Enrolling in eBenefits

This chapter provides an overview of the eBenefit enrollment process and lists the pages employees use to enroll in benefits.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the eBenefit Enrollment Process

Use the eBenefits enrollment pages to:

Communicate Benefit Choices

The enrollment process begins when the system creates an enrollment event and notifies the employee of the event. You can link to the Benefits Enrollment page from the Benefits page. From the Benefits Enrollment page, you can then access the Enrollment Summary page, where employees review eligible benefit elections, and link to all plan-type pages where elections can be made.

Information about an individual's current coverage comes from the base benefit tables. The system does not use the event date when pulling current coverage. It uses the deduction begin date on the BAS_PARTIC_PLAN rows. This date has been adjusted for grace and waiting periods. Using this date gives a more accurate current election and more closely matches what the background process considers current.

Information about new coverage comes from the employee's election or the default coverage. If the BAS_PARTIC_PLAN row has an election, either entered by the employee or pre-entered by the system, the system uses that entry as the basis for formatting the new coverage. If no entry exists, the system goes to the BAS_PARTIC_OPTN rows to find the default value. If no election and no default exist, the system displays the phrase No Coverage.

The plan-types (medical, vision, savings, and so on) appear in the top row of the Coverage and Election Summary section. One multiline entry exists for every plan type in the event. The plan types are listed in order based on the display plan sequence value in the benefit program definition. The name of the plan type comes from the long name in the Translate table.

For all plan types, the system always shows the plans available and indicates whether the option of waiving coverage is available. However, you can modify the setup tables so that the system suppresses the plan types if the employees have no choice available.

Note. Calculation amounts that appear on the benefit enrollment pages are only estimated amounts.

Note. Because the system validates the relationship of a person to an employee, you cannot perform a benefit enroll for a dependent unless their relationship is defined as a qualified dependent relationship type.

See Setting Up Dependent Relationships.

Communicate Additional Information

The benefits administrator can decide whether a benefit plan has certain criteria that an employee needs to meet prior to enrolling. If so, a Benefits Certification appears when the employee clicks the EDIT button. The Benefits Certification contains a series of statements or questions presented to the employee. The administrator assigns a value for each certificate ID defined, and decisions are made regarding the participant's benefits based on the resulting scores. When you view the Enrollment Summary section of the Benefits Enrollment page, you can select a benefit plan in which to enroll.

See Setting Up Benefits Certifications.

Notify Human Resources of Elections

After any plan-type election has been made, the employee is returned to the Enrollment Summary page to continue the selection process, and the process is repeated for each available benefit. After completing all elections, employees submit their choices and a notification is sent to the Human Resources administrator.

See Also

Suppressing Plan Type Information

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Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment - Information


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Enrollment

Click the Information icon on the Benefits Enrollment page.

View enrollment information. After your initial enrollment, the only time you can change your benefit choices is during open enrollment or a qualified family status change. This page provides you with additional information about your enrollment.

Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Enrollment

Click the Select button on the Benefits Enrollment page.

View enrollment information and information about an enrollment event. The enrollment process is initiated when eligibility and event rules have been processed to produce a list of valid benefit choices.

Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment (summary)


Click the Select button on the Benefits Enrollment page.

Review benefit plan elections. This page displays which benefit options are open for edits. All of your benefit changes are effective as of the date of the benefit change event. Your enrollment is not complete until you submit your choices to the Benefits Department.

Benefits Enrollment - Medical


Click the Edit button for a Medical plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Review or elect health (medical) plan-type benefits.

Benefits Enrollment - Medical (summary)


Click the Overview of All Plans link on the Benefits Enrollment - Medical page.

View all plans, coverage levels, and costs condensed into a single grid.

Benefits Enrollment - Life

Benefits Enrollment - Supplemental Life

Benefits Enrollment - Dependent Life

Benefits Enrollment - AD and D

Benefits Enrollment - Dependent AD and D


  • Click the Edit button for a Life plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click the Edit button for a Supplemental Life plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click Edit button for a Dependent Life plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click Edit button for an AD and D plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click Edit button for a Dependent AD and D plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Enroll dependents in life insurance plans.

Benefits Enrollment - Long Term Disability

Benefits Enrollment - Short Term Disability


  • Click the Edit button for a Long-Term Disability plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click the Edit button for a Short-Term Disability plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Use the disability pages to enroll in disability benefits.

Benefits Enrollment - 401(k)

Benefits Enrollment - Profit Sharing

Benefits Enrollment - Employee Stock Purchase


  • Click the Edit button for a 401(k) plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click the Edit button for a Profit Sharing plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

  • Click the Edit button for an Employee Stock Purchase plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Enroll in savings plan benefits.

Benefits Enrollment - Leave Plans


Click the Edit button for an leave plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Enroll in leave plan benefits.

Flex Spending Health

Flex Spending Dependent Care


Click the Edit button for a flexible spending account plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Enroll in FSA plan benefits.

Flex Spending Health (worksheet)

Flex Spending Dependent Care (worksheet)


Click the Worksheet link on the Flex Spending Health or Flex Spending Dependent Care page.

Estimate per-pay-period contributions.

Benefits Enrollment - Pension Plan


Click the Edit button on any Pension line on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Enroll in pension plan benefits.

Benefits Enrollment - Vacation Buy

Benefits Enrollment - Vacation Sell


Click the Edit button for a vacation buy or sell plan on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment pages.

Enroll in vacation plan benefits.

Submit Benefit Choices


Click the Submit button on the Benefits Enrollment - Open Enrollment or Benefit Enrollment Summary page.

Submit your benefit choices to the system.

Submit Confirmation


Click the Submit button on Submit Benefit Choices page.

Confirm that your benefit choices have been submitted to the system.