Processing Swissdec by Dashboard

This section chapter an overview of ELM and eGovernment for Global Payroll Switzerland and discusses how to generate and manage dashboard XML.

Note. You can locate additional details on XML definitions and transmission options on the swissdec home page.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ELM and eGovernment for Global Payroll for Switzerland

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topiceGovernment Overview

Swiss eGovernment, or ELM (einheitliches Lohnmeldeverfahren), is the secure electronic transmission of salary declaration for social insurance, taxation and statistical reporting.

Increasing demand for electronically submitted data is currently spreading across Europe. Approximately 300,000 companies operating in Switzerland report information relating to social insurance registration, taxation, and statistical data to government agencies and insurance providers. An estimated 90 percent of all salary-related information is already in electronic form. In Switzerland SUVA, swissdec, and other Swiss social insurance and software providers have been working together to define an XML-based electronic submission standard under the umbrella project initiative called Lohnstandard-CH.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topiceGovernment Reporting

Delivered eGovernment functionality enables you to run year end legal reporting using a single dashboard, simplifying the process. Governmental data is taken from the existing set of legal reports and stored in separate XML records.

eGovernment creates the ELM records using the following reports:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdditional XML Reporting

Besides the year end processes that create the XML according to the ELM swissdec format, we included these XML reports that can also be processed using the dashboard:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Governmental Data

By selectively processing eGovernment reports you can breakup data reporting and submission in discrete parts as necessary. For example, consider an organization with four entities of varying sizes: one large and three smaller entities. You may choose to process data from the large entity separately from the other three, which may then be processed together as a group. The data for all four entities may then be sent to the government in two transmissions.

For each report, the additional XML for Source Tax (GPCHTX01 and GPCHTX02) and FAK_CAF (GPCHAL04) needs to run in a single domain. The dashboard includes a group of pages called Prepare Files, Process Files, and Review Files. This is where you can select a previously defined domain set to run the defined reports all at the same time for domains defined in the selected domain set and only for providers within the domains, which are mapped on the company level.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating and Managing Dashboard XML

This section provides an overview on dashboard processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dashboard Processing

From a central dashboard, eGovernment allows you to control the year end reporting process. Using the dashboard you can:

Here is a graphical representation of how the system processes information from the dashboard:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate and Manage Dashboard XML

Page Name

Definition Name



Prepare Files


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Prepare Files

Run a set of reports based on a previously defined domain. The system generate XML only for providers within the domain, which are mapped on the company level.

Process Files


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Process Files

View the files that were processed in the run. From this page you can also validate, save, or ping the receiver's WebServer and send the file.

Transmit Options


Click the SEND or the Save button on the Process Files page.

Select the options that you want to use to transmit or save the file.

Ping/Interop details


Click the Ping button on the Process Files page.

Send an XML message to the distributor.

XMLP Parameters


On the Process Files page, click the View button.

Select the parameters that you want to use to run the report. You can also select the criteria by which you want the system to sort the information.

Review Files


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Review Files

View the internal and external log files and response from the receiver's Web Service.

Internal Log Files


On the Review Files page, click the View Log / Trace link next to the Internal Status column

Access the transmission configuration file, the generated ELM file, and internal log details.

External Log Files


On the Review Files page, click the View Log / Trace link next to the External Status column

Access the transmitted ELM file, response file, and external log file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreparing Files for Processing

Access the Prepare Files page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Prepare Files).

Pay Year

Enter the year for which you want to run the reports.


Select the company for which you want to run the reports.

Issued Date

The system populates this field with the last day of the pay year that you entered. It is used for informational purposes only.

Domain ID

Select the domain ID that you set up on the ELM Domain Setup CHE page. The system populates the values that you entered on the ELM Domain Setup CHE page in the fields below.

Request For and Delete

These fields describe who the request is for and the contact information for the person or organization that made the request. This information is entered on the ELM Domain Setup CHE page and is populated when you select the domain ID.

To delete this information, click the Delete button and then select another domain ID.

Report Sub Selection

Using the fields in this group box selects only a subset of information, which means the entities need to be included in the processed domain.

Provider Type

Select the type of provider for whom you want to create the XML.

Provider Code

Select the provider for whom you want to create the XML.

EmpilID (employee ID)

Select the ID of the employee for whom you want to create the XML.

Group List ID

Select a group for which you want to create XML. You create group lists on the Group List page (select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Groups, Group Lists, Group List).

See Creating Group Lists.

Run Options

Deselect this check box if you want exclude the report that appears next to it in the Type column.


Select this check box if you want to cancel the report that appears in the Type column.

Report Status

The system displays the status of the report after the job has been run to completion.

Report Period

This is available for:


    • Monthly (Ausgleichskasse Banken).

    • Yearly (swissdec).

  • Source Tax

    • Yearly (GE and VD cantons).

    • Month or quarter (VD canton only).

Note. Once a user saves the page, the system creates a table suite for the dashboard. Setup information, like company address, domain attributes, and so on, have already been saved in XML format. When starting the job the process invokes all included legal processes, but only executes processes that are included in that domain set. The last step is an Application Engine process (GPCH_AE_ELM), which creates the final XML file. The system stores XML snippets for each person on the employee ID and domain level (GPCH_EG_PERSON). The system also stores provider totals as well as ready to go XML snippets on the provider and year level. All further viewing and reporting inside the dashboard uses the XML file as a source.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Processed Files

Access the Process Files page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Process Files).

From this page you can validate, save, or ping the receiver's WebServer and send the file.


Displays status of the Internal file.


Displays status of the external file.

Validate File

Click to see if the file you generated is valid. The system displays a message that tells you if the XML file validates (JAVA validation on XSD).


