Generating Documents

This chapter provides an overview of document generation and discusses how to:

Note. The process for generating performance and development documents is the same. The examples in this chapter refer to performance documents, but equally apply to development documents.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Generation

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Generation Processes

Document generation initiates the evaluation process. The process for generating a document varies, depending on the role of the person that is generating the document. The process culminates in the creation of a criteria document for each participant identified in the Section Roles group box on the Template Definition - Structure page.

This diagram shows the document generation process for HR administrators, managers, and employees:

Document generation diagram illustrating where in the process the HR Administrator, manager, and employee typically interact with the system

Each of the three roles that can generate documents does so in slightly different ways:

After the individuals are identified, the process initiator must select the parameters for the document. These include the document type, document template, and evaluation period that is covered. The language code might be required, depending on the installation settings. For employee-initiated documents, if the employee has more than one job, the job title is required. The employee might also need to select a manager or mentor for the evaluation, if specified for the document type.

Once a user enters the parameters, the system checks the rules associated with the document type and the document template, such as:

Based on the rules established by the document type and document template, the system creates an internal baseline document and populates the Document Details page with the appropriate steps associated with the evaluation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning Documents

To facilitate document creation, ePerformance enables managers and employees to clone existing documents. This can be helpful when documents are extensively modified or the same changes apply to multiple employees.

To activate the cloning feature, select the Manager, Employee, or both check boxes on the Document Type page. This causes the Clone from Document field to display on the Create Performance Document and Create Development Document pages.

When managers clone a document, they select a document for one of their direct reports to use as the source. When employees clone a document, they select one of their own documents to use as the source. The system uses the structure of the document, not the rating information, as the basis for the new document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Content

The criteria or content items included in a document are determined by the associated template. You can add new items and free-form items to the Criteria document or the Evaluation Document, if the Add check box is selected for the user role in the Item tab on the Template Definition - Structure page. Free-form items also require the selection of the Free-Form Allowed check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitializing From Profiles

When you generate documents and Initialize from Profile is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page, the system checks to see if there are items to add to the document based on the nonperson profiles associated to the employees job information.

If Initialize from Profile is selected, the system:

  1. Identifies the profile type entered in the Profile Type field in the Profile Management group box on the Template Definition - Structure page

  2. Identifies all profile IDs associated with the profile type.

  3. Identifies all the profile identity options and keys associated with the profile IDs.

  4. Orders those profile-identity options according to the sequence defined on the Profile Identity Options - Configuration page.

  5. Identifies the employee job information record.

  6. Looks at the first profile identity option in the sequenced list to see if there is data for that item in the employee's job information record that matches the key.

    1. If there is a match, the system adds the associated content items from the profile ID to the document.

    2. If there is no match, the system checks the next profile identity option in the sequenced list.

    3. If it is the end of a sequenced list, the system stops the process.

Here is the mapping between ePerformance and the Job Profile Manager (JPM) when an item is initialized from the Profile:

ePerformance Field Label

Job Profile Manager Field Name

Item ID


Rating Model


Target Rating




Minimum Weight


Due Date


Reminder Date






Note. On the Template Definition - Structure page you can insert free-form items by selecting the Free-Form Allowed check box and then selecting the items that you want to appear on documents. You can also click the Load Content from Profile link on the Template Definition - Content page to add content items. When you initiate the creation process, the system loads these items into the Establish Criteria or Evaluation sections on documents.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites for Generating Documents

Before generating documents, you must:

  1. Define templates.

  2. Identify the template source on the Document Type page.

  3. Define group IDs (optional).

    To generate documents for a group of employees, HR administrators or managers can choose to specify the ID of the group that contains the employees they want to process.

    Note. The approval process within ePerformance does not support group ID. Group ID cannot be used as an approval method because the system does not store group ID on the document. Therefore, the system does not have a way to determine which group ID to use when a user is approving a document.

  4. Connect employees to managers in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

  5. Update the profile function in the Evaluation - Role Rules grid on the Template Definition - Structure page (optional).

