Managing Sites

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Site Management and discusses how to create new sites using the Site Wizard.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Site Creation and Management

The Site Manager Center page consolidates access to the activities required to create and manage sites. Enterprises that require multiple sites within their main portal can use the Site Management tools to quickly create and configure subsites to their portal. These sites inherit characteristics from the main portal, but maintain their own navigation. Sites can also carry branding specifically designed to meet the site's requirements.

Site Management enables a portal administrator to create new sites that inherit infrastructure properties of the sponsor portal. The portal administrator initially authorizes site branding, page templates, and pagelets, and assigns site administrators. Subsequent site management can be delegated to site administrators who specify site specific branding values, set publishing defaults, and lay out the sites' homepage. The site administrator also manages security for site content publishers and site viewers.

See Enterprise Portal 9.1 Installation Guide, "Appendix, J: Creating Content Provider Navigation Collections in Enterprise Portal in a Created Site" for guidelines on accessing content provider navigation pages from sites created in the Enterprise Portal.

Create and maintain a site by:

  1. Creating a new site definition.

    A portal administrator normally defines portal sites.


  2. Updating an existing site definition.

    A portal administrator normally manages portal sites.

  3. Reviewing available branding themes.

    Note. Depending on the user's security, a user can have either add/update or read-only access to the branding feature.

    A branding administrator normally defines branding themes.

Administer a site by:

  1. Setting site security.

  2. Setting publishing defaults.

  3. Configuring the site homepage.

  4. Configuring site specific branding values (Manage Site Branding).

A site administrator normally administers site navigation.

Publish content to a site by:

  1. Managing site navigation.

  2. Updating homepage content.

If you choose a site administration or management task within the main portal, it takes effect for the portal. To perform administration or to manage navigation for a site, you must first access the site. To do this, select Go to Site on the Manage Sites page and then navigate to the task you want to perform. Within a site, only site administration, site navigation management, and branding management tasks will be available.

A site administrator normally administers site branding.

Control site branding by:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in Site Management

Branding theme

A branding theme consists of predefined headers and a style sheet, and an optional footer and restyled menu. Each site can optionally use the default portal theme or a site-specific theme.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Branding Overview.


As used in the context of site management, the portal is the default portal, as specified on the Portal Definitions page (PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Definitions). The portal is sometimes called the sponsor portal, because other sites can inherit elements of the sponsor portal.

Create new sites using the Site Wizard only from the portal. The delivered default portal is the EMPLOYEE portal.


PS_SITETEMPLATE is a defined collection of templates, pagelets, and menu items on which all new sites are based. These values are stored in a portal registry of the same name, and can be accessed in the Structure and Content component using the corresponding portal URL address.


A site is created using the Site Wizard. Each site is defined in relation to the defaults and themes of its sponsor portal. Each site could be considered a separate portal, but instead PeopleSoft distinguishes between a portal and its sites.

Site administrator

A site administrator is the person authorized by a portal administrator to manage security, publishing defaults, branding overrides, and homepage layout for a site.

The site administrator can be assigned by role or by user ID.

Site management

Site management is the set of tasks grouped together in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal to create and manage sites.

Site publisher

A site publisher is a person authorized by a site administrator to manage site navigation and update homepage content. A site publisher can be assigned by role or by user ID.

A site publisher is not a site viewer unless specifically authorized as a viewer.

Site viewer

A site viewer is a person authorized by a site administrator to view site content.

A site viewer can be assigned by role or by user ID.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Sites

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Sites

Page Name

Definition Name



Site Wizard - Site Definition


  • Portal Administration, Site Management, Create New Sites

  • Click the icon for step 1 while you are on any page in the Site Wizard.

  • Portal Administration, Site Management, Maintain Existing Sites. Click the Add New Site button.

    Portal Administration, Site Management, Maintain Existing Sites. Click the Edit button.

Define portal sites.

Site Wizard - Authorize Site Branding


  • Click Next on the Site Wizard - Site Definition page.

  • Click the icon for step 2 while you are on any page in the Site Wizard.

Set branding options.

Note. Overridable elements and branding themes must be defined in the portal before being used on a site.

Select Branding Overrides


Click the Select Overridable Elements button on the Site Wizard - Authorize Site Branding page.

Choose to allow overrides of selected elements of the theme assigned by the main portal. This can vary by user if role-based theme assignments have been specified.

Select Branding Theme and Overrides


Click the Select Theme and Overrides button on the Site Wizard - Authorize Site Branding page.

