(ESP) Managing Tripartite Foundation Communications

This chapter provides an overview of Tripartite Foundation communications management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tripartite Foundation Communications Management

The Spanish Tripartite Foundation for Training (formerly known as FORCEM) is the public body in charge of continuing training for the employees of Spanish companies. The Tripartite Foundation manages the training actions within companies (demand-side training). Training actions include continuing training plans and individual training leave (PIF).

Companies plan and manage demand-side training of their workers while workers must take the initiative to request leave for training. Legal representatives of workers must exercise their workers rights to training participation and information as outlined in current Spanish rules and regulations. Therefore, in regard to continuing training, government intervention is restricted to the monitoring and follow-up of continuing training.

Companies planning to provide continuing training automatically receive a credit to finance it, so it is necessary to communicate information regarding any continuing training to the Tripartite Foundation. This communication is achieved through XML files uploaded through the Tripartite Foundation's web page: www.fundaciontripartita.org. The possible files for communication are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered XML Nodes for Tripartite Foundation Reporting

Human Resources for Spain delivers XML file structures for Tripartite Foundation communication management functionality. You can also define your own XML file structures through this component by creating additional nodes and relating them to each other.

See Also

Understanding XML File Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered XML Templates for Tripartite Foundation Reporting

Human Resources for Spain delivers four different types of communications for Tripartite Foundation reporting. Use the XML Template Table component to define templates for the types of communication that you use for XML file generation. You can define as many XML templates as necessary to meet your company needs. Human Resources for Spain delivers as system data the following XML templates:

XML Template


FORCEM-Beginning of groups

Used to communicate beginning of new training sessions.

FORCEM-List of participants

Used to communicate list of course participants.

FORCEM-End groups (Org.Entity)

Used to communicate the end of a training session for organizing entities only.

FORCEM-End groups (Company)

Used to communicate the end of a training session for companies.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Tripartite Foundation Data

This section provides an overview of Tripartite Foundation data and discusses how to:

To define Tripartite Foundation data, use the Tripartite Foundation Data ESP (TRN_T_TRI_DATA_ESP) component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tripartite Foundation Data

The Tripartite Foundation assigns an annual budget for training that companies use to fund continuing training for their employees. This budget depends on the professional training quote deposited by the company in the previous year and the number of employees.

We deliver the following Tripartite Foundation setup data:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Tripartite Foundation Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Reduction Percentages


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tripartite Foundation Data ESP, Reduction Percentages

Define reduction percentages.

Maximum Bonus Amount


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tripartite Foundation Data ESP, Maximum Bonus Amount

Define maximum bonus amounts.

Private Contribution


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tripartite Foundation Data ESP, Private Contribution

Define private contribution percentages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Reduction Percentages

Access the Reduction Percentages page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tripartite Foundation Data ESP, Reduction Percentages).

Average Bonus by worker

Enter the amount of money the company receives per employee for the purposes of continuing training.

Use this field when managing new companies or new work centers.

Minimum Workers and Maximum Workers

Use these fields to enter a range of the number of employees.

Current Percent

Enter the percentage associated with each range of number of employees. The system uses this percentage to calculate the current credit for a company based on the credit received in the previous year.

Note. PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources delivers this page populated with values based on current Spanish regulations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Maximum Bonus Amounts

Access the Maximum Bonus Amount page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tripartite Foundation Data ESP, Maximum Bonus Amount).

Use this page to enter maximum bonus amounts for each training method type.

Method Type

Enter the method of training delivery. Valid values are: Presential, Long Distance, and Internet.

Basic Level Amount

Enter the basic level maximum amount.

High Level Amount

Enter the high level maximum amount.

Note. PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources delivers this page populated with values based on current Spanish regulations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Private Contribution Percentages

Access the Private Contribution page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tripartite Foundation Data ESP, Private Contribution).

Use this page to enter the minimum percentages used to calculate the private contribution of companies toward the training of their workers.

Minimum Workers and Maximum Workers

Use these fields to enter a range of the number of employees.

Current Percent

Enter the percentage associated with each range of number of employees.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Tripartite Foundation Course and Session Data

This section discusses how to:

To define Tripartite Foundation course and session data, use the Training Actions Groups ESP (TRN_T_ACTN_GRP_ESP) and Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP (TRN_T_SESN_DAT_ESP) components.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Tripartite Foundation Course and Session Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Training Actions Groups ESP


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Training Actions Groups ESP

Define training actions and groups.

Session Data Tripartite


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Session Data Tripartite

Define session data.



Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Presential

Define presential training details.

Long Distance


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Long Distance

Define long distance training details.



Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Internet

Define internet training details.

Training Costs


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Training Costs

Define training costs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefine Training Actions and Groups ESP

Access the Training Actions Groups ESP page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Training Actions Groups ESP, Training Actions Groups ESP).

Use this page to create training actions and associate training groups with them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Session Data

Access the Session Data Tripartite page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Session Data Tripartite).

