Requesting Employee Training

This chapter provides an overview of the self-service training development process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Self-Service Training Development Process

This section lists prerequisites and discusses the self-service training development process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before employees and managers can submit training requests, complete the following:

  1. Activate workflow.

  2. Set up group build if you plan to use group ID as the access type for a manager to request training for his or her direct reports.

  3. Set up the access type for HR_DR_TRN_SUMMARY and TRN_REQUEST_LNK on the Direct Reports Setup page.

  4. Define the rules for Training Enrollment and Training Enrollment by Manager on the Configuration Options, Notification Setup, and Component Interface Setup pages.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Self-Service Transactions

Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Self-Service Training Development Process

eDevelopment provides four self-service transactions that improve the efficiency of employee development:

Note. If a manager requests training for a group of direct reports and the class exceeds the number allotted during the enrollment process, the system enrolls the entire group into the class and updates their statuses to enrolled. The system then notifies an administrator to handle this situation.

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Training Requests

This section lists the pages used to submit training requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit Training Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Training Enrollment


  • Self Service, Learning and Development, Request Training Enrollment, Request Training Enrollment

  • Manager Self Service, Learning and Development, Request Training Enrollment, Request Training Enrollment

Employees or managers select the method by which they want to search for training courses.

Course Search


Click one of the four search method links on the Request Training Enrollment page.

Employees or managers enter the appropriate information to display a list of courses that match their criteria.

Course Detail


Click the Course Detail icon on the Course Search page.

Employees or managers review detailed information about the course.

View Available Sessions


Click the View Available Sessions link on the Course Search page.

Employees or managers review the available course sessions and select the desired session.

Prerequisites Not Met


Click a session ID link on the View Available Sessions page for a course for which you haven't met the prerequisites.

Displays the prerequisites for the course selected. This page is displayed if the employee does not meet the prerequisites.

Session Detail


Click a session ID link on the View Available Sessions page.

Employees or managers review the details of a course session. This page displays the session location, start date, and language of the session.

Employees click Continue to process the training request or be placed on the waiting list.

Managers click Continue to select the employees that they want to enroll in this course or place on a waiting list.

Select Employees


Click Continue on the Session Detail page.

Lists the manager's direct reports who meet the course prerequisites and those who don't meet the prerequisites. Managers select the employees that they want to enroll in the selected course from the list of employees who meet the course prerequisites.

Submit Request


Click Continue from the Select Employees page or the Session Detail page.

Managers or employees enter any comments and click the Submit button to submit the request. If the request was successfully submitted, this page is re-displayed with details of the submitted request.

Submit Confirmation


Click Submit from the Submit Request page.

View the submission status of your request.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Training Requests

This section provides an overview of training request approval processing and lists the pages used to approve training requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Training Request Approval Processing

When employees and managers submit training requests, the requests may require one or both of the following before the employee is enrolled in, or added to the waiting list for, a course session:

You configure training request processing on the Self Service Workflow Configurations page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Self Service, Workflow Configuration, Self Service Workflow Configurations).

The training request self-service transactions are:

The check boxes Approval Process? and Allow DB Update on the Self Service Workflow Configurations page affect the way that the training requests are processed. This table describes the training request processing for the different configurations:

Approval Process?

Allow DB Update

Manager Approval

Training Administrator Approval


Not Selected



Not Selected

Not Selected

Not required






Not Selected


Not required

Not required

See Also

Setting Up Approvals and Database Updates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Training Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Approve Training Request


Manager Self Service, Learning and Development, Approve Training Request, Approve Training Request

Managers view a list of employees that require training approval.

Approve Transaction


Click the Training Enrollment related link.

Managers approve or deny each employee's training request and enter comments.

Save Confirmation


Select Approve or Deny on the Approve Transaction page and click Save.

Managers approve or deny the request.

Administer Training Request


Enterprise Learning, Administer Training Requests, Administer Training Requests

Training administrators use this page to approve or deny training requests. In the Administrator Actions group box, the administrator has three options:

To approve the training request and allow the system to automatically enroll or add the employee to the waiting list for the selected course session.

To approve the training request, without the automatic update. If the training administrator selects this option, the system does not enroll the employee. The training administrator must do this manually.

To deny the training request.

See Also

Enrolling and Wait-Listing Students

Click to jump to parent topicViewing the Status of Training Requests

This section lists the pages used to view the status of training requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used To View the Status of Training Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Training Request Status

Training Request Status List


  • Self Service, Learning and Development, Training Request Status, Training Request Status

  • Manager Self Service, Learning and Development, View Training Request Status, Training Request Status List

Displays current status summary information for each training request.

Training Request Status


Click the Training Enrollment related link on the Training Request Status or Training Request Status List page.

Displays details of the current status for the selected training request.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Training History Information

This section lists the page used to review training history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Training History

Page Name

Definition Name



Select Employee


Manager Self Service, Learning and Development, Training Summary, Select Employee

Displays a list of the employees who report to the manager. Managers select the employee whose training summary they want to review.

Training Summary


  • Click an employee's name link in the Name column on the Select Employee page.

  • Self Service, Learning and Development, Training Summary, Training Summary

Displays a summary of training courses that the employee has completed, is enrolled in, or on the waiting list. You can also initiate enrollment into another course by clicking the Internal Training Enrollment link.

Training Summary - Course Detail


Click a link in the Course Name column on the Training Summary page.

Displays detailed information about the training course.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Workflow Information

This section lists the page used to review workflow information for the self service transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Workflow Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Workflow Inquiry


Workforce Administration, Self Service Transactions, Workflow Inquiry, Workflow Inquiry

Administrators use this page to review transactions that successfully updated the database or require further processing. This page also provides an audit trail of who made the update to the database. Administrators either enter an employee ID or select a transaction name. For training requests, select either HR_TRAIN_ENROLL for employee requests or HR_TRAIN_ENROLL_ MGR for manager requests. For training requests, if you click the Go to Enrollment link the Course Session Enrollment page is displayed with the request information.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Self-Service Transactions