Defining Search Index Groups

This section provides an overview of search index groups and discusses how to use the Define Index Groups component (EO_PE_SIDX_GROUPS) to define a search index group.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Search Index Groups

A search index group is made up of individual search indexes. PeopleCode developers can reference search index group names as part of the search logic. Search index groups are also used to configure scoped search.

Scoped Search

Scoped search enables users to search within specific portal features, such as Action Items, Calendar, Content Manager, Discussions, Resource Finder, and Workspaces.

Scoped search is available by default in the Home page header. A user can select only one scope at a time.

The following index groups are part of the delivered scope search:

Scope Name

Index Group Name


Action Items


Action Items Search



Blog Search



Calendar Events



Content Management Hierarchy Search



Discussion Forum Posts Search



Portal Registry and Content

Resource Finder


Collaborative Workspaces Resource Finder Search



Collaborative Workspaces Search

The default search scope is Portal, which means a search is performed on the entire portal, based on the PAPP_PORTAL_SEARCH index group. Portal search scope only searches the Portal registry and published content, documents, and HTML. It does not search within other search scopes. As Portal administrator you can extend the Portal scope by adding indexes to the PAPP_PORTAL_SEARCH index group. For instance, you can set up the Portal search scope to search all portal content by adding all the indexes to the PAPP_PORTAL_SEARCH index group, or you can create a new index group to search all portal content. You can also set a different index group as the default scope.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Search Index Groups


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Search Index Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Index Group


Portal Administration, Search, Define Index Groups

Create search index groups, which are made up of individual search indexes.

Search Tester


Portal Administration, Search, Define Index Groups, Search Tester

Test the functionality of a search index group, and ensure that the indexes are returning results and that the proper filters are being used. Be sure to build your search indexes before using this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Search Index Group

Access the Define Index Group page (Portal Administration, Search, Define Index Groups).

Index Group Name

The system displays the name of the index group.


Enter a description of the contents of the search indexes in the search index group.

Max Search Results (maximum search results)

Enter the maximum number of search results you want returned for the search index group. Leaving this field clear translates to a maximum search result number of 0. To indicate that you do not want to limit the number of search results, select the Unlimited Results option.

Unlimited Results

Select if you do not want to limit the number of search results returned for the search index group.

Use Thesaurus

Select if you want to use thesaurus capabilities to derive search results for the search index group.

Note. To use this option you must first create your own Verity thesaurus file.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Verity Locale Configuration Guide v 6.1 for PeopleSoft, “Creating a Custom Thesaurus”

Search Scope

Add to Search Scope

Select this checkbox to add this index group as a search scope.

Clear this checkbox to remove this index group from search scopes.

This checkbox is disabled for Portal scope. Portal scope cannot be removed from the list of scopes but the scope name can be changed.

If a scope that has saved searches associated with it is deleted a warning message is displayed.

If a user has a saved search that used a deleted scope, the Scope Name column on the Saved Searches page will say Scope Deleted. The user can choose to delete or edit the saved search entry.

Search Scope Name

Enter a descriptive name for the search scope.

The Search Scope Name field is enabled and mandatory if the Add to Search Scope checkbox is selected.

Set as Default Scope

Select to set this index group as the default scope or deselect to remove this scope as default scope.

The delivered default search scope is Portal.

If Portal is the default scope this checkbox is disabled. Portal can be replaced as default only by making another scope the default.

The current default scope name is displayed next to the Set as Default Scope checkbox.

Only one scope can be configured as default scope. If a scope other than Portal is removed from default scope then the Portal scope automatically becomes the default scope.

Search Indexes

Index Name

Select a search index you want to include in the search index group.


Enter a description of the search index as it is to be used with the search index group.

Override Default Results Link

Select to indicate that you want to override the results link defined on the Record Indexes page. This option only applies to record-based indexes.

Search Query Filters

Package Name

If you have entered filter data for the index definition, this value will be populated automatically upon saving this page. If you have not entered filter data for the index definition, you can enter the package name you want to use.

Package Path

If you have entered filter data for the index definition, this value will be populated automatically upon saving this page. If you have not entered filter data for the index definition, you can enter the path to the package you want to use.

Application Class Name

If you have entered filter data for the index definition, this value will be populated automatically upon saving this page. If you have not entered filter data for the index definition, you can enter the application class name you want to use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTesting a Search Index Group

Access the Search Tester page (Portal Administration, Search, Define Index Groups, Search Tester).

Index Group Name

The system displays the name of the index group.


Enter a description of the contents of the search indexes in the search index group.

Max Search Results (maximum search results)

Enter the maximum number of search results you want returned for the search index group. Leaving this field clear translates to a maximum search result number of 0. To indicate that you do not want to limit the number of search results, select the Unlimited Results option.

Unlimited Results

Select if you do not want to limit the number of search results returned for the search index group.

Use Thesaurus

Select if you want to use thesaurus capabilities to derive search results for the search index group.

Note. To use this option you must first create your own Verity thesaurus file.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Verity Locale Configuration Guide V5.0 for PeopleSoft, “Creating a Custom Thesaurus”

Search Text

Enter the text for which you want to search in the search index group.


Click to execute the search for the search text in the search index group.

Display All Result Attributes

Select to display all Verity search fields returned from the search, as opposed to only what the filter returned.