Authorize overrides of selected branding elements of the specified theme.

Site Wizard - Appoint Site Administrator


  • Click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Authorize Site Branding page.

  • Click the icon for step 3 while you are on any page in the Site Wizard.

Specify the users or roles authorized to administer this site.

Site Wizard - Select Site Features


  • Click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Appoint Site Administrator page.

  • Click the icon for step 4 while you are on any page in the Site Wizard.

Specify the features you want to enable on the site.

Site Wizard - Specify Site Templates


  • Click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Appoint Site Administrator page.

  • Click the icon for step 5 while you are on any page in the Site Wizard.

Specify the templates available to site publishers when adding links to the site menu navigation.

Site Wizard - Specify Site Pagelets


  • Click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Specify Site Templates page.

  • Click the icon for step 6 while you are on any page in the Site Wizard.

Specify which pagelets will be available to site administrators when configuring the site homepage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Site

Access the Site Wizard - Site Definition page (Portal Administration, Site Management, Create New Sites).

Site ID

Specify a site ID to identify this site. The site ID cannot contain spaces.

The site ID is used as the identifier for the portal registry created to support this site.

The Site ID field value appears in the list of sites you can select from on the Manage Sites page.

Site Label

Enter the label you want to use for the site. This site label appears in email alerts for the site.

Long Description

Enter a description of the site.

The long description appears as the link hover text for this site in the sponsor portal's menu navigation.

The Long Description field value appears in the list of sites you can select on the Manage Sites page.

Default Template

Select a default template for site content from the drop-down list box.

The default template is used for all content pages within the site unless overrides are authorized by the site administrator in the Define Publishing Defaults component. The templates available in the drop-down list box are those defined in PS_SITETEMPLATE.


Specify a label that will appear in the sponsor portal's navigation.

Navigation Folder

Select the navigation folder in which you want a link to this site to appear on users' menus.

This link definition is optional. The link can be created later using the Managing Navigation component within the portal to add a link with the type Portal Site.

See Managing Site Navigation.

Folders available in the drop-down list box are those available in the sponsor portal.

Note. If you choose to select a navigation folder for this site, the link may not appear in the portal menu until the menu is refreshed.

Create Site

After defining the new site, click to initiate the system processing for site creation. This process can take several minutes; do not interrupt it.

A message appears to indicate successful creation of the new site and to prompt you to continue to the next step.

See Also

Permission Lists and Roles Cloned When Creating Sites

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuthorizing Site Branding

Access the Site Wizard - Authorize Site Branding page (click Next on the Site Wizard - Site Definition page).

Note. Overridable elements and branding themes must be defined in the portal before being used on a site.

Use Default Portal Assignments

Select for this site to display the same theme as the default (sponsor) portal. Themes assigned can vary depending on user roles.

Using the default portal assignments applies the role-based branding rules or portal branding defaults defined for the default portal. If you select the default portal theme after previously selecting a site-specific theme, data for site-specific branding is deleted.

Select Overridable Elements

Click to access the Select Branding Overrides page, where you can enable those elements that can be configured by the site administrator with site specific values. Overridable elements are optional. A new site can inherit the portal's branding theme without any changes.

Because you will not know what theme will apply, the list includes all elements that have been specified as overridable on the system elements page in the Branding feature. Be aware that you do not know which elements will ultimately be active in your user's displayed theme. The site may have overriding branding element values that never appear.

Use Site Specific Theme

Select to enable selection of a branding theme specifically for this site. All users will see the same branding theme.

If you select a site-specific theme after previously selecting Use Default Portal Assignments, data for the inherited theme overrides is deleted.

Select Theme and Overridables

Click to access the Select Branding Theme and Overrides page, where you can select a branding theme for this site, and to specify which elements used in that theme, if any, can be overridden by the site administrator.

Note. Branding themes cannot be created from the Authorize Site Branding page. Only existing branding themes defined in the default portal are available for use on sites.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Overrides with Default Portal Assignments

Access the Select Branding Overrides page (click Select Overridable Elements on the Ste Wizard – Authorize Site Branding page).

Before specifying site branding, you can examine the existing theme, header, and footer definitions by accessing the Site Manager Center page and navigating to Site Branding, Branding Queries. These queries enable you to see which theme each portal uses and therefore, what the site will inherit.

Effective Date

Specify the effective date for this site specific theme.

Override Section

Select from the drop-down list the section of the default theme for which you will select elements that can be overridden by the site administrator.

The override elements are grouped in three sections. Select from:

Homepage Footer.