    This page has a Profile Management tab. For each role, it has an Update Person Profile check box. If you select this check box, the system enables the Person Profile Type and Instance Qualifier fields. Select the appropriate field values for the role and then click Save. If the Event Manager is implemented, the system sends the evaluation document data to the Job Profile Management (JPM) person profile when the manager completes the document. The system sends other role document data to the person profile only when other role document information has been added and the manager has completed the document.

    See Working with HCM Transformation Framework.

  6. Set up notifications on the General Settings page.

See Creating Document Templates.

See Defining Document Types.

See Setting Up Group Definitions.

See Increasing the Workforce.

See Setting Up ePerformance.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Documents as an Administrator

This section provides an overview on administrator document generation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Administrator Document Generation

HR administrators schedule a background process and select one or more employee groups to generate documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Documents as an Administrator

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Documents


  • Workforce Development, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Create Documents, Create Documents

  • Workforce Development, Performance Management, Development Documents, Create Documents, Create Documents

Schedule a background process to generate documents for individual employees or a group of employees using the group ID.

View Document Creation Results


Workforce Development, Performance Management, View Document Creation Results, View Document Creation Results

View documents that were created by the background process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Documents

Access the Create Documents page (Workforce Development, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Create Documents, Create Documents).

Run Request Parameters

Period Begin Date and Period End Date

Enter the beginning and ending date of the period of time that the document covers.

Document Type

Enter a document type such as Performance Document, Performance Plan, or Annual Review. You define document types using the Document Type component.

Template ID

Select the template ID to generate the documents. This field is available if the template source on the Document Types page is User Defined for this document type.

Manager Selection Method

Specify a method for selecting manager IDs. When you launch the mass document creation process, the system determines the manager of each employee it processes using data defined in PeopleSoft Human Resources. It needs this information to route email messages to managers informing them that review forms are available, and to associate a manager ID with each document, so that the manager can act as the author of the manager document and the owner of the evaluation process.

Values are:

  • By Department Manager ID: The system retrieves a manager based on the department of the employee, using the Manager ID field on the Department Profile page.

  • By Group ID: The system retrieves the manager from the Manager ID field on the Group Profile page.

  • By Manager ID: If you select this option, you must specify the manager ID in the Manager ID field.

  • By Part Posn Mgmt Dept Mgr ID: The system searches for a Reports To relationship between managers and employees, and then uses the By Department Manager ID selection method if a Reports To ID is not found.

  • By Part Posn Mgmt Supervisor: The system searches for a Reports To relationship between managers and employees, and then uses the By Supervisor ID selection method if a Reports To ID is not found.

  • By Reports To Position: The system retrieves the manager of the employee's position that is specified in the Position Data component.

  • By Supervisor ID: The system retrieves the manager based on the Supervisor ID field on the Job Data - Job Information page.

Create Document Using

Group ID

Select this radio button if you want to create documents using the group ID. The system displays a group box called Documents Using Group ID – Employee Groups to Process.

Employee ID

Select this radio button if you want to create documents using the employee ID. The system displays a group box called Documents Using Employee ID – Employees to Process.

Documents Using Group ID – Employee Groups to Process

Group ID

Specify the employee groups for which you want to generate documents.

As of Date

Enter the date from which you want to generate the group that is used in the document creation process. The current system date is the default.

Note. The mass creation process always regenerates the selected groups before it creates employee documents.

Language Code

Select a language code to generate documents in a different language than the base language of the database. This field is available only when the Allow Review Language Override check box is selected on the ePerformance Installation table.

Documents Using Employee ID – Employees to Process

EmplID (employee ID)

Select the employees for which you want to generate documents.

Empl Rcd (employee record)

Specify the employee's record number for which you want to generate documents.

As of Date

Enter the date from which you want to generate documents for the employees. The current system date is the default.

Language Code

Select a language code to generate documents in a different language than the base language of the database. This field is available only when the Allow Review Language Override check box is selected on the ePerformance Installation table.

See Also

Defining System Settings

Understanding Position Management

Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Document Creation Results

Access the View Document Creation Results page (Workforce Development, Performance Management, View Document Creation Results, View Document Creation Results).

