Searching for Applicants

This chapter provides an overview of applicant searches and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applicant Searches

The Find Applicant page enables you to perform these types of searches:

When you initially access the Find Applicants page, it includes group boxes for performing either an Applicant Search or a Resume and Application search. It also includes links that you use to switch the page into Advanced Keyword Search mode or Profile Match mode.

When the Find Applicants page is in its initial state, performing an Applicant Search removes the page elements related to the Resume and Application search. Performing a Resume and Keyword search (which is essentially a subset of the Advanced Keyword Search) changes the page into Advanced Keyword Search mode.

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding Search Collections for Applicant Searches

This section provides an overview of search collections and discusses how to:

See “The Verity in Recruiting Solutions 9.1 red paper on My Oracle Support.”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Search Collections

Talent Acquisition Manager uses the Verity search engine in the keyword and resume search, the advanced applicant search, and for profile matching. For a search to be successful, there must be a Verity search collection that contains the searchable data. There are various Verity search collections that you need to build.

Important! Verity searches only access data that is in the collection; they do not access the PeopleSoft database directly. Therefore, it is critical to update your collections frequently.

Search Collection Summary

The following table summarizes the collections that are used for each type of applicant search:

Search Type

Collections Used


Applicant Search

None; this is a database search.

See Performing Basic Database Searches.

Keyword and Resume Search

Application and resume collection.

See Performing Simple Keyword Searches.

Advanced Keyword Search

Application and resume collection.

See Performing Advanced Keyword Searches.

Profile Match

There are four types of profiles that can be searched; each type of profile has its own collection or collections:

Applicant profile collection.

Job opening profile collection.

Person profile collection (for employees).

Nonperson profile collections.

See Performing Profile Searches.

Note. This table lists only applicant searches. There are additional searches in Talent Acquisition Manager and Candidate Gateway that use the job opening collections; these are discussed elsewhere.

See Managing Job Postings.

Applicant Collections

To create the applicant collections, run the Verity Applicant Index Build (HRS_SRCH_IDX ) Application Engine process. This process, in turn, runs the build search index (HRS_SRCH_APP) process to actually build the collections.

The two collections that contain applicant data are:

Job Posting Collections

To create the job posting collections, run the Verity Job Posting Index Build (HRS_JSCH_IDX) Application Engine process. This process creates two collections that contain data for posted job openings.

Important! Although the data in these collections comes from the entire job opening rather than from just the job posting, these collections are called the job posting collections because they include only data from posted job openings.

See Building the Job Posting Collections.

Person and Non-Person Profile Collections

These collections contain person and non-person profile data that you can search using the Profile Match search. These collections do not include profile data for applicants or job openings.

To create these collections, you need to run two processes:

See Setting Up Search and Compare Profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Build Search Collections

Page Name

Definition Name



Build Applicant Index


Recruiting, Administration, Build Applicant Index, Build Applicant Index

Build the application and resume collection and the applicant profile collection by running the Verity Applicant Index Build (HRS_SRCH_IDX) Application Engine process, which then runs the build search index (HRS_SRCH_APP) process to actually build the collections.

Note. The applicant profile collection is created only if profile utilization is active.

Build Job Index


Recruiting, Administration, Build Job Index, Build Job Index

Build the job posting collection and the job opening profile collection by running the Verity Job Posting Index Build (HRS_JSCH_IDX) Application Engine process.

Note. The job opening profile collection is created only if profile utilization is active.

See Building the Job Posting Collections.

Build Manager List


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Build Manager List, Build Manager List

Build the manager list by running the Build Manager List (JPM_DR_UNLD) Application Engine process.

See Running the Build Manager List Process.

Maintain Profile Indexes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Maintain Profile Indexes, Maintain Profile Indexes

Build the person and non-person profile collections by running the Maintain Profile Indexes (JPM_BLD_INDX) Application Engine process.

See Running the Maintain Profile Indexes Process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Applicant Search Collections

Access the Build Applicant Index page (Recruiting, Administration, Build Applicant Index).

Resume Search Collection

This process run in two modes.

Create New

Select this option to build new collections. The new collections include applications that have been submitted on or since the date that you enter in the From Application Date field.

Update Existing

Select this option to add, update, and delete entries in the existing collections.

