Setting Up Stock Purchase Plans

This chapter provides an overview of the stock purchase plan setup steps and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Stock Purchase Plan Setup

This section lists prerequisites and provides an overview of stock purchase plan setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin to set up your stock purchase plans:

See Also

Stock Administration Integrations

Defining Stock Administration Business Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStock Purchase Plan Setup

When you set up a stock purchase plan, you specify the basic building blocks that control how your plan works, including linking your stock purchase plan to an existing benefit plan, selecting fair market value methods, defining offering and purchase limits, defining purchase and contribution rules, and specifying disposition restrictions. Next, you define the rules specific to your offering and purchase periods, such as grant dates and purchase periods, and establish how contributions are deducted from payroll.

Depending on how your organization administers its stock purchase plans, the majority of this setup phase is a one-time event requiring periodic maintenance on your part.

To set up a stock purchase plan:

  1. Define rules for the stock purchase plan.

    In this step, you link the stock purchase plan to a benefit plan, select the fair market value methods to use, specify limits for the offering and purchase periods, and define rules for purchases, contributions, and dispositions.

  2. Define the offering periods and the purchase periods for the stock purchase plan.

    Here, you define the range of dates in which a stock purchase offering is valid, the grant dates for an offering period, and the purchase period range of dates.

  3. Define the reasons for holding a participant's purchase.

  4. Define stock purchase processing messages.

  5. Define the details of the stock purchase, including the process groups, currency conversions, and other processing parameters.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Stock Purchase Plan Rules

To define stock purchase plan rules, use the Stock Purchase Plan Rules (ST_ESPP_PLAN) component. This section discusses how to:

The Stock Purchase Plan Rules component defines the details of the stock purchase plan that can change over time. Use the effective-dated table to define plan level details for each stock purchase plan that you offer.

Generate the Stock Purchase Plan Rules report (STSU022) to view stock purchase plan rules information.

Note. Before you define your plan rules, you must define a stock plan ID using the Stock Plan page and a stock plan in the Stock Plan Table component. You must also have the benefits administrator define a benefit plan ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Stock Purchase Plan Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Stock Purchase Plan Rules - General


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, General

Define basic rules for a stock purchase plan and link the stock plan to a benefit plan. Define plan details, such as the governing body, offering type, and when participants can enroll.

Plan Comments


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, General

Click the Comments link.

Add comments about the stock purchase plan.

Stock Purchase Plan Rules - FMV Rules


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, FMV Rules

Select FMV methods and specify rules for nontrading days.

Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Limits


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Limits

Define limits for the offering period and the purchase period, including period lengths and applicable company limits.

Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Purchase


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Purchase

Define the purchase rules of your plan, such as purchase price calculation and share and price rounding rules.

Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Contributions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Contributions

Define the contribution rules.

Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Dispositions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Dispositions

Define the holding period for dispositions, that is, the number of months participants must hold the stock before they can sell it. This holding period is independent of the IRS holding requirements for qualified Section 423 plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Rules for a Stock Purchase Plan

Access the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - General page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, General).

Benefit Plan

Select a benefit plan that matches the stock plan you selected. This is where you link the two plan codes.

Governing Body

The default is IRS.

Offering Type

If you select Fixed, the offering end date for all the participants is the same no matter when they enrolled in the offering. If you select Rolling, the offering end date is measured from the date on which the participants enroll with multiple offerings outstanding.

For both offering types, the offering begin date of a subsequent offering can't be earlier than the offering end date of the previous offering.

FAS 123 Compensatory Plan

Select if your plan is compensatory as defined by FAS 123.

Participant Enrollment Rule

Select one of the following rules that governs when new participants enroll in a stock purchase plan:

Enroll in Next Purchase Period: Enrolls the participant in the first purchase period for which the period begin date for the purchase period is greater than or equal to the coverage begin date, regardless of the offering. After you've identified the purchase period, the system assigns the offering of that purchase period and the first grant date before the purchase period begin date of the offering.

Enroll in Next Offering: Enrolls the participant in the first offering period for which the period begin date for the offering period is greater than or equal to the coverage begin date. After you've identified the offering period, the system assigns the first purchase period within the offering and the first grant date within the offering period.

Enroll in Current Offer/Pur Pd: Enrolls the participant in the current offering and purchase period. The system determines the current offering and purchase period by finding the first grant date greater than or equal to the coverage begin date. It assigns the offering based on the grant date and then the purchase period within the offering by selecting the first purchase period for which the purchase period begin date greater than or equal to the grant date.