The View Document Creation Results page is only available after you run the Create Documents process. This page lists whether or not the documents were successfully created in the batch process.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Documents as a Manager

This section provides an overview of the document generation process for direct reports and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Generation

In the manager role, you can generate documents for direct reports by either:

Regardless of which option you choose, you first need to select the As of date for determining which employees report to you. You then select the employees for whom you want to generate documents. Finally, you select the document template from which to generate the individual documents and enter the dates of the evaluation period that is covered.

You can generate either performance or development documents. The process is identical, except for the page names and the navigation path by which you access the document generation pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Documents

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Performance Documents

Create Development Documents


Access this page through different paths to create performance documents or development documents.

  • Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Create Documents, Create Performance Documents

  • Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Create Documents by Group, Create Performance Documents

  • Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Create Documents, Create Development Documents

  • Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Create Documents by Group, Create Development Documents

Enter the effective date for determining your employees. This is the first page in a series of pages that guide you through the document generation process.

Create Performance Documents

Create Development Documents


Click the Continue button on the either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents pages.

This page appears only if you first select the Create Document by Group in the left-hand navigation path. Use this page to select the group ID of the of employees for whom you want to create documents.

Create Performance Documents

Create Development Documents


Click the Continue button on either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents page.

This page appears only if you first select the Create Document in the left-hand navigation path. Use this page to select employees for whom you want to create documents.

Create Performance Documents

Create Development Documents


Select one or more employees and click the Continue button on either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents page.

Select the document template and dates that you want to use to create documents.

Create Performance Documents - Results

Create Development Documents - Results


  • Click the Create Documents button on the Create Performance Documents page.

  • Click the Create Documents button on the Create Development Documents page.

View the document creation results for the employees that you selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering the Effective Date

Access the Create <document type> Documents page (Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Create Documents, Create Performance Documents).

Enter the effective date and then click the Continue button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Groups

Access the Create <document type> Documents page (click the Continue button on the either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents pages).

Note. This page appears only if you first select the Create Document by Group.

Select the group ID of the of employees for whom you want to create documents and then click the Continue button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Employees

Access the Create <document type> Documents page (click the Continue button on the either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents pages).

Note. This page appears only if you first select Create Document.

Select one or more employees and then click the Continue button at the bottom or top of the page.

(drill down)

Click the Drill Down button to view a list of employees that report to the manager whose name appears on the left side of the list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Document Generation Parameters

Access the Create <document type> Documents page (click the Continue button on either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents pages).

Note. This page appears only after you selected employees from the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents pages and clicked the Continue button.

To enter the parameters:

  1. Enter the time period for the document.

  2. Enter the document type.

  3. If Clone Existing Document is selected on the Document Types page, select whether the document is to be created for an existing document. If you select Yes, select the document to clone.

  4. If Clone Existing Document is not selected on the Document Types page or No is selected in the Create from Prior Document, select the template from which the documents will be created.

  5. Click the Create Documents button.

    The system displays the Create <document type> Documents – Results page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Document Creation Results

Access the Create <document type> Documents - Results page (click the Continue button on the either the Create Performance Documents or Create Development Documents pages).

The Selected Employees group box displays the results of the document creation process.

Create Documents

Click the Create Documents link to go back to the first Current Performance Documents or Current Development Documents page.

Current Documents

Click this link to go to the Current Performance Documents or Current Development Documents page. The system lists the current documents for which you are the manager.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Documents as an Employee

This section discusses how to generate development documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Documents as an Employee

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Performance Documents

Create Development Documents


  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Create Documents, Create Performance Documents

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Development Documents, Create Documents, Create Development Documents

Enter parameters for generating documents as an employee.

Person Search - Simple


Click the Select a Manager link on the Create Performance Documents page or the Create Development Documents page.

Select the person who will function in the manager role for this document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Document Parameters

Access the Create Development Documents or the Create Performance Documents page (Self Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Create Documents, Create Performance Documents).


Enter the beginning and ending dates of the evaluation period.

Document Type

Select the type of document to generate. Valid document types are defined on the Document Types page.

Create from Prior Document

This field displays if the Employee check box is selected for the Clone Process field on the Document Types page.

Select Yes if you want to clone an existing document. Select No if you do not want to clone an existing document.

Note. If you select the same period and document type as an existing document and you try to clone it, the system issues a validation error and stops the cloning process.