From Application Date

When the system builds or updates the applicant collections, it includes applications that were submitted on or since the date you enter in this field. If you leave this field blank, all applications are included in the collections.

Applicant Status to be Indexed

Select and Description

Select which applicant statuses to include in the Verity search collection. You must select at least one status before you can build or update the collection. The selection grid shows all statuses that have been defined for the Applicant recruitment area. The four statuses that PeopleSoft delivers are Active, Hired, Inactive, and Queued.

Only applicants who are included in the collection are searchable using the Resume and Applicant search, the Advanced Keyword search, or the Profile Match search.

Applicant who are not included in the collection are still searchable using the Applicant Search (the database search for applicants). If you want consistency among all types of searches, you can include all available statuses in the collection. However, when there are large numbers of applicants in the system, you can improve the performance of Verity searches by including fewer applicants (for example, only active applicants).

Note. The Advanced Keyword Search gives users the option to exclude selected statuses from search results. The list of statuses that appears on the Advanced Keyword Search page include all statuses, not just the ones that you included in the collection.

Additional Page Elements

Attachment Temp Directory (attachment temporary directory)

Enter a directory where the system can temporarily store resume attachments while building the applicant and resume collection. Be sure there is enough space to hold all resume attachments

This path is relative to the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler that is running the process. Make sure that the Process Scheduler's login has read/write access to this directory.

Resumes stored in this temporary directory are not deleted after the Build Applicant Index process is run. This improves performance because the system does not need to copy the resumes to the temporary directory each time you run the process. If you want to delete the resumes, you must do so manually.

Segment Size

Segment size accommodates situations where a high volume of applicant data needs to be indexed; you can leave this field blank if you are not processing a high volume of applications.

If you enter a segment size, the application data is split into multiple collections, or segments.

The value that you enter represents the number of days worth of data to be included in each collection. A smaller segment size will result in more collections for a given set of data and a larger segment size gives fewer collections.

Segmenting is useful in high data volume situations where a multi-processor machine is available. It reduces the amount of time it takes to build the applicant collections on such hardware.

Choice of an effective segment size depends on several factors including expected number and distribution of incoming applications. When making this decision some analysis of the expected mean distribution of incoming applications is required. For example, if you expect to receive approximately 100 resumes per day over a 6-month period, and your analysis suggests a segment size of 20 days, then approximately (100 x 20) applications are indexed per index collection. For the six month period, the number of collections is the total number of days in the period divided by 20.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Additional Collections for Profile Match Searching

To create the job posting collections, including the job opening profile collection, access the Build Job Index page (Recruiting, Administration, Build Job Index, Build Job Index).

See Building the Job Posting Collections.

To build the manager list before creating the person and non-person profile collections, access the Build Manager List page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Build Manager List, Build Manager List).

See Running the Build Manager List Process.

To create the person and non-person profile collections, access the Maintain Profile Indexes page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Maintain Profile Indexes, Maintain Profile Indexes).

See Running the Maintain Profile Indexes Process.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Applicant and Profile Searches

This section provides an overview of profile-based searching in the advanced keyword search, lists common elements used to search for applicants, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile-Based Searching in the Advanced Keyword Search


The advanced keyword search offers several search criteria fields that you use to search for particular qualifications. Because Talent Acquisition Manager uses profiles to store applicant qualifications, the specific search fields that appear vary depending on how profiles have been configured for the recruiting process.

Only profile content types that you have configured for use in recruiting (on the Content Section Configuration page) are available for searching. This is a subset of the content types in the primary person profile type that you define using the Manage Profiles business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

See Setting Up Profile Integration.

When you enter search criteria, you can optionally select a job opening ID, an employee ID, or a non-person profile ID whose primary profile is to be used as the basis for the applicant search. If you select one of these profile types, the system copies profile content items (specific qualifications, such as a specific competency or a specific degree) into the corresponding search fields so that you can search for applicants with matching qualifications.

Additionally, the system hides any profile-based search fields that are not part of the selected profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used to Search for Applicants


Click this graphic to use AIRS Oxygen to search the internet for applicants. This link appears only in systems that have been set up to integrate with AIRS Oxygen.

See Using AIRS to Search the Internet for Applicants.

