Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal-Delivered HTML Layouts

This chapter discusses:

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the List of Delivered HTML Layouts

Oracle delivers eleven enabled HTML layouts with PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal branding—eight header HTML layouts and three footer HTML layouts. These layouts allow you to get started right away configuring headers and footers. The delivered layouts are shown in the following table.

Layout Name

HTML Layout ID

Layout Type

HTML Object Name

Sample Header 1.




Sample GBI Header 1.




Blue Curve Header.




PeopleTools Default.


(PeopleTools default layout, application9.1 default layout is the SWAN theme.)



Tools Classic.




Tools Swan




CW Swan HTML Layout




Sample Footer 1.




Sample Footer 2.




Blue Curve Footer.




Workspace Header Layout




The following sections show the delivered headers and footers that are based on each of the delivered HTML layouts. The sections also show the basic underlying elements of the HTML layout that are enabled for each header and footer. Note that more elements may be available in the HTML object code.

To view all possible branding elements available for a layout, use the HTML Layout and Selection page. To access this page, select Portal Administration, Branding, Define Elements, Enable HTML Layouts.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Sample Header 1 Layout

This section discusses the Sample Header 1 layout.

The HTML layout ID PAPPBR_PLCMNTHDR1_BASIC is used by two delivered headers:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following overlay:

PAPPBR_HEADER1_BASIC header with approximate element placement

The examples shown in this section demonstrate the dramatically different looks that you can achieve using the same layout by simply configuring different elements or changing the style sheet. The first two graphics show the PAPPBR_HEADER1_BASIC header with different style sheets applied. The third graphic shows the PAPPBR_HEADER1_SIMPLE header, which does not have the image of the people (Custom Image (%32)) enabled in the header.

The following two header graphics are based on the following information:

The following graphic shows the PAPPBR_HEADER1_BASIC header with the EPPBR_GREENSTYLEDEF style sheet applied.

The following graphic shows the same header, PAPPBR_HEADER1_BASIC, with a different style sheet applied, EPPBR_BLUESTYLEDEF.

The third header graphic shows a different header, PAPPBR_HEADER1_SIMPLE, with the EPPBR_BLUESTYLEDEF style sheet applied.

The graphic is based on the following information:

The following system elements are included in the header.

Example of the third and final header, PAPPBR_HEADER1_SIMPLE, with the EPPBR_BLUESTYLEDEF style sheet applied. Note that In the simple header, the second image of the people does not appear.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Sample GBI Header 1 Layout

This section discusses the Sample GBI Header 1 layout.

The following header graphic shows the following information:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_HEADER2_GBI header

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Blue Curve Header Layout

This section discusses the Blue Curve Header layout.

The following header graphic shows the following information:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_HEADER3_IEONLY_CURVED header

Note. There are also numerous images used to create the curved dividers around the logo, on Bar 1, on the Personalize Bar and on the homepage tabs.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the PeopleTools Default Layout

This section discusses the PeopleTools Default layout. When you install your PeopleSoft applications, PSSTYLEDEF is the application style sheet for PeopleSoft applications prior to and including application release 9.0. PSSTYLEDEF_SWAN is the default application style sheet when you install your PeopleSoft applications for releases 9.1 and newer.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Style Sheet Definitions”, Working with the Default Style Sheet

The following header graphic shows the following information:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_HEADER4_TOOLS header

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the PeopleTools Classic Layout

This section discusses the PeopleTools Classic layout.

The following header graphic shows the following information:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_HEADER5_TOOLSCLASSIC header

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Sample Footer 1 Layout

This section discusses the Sample Footer 1 layout.

The following footer graphic shows the following information:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_FOOTER1_BASIC footer

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Sample Footer 2 Layout

This section discusses the Sample Footer 2 layout.

This HTML layout is used by two delivered footers, the PAPPBR_FOOTER2_GENERIC footer and the PAPPBR_FOOTER4_POWERED footer.

As the graphics shown in this section demonstrate, you can have dramatically different looks using the same layout by simply configuring different elements.

The following footer graphics show the following information:

The following graphic shows the sample footer PAPPBR_FOOTER2_GENERIC with the style sheet EPPBR_BLUESTYLEDEF applied.

The following graphic shows the sample footer PAPPBR_FOOTER4_POWERED with the style sheet EPPBR_BLUESTYLEDEF applied.


The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_FOOTER2_GENERIC and PAPPBR_FOOTER4_POWERED footers

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Blue Curve Footer Layout

This section discusses the Blue Curve Footer layout.

The following footer graphic shows the following information:

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_FOOTER3_IEONLY_CURVED footer

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Workspace Header Layout

This section discusses the Workspace Header layout.

The enabled elements and their approximate placement are shown in the following grid:

Enabled elements for the PAPPBR_PLCMNTHDR6_WORKSPACE header

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the PeopleTools SWAN Header Layout

This section discusses the PeopleTools SWAN layout.

The following header graphic shows the following information:

Enabled elements and their approximate placement for the PAPPBR_HEADER7_PT_SWAN header

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the CW SWAN Header Layout

This section discusses the CW SWAN layout.

The following header graphic shows the following information:

Enabled elements and their approximate placement for the PAPPBR_HTMLHDR7_WORKSPACE_SWAN header