Understanding Approval Delegation in Talent Acquisition Manager

This chapter provides overviews of:

Click to jump to parent topicTalent Acquisition Manager Delegations

Talent Acquisition Manager uses delegation to authorize one person to serve as another person's representative when performing the following actions:

There is no special approval processing when the process includes a proxy. The proxy simply replaces the delegator in the chain.

The delegation framework gives the proxy:

Click to jump to parent topicThe Delegation Framework

PeopleSoft HCM applications use a common approval and delegation framework. This overview discusses:

Note. This overview provides only basic information about the delegation framework, which is documented in detail in PeopleSoft HRMS Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Delegation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelegation Terminology

The following terms are important to understanding the delegation feature:


The act of giving one's authority to another user.


A person that delegates authority to another user.


A person granted authority to act on behalf of another user.

Delegated Authority

The rights and privileges that are given from the delegator to the proxy.

Delegation Request

A request from the delegator to the proxy to take on delegated authority.

Delegation Period

The time range in which the delegated authority is in effect.

Delegation Administrator

The system administrator who is responsible for configuring, managing, and maintaining delegated authorities.


When a delegator withdraws delegated authority.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelegation Options

The delegation framework supports the following types of delegation:

Note. To prevent situations of cascading or circular delegation chains, once the delegation framework passes delegated authority over a transaction to a proxy, the proxy cannot delegate authority over that transaction to another user. The delegation framework only passes authority over transactions from initial delegator to initial proxy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelegation Framework Pages

Use these pages to review and manage delegation data:

  1. Review delegation transactions for workflow on the Register Workflow Transaction page.

    See Registering Workflow Transactions.

  2. Review delegation permission lists and roles through PeopleTools Security components.

    See Setting Up Permission Lists and Roles for Delegation.

  3. Define installation settings for delegation on the Delegation Installation Settings page.

    See Defining Delegation Installation Settings.

  4. Review transactions for delegation on the Configure Delegation Transaction page.

    See Configuring Delegation Transactions.

See Also

Navigating Delegation Components

Click to jump to parent topicDelivered Delegation Definitions for Recruiting

This overview discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Workflow Transactions

Talent Acquisition Manager delivers these two approval transactions that are preconfigured for delegation:

Transaction Name

Transaction Type




Job opening approval.



Job offer approval.

See Also

Registering Workflow Transactions

Linking Workflow Transactions

Setting Up Approval Process Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Permission Lists and Roles for Delegation

Talent Acquisition Manager delivers permission lists that are required for use of the Delegation framework. This table describes the delivered recruiting roles for the delegation framework:

Role Name

Attached Permission Lists



HCCPDL2021 (Approve Job Opening)

Provides access to the Pending Approvals component and to the pages needed to view job opening details.


HCCPDL2029 (Approve Job Offer)

Provides access to the Pending Approvals component and to the pages needed to view job offer details.

Note. Generally, users who can access an existing job opening can create a new job opening using either the Create New or Clone icons at the top of the Job Opening page. However, these icons are hidden from proxies who are not recruiting users. The system determines if a proxy is a recruiting user by comparing the proxy's roles to the roles that you include on the Recruiting Roles page.

See Identifying Recruiting Roles.

The delegation framework provides additional permission lists for users and administrators of the delegation framework.

See Also

Setting Up Permission Lists and Roles for Delegation

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInstallation Settings

Delegation installation settings control which users can be chosen as proxies. The settings are global (that is, they apply to all applications in your HCM system).

See Defining Delegation Installation Settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Delegation Transactions

This table lists the delegation transactions delivered for Talent Acquisition Manager:

Transaction Name

Transaction Type


Job Openings



Job Offers



Note. All transactions are delivered inactive.

See Also

Configuring Delegation Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicThe Delegation Process

This section provides an overview of delegation through self service.

Note. This overview provides only basic information about the delegation process, which is documented in detail in PeopleSoft HRMS Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

See Working with Self-Service Delegation.

Delegator Delegates Approval Authority

A delegator follows these steps to delegate approval authority:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Delegation component (Self Service, Manage Delegation).

  2. Click the Create Delegation Request link.

    Delegators who have multiple jobs will have to indicate the job for which they are delegating approvals.

  3. Enter From Date and To Date for the delegation request, then click the Next button.

  4. Select the transactions to be delegated (job opening approval, job offer approval, or both), then click the Next button.

  5. Select a proxy.

  6. Select the Notify Delegator check box, then click Submit.

  7. Click OK.

    The system generates a notification to the selected proxy.

Proxy Accepts Delegation Request

A proxy follows these steps to accept approval authority:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Delegation component (Self Service, Manage Delegation).

  2. Click the Review My Delegated Authorities link to access the My Delegated Authorities page.

  3. Click the Accept button.

    Alternatively, the proxy can click the Reject button to reject the delegation.

The Delegation Authority Ends

The delegator can manually revoke the delegation, or the delegation can end because it has reached its end date. In both cases, any pending approvals are removed from the proxy's queue and added back to the delegator's queue.