Advanced Search

Click to display the Find Applicants page in advanced search mode, which enables you to search the Verity collection using both specific criteria and keywords.

Basic Search

Click this link to return the Find Applicants page to its initial mode, which displays fields for performing databases searches and simple keyword searches.

Profile Match

Click to display the Recruitment Profile Match page, where you can search for applicant, employee, job opening, and non-person profiles that match a specific applicant, employee, job opening, and non-person profiles.

Return to Find Applicants

Click to return the Find Applicants page to its initial mode, which displays fields for performing database searches and simple keyword searches.

Search My Applicants

Select this check box if you want to see only the applicants that are attached to job openings where you are either the originator or part of the hiring team. Applicants that you enter into the system are not considered your applicants unless they are associated with one of your job openings.

If the check box is not selected, the system looks at all applicants that match your search criteria.

This check box is not available for profile match searches.

Search Tips

Click to access the Search Tips page, which displays information about how to construct keyword searches. For example, the page explains how to perform wildcard searches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Search for Applicants

Page Name

Definition Name



Find Applicants


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Perform all types of searches (database searches, simple keyword searches, advanced keyword searches, and profile searches), review search results, access detailed information for specific applicants, and perform specific predefined actions on selected applicants.

Recruitment Profile Match


Click the Profile Match link on the Find Applicants page.

Search for applicant, employee, job opening, or non-person profiles that match a specific applicant, employee, job opening, or non-person profile.

Compare Results

Match Result



Click the Compare button on the Recruitment Profile Match page.

Review a detailed profile comparison. The page always displays the profile that you were trying to match; you select rows from the search results to compare to that profile.

There are two versions of this page: a standard version, and a version that appears in accessible mode.

Search Tips


Click the Search Tips link on the Find Applicants page.

View tips for constructing keyword searches. For example, the search tips provide information on the use of and and or in searches and on searching for entire phrases.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Basic Database Searches

Access the Find Applicants page (Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants).

Note. When you first access the Find Applicants page, it displays the Applicant Search group box for database searches and the Resume and Application Search group box for simple keyword searches. After you perform a database search, the search results appear and the Resume and Application search section is hidden. After you perform a Resume and Application search, the page changes to advanced search mode.

Applicant Search

Use the Applicant Search group box to enter criteria. After you perform a search, this section is hidden within a collapsed section titled View Applicant Search Criteria. You can expand the section to modify your search criteria and perform another database search.

Find Applicants

Click this link to initiate the search. After you click this button, the page changes to show only fields that are applicable to the search you performed:

  • Search results appear, along with the page elements that you use to initiate actions for specific rows in the search results grid.

  • The Resume and Application Search section is hidden (although the field for selecting a saved Resume and Applicant Search remains visible).

  • The Advanced Search and Profile Match links are hidden.

Click the Return to Find Applicants link to return the page to its original pre-search state.

Reset Search

Click this link to deselect the search criteria fields. If the Search My Applicants check box is selected, resetting the search criteria does not deselect it.

After resetting your search criteria, you must enter criteria in at least one field before you can perform another search.

Search My Applicants

Select this check box if you want to see only the applicants that are attached to job openings where you are either the originator or part of the hiring team. Applicants that you enter into the system are not considered your applicants unless they are associated with one of your job openings.

If the check box is not selected, the system looks at all applicants that match your search criteria.

Job Opening ID

When you enter a job opening ID, the search results include only applicants who are associated with that job opening.

Search Results

Because the database search does not use the Verity search collection, this search always applies to all applicants in the system.

Search results can show multiple rows for applicants who have applied for more than one job opening (each job opening appears in a separate row in the search results). The search results can also includes rows for applications that are not associated with any job openings.


Select this check box to identify rows to be included in any group action that you perform on this page.

Applicant and Applicant ID

Displays the applicant's name and ID. The applicant's name is a link that you click to access the Manage Applicant page.

Job Opening

Displays either No Job Opening Selected or the primary posting title of the job opening that is associated with the application. Click a posting title to access the Job Opening page.


Displays applicant's current disposition for the job opening. The values are the statuses that have been defined for the Recruitment Summary status area.

Click this link to access the Disposition Details page. The exact title and content of the Disposition Details page depends on the applicant's status.


Click to open a new window that displays the applicant's resume.

  • If the resume is an attachment, the file opens in the new window.

