Managing Social Integration Program Payments

This chapter provides an overview of Programa de Integração Social (PIS) (Social Integration Program) payment processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PIS Payment Processing

Employees who participate in the Programa de Integração Social are entitled to receive an annual income or allowance payment if they meet certain conditions. You can use Global Payroll for Brazil to specify which employees are qualified to receive PIS payments and to process payments for these employees when CAIXA, the institution that administers PIS, notifies you of the PIS amounts that are owed.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Parameters for Processing PIS Payments

To define parameters for PIS payment processing, use the PIS Parameters BRA (GPBR_PARM_PIS) component.

This section provides an overview of the setup steps for PIS processing and describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setup Steps for PIS Payments

Before you can process PIS payments, you must define various parameters. To define the setup parameters for a company:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Parameters for PIS Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



PIS Parameters BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, PIS Parameters BRA, PIS Parameters BRA

Define a company's PIS parameters.

Override PIS Param (override PIS parameters)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, PIS Parameters BRA, Override PIS Param

Override a company's PIS parameters for a specific establishment.

Additional Info - BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Establishment BRA, Additional Info - Brazil

Identify which of a company's establishments will send files to CAIXA and identify the CAIXA agency.

Centralization Data


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Centralization Data BRA, Centralization Data

Select PIS Process in the Process Type field.

Identify the (centralizer) establishment that manages PIS processing for the company and identify other establishments that will be represented in the CAIXA file.

PIS Parameters


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, PIS Parameters

Identify whether a selected payee is entitled to receive PIS payments.

PIS Assignment BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, PIS Assignment BRA, PIS Assignment BRA

Run the Employee Mark / Unmark for PIS Application Engine process (GPBR_PIS_AE) to identify which payees are entitled to receive PIS payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PIS Parameters for a Company

Access the PIS Parameters BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, PIS Parameters BRA, PIS Parameters BRA).

Bank ID

Select the Bank ID for CAIXA.

Company Field

Use these fields to specify additional data that you want to include in the Release of Resources file that is returned to CAIXA. You can select any field from the PS_JOB record, such as EMPLID (employee ID) or DEPTID (department ID). When you update the Release of Resources file, the system will include, for each listed employee, the first ten positions from the combined fields. This data can help you research and verify information in the file.

Earnings for Payment

Use these fields to select the earning element that is used to process each type of PIS payment.

Payment Type

Select the payment type, Income (Rendimento) or Allowance (Abono Salarial). Enter only one row for each payment type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding PIS Parameters for an Establishment

Access the Override PIS Param page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, PIS Parameters BRA, Override PIS Param).

Select the establishment to which the override instructions apply. When processing PIS for this establishment, the system will use the instructions entered here rather than the instructions entered for the company on the PIS Parameters BRA page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Establishment that Will Transmit Files to CAIXA

Access the Additional Info - Brazil page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Establishment BRA, Additional Info - Brazil).

In the PIS Data section of the page, select the Estab Responsible by Agreement check box and identify the first four digits of the CAIXA agency the establishment has contact with.

In the Establishment ID section at the bottom of the same page, select the establishment ID type of MCPIS and enter the ID number. The first four digits of this number must match the code for the CAIXA agency.

See Also

(BRA) Setting Up Brazilian Establishments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Establishment for Centralizing PIS Data

Access the Centralization Data page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Centralization Data BRA, Centralization Data).

Select the establishment that will send files to CAIXA in the Centralizer field. In the Centralized Data group box, list the establishments that will be represented in the file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning PIS Payment Instructions to an Individual Employee

Access the PIS Parameters page.

Reference Year

Enter the year to which the PIS payments apply. The reference year must match the effective date.


Select if the employee is qualified to receive PIS or PASEP (Public Service Employees Savings Program) payments for the reference year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning PIS Payment Instructions to Multiple Employees

Access the PIS Assignment BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, PIS Parameters).

You can use this page to specify that multiple employees are eligible to receive PIS payments for a given year.

Reference Year

Enter the year to which the PIS payments apply. The reference year must match the effective date.

