Reviewing PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal-Delivered Branding Themes

This chapter discusses the branding themes and HTML layouts that are delivered with Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Branding Themes

This section discusses the following delivered branding themes:

Oracle delivers twelve configured themes with PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal branding to provide the ability to quickly implement your own branding. By simply making a copy of a delivered theme, header or footer, and placing your own logo and your own choice of links on them, you can have a styled brand right out of the box without any developer effort.

Note. Do not change delivered data. When using any of the delivered branding themes or theme elements, make a copy of the theme or element before adding your own logo or links.

The following table lists the themes delivered with PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal:

Theme Name

Theme ID


PeopleTools Swan Theme


Delivered as the database default theme and assigned as the portal default theme. The SWAN style sheet offers continuity of look and feel across all Oracle applications. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. Menu has arrows denoting closed folders.

Collaborative Workspace Theme - Swan Style


Similar color scheme to the default Swan theme. Menu has arrows denoting closed folders.

Collaborative Workspace Theme



Sample Blue


As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. Menu has + signs denoting closed folders.

Sample Green


As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. Menu has arrows denoting closed folders

Theme 1 Blue Simple


As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. Menu has arrows denoting closed folders.

Sample GBI


As delivered, the target page header for this theme does not have the same links as the homepage header. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. Menu has arrows denoting closed folders.

Branding Blue Curve


This theme was created specifically to work in Internet Explorer browser, and due to style recognition and image alignment issues is not recommended with other browsers. As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. Menu has + signs denoting closed folders.

PeopleTools 8.4x Delivered


The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu.

PeopleTools 8.4x Guest


Contains a homepage header configured without homepage tabs or the Personalization bar. My Links will not appear for Guest users due to lack of security permissions.

PeopleTools 8.4x Classic


Very similar to the hard-coded PeopleTools header prior to version 8.42. The Search box appears in the header rather than with the Menu. The target page header is configured without the persistent homepage tabs.

PeopleTools 8.4x Classic Guest


Contains a homepage header configured without homepage tabs or the Personalization bar. My Links will not appear for Guest users due to lack of security permissions.

The headers delivered with each branding theme display the date and time in the format of the sign-in language.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleTools Swan Theme

Delivered as the database default theme and assigned as the portal default theme. This example shows the portal homepage with the PeopleTools Swan theme:

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The theme ID for the PeopleTools SWAN theme is PAPPBR_THEME_PT_SWAN. The theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu Style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCW Theme - Swan Style

This example shows a workspace with the Collaborative Workspace Swan Style theme applied:

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the Collaborative Workspace theme is PAPPBR_THEME_CW. The theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu Style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCollaborative Workspace Theme

The following graphic shows a workspace homepage for the Collaborative Workspace theme.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the Collaborative Workspace theme is PAPPBR_THEME_CW. The theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu override


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSample Blue Theme

The following graphic shows the homepage for the Sample Blue theme.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the Sample Blue theme is PAPPBR_THEME1_BLUE. The theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSample Green Theme

The following graphic shows the homepage for the Sample Green theme.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

Note. This theme is the same as the Sample Blue theme (PAPPBR_THEME1_BLUE), except that the colors have been switched from blue to green by the application of a different theme style sheet and a green styled menu.

The Theme ID for the Sample Green theme is the PAPPBR_THEME1_GREEN. This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTheme 1 Blue Simple

The following graphic shows the homepage for the Theme 1 Blue Simple theme.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the Theme 1 Blue Simple theme is PAPPBR_THEME1S_BLUE . This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSample GBI Theme

The following graphic shows the homepage for the Sample GBI theme.

The following graphic shows the target page for the theme. Note that it was configured without the homepage tabs (My Page and Administration) persisting on the header.

The Theme ID for the Sample GBI theme is PAPPBR_THEME2_GBI. This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBranding Blue Curve Theme

The following graphic shows the Branding Blue Curve theme. Oracle recommends that you use this theme with Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers only due to style recognition and image alignment issues with other browsers.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the Branding Blue Curve theme is PAPPBR_THEME3__IEONLY_CURVED. This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style


Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleTools 8.4x Delivered Theme

The following graphic shows the PeopleTools 8.4x Delivered theme. Search in the header rather than in the Menu, and My Links instead of Favorites.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the PeopleTools 8.4x Delivered theme is PAPPBR_THEME4_TOOLS. This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style

No overrides applied. PeopleTools default menu applies.

Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleTools 8.4x Guest Theme

The following graphic shows the PeopleTools 8.4x Guest theme.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header. The header does not include homepage tabs or Personalization and will not display My Links to Guests due to lack of security permissions.

The Theme ID for the PeopleTools 8.4x Guest theme is PAPPBR_THEME4G_TOOLS. This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style

No overrides applied. PeopleTools default menu applies.

Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleTools 8.4x Classic Theme

The following graphic shows the PeopleTools 8.4x Classic theme.

The target page header for this theme is shown in the following graphic. Homepage links are available.

The Theme ID for the PeopleTools 8.4x Classic theme is PAPPBR_THEME5_TOOLSCLASSIC. This theme consists of the following components.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style

No overrides applied. PeopleTools default menu applies.

Homepage footer


Style sheet


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleTools 8.4x Classic Guest Theme

The following graphic shows the PeopleTools 8.4x Classic Guest theme.

As delivered, the target page header for this theme is the same as the homepage header.

The Theme ID for the PeopleTools 8.4x Classic Guest theme is PAPPBR_THEME5G_TOOLSCLASSIC. This theme consists of the following components. The header does not include homepage tabs or Personalization and will not display My Links to Guests due to lack of security permissions.

Theme Component

Component ID or Object Name

Homepage header


Target page header


Menu style

No overrides applied. PeopleTools default menu applies.

Homepage footer.


Style sheet