  • If the resume was entered into the Resume Text field in the application, the new window displays the Applicant Resume page.

  • If no resume exists for a particular applicant (for example, the applicant instead completed the work experience fields in the online application), then this column is blank.

    If none of the applicants in the grid have resumes, the entire Resume column is hidden.


Click to open a new window that displays the Application Details page, where you can review the applicant's complete job application.

Take Action

Select an action you want to take for the selected applicant. The system automatically initiates the action and accesses the appropriate page.

In this context, the following actions are available: Add Applicant to New List, Add Applicant to Saved List, Change Applicant Status, Create Interview Evaluation, Create Salary Package Model, Forward Applicant, Link Applicant to Job, Manage Applicant Checklist, Manage Interviews, Prepare For Hire, Prepare Job Offer, Print Application Details, Reject Applicant, Route Applicant, and Send Correspondence.

See Actions in the Take Action Field.

Select Group Action and Go

Select an action to be performed on all selected applicants. Unlike actions performed on a single applicant using the Take Action field, the system does not perform the action immediately. Instead, you must click the Go button to initiate the selected action.

The actions available as group actions are a subset of the actions that you can perform on individual applicants. These are the actions that you can not perform on a group: Create Interview Evaluation, Create Salary Package Model, Manage Applicant Checklist, Prepare for Hire, and Prepare Job Offer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Simple Keyword Searches

Access the Find Applicants page (Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants).

Note. When you first access the Find Applicants page, it displays the Applicant Search group box for database searches and the Resume and Application Search group box for simple keyword searches. After you perform a Resume and Application search, the page changes to advanced search mode.

Find Applicants

Click to perform the search.

Page Elements for Saved Searches

Saved Resume and Applicant Search

Select a saved search, then click the Find Applicants button to perform the search.

This list of available saved searches includes public searches, as well as private searches that you created.

See Working With Saved Searches.

Save Search

Click to save your search criteria.

Save for Compliance

Click this button, which appears below the search results after you perform a search, to save the search results (not the search criteria) for auditing and statutory reporting purposes. There is a setting on the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page that can force saving when the search criteria includes a job opening.

See Understanding Applicant Searches, Defining Job-Related Settings.

Resume and Application Search

When the Find Applicants page is in its initial mode, use the Resume and Application Search section to enter criteria for a keyword search. After you perform a keyword search, the page changes to advanced search mode. The advanced search criteria fields are initially hidden within a collapsed section titled View Resume and Application Search Criteria. You can expand the section to perform another search using the advanced search criteria fields, or you can click the Return to Find Applicants link to access the Find Applicants page in its initial mode.

Enter Keywords

Enter any words or phases that you want the system to look for in applicant's resumes. The system searches both resume text that has been entered in the database and external resume attachments. It does not search any other application data.

Application received

To limit the search to applications that were received within a specific time frame, select one of these time frames: Within Last Day, Within Last Week, Within Last Month, Within Last Year, and Anytime.

Search Results

When you perform a keyword search, the system searches the Verity search collection. Because the collection can be built to include only applicants with specific statuses, the search results might include only a subset of the applicants in the database.

The search results grid for a keyword search contains some of the same information as the results of a database search along with these additional fields:


Displays a score that represents how closely the application matches your search criteria. The Verity search engine assigns this score.

See “The Verity in Recruiting Solutions 9.1 red paper on My Oracle Support.”



Possible applicant types are Emp (employee), Ext (external applicant), or Oth (other).

The Oth value appears when the applicant type is Non-Employee, a value generally used for applicants who, although not current employees, already have data in the PeopleSoft HCM system.

Date Applied

Displays the date that this application was originally saved to the system.

Former Employee

Displays a person icon if the applicant is a former employee. This information is not validated by the system; the applicant or recruiter who entered the application into the system manually sets this value.

If the applicant is not a former employee, then this column is blank. If none of the applicants in the grid are former employees, the entire column is hidden.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Advanced Keyword Searches

Access the Find Applicants page in advanced search mode (on the Find Applicants page, click the Advanced Keyword Search link).

Note. The advanced search includes many of the same search criteria options as the database search and simple keyword search. This section describes only those page elements that are used exclusively for advanced searches.

Reset Search

For advanced keyword searches, resetting the search deselects the Search My Applicants check box.

