(CAN) Setting Up and Processing Business Payrolls Survey Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of Business Payrolls Survey (BPS) reporting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding BPS Reporting

Statistics Canada selects employers to participate in the BPS and requires them to report payroll earnings and hours information on a monthly basis.

PeopleSoft supports the survey's EDR format. If you are participating in the survey, see the Business Payrolls Survey Electronic Data Reporting Guide published by Statistics Canada for further information. Statistics Canada requires that you meet certain conditions before being accepted as an EDR respondent.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up BPS Reporting Tables

To set up BPS reporting tables, use the Business Information (BPS_CONTACT) and Activity Table (BPS_ACT_TBL) components.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



BPS Business Information (Business Payrolls Survey business information)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Business Information, BPS Business Information

Enter the business and contact information for Record Type 1 of the survey's EDR file.

BPS Activity Table (Business Payrolls Survey activity table)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Activity Table, BPS Activity Table

Create the business activities (defined by Statistics Canada) to set up the reporting units in the BPS Reporting Unit table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Business and Contact Information

Access the BPS Business Information page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Business Information, BPS Business Information).

Business Number

The system automatically retrieves this number from the company's Wage Loss Plan record. This field is display-only.

Contact Name

Enter the name of your company's BPS contact person in the way it should appear in the transmission file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining BPS Activity Codes

Access the BPS Activity Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Activity Table, BPS Activity Table).

Note. Use the Job Code Profile page to link BPS activities to job codes. When defining initial BPS activity codes on the Job Code Table component (JOB_CODE_TBL), apply updates to all relevant current, history, and future-dated records for the reference months required for reporting.

See Also

Adding New Job Codes

Click to jump to parent topicDefining BPS Reporting Units

To define BPS reporting units, use the Reporting Unit Table (BPS_REPORT_UNIT) component.

This section provides an overview of BPS reporting units and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding BPS Reporting Units

A BPS reporting unit represents a group of employees within a company that Statistics Canada has selected for the survey. Each reporting unit, uniquely identified within a company by the reporting unit ID, corresponds to one Payroll record (Record Type 2) in the survey EDR file.

A reporting unit is defined by:

Note. To ensure that each employee appears only once per survey, assign a unique combination of pay group, BPS activity, and tax location information for each reporting unit.

Use the BPS Reporting Unit table to establish the relationship between these criteria. For each BPS Reporting Unit record:

The system selects employees whose job data fulfills the criteria that is defined in the BPS Reporting Unit table. It extracts and reports their payroll information in the Payroll record of the EDR file.

This diagram shows the relationship of entities related to the BPS reporting unit:

Illustration of entities related to the BPS reporting unit

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Page Name

Definition Name



BPS Activities (Business Payrolls Survey activities)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Reporting Unit Table, BPS Activities

Specify the pay group and BPS activities that define a reporting unit.

BPS Locations (Business Payrolls Survey locations)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Reporting Unit Table, BPS Locations

Specify the BPS locations that define a reporting unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Pay Group and BPS Activities

Access the BPS Activities page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Reporting Unit Table, BPS Activities).

Reporting Unit Information

Pay Group

Specify the pay group that represents the group of employees selected for the survey. Specify only one pay group for each reporting unit. This ensures that each reporting unit reports on employees of the same pay frequency and pay period dates.

Activity Information

Activity ID

Select the BPS activity that is required for reporting within the reporting unit. If this field is blank, the system reports all activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying BPS Locations

Access the BPS Locations page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Business Payrolls Survey CAN, Reporting Unit Table, BPS Locations).

Location Information

Tax Location Code

Define the tax locations required for reporting within the specified reporting unit. If this field is blank, the system reports all tax location codes.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Earnings Codes for BPS Reporting

This section discusses how to specify earnings codes for BPS reporting.

Note. The second page of the Tax Form Definition component (TAXFORM_DEFN_TBL) (Tax Form Footnote page) is not used as part of this process.

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Definition Name



Tax Form Definitions


Payroll for North America, Year-End Processing CAN, Define Annual Tax Reporting, Tax Form Definitions, Tax Form Definitions

Specify earnings codes to accumulate the earnings and hours information for BPS reporting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Earnings Codes for BPS Reporting

Access the Tax Form Definitions page (Payroll for North America, Year-End Processing CAN, Define Annual Tax Reporting, Tax Form Definitions, Tax Form Definitions).