Homepage Header.

Target Page Header.

Note that authorizing overrides does not specify or limit the resulting override; it merely authorizes the site administrator to override the selected element.

Overridable Elements

Use the Overridable Elements scroll area to specify if a site administrator can override each overridable element. The overridable elements available for selection are those elements defined as "overridable" on the System Elements page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Site-Specific Themes

Access the Select Branding Themes and Overrides page (Portal Administration, Site Management, Create New Sites, Site Definition, Authorize Site Branding, Select Theme and Overridables).

Effective Date

Specify the effective date for this site specific theme.


Specify a description for this theme as used on this site.

Theme ID

Specify the theme ID of a theme to apply to this site. The theme must already exist, with an appropriate effective date, in the main portal.


Click to access the Assemble Branding Theme page, where you can view details about the selected theme.

You can drill down to details about each theme element. Depending on your permissions, you can view, add, or edit the elements. You can also preview how the element will appear on the site.

See Configuring Headers and Footers.

Override Section

Select the section of the default theme for which you will select elements that can be overridden by the site manager.

The override elements are grouped in three sections. Select from:

Homepage Footer.

Homepage Header.

Target Page Header.

Note that authorizing overrides does not specify or limit the resulting override, but only authorizes the site administrator to override the selected element.

Overridable Elements

This scroll area displays once you have selected a theme ID.

Use the Overridable Elements scroll area to specify if a site administrator can override each overridable element.

The available overridable elements available for selection depend on the elements defined as overridable in the theme’s header and footer definitions as of the effective date entered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAppointing a Site Administrator

Access the Site Wizard - Appoint Site Administrator page (click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Authorize Site Branding page).


Select the type of site administrator you want to define for this entry: User or Role.

Authorization Entry

Based on the value you selected in the Type field, specify an authorized administrator by user ID or role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Site Features

Access the Site Wizard - Select Site Features page (click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Appoint Site Administrator page).

Use this page to enable features for your site. Features that are not selected still exist in the system, but will not be visible in the site unless they are selected. Data and content references are hidden from the portal navigation, but not deleted. The list of features comes from PS_SITETEMPLATE and includes content references, pagelets, and folders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Site Templates

Access the Site Wizard - Specifying Site Templates page (click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Select Site Features page).

This initial set of templates is the complete list of available templates based on the PS_SITETEMPLATE registry. All templates are initially assigned to new sites. You can add or delete templates as required.

Note. Site publishers can only apply templates if the site administrator selects the Can select own template(s) option on the Set Publishing Defaults page accessed for the site. Otherwise, the default template specified during site definition always applies.

Template Name

This value is the content reference name assigned to the template in the PS_SITETEMPLATE template folder.

When a site is created, all of the templates in PS_SITETEMPLATE are copied to the site. You can add site templates from the templates in PS_SITETEMPLATE or from the default portal, but not from another site. If you delete a template from the site, the template is deleted only from this site, not from PS_SITETEMPLATE.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, "Designing Portal Templates"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Site Pagelets

Access the Site Wizard - Specify Site Pagelets page (click the Next button on the Site Wizard - Specifying Site Templates page).

The initial list of pagelets is the complete list of pagelets based on the PS_SITETEMPLATE registry. All pagelets are initially assigned to new sites. You can add or delete pagelets as required.

Note. The portal administrator can copy any pagelet over from the default portal into the site using the portal's Structure and Content copy feature. Before doing so, the portal administrator must ensure that a pagelet's functionality is suitable for use on the site, both technically and functionally.

Portal Pagelet Name

Specify the portal pagelets available from the sponsor site that will be available to users of this site.

This value is the content reference name assigned to the pagelet in the PS_SITETEMPLATE pagelet folder.

Making a portal pagelet available does not automatically make the pagelet appear on a user's homepage. Each user can configure the homepage by adding and arranging pagelets.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal-Delivered Pagelets

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Sites

This section discusses how to maintain sites using the Maintain Existing Sites component (EPPSM_SITE_WIZARD).

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Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Sites


Portal Administration, Site Management, Maintain Existing Sites

Access and manage portal sites.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Existing Sites

Access the Manage Sites page (Portal Administration, Site Management, Maintain Existing Sites).


Click to access the Site Wizard - Site Definition page of the Site Wizard, where you can edits values entered when the site was created.


Click to delete the site. You will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

Go to Site

Click to access the site.

Add New Site

Click to access the Site Wizard - Site Definition page of the Site Wizard, where you can create a new site.