Page Elements for Saved Searches

Delete Search

This button appears if you access the page by clicking the search name on the Saved Searches page. Click this button to delete the saved search.

Advanced Keyword Search

Match Applicants Using

Choose which search criteria an applicant must match:

  • Select All Fields to have Verity use Boolean AND logic that finds applicants that meet all of the specified search criteria.

  • Select Any Field to have Verity use Boolean OR logic that finds applicants that meet at least one of the specified search criteria.

Note. These two types of searches produce different results even if all other search criteria is identical, and applicants who meet the criteria in both types of searches can receive different scores for the different types of searches. Also, scores assigned by the Advanced Search differ from those assigned by the Profile Match Search, which searches a different Verity collection and uses different Verity queries.

Resume-Related Search Criteria

Resume Text or Keywords

Enter any words or phases that you want the system to look for in applicant's resumes. The system searches both resume text that has been entered in the database and external resume attachments. It does not search any other application data.

Resume Language

The Verity search collections that contain resume text are associated with specific languages. Specify the language for the collection that you want to search.

Profile Selection Fields

Use these fields to select a profile that the system uses to prepopulate the profile-related search criteria fields further down the page. You can only use one profile.

Job Opening ID

Select a job opening ID, and the system enters items from the job opening's profile into the profile-specific search criteria fields on this page. This occurs regardless of whether profile utilization is activated on the Recruiting Installation - General page.

If there is no profile content for the selected job opening, three additional check boxes appear on this page. Use these check boxes to indicate how to use the job opening in the search.

Note. If you enter a job opening, use the Save for Compliance button to save your search results for auditing and statutory reporting purposes. The saved search and results can be tracked using the Manage Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab.

Emp ID (employee ID)

This field appears only if person profile integration is activated on the Recruiting Installation - General page.

Select an employee ID, and the system enters items from the employee's primary profile into the profile-specific search criteria fields on this page.

Recruiting administrators can select any employee. Other users can select only their own employee ID and the employee IDs of their direct reports, if any.

Profile ID

This field appears only if profile utilization is activated on the Recruiting Installation - General page.

If you entered a job opening ID, this field displays the primary profile for the selected job opening and is read-only.

If you entered an employee ID, the field displays the primary person profile for the employee and is read-only.

If you have not entered either a job opening or employee ID, you can use this field to select any non-person profile to use to populate the profile-specific search criteria fields on this page.

Additional Job Opening Search Settings

These check boxes appear if you enter a job opening ID that is not associated with any profile content. Use the check boxes to indicate how to use the selected job opening ID in the search.

Display applicants in Applied status to the Job Opening

Select this check box to search for applicants who have applied for the specified job opening. If you use the delivered statuses, these are applicants whose disposition for the job opening is Applied.

Expressed interest in the same job family as the job opening is in

Select this check box to search for employees whose job applications list the job family to which the selected job belongs.

Keywords that match the job description

Select this check box to search applicant resumes for words that are in the primary job posting title.

Applicant Filtering

Applicant Type

Select the check box next to the type of applicant to include in the search. You can select more than one. Options are:

  • Internal Applicant

  • External Applicant

  • Non-Employee

Note. If you do not select any of these check boxes, all types of applicants are included in the search.

Exclude Applicants

Select which applicant statuses are to be excluded from your search results. You can exclude more than one applicant status. Options are:

  • 010 - Active

  • 020 - Hired

  • 030 - Inactive

  • 040 – Queued

Note. Because this search uses the Verity search collection, the search results include only applicants with the statuses that were selected at the time the collection was built, regardless of what status-based criteria you select in this field. For example, if the collection includes only active applicants, but you attempt to search for inactive applicants by excluding all statuses other than Inactive, then the search results will be empty.

Application Date Range to

Enter a date range within which the job application must have been entered into the system.

Referral-Related Search Criteria

Referral Source

Select a referral source. The system limits the search results to applications that are associated with the specified source.

Referral SubSource

Select a referral subsource. The options in this field depend on the referral source that you selected.

Qualification-Related Search Criteria

If you select a profile using the Job Opening ID, Emp ID, or Profile ID field, the system copies profile content items (specific qualifications, such as a specific competency or a specific degree) into these fields so that you can search for applicants with matching qualifications.