Prior Document

Select an existing document from which you want to clone a copy. The system displays this field only if you select Yes in the Create from Prior Document field.


Select the document template from which to generate the documents. Document templates are created in the Document Template component.

The system displays this field only if you select No in the Create from Prior Document field.

Select a Manager

This field displays if the Employee can Select Manager check box is selected on the Document Types page.

Click to access the Person Search page where you can search for and select the person who will act in the manager role for this evaluation.

Select Job

This field appears only if the employee has multiple jobs.

Select the job for which the document is generated.

Create Documents

Click this button to create the document. After you create the document, the system displays the Document Details page for the document.

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing Documents

This section provides an overview of document statuses and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Process Statuses

Each process step has several statuses. These statuses control the actions that are available to employees or managers when they access the document. This table shows how the process statuses are set when the document is first generated:




Effect on Evaluation Process

Establish Criteria

Not Started (NS)

The Establish Criteria check box is selected on the document template.

The Establish Criteria step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Not Applicable (NA)

The Establish Criteria check box is not selected on the document template.

The Establish Criteria step does not appear on the Document Progress grid.

Nominate Participants

Not Started (NS)

The Nominate Participants check box is selected on the document template.

The Nominate Participants step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Not Applicable(NA)

The Nominate Participants check box is not selected on the document template.

The Nominate Participants step does not appear on the Document Progress grid.

Employee Self Evaluation

Not Started (NS)

The Document check box is selected for the Employee role.

The Complete Self Evaluation step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Not Applicable (NA)

The Document check box is not selected for the Employee role.

The Complete Self Evaluation step does not appear on the Document Progress grid.

Manager Evaluation

Not Started (NS)

The Manager document is required in all cases; therefore, the status for this step is set to NS.

The Review Final Document step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Employee Self Evaluation

Not Started (NS)

The Document check box is selected for the Employee role.

The Complete Self Evaluation step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Not Applicable (NA)

The Document check box is not selected for the Employee role.

The Complete Self Evaluation step does not appear on the Document Progress grid.

Track Nomination

Not Started (NS)

The Track By check box is selected on the Template Definition – Process Page for the Manager, Employee or both roles.

The Track Nominations step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Not Applicable (NA)

The Track By check box is not selected on the Template Definition – Process Page for the Manager, Employee or both roles. (If the check box is not selected for the role then that step will not be displayed to that role user.)

The Track Nominations step does not appear on the Document Progress grid.

Review Participants Evaluations

Not Started (NS)

The Accessed By check box selected on the Template Definition – Process page for the Manager, Employee or both roles.

The Review Participant Evaluations step appears on the Document Progress grid with a status of Not Started and a due date as specified in the document template.

Not Applicable (NA)

The Accessed By check box is not selected on the Template Definition – Process page for the Manager, Employee or both roles. (If the check box is not selected for the role then that step will not be displayed to that role user.)

The Review Participant Evaluations step does not appear on the Document Progress grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Access Documents

Page Name

Definition Name



Current Performance Documents

Current Development Documents


  • Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents

  • Self-Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents

  • Manager Self-Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Current Documents, Current Development Documents

  • Self-Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Current Documents, Current Development Documents

Select performance or development documents to view or edit.

Current Performance Documents - Document Details

Current Development Documents - Document Details


Click a document on the Current Performance Documents or Current Development Documents page.

View document process, status, and actions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Documents

Access the Current Performance Documents or Current Development documents page (Self-Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents).

Performance Documents

The information that appears on this grid depends on the path with which you access the page.

If you access this page through the Self Service menu, the only documents that appear are current documents for which you are the employee. The name column does not appear, but an additional column on the grid lists the person who is the manager for the document.

If you access this page through the Manager Self Service menu, the grid lists all documents with statuses that are not Complete or Canceled for which you are the manager. Documents in a Complete status are listed on the Historical Documents page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Document Progress Details

Access the Document Details page (click a document on the Current Performance Documents or Current Development Documents page).

Document Progress

The information that appears on this page is controlled by a combination of the document template, the role that accesses the page, and the status of each step.

See Also

Setting Up Document Templates

Nominating and Tracking Multi-Source Participants

Modifying Evaluation Criteria