User Defined: Does not enroll participants. Use this to import enrollments, modify the update participants process, or manually enter the enrollments.


Select to access the Plan Comments page, where you add comments.

Pro-Rate Purchase

Select to prorate purchases. If you select this, you can enter a prorate factor on the Stock Purchase - General page.

Concurrent Offerings

Select if your plan allows more than one active offering at a given time.

Interest Paid

Select if you pay interest on contributions. This field is informational only.

Quick Sales Allowed

Select to enable quick sales at the individual issuance level. This field is informational only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelect FMV Methods and Nontrading Day Rules for a Stock Purchase Plan

Access the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - FMV Rules page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, FMV Rules).

You define which method to use for calculating the stock FMV. You may chose to use different methods for different types of transactions.

FMV Method

Define a method to determine the stock values at various points in the stock purchase process. You define the FMV methods using the FMV Method Table page. These methods supersede the FMV defined in the Stock Details component for these specific events.

Offering Start

Select an FMV method. This field is informational only.


Select an FMV method. This field represents the grant FMV based on a participant's grant date. It might be used to determine the purchase price.


Select an FMV method. This field is used to calculate the ordinary income for dispositions. Depending on your purchase plan rules, it may be used to determine the purchase price.

Non-Trading Day Rules

The system accounts for all days in a calendar year. The days that are not market trading days must be identified as such. Therefore, define a method to account for these nontrading days. The methods below supersede the holiday and weekend FMV rules defined in the Stock Details component.


When a FMV calculation includes a holiday, select Previous Trading Day to use the previous trading day's price, or Next Trading Day to use the next trading day's price.


When a FMV calculation includes a weekend, select one of the following:

Both Previous Trading Day: Uses the previous trading day's price for both weekend days.

Both Next Trading Day: Uses the next trading day's price for both weekend days.

Saturday Previous - Sunday Next: Uses the previous trading day's price for Saturday and the next trading day's price for Sunday.

Saturday Next - Sunday Previous: Uses the next trading day's price for Saturday and the previous trading day's price for Sunday.

See Also

Defining Stock Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Limits for the Offering Period and Purchasing Period

Access the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Limits page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Limits).

You define the offering and purchase period length as well as various share and value limits. The system defaults are the limits specified on the Governing Body Rules component, but you can make them more restrictive. If your purchase periods overlap different calendar years, check with your payroll administrator to make sure that your payroll system doesn't deduct contributions over the limit.

Offering Period Length

Enter the number of months in the offering period. You cannot exceed the governing body rules. This value is used to calculate the default offering period end date.

Purchase Period Length

Enter the number of months in the purchase period. This cannot be longer than the offering period. You cannot exceed the governing body rules.

Offering Period Limits

(Optional) You can make the offering period limits more restrictive than the purchase value limit defined on the Governing Body Rules - Stock Purchase Rules page. You cannot make the limits more permissive.

Participant Grant Value

Enter the maximum grant value that a participant can purchase during an offering period. The grant value is the number of shares purchased multiplied by the grant FMV.

Participant Contribution

Enter the maximum contribution that an individual participant can make in an offering period.

Participant Shares

Enter the maximum number of shares that a participant can purchase in an offering period.

Total Shares

Enter the total number of shares for all participants that can be issued in an offering period.

Purchase Period Limits

Use these fields to make the purchase period limits more restrictive than those defined on the Governing Body Rules - Stock Purchase Rules page. Field descriptions are the same as those for the offering period limits, except that they pertain to different periods of time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Purchasing Rules for a Stock Purchase Plan

Access the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Purchase page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Purchase).

Purchase Price

Discount Percent

Enter the discount percent the Calculate Prices process is to use when calculating the purchase price for the stock.


Select how the Calculate Prices process should calculate the participants' purchase price:

Average Daily FMV in Purch PD: Averages the daily FMV throughout the purchase period.

Grant FMV: Uses the FMV on the day of the grant.

Lower of Grant or Purchase FMV: Uses the lower of the grant or purchase FMV. This is the default.

Purchase FMV: Uses the stock FMV on the day of the purchase.

User Defined: Uses some other method. The Calculate Prices process must be manually entered.

Valuation Plan Type

Select the appropriate valuation plan type, as defined in FAS 123. Valid values range from Type A to Type I.

