Creating Payslips

This chapter provides an overview of the payslip definition process and discusses how to: run the payslip report.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Payslip Definition Process

In Brazil, companies have to provide a standard payslip that contains information such as the number of worked days and wages. The payslip is delivered to employees depending on the payment frequency (monthly).

Note. In addition to the payroll payslip, Brazilian companies are required to provide their payees with a vacation payslip. Global Payroll for Brazil is delivered with sample payroll and vacation payslips that you can use as the basis for developing your own payslip formats.

You can define the criteria for printing your payslips so that they display exactly the information that you require. You can also prioritize the sort criteria and select the earnings, deductions, and calculation bases you want included in the payslip.

To define payslips:

  1. (Optional) Create a group if you want to use Group ID as a criterion for selecting employees when you generate payslips.

    Each time you run the payslip process, the Group ID is refreshed.

    See Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions.

  2. Define the sort criteria for your payslip on the Sort ID BRA page.

  3. Select the earnings, deductions, and calculation bases that you want included on the payslip on the Element Lists BRA page.

  4. Generate the payslip from the Payslip Report page.

Note. The Sort ID BRA page and the Element Lists BRA page can be used for payslips. The Element Lists BRA page also runs the Payroll Results Register and the Financial Registry Report. The Sort ID BRA page and the Element Lists BRA page are discussed in the "Defining Country Data" chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Country Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Elements

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Brazil. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Payslips

If you licensed PeopleSoft Enterprise ePay, employees can view their payslips online using the self-service View Payslip transaction. To help resolve questions raised by employees about their payslips, the payroll administrator can view employees' self-service payslips in an online view that replicates the employee's view.

See Also

Viewing Payslips Online

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Payslip Report

This section describes how to generate the payslip report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Payslip Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Create/Print Payslips BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips BRA, Create/Print Payslips BRA

Generate a payslip. Note that you must first define the Group ID to generate a payslip. All groups selected in the Group ID field will automatically be re-created during the payroll run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Payslip

Access the Create/Print Payslips BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips BRA, Create/Print Payslips BRA).

Calendar Group ID and Calendar ID

Select the calendar group ID and then select the calendar.

Vacations and Run Type

Select to indicate this is a vacations payslip and then select the run type.

Format ID

Select the Format ID. This value is defined on the Element Lists BRA page and defines the elements listed in the payslip.

Sort ID

Select the Sort ID. This value is defined on the Sort ID BRA page.


Enter the text for a message that you want to appear on the printed payslips.

Calendar List Option

Select a method for selecting employees for whom to create a payslip.

Establishment ID, Group ID, and EmplID

Based on the selection you make in the Calendar List Option field, one of these fields appears. Enter the criteria that you want to use to select employees.

See Also

Selecting Earnings, Deductions, and Calculation Bases for Multiple Reports

Defining the Printing Order Selection for Payslips