Migration Repository is the area in an Oracle database used to store the persistent information necessary for SQL Developer to migrate a source database.

Navigator Pane is the part of the SQL Developer User Interface that contains the tree views representing the Source Model and the Oracle Model.

Oracle Model is a series of Oracle tables that is created from the information in the Source Model. It is a visual representation of how the source database looks when generated in an Oracle environment.

Properties Pane is the part of the SQL Developer User Interface that displays the properties of a migration entity that has been selected in one of the tree views in the Navigator Pane.

Progress Window is the part of the SQL Developer User Interface that contains informational, error, or warning messages describing the progress of the migration process.

Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of well-defined application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide services that a software developer can use.

Source Database is the database containing the data dictionary of the application system being migrated by SQL Developer. The source database is a database other than Oracle, for example, Microsoft SQL Server.

Source Model is a replica of the data dictionary of the source database. It is stored in the Oracle SQL Developer Repository and is loaded by SQL Developer with the contents of the data dictionary of the source database.