Click the Ping button if you want to ping the WebServer or do an operability check. The system displays the Ping/Interop details page where you can choose either Ping or Interoperability.

Save and SEND

If you selected the PIV (Prozess Integriertes Verfahren) transmission method on the Providers page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Providers CHE, Providers), the system displays the SEND button.

If you selected the EIV (Export Import Verfahren) transmission method, the system, displays the SAVE button.

Click to display either the Transmit Options page. The system gives you the options to send or save the data in test mode, as a compressed file, as a signature file, or an encrypted file.


The files sent to the distributor need to have unique request IDs. If the files were sent already, click this button to regenerate the file. This creates new generations of the files, appending the ID numbers with sequence numbers (_n) to identify the generation. You can now send the files again. Internally, the files will have new request IDs and the request IDs that preceded them. Using this information, the receiver can identify the files as replacements for the files that were sent previously.


Click to view the file you generated. This system displays the information in a separate browser window using XML Publisher. The view is available for all output besides the Tax Statement (LAW_NCS). The tax statement can be viewed and printed in the tax statement online, or the PDF file creation process through the regular run control page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Transmit Options

Access the Transmit Options page (Click the SEND or the Save button on the Process Files page).

Test Mode

By default the system makes this check box unavailable for use. If the SuperUser parameter is set to Yes in the online properties, the system enables this check box. Selecting this check box creates the XML with a Test Tag that informs the receiver that this file is only sent for testing purposes.

Sign file

By default the system makes this check box unavailable for use. If the SuperUser parameter is set to Yes in the online properties, the system enables this check box. Deselect this check box to create an unsigned file, although the standard setup requires a signature (electronic signature by certificate)

Compress File

Currently, this feature is not supported.

Encrypt file

Select this check box encrypt the file. Selecting this option will cause the encrypt mode to be different from the standard setting for the provider.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Ping/Interop Options

Access the Ping/Interop details page (click the Ping button on the Process Files page).


Select this option to send a standard XML message to the distributor. If the connection is set up properly, you will receive the same message.


Select this option to send various test strings to the distributor so they can evaluate the response.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Parameters for Viewing XML

Access the XMLP Parameters page (on the Process Files page, click the View button).

Language Code

Select the language that you wan to use for the reports. Supported languages are English, French, German, and Italian.

Output Format

Select either PDF or XLS.

Sub Selection

Select the sub selection mode that you want the system to use; either By Emplid or By Group List.

Emplid and Group List

Depending on the option you selected in the Sub Section field, the system displays one or both group boxes.

AHV Report and ALV Report

These options are only available for the AHV_AVS report. Here you can choose, whether you want to the AHV_AVS yearly report or the AHV_AVS exempted report.

Sort Criteria

Select the preferred method in which you want the system to sort the data. Sort options include: AHV-Nbr, Birthdate, Emplid, Last Name, and First Name.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Internal and External Log Files

Access the Review Files page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Review Files).

Use this page to view the internal and external log files and response from the receiver's WebService.


Click this button review the file that you successfully sent to the provider.

The response includes a temporary valid user ID and password. The system automatically generates a URL. It directly links you to the end receiver application. Depending on the receiver, you need to confirm that the file should be processed.

Complete Flag

Select this check box after you complete the final upload process.

As the end user application doesn't usually send feedback upon final completion, you can use this field to manually track when you completed processing for this file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing XML for Internal Log Files

Access the Internal Log Files page (On the Review Files page, click the View Log / Trace link next to the Internal Status column).

Transmission Config File

Click to display the configuration XML used for transmission.

ELM File Generated

Click to display the XML that was sent or saved.

Internal Log Details

Click to display the XML validation log.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing XML for External Log Files

Access the External Log Files page (On the Review Files page, click the View Log / Trace link next to the External Status column).

Transmitted ELM File

Click to display the transmitted ELM file.

Response File

Click to display the response from the receiver.

External Log File

Click to display the external XML log.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreparing XML File for FAK_CAF Monthly Processing

Access the Prepare Files page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Process Files).

XML for Ausgleichskasse Banken needs to be created in a single domain. It cannot run in a package with other processes. Ausgleichskasse Banken does not provide a certificate, therefore you need to deselect the Sign check box on the provider level. You need to create the file in EIV mode, as there is no integrated sending. Therefore, you must save the file to a directory of your choice and upload the file from there to the WebSide provided by Ausgleichskasse Banken.

Note. Once you save the page, the system makes the period display only. If you run the process for a specific month, you can either rerun the process for the month or run the process for the next month. For both scenarios you need to select the New Month Run check box. The system provides a new field that you can use to enter a new date. If you select a new month, the system keeps the old data and switches to the next month. If you select the same date again, the system asks you to delete the current period before you continue. Once you run the process for a particular month, you can view history for the months from the Process Files page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreparing Source Tax XML for the Geneva and Vaud Cantons

Access the Prepare Files page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Process Files).

Creating Yearly XML

Provider Type and Provider Code

Select the type of provider and the provider for whom you want to create the XML. These fields are mandatory.

Report Period

Select Yearly.

Note. The source tax XML needs to be created in a single domain. It cannot run in a package with other processes. The GE and VD tax administrations do not provide a certificate, therefore you need to deselect the Sign check box on the provider level. You also need to create the file in EIV mode, as there is no integrated sending. Therefore, you must save the file to a directory of your choice and upload the file from there to the WebSide provide by Geneva or the Vaud tax administration.

This process is the same for GE and VD.

Creating Monthly or Quarterly XML

If the value in the Report Period field is Quarterly or Monthly, you must select either a quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4) or, for Monthly, enter a date in the Current Pay End Date field. This is only valid for Vaud.