Daily FMV Method

If you selected a purchase price method of Average Daily FMV in Purch PD, this field is available for entry. Select a method to determine what type of price is used for each day. Valid values are defined in the FMV Method Table.

Price Rounding Rules

The price rounding rules defined on the Stock Details - Common Rules page is the default. You can make them more restrictive.

Decimal Places

Enter a number between 0 and 6 to determine the number of decimal places when calculating a price or FMV in the Calculate Prices process.

Rounding Rule

Select a rounding rule to use when calculating a price or FMV in the Calculate Prices process: Standard, Up, and Down.

Fractional Share Rules

These fields become available for entry if fractional shares are allowed at the stock detail level. The fractional share rules defined on the Stock Details - Common Rules page are the default. You can make them more restrictive. If fractional shares are not allowed, The Decimal Places field is 0 and the Rounding Rule field is Down.

Decimal Places

Enter a number between 0 and 6 to determine the number of decimal places to round when calculating the number of shares purchased.

Rounding Rule

Displays Down, which is the method of rounding when calculating the number of shares to purchase.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Contribution Rules for a Stock Purchase Plan

Access the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Contributions page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Contributions).

You define the contribution source, currency conversion, and what happens to residual contributions for a stock purchase plan. The system gathers the contributions in the local currency based on the participant's pay group. It converts the contributions to the stock currency for the purchase, then back to the current local currency for refunds.

Contribution Source

Select Payroll for North America if you receive stock purchase contributions from Payroll for North America. If Payroll for North America is not installed, this option is not available. Select Manual Contributions if you receive stock purchase contributions from any other source. If you use Payroll for North America as your primary contribution source, you might also select Manual Contributions to allow for adjustments. This field determines what contributions are processed in the Gather Contributions process.

Currency Conversion

If you use the system to convert local currency to the currency defined at the stock ID level, select the currency conversion parameters for the Currency Conversion process.

Market Rate Index

Select a market rate index for the Convert Currencies process to use to convert participant contributions from a local currency to the stock currency. The Market Rate Index is defined in Define General Options is the default.

Rate Type

Select a currency conversion rate type to indicate the type of rate used to convert the local currency to the stock ID currency.

Residual Contributions

After a stock purchase is processed and confirmed, some of the participants' contributions may be left over. The balance may be less than the purchase price of the stock or the participant may have reached an offering period, or purchase period limit, which left more than the purchase price unused. Indicate a method of handling these residual contributions.

Balance Rule

Select Carry Forward Balance and no balance threshold amount to carry forward any amount. Select this option and enter a balance threshold amount to carry forward any amount less than or equal to the threshold amount and refund the rest.

Select Carry Fwd when <= Purchase Price to carry forward any amount less than or equal to the participant's purchase price. If the amount is greater than the purchase price, it is refunded.

Select Refund Balance and no balance threshold amount to refund any amount. Select this option and enter a balance threshold amount to refund any amount greater than or equal to the threshold amount. If the amount is less than the threshold amount, it is carried forward to the next purchase.

Select Refund when >= Purchase Price to refund any amount greater than or equal to the participant's purchase price after a purchase. If the amount is less than the purchase price, it is carried forward to the next purchase. This is the default.

Balance Threshold

If you selected a balance rule of Carry Forward Balance or Refund Balance, this field becomes available for entry. Enter the minimum amount needed to carry forward or refund.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Currencies

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Disposition Rules for a Stock Purchase Plan

Access the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Dispositions page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Dispositions).

Holding Period Months

(Optional.) Enter the number of months after the purchase date during which a participant must hold the stock before selling the shares. If you enter a disposition for less than the holding months you specify here, you receive a warning.

Note. This period is independent of the IRS holding requirements.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Offering and Purchase Periods

To define offering and purchase periods, use the Offering/Purchase Periods (ST_OFFERING_PD) component. This section discusses how to:

After you define the rules for a stock purchase plan, set up the plan's offering period, grant dates, and purchase period begin and end dates. If you allow rolling plans, link the previous offering periods here.

Generate the Offering/Purchase Periods report (STSU023) to view offering and purchase period information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Offering and Purchase Periods

Page Name

Definition Name



Offering/Purchase Periods - Offering Period


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Offering/Purchase Periods, Offering Period

Define offering period begin and end dates.

Offering/Purchase Periods - Grant Dates


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Offering/Purchase Periods, Grant Dates

Define grant dates within an offering period.