PIS Activated

Select this check box to indicate that the selected employees are eligible for PIS payments for the reference year.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing PIS Payments

This section provides an overview of PIS payment processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to run PIS processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PIS Payment Processing

PIS processing encompasses four separate processes:

To run any of these processes, you must enter the establishment ID for the designated (centralized) establishment and the reference year from which PIS is to paid.

Identifying Employees for Payment

Upon receipt of the Release of Resources file from CAIXA, which lists employees who are scheduled to receive PIS payments, you run a validation process that identifies discrepancies between the data in the file and your system records.

The validation process checks to see if each employee listed in the file is covered by a PIS agreement, and checks the employee's birth date, name, and address. The validation process generates an output file that includes values for the additional company fields that you selected on the PIS Parameters BRA page. It also generates a log that identifies discrepancies between data in the CAIXA file and the system.

Following are common reasons for discrepancies:

Reconcile any discrepancies that are reported in the log, run the identification process again, and send the output file to CAIXA.

Generating PIS Payment Data

Based on the information that you return to CAIXA, that institution sends a new file that lists only those employees who are to receive PIS payments, along with the payment amounts, and the type of payment (income or allowance). When you receive this file, run the PIS - Payment process.

If the information in the file matches the information in the system, the process assigns the earning element that is identified on the PIS Parameters BRA page to each employee who is to be paid. You can view the payment instructions for an employee on the Element Assignment by Payee page. The payment month that you enter on the run control page determines the begin and end dates on the Element Assignment Payee page. (Alternatively, you can use the Payee Assignment by Element page to view all assignment instructions that were created for the PIS earning element.)

The process generates a log that identifies employees for whom assignment instructions could not be generated as a result of discrepancies between data in the CAIXA file and the system. Many of the discrepancies are similar to those encountered during the employee identification process. Additional reasons for discrepancies follow:

Canceling PIS Payments

The cancellation process has the effect of revoking PIS payment instructions (the earning assignment) for employees who are not entitled to receive payment. This situation can happen, for example, when an employee is terminated after the list of payees is validated but before the payment date. You use the same file that is used by the payment process to cancel the payment instructions before running the payroll process.

The cancellation process produces an output file that you send to CAIXA to inform them of scheduled payments that were not made.

Reversing PIS Payments

This process reverses the earning assignment that the PIS payment process generated for the employee. It does this by inserting a second assignment for the reverse amount. Assignment instructions for the offsetting entry must match the original instructions. You may need to run this process, for example, if you specified the wrong month on the run control page when initiating the PIS payment process.

The process generates a log that identifies discrepancies. Many of the discrepancies are similar to those encountered during the PIS payment process.

Following are some additional reasons for discrepancies:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can run the PIS processes described in this section, follow the setup steps for PIS processing.

See Also

Defining Parameters for Processing PIS Payments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run PIS Processes

Page Name

Definition Name



PIS Processing BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, PIS Processing BRA, PIS Processing BRA

Run the PIS Processing Application Engine (GPBR_PISP_AE) process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning PIS Processes

Access the PIS Processing BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, PIS Processing BRA, PIS Processing BRA).

Operation Type

Select the process to run:

  • File - Cancelation of Empls (cancellation of employees). This process cancels PIS payments that were made to employees who were not entitled to receive payment. It creates an output file that you can return to CAIXA.

  • File - Employees for Payment. This process validates data in the Release of Resources file received from CAIXA and creates a log and an output file that you can return to CAIXA.

  • PIS - Payment Process. This process assigns the earning element that is used for PIS payments to employees.

  • PIS - Reversal Process. This process reverses PIS payments that were made to employees for a given payment month and reference year.

Establishment ID

Select the establishment. You can only select from those establishments that have been identified as centralized on the Centralization Data page.

Reference Year

Enter the year from which PIS payment can be made.

Payment Month

This field appears when you select the payment or reversal process in the Operation Type field. Enter the month to which the element assignment instructions apply.

Reversal Report

This field appears when you select the reversal process in the Operation Type field.

File Name

Enter the complete path to the file.