Administering the Tagging Framework

A tag is a relevant keyword or term associated with a piece of information such as a picture, a geographic map, a blog entry, a video clip, and so on. In this way tags describe an item and enable keyword-based classification and searching.

Tags are commonly used as means for users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages. The bookmarks can be viewed and searched chronologically, by category or tags, or using a search engine.

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal tagging framework enables users to tag Portal content and search the Portal using tags. Tags appear in the search results of the Portal search page and also in the search pages for various Enterprise Portal features, such as Content Management, Discussion Forums, Workspaces, and so on. Users can also perform searches using tags. A search using tags returns all the content tagged for that tag.

Private tags are not searched and are not returned with search results. The exception is in the Tag Browser page the user's own private tags are returned with the search results when a search scope of All My Tags is selected.

This chapter presents an overview of the tagging framework and discusses:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Tagging Framework

Tagging provides the means for Enterprise Portal and applications users to store, organize, search, and manage content bookmarks. It enables both publishers of content and consumers of that content to classify the material in a way that is meaningful to them. Significantly, users are able to share their tags or bookmarks with other users, thus benefitting the user community from the shared information--in this case tags. This increases the probability of properly characterizing the content and hence its discoverability and use. Tags are also a way to measure what particular topics are of relevance to the user community.

Tagging capability also provides for navigation to other content that is related through the same tags without the need to hard-code those connections.

Thus, tagging is both a means of classifying things and a way of creating ad hoc navigation paths among related items.

A PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal tag search page uses a database search, not Verity search. A user can immediately search for newly created tags because the tag search is not dependent on the Verity indexes being refreshed. Search results are filtered based on the users security permissions before being displayed. However, because the search is not performed using Verity, the results are not ranked.

The exception is that on the Portal search page and the search pages for Portal features, the tag search is based on Verity indexes. After new tags are added, the corresponding index has to be rebuilt before a the new tags will be returned in a search on the Portal search page.

Tags on any page are hyperlinks to the tag browser page with default search results of the tag selected. For instance, clicking on a tag labeled Community in a managed content item redirects the user to the tag browser page with search results for Community displayed.

See Also

Using Portal Features, Understanding Tagging in Enterprise Portal

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling Web Services

Enterprise Portal is delivered with tagging enabled for Content Management, Discussion Forums, and Workspaces. To use tagging with applications outside of Enterprise Portal you will need to enable tagging through web services.

Enabling web services requires single signon between the consuming application, such as HCM,)and Enterprise Portal, and user profile synchronization. The web services interface provided through Integration Broker contains the following services:

See Using Public Web Services.

See Configuring Integration Broker.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, Understanding User Profile Synchronization

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, Implementing Single Signon

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker, Consuming Services

Click to jump to parent topicManaging the Tagging Framework

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Managing the Tagging Framework

Page Name

Definition Name



Tagging Application Domain


Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Domain

Define application tag domains.

Tax Namespace


Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Namespace

Define application tagging namespaces.

Search Index


Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Namespace, Search Index

Associate index groups with tagging namespaces.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tag Domains

Access the Tagging Application Domain page (Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Domain).


The description text entered here appears as the Search Scope name in the Scope dropdown list on theTag Browser.

Tag Browser URL

Specify the URL for the tag browser page for this domain. This URL will be prepended to the tags.

If this is specified, it is assumed that the domain has its own tag browser page to display search results of the tags. If this field is left blank the domain will use the default Enterprise Portal tag browser.

Note. If the Enterprise Portal tag browser is used, there will only be limited support for the search results of remote tags because of the limited amount of information that is stored for the tags in the repository. The search will not be able to query the source database for additional title or description information.

Message Node Name

Identifies the node in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal environment with which the tag domain is associated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tag Namespaces

Tag namespaces prevent conflicts among unique identifiers in different features and enable categorizing tags at the namespace level. For instance, suppose both Discussion Forums and Managed Content have a content with an ID of 3421. To prevent these conflicts, each should reside in its own namespace.

A domain can contain many tag namespaces, but each namespace can only be associated with one domain.

Local Interface

Access the Tag Namespace page (Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Namespace).

Use a local interface to implement tagging within the Enterprise Portal application. Use the Package Name, Path, and Application ID fields to identify the application class that will be used with the namespace. The application class specifed here must implement the EPPTG_TAGS:TaggedContent application class.

Remote Interface

The following page shows the Tagging Namespace page with the Remote Interface option selected.

Mapping Namespaces to Search Index Groups

Namespaces are mapped to Enterprise Portal search index groups. One namespace can be mapped to only one search index group. Tags are added to only those indexes in the index group that are selected in the grid labeled Select Index to Add Tags. If the index group name is changed then all the indexes selected in the grid are dropped from the mapping.

