Processing Grade Promotions

This chapter provides an overview of grade promotions and discusses how to select and edit promotable employees.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Grade Promotions

A grade promotion is a grade increase within the same corps. Generally, advancement is on merit. The promoted employees appear on an annual advancement table that is established with the consent of the appropriate committee.

The promotable employee functionality consists of the following steps:

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting and Editing Promotable Employees

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select and Edit Promotable Employees

Page Name

Definition Name



Promotable Employee Criteria


  • Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Define Promotion Rules, Promotable Employee Criteria

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FPS, Promotable Empl Criteria, Promotable Employee Criteria

Define promotion criteria.

Select Promotable Employees


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Select Promotable Employees, Select Promotable Employees

Select the promotable employee population by running the Extract Promotable Employees SQR process (FPA800).

Promotable Employees


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Review Promotable Employees, Promotable Employees

View details of employees who were selected for promotion. This page displays details of one employee at a time and you can scroll through each employee's information. The second Promotable Employees page in the component displays a summary list of employees selected for promotion.

Promotable Employees


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Review Promotable Employees, Promotable Employees

View and edit the list of employees that are selected for promotion.

Promotable Employees Report


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Promotable Employees Report, Promotable Employees Report

Run the Promotable Employees report.

Decision Aid


  • Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Define Promotion Rules, Decision Aid

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FPS, Promotable Empl Criteria, Decision Aid

Define simulation criteria.

Decision Aid


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Review Promotable Employees, Decision Aid

View details of employees who were selected in the promotion simulation. This page displays details of one employee at a time and you can scroll through each employee's information. The second Decision Aid page in the component displays a summary list of employees selected in the promotion simulation.

Decision Aid


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Review Promotable Employees, Decision Aid

View the list of employees that are selected in the promotion simulation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Promotion Criteria

Access the Promotable Employee Criteria page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Define Promotion Rules, Promotable Employee Criteria).

To define promotion criteria:

  1. Enter the grade after promotion in the New Grade field.

  2. Enter the statutory criteria for step and seniority.

Each criterion is optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Promotable Employees

Access the Select Promotable Employees page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Select Promotable Employees, Select Promotable Employees).

To create a list of promotable employees, enter the starting date (date of eligibility for promotion) and the grade of origin.

Note. The starting date is the date used to calculate seniority.

The Extract Promotable Employees SQR process (FPA800) creates a list of promotable employees according to statutory criteria. This list is stored, but it can be modified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing the Promotable Employee List

Access the Promotable Employees page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Review Promotable Employees, Promotable Employees).

Review the list of promotable employees. You can add or delete employees to include in the Promotable Employee report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Promotable Employees Report

Access the Promotable Employees Report page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Promotable Employees Report, Promotable Employees Report).

Enter the starting date and run the Promotable Employees report (FP_PROM). This report lists the employees promotable by a given date. You must run the Extract Promotable Employees process (FPA800) before running this report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Simulation Criteria

Access the Decision Aid page (Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Define Promotion Rules, Decision Aid).

Enter data to refine the selection of promotable employees. Simulation criteria are optional.

The simulation criteria you enter on this page affects the simulation data displayed in the Review Promotable Employees component.

Note. The system never stores the list of employees resulting from the simulation in the database.

Years N-1 Rating, Years N-2 Rating, and Years N-3 Rating

Enter the minimum rating you want the employee to have received in the previous year (n-1), two years before the current year (n-2), and three years before the current year (n-3).

Access Mode

If the civil servant entered the grade of origin by advancement, select Advancement.

If the civil servant entered the grade of origin by competition, select Competition.