Offering/Purchase Periods - Purchase Period


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Offering/Purchase Periods, Purchase Period

Define purchase periods for an offering.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Offering Periods for a Stock Purchase Plan

Access the Offering/Purchase Periods - Offering Period page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Offering/Purchase Periods, Offering Period).

Offering ID

Enter a unique ID to associate with the offering.

Offering Status

Select Active if the offering is available for enrollment. Select Cancelled if the offering was cancelled before its expiration date. Select Expired if the offering has ended.

Status Date

Displays the date on which you made the offering status selection.

Period Begin Date

Enter the date on which the offering period begins. The date cannot be less than the earliest effective date of the stock plan ID. The current system date is the default. The period begin date determines the purchase period begin date, and in turn the grant date.

Period End Date

The system calculates a default offering period end date based on the period begin date and the offering period length months defined on the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Limits page. You can enter a different date, but the system displays a warning if you do. You also receive a warning if you try to enter an offering period that exceeds the IRS limits defined at the governing body level if the stock purchase plan is an IRS 423 plan.

Previous Offering ID

Select a previous offering ID to link multiple offerings together in a sequence. You can use this field for rolling plans or if you want your participants to be automatically enrolled in another offering when the current offering expires. If you don't specify a previous offering ID, then participants won't be enrolled after the previous offering expires or is cancelled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Grant Dates for an Offering Period

Access the Offering/Purchase Periods - Grant Dates page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Offering/Purchase Periods, Grant Dates).

Period Begin Date and Period End Date

The begin and end dates of the offering period.

Grant Date

Enter all valid grant dates within this offering period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Purchase Periods for an Offering

Access the Offering/Purchase Periods - Purchase Period page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Offering/Purchase Periods, Purchase Period).

Begin Date

Enter the date on which the purchase period begins. This cannot be earlier than the offering period begin date. The offering period begin date is the default.

End Date

The system calculates a default purchase period end date based on the purchase period begin date and the purchase period length months defined on the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Limits page. You can enter a different date, but the system displays a warning if you enter a date that is greater than or less than the number of months entered at the plan level.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Stock Purchases

To define stock purchases, use the Stock Purchase (ST_PURCHASE_TBL) component. This section discusses how to:

The next step in the stock purchase setup process is to define a unique purchase ID. Using the Stock Purchase component, relate the purchase ID with the stock, stock plan, offering, and purchase periods used by the stock purchase process. Specify purchase details, such as process groups included in the purchase, payroll contribution parameters, and currency conversation details. Throughout the purchase process, you can view the processing status of the purchase.

Note. Before you define stock purchases, you must define an offering ID and purchase period end dates in the Offering/Purchase Periods component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Stock Purchases

Page Name

Definition Name



Stock Purchase - General


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, General

Define basic purchase details.

Stock Purchase - Purchase Table Comments


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, General

Click the Comment link.

Add comments about the purchase.

Stock Purchase - Process Groups


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Process Groups

Define the process groups within the purchase.

Stock Purchase - Contributions


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Contributions

Define the contribution parameters.

Stock Purchase - Currency


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Currency Conversion

Define the currency parameters.

Stock Purchase - Status


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Status

View the status of the overall purchase and the status of each process group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Basic Parameters of a Purchase

Access the Stock Purchase - General page (Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, General).


The system selects this check box when this purchase ID has been confirmed.


Click to access the Purchase Table Comments page, where you add comments about the purchase.

Purchase Type

Select the type of purchase that you want to process: Standard Purchase or Anti-Dilution Purchase.

Prorate Factor

If you selected Pro Rate Purchase on the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - General page, enter the prorate factor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Process Groups for a Stock Purchase

Access the Stock Purchase - Process Groups page (Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Process Groups).

Process Group

Select the process groups to include in this processing. Process Groups are defined in the Process Group component.

See Also

Defining Process Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Contribution Parameters for a Stock Purchase

Access the Stock Purchase - Contributions page (Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Contributions).

Payroll for North America

Date Type

Select Check Date to indicate the check date for the deduction or select Pay Period End Date to indicate the pay period end date for the deduction. The date must fall between the purchase period begin and end dates.

Pay Calendar Overrides

When deductions for a pay period fall outside the range of the purchase period begin and end dates, you might need to include or exclude a pay calendar. For example, if you selected Check Date as the date type for the purchase on September 30, 1998, then processed a bonus run with a check date of July 2, 1998, the bonus run is not included in the purchase period contributions. However, the bonus is for the period ending September 30, 1998, and should be included in the contributions for the current purchase period. To include the bonus contributions in the current purchase period, you must enter a pay calendar override specifying the company, pay group, pay period end date, and on-cycle or off-cycle, and select Include. This overrides the date, and includes the deductions for the pay calendar selected in the current purchase period.