See Also

Administering Search Indexes

Click to jump to parent topicImplementing Tagging Web Services

A PeopleSoft application can incorporate tagging in its pages by configuring the tag service using the related content framework. However, these tags are primarily tied to the transcation instances of the business component and do not give the flexibility to add tags to data elements that are available across the various levels of the page. Using the tagging web service, developers can add tags to any data element at any level in the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Tag

The following parameters are required to add a tag:


Node corresponds to the tag domain. Nodes can be associated with a domain using the Tagging Application Domain page in Enterprise Portal (Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Domain). Nodes used in tagging web service must be of the type External. When a search is performed, this differentiates between the tags added through the web service and those added through the related content framework.


This corresponds to the portal name of the application.

The Portal value can be any string.


Namespace is like a Java package. It helps in logical grouping of tags. If the namespace is not preconfigured in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal then a namespace is automatically created in the name of the domain.


URL acts as a key. URL maps directly to content. If two URLs are the same then the tags are added to the same content. It is the user's responsibilty to provide unique URLs for the content that is to be tagged. Unique URLs can be generate by concatenating the relative URL of a component with the necessary keyvals. The URL supplied for tagging a PeopleSoft application must be a relative URL and not an absolute URL. This way if the server name changes then the URL also changes. When the user tries to retrieve the tags for content tagged prior to the server name change the operation will fail as the new url will not point to the tags previously added. Use the GenerateComponentRelativeURL function or GenerateComponentPortalURL function to generate the relative URL. The relative URL that is passed with the input message is concatenated with the node URI set in the node definition page to get the complete URL.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Language Reference, PeopleCode Built-in Functions, GenerateComponentRelativeURLEnterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Language Reference, PeopleCode Built-in Functions, GenerateComponentContentRelURL

Ideally a content reference (CREF) corresponds to a namespace, but it is not necessary. A namespace is just a logical grouping of tags, just as a domain is a logical grouping of tags in an application.

Tagging an External Application

Tags can also be used by external (non-PeopleSoft) applications using the tagging web service. However, in this case the complete URL has to be sent in the input message instead of the relative URL. The important point to note here is that the URL string must start with HTTP://.

This differentiates external application tags from PeopleSoft system tags. The differentiation is needed to prevent the suffixing of a portal URI to form an absolute URL, which occurs in the case of PeopleSoft system tags. In this case the portal name is just a string.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Tagging Web Services

Follow these steps to configure tagging web services:

  1. Create a tag domain using the Application Tag domain page (Portal Administration, Tagging, Tagging Domain) before using the web service.

  2. Create a separate domain that is mapped to a node for each PeopleSoft and each non-PeopleSoft application.

    The node type of the node used in the web service must be External.

  3. Create unique URLs.

    The URL for different content in a PeopleSoft system or non-PeopleSoft system must be unique.

    With a PeopleSoft system you must use the GenerateComponentRelativeURL function to provide a relative URL. This will be concatenated with the portal URI of the node assigned to the system. Use a relative URL instead of an absolute URL to address the issue of possible change of the server.

    With external system tags you must provide the absolute URL. The URL provided for external system content must start with http://. A URL is identified as belonging to an external system only by the presence of the string http:// at the beginning.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWeb Services Command Format

Tagging web services use the following command format:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>ADD_TAGS</cmd> <id> <node>PSHR</node> <portal>EMPLOYEE</portal> <ns>JOBS</ns> <url>s/JOBPAGE.GBL/?ID=1</url> </id> <tags>dream</tags> <type>public</type> <label>Job Page</label> <descr>Job Details Page</descr> </tagop> </tagging>

Command Format Parameters


This corresponds to the language the user has entered their tags in. Use PeopleSoft language codes. The default is the system default (%language_base).


The user ID that entered the tag. The user ID must be a valid PeopleSoft user.


The command value.

Possible values are:








Basic Tag Commands

This section describes the implementation of the basic tag commands:

Basic Input

This is an example of input for a basic tag command:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>ADD_TAGS</cmd> <id> <node>PSHR</node> <portal>EMPLOYEE</portal> <ns>JOBS</ns> <url>s/JOBPAGE.GBL/?ID=1</url> </id> <tags>dream</tags> <type>public</type> <label>Job Page</label> <descr>Job Details Page</descr> </tagop> </tagging>

This is an example of input for a basic external system tag.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>ADD_TAGS</cmd> <id> <node>Tag</node> <portal>EMPLOYEE</portal> <ns>JOBS</ns> [ case sensitive] <url></url> </id> <tags>bad, low-paying</tags> <type>public</type> [ public or private ] <label>Find Jobs</label> <descr>You can search for Jobs here...</descr> </tagop> </tagging>

Basic Input Parameters


This is a required parameter for the following commands:







The name of the node that sent the command


The portal name. If the tagging system is non-PeopleSoft, define a standard value that is used by all your tag commands.