See Understanding Profile-Based Searching in the Advanced Keyword Search.

Work Experience

Enter the desired number of years of work experience.

If you entered a job opening ID, the system displays values from the Work Experience and Education fields in the job opening. Although these default values come from a matrix where years of experience are matched to the applicant's level of education, the search just looks for the number of years of experience without matching it to any particular education level.

<Profile Content Types>

All fields between the Work Experience field and the Job Family field correspond to a profile content type that has been configured for use with Talent Acquisition Manger. For example, if Talent Acquisition Manager uses profiles to store competency, degree, and test/examinations data for job openings and applicants, then fields for those three profile content types appear on this search page.

See Setting Up Profile Integration.

If you selected a profile to use to prepopulate these fields (using the Job Opening ID field, the Emp ID field, or the Profile ID field), the system copies data from the source profile into the corresponding search criteria fields. You can edit this default text, or you can click the adjacent Clear button to remove this default data.

Additional Search Settings

Job Family

Select a job family; the system searches for applications that list this job family.

Recruiting Location

Select a recruiting location; the system searches for applications that specify this location as either a first or second choice location.

Country, State, and City

Enter geographical search criteria; the system searches for applicants with primary addresses in the country, state, and city that you specify.

Search Results

The search results grid for an advanced keyword search is the same as the grid that shows the results of a simple keyword search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Profile Searches

Access the Recruitment Profile Match page (click the Profile Match link on the Find Applicants page.)

Recruiter Profile Search

Use Saved Profile Match

This field appears if you have access to any saved profile searches. Select a saved search and click the Save button to perform the search. This list of available saved searches includes public searches as well as private searches that you created.


Select the type of profile that you want to match: Applicant Profile, Employee Profile, Job Opening Profile, or Non Person Profile.

For example, if you are searching for employees that match a particular job opening, then select Job Opening Profile.

[Profile ID]

Enter the unique ID for the profile that you want to match.

The label for this field is Applicant ID, Employee ID, Job Opening ID, or Profile ID, depending on the type of profile you want to match.

For security reasons, you cannot prompt for applicant IDs; instead, you must manually enter the ID.

When selecting an employee ID, recruiting administrators can select any employee. Other users can select only their own employee ID and the employee IDs of their direct reports, if any.


Select the type of profile that you are searching for: Applicant Profile,Employee Profile,Job Opening Profile,or Non Person Profile.

For example, if you are searching for employees that match a particular job opening, then select Employee Profile

If you are matching a non-person profile, the only available options are Job Opening Profile and Non Person Profile.

Important! When you search for job openings, only job openings with open postings are included in the search results. When you search for employees, only employees who do not already have applicant records are included in the search results.


Click to perform the search and view results.

Save Search

After you have completed all three search criteria fields, click this button to access the Save Search page and save your search criteria.

Reset Search

Click this button to clear all three search criteria fields.

Delete Search

This button appears if you access the page by clicking the search name on the Saved Searches page. Click this button to delete the saved search.

Search Results

The columns that appear in the search result grid vary depending on the type of profile. Many columns, such as the applicant ID, type, and name or the employee ID and name, simply provide identifying information. This section does not discuss those fields.


Select this check box to include the row when you perform a group action or when you click the Compare button to review a detailed profile comparison.


Displays a score that represents how closely the application matches your search criteria. The Verity search engine assigns this score.

Note. Scores for a particular pair of profiles can vary depending on the search direction. A simplified example of this is if a job opening lists five competencies and the applicant has four of them. The job opening has 100% of the applicant's competencies, but the applicant has only 80% of the job opening's competencies.

See “The Verity in Recruiting Solutions 9.1 red paper on My Oracle Support.”

Resume and Application

These columns appear only if you searched for applicants. Click the icons in these columns to open new windows where you can review the applicant resume and application.

If no resume exists for a particular applicant (for example, the applicant instead completed the work experience fields in the online application), then this column is blank.

If none of the applicants in the grid have resumes, the entire Resume column is hidden.

Former Employee

This field appears only if you searched for applicants. An icon appears if the application indicates that the applicant is a former employee; the column is blank otherwise. The system does not verify this information.

If none of the applicants are former employees, the entire column is hidden.

