Setting Up Payslips

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payslips

To define payslips and sort keys, use the Templates ESP (GPES_PAYSLIP) component. To define which earnings and deductions, social security contributions, taxes, and totals to display on a payslip, use the Templates ESP (GPES_PAYSLIP) component.

This section lists the common elements used in this chapter and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Payslip ID

The system automatically displays the payslip ID that you created or entered to access this page.

Element Print Order

Enter the order in which you want the element to appear on the payslip. If an element has the Element Print Order 1, the element appears as the first element on the payslip.

Element Type

Specify whether the element is an Earning or a Deduction.

Element Name

Select the element that you want to appear on the payslip. If you selected the element type Earning, the system displays a list of the earnings that are defined in your system.

Take description from

You can use either the element description (that was created when the element was created), or you can create your own description to appear on the payslip. Values are. User Text and Element.


If you selected User Text for the Take description from field, enter your description of the element here.

Lines Before

Enter the number of empty lines to appear on the payslip before this element.

Lines After

Enter the number of empty lines to appear on the payslip after this element.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Payslip Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Payslip Setup

Set up a new payslip for the pay groups that you select. This includes defining how retroactivity and extra periods are managed and selecting the SQR report (Structured Query Report) that defines the layout of the payslip.

Sort Keys


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Sort Keys

Select the fields by which you want to sort the payslip. Sort the fields in ascending or descending order.

Earnings and Deductions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Earnings and Deductions

Select the earnings and deductions to display on the payslip and define the spacing between earnings and deductions printed on the payslip.

Social Security Contributions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Social Security Contribution

Select the social security contributions to display on the payslip and define the spacing between the contributions printed on the payslip.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Taxes

Select the tax deductions to display on the payslip and define the spacing between the taxes printed on the payslip.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Totals

Select the accumulators to print at the bottom of the payslip and define the spacing between the accumulators printed on the payslip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Payslip

Access the Payslip Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Payslip Setup).

Retro Type

Select from these values:

Multiple Payslips to generate a payslip for regular pay and separate payslips for each month that has retroactive pay.

Two Payslips to generate one payslip for regular pay and a second payslip that groups together all retroactive pay, if applicable.

Single Payslip to generate one payslip that includes both regular pay and any retroactive pay.

Payslip Layout

Select the SQR report that defines the layout of the payslip. The SQR report defines features of the layout such as lines and colors printed on the payslip. Oracle supplies sample SQR reports that you need to modify for your organization.

Separate Extra Period

Select to generate separate payslips for extra period payments. If you deselect this check box, the system includes extra period payments in the same payslip as regular pay, provided that the extra period and regular payroll are part of the same calendar group.

Pay Group

Select the pay groups that should receive the payslip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Sort Keys

Access the Sort Keys page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Sort Keys).

Field Name 1 through Field Name 5

Select the element by which you want to sort the payslip.

Sort Key 1 through Sort Key 5

Select whether to sort the elements in Ascending or Descending order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Earnings and Deductions for a Payslip

Access the Earnings and Deductions page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Earnings and Deductions).

Note. The fields on this page are discussed in another section in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Earnings and Deductions Page: Description Tab

Access the Earnings and Deductions page: Description tab.

Note. The fields on this page are discussed in another section in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Earnings and Deductions Page: Spaces Tab

Access the Earnings and Deductions page: Spaces tab.

Note. The fields on this page are discussed in another section in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Social Security Contributions for a Payslip

Access the Social Security Contributions page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Social Security Contribution).

Note. Most of the fields on this page are discussed in another section in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.


Select the contribution type that is associated with the element. Values are: Common Contingency, FOGASA, Nonstructural Overtime, Permanent Disability D&S, Professional Training, Structural Overtime, Temporary Disability,and Unemployment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Taxes for a Payslip

Access the Taxes page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Taxes).

Note. The fields on this page are discussed in another section in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Totals for a Payslip

Access the Totals page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Templates ESP, Totals).

Note. The fields on this page are discussed in another section in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Chapter.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Payslips

If you licensed PeopleSoft Enterprise ePay, employees can view their payslips online using the self-service View Payslip transaction. To help resolve questions raised by employees about their payslips, the payroll administrator can view employees' self-service payslips in an online view that replicates the employees' view.

See Viewing Payslips Online.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating a Payslip

This section provides overviews of the payslip process and segmentation and payslips and discusses how to print payslips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Payslip Process

The Create/Print Payslips ESP page launches a job (GPESPSLP) containing three processes in sequence:

  1. The GPES_PAYSLIP Application Engine process gathers information and creates an intermediate table.

  2. The SQR GPESPYS1 prints the payslip report and provides self-service related information if ePay is licensed.

  3. The GP_EPAY Application Engine process uses the payslip report and self-service related information provided by the prior processes in this job to create self-service payslips for each payee. If ePay is not licensed, this process reports that ePay has not been licensed and will finish successfully.