You can also specify a beginning and ending page number for the pay calendar. This enables you to select a range of employees to include or exclude in the purchase period contributions. This feature is useful for off-cycle checks because you assign the page number.

Pay Group

Select the pay group of the pay calendar to process.

Pay Period End Date

Select the pay period end date of the pay calendar to process.

Check Date

Displays the Check Date for the pay calendar selected.

Off Cycle?

Select to include the calendar in an off-cycle check.

Page and Thru Page

Select the beginning page number and the ending page number of an off cycle to include or exclude.


Select Include to include the pay calendar in the Gather Contributions process. Select Exclude to exclude the pay calendar from the Gather Contributions process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Currency Parameters for a Stock Purchase

Access the Stock Purchase - Currency page (Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Currency Conversion).

Currency Code

Displays the currency code associated with the stock ID.


Click to run the Convert Contributions process. The system determines the exchange rates for each currency contribution that exists in the gathered contributions. A batch process refreshes the data on the page.

From Currency Code

Displays the contribution source currency code.

Market Rate

Displays the calculated exchange rate for the market rate index, rate type, and currency specified.

Exchange Rate Override

To use a different rate than the Convert Currencies process, enter an override rate here. The default is zero.

Market Rate Index

Displays the index used in the Convert Currencies process. This is specified on the Stock Purchase Plan Rule - Contribution page.

Rate Type

Displays the rate type used in the Convert Currencies process. This is specified on the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Contributions page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Status of Stock Purchases and Process Groups

Access the Stock Purchase - Status page (Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Stock Purchase, Status).

Purchase Status

The system displays the status of the purchase process. If a process has been run, the check box is selected displaying the date and time it was processed.


The system selects this check box when all processes have been confirmed for all process groups.

Process Group Status

Process Group

Displays the process groups within the purchase ID.


The system selects this check box when all processes for this Process Group are confirmed.

Gather Contributions

Displays the status of the Gather Contributions process. This process determines the process groups based on the participant's company and pay group.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Processing Messages and Hold Reasons

To define processing messages and hold reasons, use the Processing Messages (ST_ESPP_MSG_TBL) and Hold Reasons (ST_HOLD_REASON_TBL) component.

This section lists:

Generate the Hold Reason Table report (STSU027) to view information for hold reasons.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Processing Messages

The processing messages delivered with Stock Administration are:


Employee is terminated.


Purchase FMV method not found.


Purchase ID not found.


Daily Prices data missing for the purchase period.


Purchase Period not found.


Average Days for FMV method is invalid.


The stock exchange is not found.


Holiday Schedule not found.


Grant FMV could not be calculated.


The exchange is not defined.


Holiday has not been defined on Holiday Schedule.


Contributions exceed Purchase Period limit.


Contributions exceed Offering Period limit.


Participant Shares exceed Purchase Period Limit.


Participant Shares exceed Offering Period Limit.


Grant Value Limit exceeded for Purchase Period.


Grant value exceeded for Offering Period.


Purchase Price Missing for Grant Date.


Anti-Dilution Price Missing for Grant Date.


Total Share Limit exceeded for purchase period.


Total Share Limit exceeded for offering period.


Participant has exceeded Purchase Value Limit.


Processing halted as purchase is "Confirmed".


Reversal process halted as purchase is "Confirmed."


Exchange Rate has not been defined for currency code.


Contribution currency mismatch.


Purchase Prices do not exist for purchase period.


Stock purchase plan rules do not exist.


Participant is defined as a major shareholder.


Contributions exist for multiple process groups.


Preliminary purchase in progress. Purchase removed.


Contributions to be refunded. Participant had a status change.


Negative Contributions ignored.


Warning: Check reversal gathered for participant.


Holiday has not been defined on Daily Prices Table.


Participant withdrew from plan during purchase period.


Disposition exists for purchase being Unconfirmed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Processing Messages and Hold Reasons

Page Name

Definition Name



Purchase Msgs (purchase messages)


Stock, Stock Purchase Definitions, Purchase Msgs

Define stock purchase processing messages.

Hold Reason Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Hold Reason Table

Define the reasons for holding a purchase. For example, a participant might withdraw from the program.