Take Action

Select an action you want to take for the selected applicant or employee.

These actions are available for applicants: Add Applicant to New List, Add Applicant to Saved List, Change Applicant Status, Forward Applicant, Link Applicant to Job, Print Application Details, and Send Correspondence.

See Actions in the Take Action Field.

There is only action available for employees: Invite Application. this action is available when you search for employee profiles that match a job opening profile or when you search for job opening profiles that match an employee profile. When you select this option, the system sends the employee an email invitation to apply for the job opening. The text of the email comes from the HRS_INVITE_APPLICATION generic template. Only employees for whom you have email addresses can be invited to apply.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Additional Page Elements for Performing Actions

Group Action and Go

Select an action to be performed on all selected applicants. Unlike actions performed on a single applicant using the Take Action field, the system does not perform the action immediately. Instead, you must click theGo button to initiate the selected action.

In this context, the available group actions are the same as the available individual actions.


Click to access the Compare Results page, where you can see detailed information about each content item in the source profile and you can see how well each selected profile matches each content item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Profile Match Details

Access the Compare Results page (click the Compare button on the Recruitment Profile Match page)

Note. When you access this page after selecting only one row from the search results, the page title is Match Result.

The first column displays the content sections and content items in the source profile (the one that the search results were compared to). The remaining columns show the corresponding data in the profiles that you selected for comparison.

View Section

Select View All Sections to list all the sections in the profiles, or select a section to view the information for one content section. The default is View All Sections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing AIRS to Search the Internet for Applicants

Access the Find Applicants page (Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants).

To search the internet:

  1. Select the AIRS link on the Find Applicants page.

  2. On the AIRS Oxygen website, enter your search criteria and start the search.

  3. Check the applicants returned by AIRS and identify potential candidates.

    You can save details of applicants that you plan to contact using the AIRS Oxygen options Save to Folder and Save to Disk.

  4. Contact the applicants identified by the search to find out if they are interested in applying to your organization.

  5. Load the applicants' details into your PeopleSoft database as follows:

    1. Navigate to the AIRS Oxygen website and display the applicant information.

    2. Click the Save to Talent Acquisition Manager link.

      The AIRS system displays the default email address previously set up. Accept the default address.

      AIRS Oxygen emails the selected applicants' resumes to your resume processing account. The resume processing extracts applicant data from the resume and inserts it into the applicant data tables.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With Saved Searches

This section provides an overview of saved searches and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Saved Searches

This overview describes options for saving searches and search results.

Saved Search Criteria

To save search criteria, use the Save Search button that appears in the same group box as the search criteria. This option is available for resume and keyword searches and advanced keyword searches (which use the same set of saved searches) and for profile match searches.

The system saves the criteria under a name that you assign. You can select and run a saved search from the page where you would normally run the search or from the Saved Searches page.

Saved searches can be designated as either public or private. Although anyone can run a public search, only administrators and the creator of the search can update or delete the search criteria.

Automatch Saved Searches

When you save search criteria for a resume and keyword search or an advanced keyword search, you can mark the saved search as an automatch search so that you can run the search in batch at regularly scheduled times. The Run Automatch Search (HRS_AM) process performs the searches and sends the search results to the search owner, who can then view the results of the Automatch search and take appropriate action.

The system keeps track of which applicants have already been sent to you, so each time the automatch search runs, it sends you only the applicants that have not been previously sent to you.

Note. This option is not available for profile match searches.

Compliance Searches

For auditing and statutory reporting purposes, you can save the results of specific searches. To save search results, use the Save for Compliance button. This button appears below the search results grid for Advanced Keyword Searches and Profile Match searches.

Note. On the Recruiting Installation - General page, you can make it mandatory to save search results for any search that includes a specific job opening in the search criteria.

The saved search appears on the Saved Searches page with the results type Compliance. If you identified a job opening for the search, the Job Opening page: Activity and Attachments tab includes the search in the Related Searches grid. From either location, you can access the saved search results.

Note. Although the original search results grid includes separate rows for each application that meets the search criteria, the saved results show only one row per applicant per application date. That is, if an applicant submits multiple applications on the same date, the original search results show a row for each application, but the saved results show one row for the date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work With Saved Searches

Page Name

Definition Name



Save Search (save search criteria)


Recruiting, Find Applicants

Enter criteria for any type of search other than a database search, then click the Save Search button that appears with the search criteria on the Find Applicants page.