Training Action

Select a training action for the course session.

Training Group

Select a training group for the course session.


Select to indicate that the session has been completed. When you select this check box, the Training Costs page becomes available.

Private Contribution

Select to indicate that the company contributes to the training of its workers.


Select to indicate that the level of the training group is basic.


Select to indicate that the level of the training group is high.


Select to indicate that the training is presented by a company.

Organizing Entity

Select to indicate that the training is presented by an organizing entity.

Studies Center

Select to indicate that the training is presented by a studies center.

High Priority Members

Indicates the number of high priority members attending the session. You can modify this field.


Indicates the number of students participating in the session. You can modify this field.

Responsible ID

Enter the ID of the primary point of contact for the session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Presential Training Details

Access the Presential page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Presential).


Enter the ID of the vendor of the training session along with its Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (CIF).


Enter the ID of the facility in which the training will occur along with its CIF.

Days of Week

Select a check box next to the days of the week on which the training will be offered.

Start\End Times Morning

Enter the start and end times for the morning portion of the training session.

Start\End Times Evening

Enter the start and end times for the evening portion of the training session.

Training Hours

Enter the total number of hours for the training session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Long Distance Training Details

Access the Long Distance page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Long Distance).


Enter the IDs of the instructors associated with the long distance session along with the number of hours for which they are scheduled.

Note. The remaining fields on this page are identical to those on the Presential page.

See Defining Presential Training Details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Internet Training Details

Access the Internet page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Internet).

Start Date and End Date

Enter the dates on which the internet course starts and ends.

Note. The remaining fields on this page are identical to those found on the Presential and Long Distance pages.

See Defining Presential Training Details, Defining Long Distance Training Details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Training Costs

Access the Training Costs page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP, Training Costs).

Note. This page is available in the component only if you select the Finished check box on the Session Data Tripartite page.

Company Data - Spain


Enter the company incurring the training cost.

If you select the Company check box on the Session Data Tripartite page, the Training Costs page allows you to enter information for only one company. If you select the Organizing Entity check box on the Session Data Tripartite page, the Training Costs page allows you to enter information for multiple companies.


Enter the number of students who attended the training.


Click to calculate the training costs and display them in the Calculate Costs group box. This button becomes available only after you enter values in all of the fields in the Costs group box.


Enter the direct costs, associated costs, and personnel costs incurred by the company for the training. You must enter a value in all three fields to make the Calculate button available.

Calculate Costs

After you click the Calculate button, this group box displays the various costs associated with the training.

Reduction Amount

Use this group box to enter any reduction amounts applied to the training costs.

Month and Year

Enter the month and year of the reduction amount.


Enter the total amount of the reduction.


Select to indicate that the reduction amount has been reported to the Tripartite Foundation through a FAN file.

See Also

Creating FAN Files

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Tripartite Foundation Training Credit

This section discusses how to calculate training credit for companies.

To calculate training credit, use the Company Training Credit ESP (TRN_T_SIMU_CRD_ESP) component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Calculate Tripartite Foundation Training Credit

Page Name

Definition Name



Company Training Credit ESP


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Company Training Credit ESP, Company Training Credit ESP

Calculate training credit for companies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculate Training Credit for Companies

Access the Company Training Credit ESP page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Company Training Credit ESP, Company Training Credit ESP).

Company Information


Displays the company for which you are calculating training credit.

Fiscal Code

Displays the fiscal code associated with the company.


Displays the year for which your are calculating training credit.

New Company

Select to calculate the training credit for a new company. When you select this check box, the Average Workers Previous Year field becomes unavailable and the Hire Workers field becomes available and required for calculation.

New Center

Select to indicate that the company created one or more new work centers during the calendar year for which you are calculating training credit. When you select this check box, the Hire Workers field becomes available and required for calculation.

Average Workers Previous Year

Enter the average number of workers employed by the company during the year for which you are calculating training credit.

Hire Workers

Enter the number of workers hired by the company during the year for which you are calculating training credit.


Click to calculate the training credit that the company should receive for the year.

Credit Data

Professional Training Quote

Indicates the professional training quote deposited by the company in the previous year. You can modify this amount.

Reduction Pct

Indicates the reduction percentage applied to the professional training quote. The system derives this percentage based on the number you enter in the Average Workers Previous Year field.

Credit Finance Training Action

Indicates the calculated credit to finance training actions.

Credit Already Used

Indicates any credit already used by the company for the year. This field is unavailable for editing if you have PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Spain installed.

Training Credit Pending

Indicates the amount of pending training credit. This number represents the amount of credit to finance training actions minus the credit already used.

Annuals Reductions Pending To Be Reported

This group box displays reductions entered on the Training Costs page that have not yet been reported to the Tripartite Foundation through a FAN file.