Note. When running the GPESPSLP job, you can use the following type and format options with ePay: None and None (becomes Web and PDF by default), Web and PDF, or File and PDF. If using File and PDF, do not use a custom output destination from the Process Scheduler Request page.

See Also

Setting Up View Payslip

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Segmentation and Payslips

Segmentation occurs when employees' details change during a payroll period and the change requires the system to recalculate certain elements (element segmentation) or all elements (period segmentation). When the system segments an employee's pay, this affects payslips. Oracle delivers an SQR report that manages segmentation as explained in this table.

Note. You need to review how you want to manage segmentation and show the results in your organization's payslips.

Segmentation Event Definition

Segmentation Type

Impact on Payslip



The system generates one payslip. For compensation, social security contributions, and bases, each slice is listed on a separate line.



The system prints a separate payslip each segment.



The system generates one payslip. Where an earning has multiple slices, each slice is listed on a separate line.



The system prints a separate payslip each segment.



The system prints a separate payslip each segment.



The system prints a separate payslip each segment.



The system prints a separate payslip each segment.



The system generates one payslip. For social security contributions and bases, each slice is listed on a separate line.



The system generates one payslip. IRPF deductions are listed on separate lines.

Payslips and Reversals

Segmentation can affect retroactive processing when the system recalculates a segmented period and the segmentation dates of the original calculation don't match the segmentation dates of the recalculation. When segment dates and payment keys match, the system recalculates the original segments, subtracts the old value from the new value for each payroll element to determine retroactive deltas, and writes the new results to the output tables. When segment dates don't match, the system treats the old and new values as if they belong to separate segments. It creates reversal segments for each segment that existed in the original calculation and creates new recalculation segments. The reversal segments have no results because they do not go through gross-to-net processing. The new recalculated segments do go through gross-to-net processing and generate new values. The system writes these new values to the output result tables. For the purposes of calculating deltas, the originally calculated values are effectively zero.

When segments don't match during retroactive processing, the system applies special rules to payslip generation:

Payslips and Corrections

Occasionally you need to rerun a finalized payroll to incorporate late changes. If you want those late changes to be included in monthly legal reports, you can run a correction calendar. Correction calendars recalculate the affected payroll run and provide a new set of results that the system includes in legal reporting such as the Model 111 or the FAN file. In regard to banking, the system generates a delta net amount to be paid that represents the difference between the recalculated net and the previously calculated net. When you select a calendar group for payslip generation, the system detects whether the calendar group is a correction. If it is, the system enables you to choose one of two printing options:

See Also

Defining Segmentation

Processing Payroll Corrections

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Create/Print Payslips ESP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips ESP, Create/Print Payslips ESP

Run the Payslip Report (GPESPYS1), which prints a payslip summary for each employee selected.

Pay Entity List


Click the Pay Entity List link on the Create/Print Payslips ESP page.

Print payslips for selected pay entities.

Pay Group List


Click the Pay Group List link on the Create/Print Payslips ESP page.

Print payslips for selected pay groups.

Department List


Click the Department List link on the Create/Print Payslips ESP page.

Print payslips for selected departments.

Location List


Click the Location List link on the Create/Print Payslips ESP page.

Print payslips for selected locations.

Payee List


Click the Payee List link on the Create/Print Payslips ESP page.

Print payslips for selected payees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Payslips

Access the Create/Print Payslips ESP page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips ESP, Create/Print Payslips ESP).

Before using this page, you must have set up a payslip on the Payslip Setup pages and run the payroll process.

Calendar Group ID

Select the calendar group that you want to process. You can select only from calendar groups that have been calculated or finalized.

Retro Processing

Select one of these values:

Current Period Only: Include only regular payroll calculations in the payslip.

Retro and Current Periods: Include both regular and retroactive payroll calculation in the report.

Retro Periods Only: Include only retroactive payroll activities in the payslip.

Correction Processing

Select what type of payslip the system generates for correction calculations. Values are:

Differences: Select to generate a payslip that lists the deltas that the system calculated during the correction.

Recalculated: Select to generate a payslip that lists the recalculated values that resulted from the correction calculation.

Note. This field appears only if your select a calendar group ID that includes payroll corrections.

Pay Entity List

Click to select one or more pay entities for processing. The system displays the Pay Entity List page.

Pay Group List

Click to select one or more pay groups for processing. The system displays the Pay Group List page.

Department List

Click to select one or more departments for processing. The system displays the Department List page.

Location List

Click to select one or more locations for processing. The system displays the Location List page.

Payee List

Click to select one or more payees for processing. The system displays the Payee List page.