Save applicant search criteria.

Save Search (save search results)


Recruiting, Find Applicants

Perform any type of search other than a database search, then click the Save for Compliance button that appears with the search results.

Save search results for auditing and statutory reporting purposes.

Saved Searches


Recruiting, Saved Searches, Saved Searches

Review saved searches, and either run them or review the results, depending whether the criteria or results were saved.

Compliant Results

Automatch Results


Click the View Results button for a compliance or automatch search on the Saved Search page.

View saved search results.

Run Automatch Search Agent


Recruiting, Administration, Run Automatch Search, Run Automatch Search Agent

Run the Run Automatch Search (HRS_AM) process to search for applicants that meet the criteria in automatch searches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSaving Search Criteria and Automatch Searches

Access the Save Search page (on the Find Applicants page, click the Save Search button).

Search Name

Enter a name for the saved search. This name identifies this saved search on the Saved Searches page.

Job Opening ID

If the search criteria that you are saving included a job opening; the field displays the job opening ID.


Select the access type for this search. Options are:

  • Private: Only the creator of the search can access this search.

  • Public: Anyone can access this search.

Setup as Auto match

Select this check box to create an automatch search that will be processed by the Run Automatch Search process.

Automatch Options

This group box is visible if the Setup as Automatch check box is selected. Use the fields in this group box to control how long the automatch search remains active.

End Search Agent On and End Date

If the automatch search includes a job opening, select from these options: End on Max Posting Close Date, End on Job Opening Close Date, or End on Specified Date.

If the automatch search does not include a job opening, the system selects End on Specified Date and the field becomes read-only.

If the End Search Agent On field is End on Specified Date, then enter the date on which the automatch search expires.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSaving Search Results

Access the Save Search page (on the Find Applicants page, click the Save for Compliance button).

Results Set Name

Enter a name for the saved search results. This name identifies this saved search on the Saved Searches page.

<Profile ID>

If the search criteria identified a job opening, employee ID, or non-person profile, this read-only field displays the selected value. The field label changed depending on the type of profile shown.

If the search criteria did not identify a job opening, employee ID, or non-person profile, this field is hidden.

If you save a search that is associated with a job opening, the system adds the search to the Related Searches grid on the Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab.


Select the access type for this search. Options are:

  • Private: Only the creator of the search can access this search.

  • Public: Anyone can access this search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Saved Searches

Access the Saved Searches page (Recruiting, Saved Searches, Saved Searches).

Saved Searches and Automatches

Search Name

Displays the name that you assigned to the saved search. If you are the owner or administrator of a saved criteria search or automatch search, the name is a link that you click to access the Find Applicant page in a mode where you can edit the search criteria and save your changes.

Note. When you access the Find Applicants page from the Saved Searches page, the fields for defining the saved search appear on the Find Applicants page. Use these fields, and the additional Save Changes and Delete Search buttons, to modify or delete your saved search.

Results Type

Displays Criteria, Automatch, or Compliance to indicate the type of saved search.

Search Type

Displays Advanced or Profile to indicate which mode the Find Applicants page was in when you entered the search criteria or performed the search.

Job Opening

For compliance searches that are associated with a specific job opening, this field identifies the job opening and provides a link to the Job Opening page.

For other searches, this field displays None.


Displays Public or Private to indicate who has access to the search.

Run Search

For criteria searches, a Search button appears. Click this button to run the search and view results on the Find Applicants page.

For automatch searches, a View Results button appears. Click this button to view the results from the last time the search was processed.

For compliance searches, a View Results button appears. Click this button to view the saved results.

Additional Page Element

Find Applicants

Click this button to access the Find Applicants - Advanced Keyword Search page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Automatch Saved Searches

Access the Run Automatch Search Agent page (Recruiting, Administration, Run Automatch Search, Run Automatch Search Agent).

The Run Automatch Search (HRS_AM) process searches the applicant database for applicants that match the criteria in all saved automatch searches.

When the system finds an applicant that matches the criteria, a workflow sends emails to the recruiters responsible for the requisitions. Recruiters can view the results of the Automatch search and then link the applicants to the job opening.

See Understanding Saved Searches.