The tagging namespace.


The URL the tags are associated with.


The comma separated list of tags that are being manipulated.

This is a required parameter for the following commands:





Valid values are:

  • public – these tags are viewable by all users for the content.

  • private – these tags are viewable only by the user who created the tags.

This is a required parameter for the following commands:







The label parameter is used for tag searching in the tag browser. This value is shown as the link title of the piece of content that contains the tag that has been searched.

This is a required parameter for ADD_TAGS.

It is an optional parameter for MODIFY_TAGS.


This is the description for tag searching in the tag browser. This value is shown as the short description below the title for the piece of content that's been searched.

This is a required parameter for the following commands:



Basic Output

The following xml is an example of output for these commands:

<?xml version=""1.0""?> <TagResponse> <Status>1</Status> <ErrorMsg>Invalid Node</ErrorMsg> </TagResponse>

Basic Output Parameters


The status of the command.

  • 0 - Success

  • Non 0 - Error. (All errors default to 1.)


If Status is a value other than 0, then the xml node is returned with a message detailing the error.

Get Ouput

This is an example of output for the GET_TAGS command:

<?xml version=""1.0""?> <TagResponse> <Status>0</Status> <Tag type="public"> <a class="EPPTGTAGTEXT" href="http://localhost/psc/ps_newwin/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/c/ EPPTG_TAGGING.EPPTG_TAG_BROWSE.GBL? Page=EPPTG_TAG_BROWSE&amp;Action=U&amp;EPTG=1&amp;TAG=dream" target="newwin">dream</a> </Tag> <Tag type="private"> <a class="EPPTGTAGTEXT" href="http://localhost/psc/ps_newwin/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/c/ EPPTG_TAGGING.EPPTG_TAG_BROWSE.GBL? Page=EPPTG_TAG_BROWSE&amp;Action=U&amp;EPTG=1&amp;TAG=private" target="newwin">private</a> </Tag> </TagResponse>

Get Output Parameters


The status of the command.

  • 0 – Success

  • Non 0 – Error. (All errors default to 1.)


If Status is a value other than 0, then the xml node is returned with a message detailing the error.


One tag node is returned for each tag.


Valid values are:

  • public – these tags are viewable by all users for the content.

  • private – these tags are viewable only by the user who created the tags.

The anchor tag is a standard HTML link for the tag to the defined tag browser page.

Add Operation

The Add operation adds tags to content. Repeated invocation of Add on the same content URL will append tags to the existing list of tags for the content.

Modify Operation

Modify is similar to Add except that each invocation of Modify on a content URL will overwrite the existing tags for the content. Add and Modify have the same message format.

Clear Operation

The Clear operation is used to clear all the tags of a content for a particular user.

The Clear operation has a <type> parameter that can take the values public, private, and all. Invoking Clear with <type>all</type> is equivalent to invoking clear twice, once with <type>public</type> and once with <type>private</type>.

Clear Input

This is an example of input for Clear:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>CLEAR_TAGS</cmd> <id> <node>TAG</node> <portal>EMPLOYEE</portal> <ns>JOBS</ns> <url>S/JOBPAGE.GBL/?ID=4</url> </id> <type>public</type> [ public or private or all ] </tagop> </tagging>

Remove Operation

The Remove operation removes the tags specified in the request message. Tag removal can be performed for a particular user or for all users using the <all_user> node. If <all_user> is set to Y then tags will be removed for all users. Type = private and all_user=Y is an invalid combination and will be captured in the validation.

Remove Input

The following is an example of input for Remove:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>REMOVE_TAGS</cmd> <id> <node>TagHR</node> <portal>EMPLOYEE</portal> <ns>JOBS</ns> <url>s/JOBPAGE.GBL</url> </id> <tags>Colloborative, Best, dram, Schrewd</tags> <type>public</type> <all_user>y</all_user> [ y or n] </tagop> </tagging>

Get Operation

The Get operation returns the public and private tags available for a particular content URL.

Search Operation

A search can be performed at the domain or namespace level. While domain is mandatory for any search operation, namespace is an optional parameter for the Search web service.

The number of results that are returned is set using the optional node <num_results>. Output contains a search result label, description, URL, and related tags information. A tag browser URL (which can be set in the Application Domains page) is provided once in the output message at the same level as the results node.

Search Input

This is an example of input for Search:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>SEARCH_TAGS</cmd> <domain>PSHR</domain> <ns>PSHR</ns> <num_results>5</num_results> <search>dream</search> </tagop> </tagging>

Search Input Parameters


This corresponds to the language the user has entered their tags in. Use PeopleSoft language codes. The default is the system default (%language_base).


The user ID that entered the tag. The user ID must be a valid PeopleSoft user.


The command value – SEARCH_TAGS


The tagging domain that is being searched.

This is a required parameter.