Select Business Payrolls Survey - CAN from the Tax Form Identification field on the search page.

The earnings codes that you specify for each BPS tax form box apply to the respective categories of employees (hourly, salaried, or working owners) for all reporting units.

The tax form box descriptions in the following tables correspond directly to reporting fields of the same descriptions in the EDR record layouts. Ensure that you do not duplicate earnings codes in tax form boxes where you do not want to report those earnings or hours twice (for example, reporting overtime in the OTP [Overtime Pay] box for regular overtime pay versus the reporting of accumulated overtime pay into an SPx [Special Payments x] box).

The following boxes refer to payments made in the last pay period of a reference month:

Tax Form Box




Regular Gross Pay

For hourly and salaried employees, and working owners.


Overtime Pay

For hourly and salaried employees only.


Total Hours Paid for Hourly Employees

For hourly only.


Overtime Hours Worked by Hourly Employees

For hourly only.

The following boxes refer to payments made at any time during a reference month:

Tax Form Box




Special Payments - Monthly Payments

As described.


Special Payments - Payments made every 2 Months

As described.


Special Payments - Quarterly Payments

As described.


Special Payments - Greater than Quarterly Payments

As described.


Special Payments - Federal Taxable Benefits

As described.


Special Payments - Retroactive Payments

As described.


Total Gross Monthly Payroll

For all employees paid in the reference month.

Note. For this box, define only the earnings codes to report in addition to the employees' True T4 taxable gross amounts (for example, severance pay).

Warning! It is imperative that you define all applicable earnings for each BPS tax form box before creating the EDR file for transmission to Statistics Canada.

Note. See the Business Payrolls Survey Electronic Data Reporting Guide published by Statistics Canada for further information on the reporting requirements for each box.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the BPS EDR File

This section provides an overview of the Business Payrolls Survey Structured Query Report (SQR) Report process (PAY104CN) and discusses how to generate the BPS EDR file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Business Payrolls Survey SQR Report Process (PAY104CN)

The Business Payrolls Survey process generates the BPS EDR file for transmission to Statistics Canada. At the same time, the system produces a summary report for your reference.

On the run control page you select the reference month (period) and companies for which the system should generate an EDR. Each company that you select corresponds to a Business and Contact Information record (Record Type 1) in the EDR file. The system reports on all the reporting units that are defined in the BPS Reporting Unit table for the company. Each reporting unit corresponds to a Payroll record (Record Type 2).

Note. Create this file for each reference month only after the corresponding Pay Confirmation COBOL SQL process (PSPCNFRM) is complete for all pay periods that are associated with that reference month.

Selecting Payroll Data by Reference Month

A reference month is the month for which you report payroll data in the BPS.

The system processes the selection of payroll information for a reference month as follows:

Classifying Employees

When processing the BPS, the system classifies employees as either hourly or salaried, based on the employee type in Job Data. The system processes exception hourly employees as hourly employees. Employees can also be classified as working owners by the officer code in Job Data, in which case they are excluded from the hourly and salaried categories. Employees that are assigned to the following officer codes are classified as Working Owners and are reported in Category D - Working Owners of Incorporated Businesses:

Locating the BPS EDR Output

The Business Payrolls Survey process creates the BPS EDR file in the PeopleSoft report output directory. The following table identifies the naming convention of the output files for each platform:


Output File Name







Renaming the File

You must rename the file to meet Statistics Canada requirements for submission. PeopleSoft recommends that you rename the file using the following convention.


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Definition Name



Business Payrolls Survey File


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Pay Period Reports, Business Payrolls Survey File, Business Payrolls Survey File

Creates a BPS EDR file for transmission to Statistics Canada and a summary report for your reference. The system produces the transmission file in accordance with the format provided by Statistics Canada.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the BPS EDR File

Access the Business Payrolls Survey page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Pay Period Reports, Business Payrolls Survey File, Business Payrolls Survey File).


Select the year and a month from 1–12. This is the reference month that the system uses to select payroll data for reporting.


Each company selected corresponds to a Business and Contact Information record (Record Type 1) in the EDR file.