See Also

Creating FAN Files

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Employees for Tripartite Foundation Reporting

This section discusses how to:

To set up employees for Tripartite Foundation reporting, use the Employee Tripartite Data ESP (TRN_T_EMP_DATA_ESP) and Enroll Individually (COURSE_ENROLLMENT1) components.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Tripartite Foundation Employee Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Employee Tripartite Data ESP


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Employee Tripartite Data ESP, Employee Tripartite Data ESP

Define employee data.

Enroll Individually


Enterprise Learning, Student Enrollment, Enroll Individually, Enroll Individually

Enroll employees in training sessions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefine Employee Data

Access the Employee Tripartite Data ESP page (Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Employee Tripartite Data ESP, Employee Tripartite Data ESP).

Functional Area

Select the employee's functional area. Valid values are: Administration, Commercial, Maintenance, Management, and Production.


Select an employment category. Valid values are:

  • Manager

  • Middle Level Manager

  • No Qualified Worker

  • Qualified Worker

  • Technical

Education Level

Select the employee's education level. Valid values are:

  • FPI, FPII or Equivalent

  • Major Eng or Bachelor's degree (major engineering or bachelor's degree)

  • Others

  • Primary Studies, EGB or eqival (primary studies, educación general básica, or equivalent)

  • Tech Archicht/Enginr, Tech Schl (technical architect/engineer, technical scholar)

  • Without Studies

High Priority Member

Select to indicate that the employee is a high priority member.

Other Qualifications

Enter any additional qualifications for the employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling Employees in Training Sessions

Use the Enroll Individually page to enroll employees in training sessions.

See Enrolling Individual Students.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Tripartite Foundation XML Files

This section discusses how to:

To generate Tripartite Foundation XML files, use the Create Tripartite XML Id ESP (TRN_T_CRTE_XML_ESP), Print Tripartite XML File ESP (TRN_T_PRINT_ESP), Confirm Triprtite XML File ESP (XML_CONFIRM_ESP), and Delete Tripartite XML File ESP (XML_RC_DELETE) components.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Tripartite Foundation XML Files

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Tripartite XML Id ESP - Definition


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Create Tripartite XML Id ESP, Definition

Create XML file IDs.

Create Tripartite XML Id ESP - Population


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Create Tripartite XML Id ESP, Population

Select courses for XML file IDs.

Print Tripartite XML ESP


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Print Tripartite XML ESP. Print Tripartite XML ESP

Print Tripartite XML files.

Confirm Trip End XML File ESP


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Confirm Triprtite XML File ESP, Confirm Trip End XML File ESP

Confirm Tripartite XML files.

Delete Tripartite XML File ESP


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Delete Tripartite XML File ESP, Delete Tripartite XML File ESP

Delete Tripartite XML files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating XML File IDs

Access the Create Tripartite XML Id ESP - Definition page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Create Tripartite XML Id ESP, Definition).


Enter a description of the XML file ID.

Template Type

Select a template type for the XML file ID. Valid values are: Beginning of groups, End groups (Company), End groups (Org.Entity), and List of participans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Courses for XML File IDs

Access the Create Tripartite XML Id ESP - Population page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Create Tripartite XML Id ESP, Population).

Filter Data

Enter a date range and click the Search button. For that date range, the training sessions you defined using the Session Data Tripar Foundt ESP component appear in the Courses group box.


Select the check box next to the training sessions you want to add to the XML File ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Tripartite XML Files

Access the Print Tripartite XML ESP page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Print Tripartite XML ESP, Print Tripartite XML ESP).

Template Type

Select template types for the XML file generation process. Valid values are: FORCEM-Beginning of groups, FORCEM-End groups (Company), FORCEM-End groups (Org.Entity), and FORCEM-List of participans.

XML File Id

Enter the XML File IDs that you want to include in the XML file generation process.

File Path

Enter the directory in which the system stores the generated XML files.

File Name

Enter the names of the files that the XML file generation process generates. The system adds the .xml extension to the file name you specify.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming Tripartite XML Files

Access the XML Confirm page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Confirm Triprtite XML File ESP, Confirm Triprtite XML File ESP).

Confirm All

Click to change the node status of all courses listed on the page to XML Sent Confirmed.

Unconfirm All

Click to change the node status of all courses listed on the page to Data OK.

Node Status

Select the status of the course. Values are:

  • Data OK: Indicates that the data for this course was successfully generated. A course with this node status can be selected again on the Create Tripartite XML Id ESP - Population page.

  • XML Sent Confirmed: Indicates the course was included in an XML file that was sent to the Tripartite Foundation. When you save a course with this node status, you cannot select it again on the Create Tripartite XML Id ESP - Population page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Tripartite XML Files

Access the Delete Tripartite XML File ESP page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Delete Tripartite XML File ESP, Delete Tripartite XML File ESP).

Use this page to delete XML files you have previously generated.

Template Type

Select template types for the XML file deletion process. Valid values are: FORCEM-Beginning of groups, FORCEM-End groups (Company), FORCEM-End groups (Org.Entity), and FORCEM-List of participans.

XML File Id

Enter the XML File IDs that you want to include in the XML file deletion process.