The namespace that is being searched.

This is an optional parameter.

The default is to search all namespaces within the domain.


The maximum number of results to return.

This is a required parameter.


The tag that is being searched.

Search Output

This is an example of output for Search:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <TagSearchResults> <Status>0</Status> <Result> <Label>Job Page</Label> <Description>Job Details Page</Description> <RelatedTags>dream</RelatedTags> <Url></Url> </Result> <Result> <Label>BenefitsPage</Label> <Description>BenefitsPage Details Page</Description> <RelatedTags>dream</RelatedTags> <Url></Url> </Result> <Result> <Label>Movies</Label> <Description>Great Movies</Description> <RelatedTags>Sequel, dream</RelatedTags> <Url>HTTP://WWW.YAHOO.COM/ID=2</Url> </Result> </TagSearchResults>

Search Output Parameters


The status of the command.

  • 0 - Success

  • Non 0 - Error. (All errors default to 1.)


If Status is a value other than 0, then the xml node is returned with a message detailing the error.


Each row of data is returned as a Result.

  • Label – The short description of a search result.

  • Description – The long description of a search result.

  • RelatedTags – Any tags associated with the search result are listed here, comma separated.

  • Url – link to the search result.

Tag Cloud Operation

The tag cloud is a visual representation of tags currently used in the system. Different font sizes help visualize the usage patterns of tags. Larger fonts depict more frequently used tags, while smaller fonts depict less frequently used tags.

Tag Cloud Input

This is an example of input for Tag Cloud:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <tagging> <tagop lang="ENG" userid="VP1"> <cmd>TAG_CLOUD</cmd> <scope>DOMAIN=PSFT_HR,TAG_NS=JOBS</scope> <num_results>100</num_results> <sort>ALPHA-D</sort> <period>90</period> <personal_cloud>true</personal_cloud> </tagop> </tagging>

Tag Cloud Input Parameters


This corresponds to the language the user has entered their tags in. Use PeopleSoft language codes. The default is the system default (%language_base).


The user ID that entered the tag. The user ID must be a valid PeopleSoft user.


The command value – TAG_CLOUD


This defines where tags are retrieved to generate the cloud. Specify values in KEY=VALUE pairs separated by a comma. Valid Keys are:

  • DOMAIN – The tagging application domain. This key is required.

  • TAG_NS – A namespace associated in the domain.

This key is optional.

If no namespace is defined, all tags from the domain are used.


The maximum number of results to show in the tag cloud.

This is a required parameter.


The tag that is being searched.


The sort order of the tag cloud.

Possible values are:

  • ALPHA-A – Alphabetical ascending A-Z

  • ALPHA-D – Alphabetical descending Z-A

  • COUNT-A – Count ascending 0-X

  • COUNT-D – Count descending X-0

  • ATIME-A –: List tags oldest added time first.

  • ATIME-D – List tags newest added time first.

This is an optional parameter.

The default is ATIME-D.

Tag Cloud Output

This is an example of output for Tag Cloud:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <TagSearchResults> <Status>0</Status> <TagBrowserUrl>http://localhost/psc/ps_newwin/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/c/ EPPTG_TAGGING.EPPTG_TAG_BROWSE.GBL? Page=EPPTG_TAG_BROWSE&amp;Action=U&amp;EPTG=1&amp;TAG=</TagBrowserUrl> <TagCloud> <Tag Count="1" Size="80%" Weight="normal">VP</Tag> <Tag Count="10" Size="120%" Weight="normal">Sequel</Tag> <Tag Count="5" Size="100%" Weight="normal">Mobile</Tag> <Tag Count="5" Size="100%" Weight="normal">Manager</Tag> </TagCloud> </TagSearchResults>

Tag Cloud Output Parameters


The status of the command.

  • 0 - Success

  • Non 0 - Error. (All errors default to 1.)


If Status is a value other than 0, then the xml node is returned with a message detailing the error.


The URL to the tag browser.


Contains all the tags in the tag cloud.


The tag with these attributes:

  • Count – How often the tag is used to link a piece of content.

  • Size – The default suggested sizing of the tag.

  • Weight – Suggested weighting of the tag.

    Possible values are:

    • lighter

    • normal

    • bold

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The search result links that correspond to tags added using web service must open in a new window.

For search results that correspond to PeopleSoft system tags, the portal URI entered at the node definition page must be concatenated with the relative URL provided in the input message. The complete URL that is obtained by appending the node's portal URI and relative URL should give a complete and valid PeopleSoft URL.

The search results corresponding to non-PeopleSoft system tags will have the same URL as supplied in the input message. In the case of external system tags the URL supplied must be a full URL and must start with http://. The URL is used as such in the search results in tag browser as it is a complete URL.

Each domain in the application domain page will have a scope corresponding to it in the tag browser page.