Previewing, Selecting and Assigning Branding Themes, Components, Images, and Style Sheets

This chapter describes Oracle's PeopleSoft branding themes, components, images and style sheets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicPreviewing Delivered Branding Themes

This section discusses how to preview delivered branding themes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Delivered Branding Themes

To view an entire branding homepage within the application pages, use the Assign Branding Themes page to assign a theme to a user role and then login to the system using that role. Note that all users with the role assignment will see the change. You may want to create a special user role, or use one that few people use.

Select Portal Administration, Branding, Assign Themes to access the Assign Branding Themes page (EPPBR_THM_ASSIGN).

To preview a branding theme:

  1. Access the Assign Branding Themes page.

  2. Click the Correct History button.

  3. In the Role Name column, locate a user role.

  4. Change the Theme ID for that user role to a Theme ID that you want to view.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Log out and then login to the system.

  7. If any component has not changed or refreshed to the new theme assignment, right-click in the area and select Refresh.

Click to jump to parent topicPreviewing Delivered Branding Theme Components

This section describes how to preview components of delivered branding themes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Preview Components of Delivered Branding Themes

Page Name

Definition Name



Assemble Branding Themes


Portal Administration, Branding, Assemble Branding Themes

Use the Details link to view and preview details of theme components.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Components of Branding Themes

To preview delivered branding theme components:

  1. Select Portal Administration, Branding, Assemble Branding Themes.

  2. Select a Theme ID to preview from the list.

    The Assemble Branding Themes page appears.

  3. Click the Details hyperlink next to any of the following fields to open the definition page for each item.

    To preview headers or footers, click the Preview button on the definition page . To preview a menu, view the image in the instructions section of the definition page.

  4. After previewing a component, use the browser Back button to return to the Assemble Branding Themes page.

Click to jump to parent topicIdentifying Images, Style Sheets, and HTML Objects

After you decide upon a theme to use, you must identify your company-specific images, style sheets, and HTML code for the theme. For example, you may want to incorporate a company logo into the theme using an image. You may also want to incorporate specific colors or a specific color scheme using a style sheet.

After you identify these images and style sheets, you also must determine how to call them for use by the theme.

You can load images, define style classes and create HTML as objects online in the branding pages or in the database by using Application Designer. The objects are then available to call from the "catalog" while you are defining headers and footers. Alternative options include, loading the images on a Web server and calling them using a URL, embedding style classes in your HTML design object or typing HTML code into the header or footer definition directly.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Branding Themes to Roles

This section provides an overview and discusses how to assign branding themes to roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign Branding Themes to Roles

Page Name

Definition Name



Assign Branding Themes


Portal Administration, Branding, Assign Themes

Assign branding themes to roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Assigning Branding Themes to a Role

To provide a different portal branding experience to users, you can assign different branding themes to users based on each major role within the portal.

When you assign branding themes to roles you also assign a priority sequence number to each role. The priority number dictates each role's precedence in determining which theme will display for the user.

If a user has two or more roles with a branding theme assignment, the role with the higher priority applies, with 1 being the highest priority, 2 being the next highest priority, and so on. If a user has none of the theme-assigned roles, the Portal Default Theme applies.

The assignment list is effective-dated and the choices of themes are filtered based on that effective date. An assignment list with an effective date of 11/01/2002 will not be able to select themes with effective dates of 02/01/2003.

If you are using role-based branding, you should create a new theme assignment set with a new effective date when either of the follow occurs:

Optionally, your assignment setup can bypass role-based branding altogether by simply assigning a portal default theme. All users of that portal will see that one theme.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning a Branding Theme to a Role

Access the Assign Branding Themes page (Portal Administration, Branding, Assign Themes).

You work with the following fields and controls while working with the Assign Branding Theme page:

Click the arrow to display instructions for using the page.

Portal Name

Name of the current portal. This is the portal site to which the assignments apply.

Effective Date

The date the branding theme assignments take effect.


Two Add buttons appear on the Assign Branding Themes page:

  • Click the Add button next to the Effective Date field to add a new effective-dated theme assignment to the portal.

  • Click the Add button in the Assign Themes to Roles section to add individual role or theme assignments.


Two Delete buttons appear on the Assign Branding Themes page:

  • Click the Delete button next to the Effective Date field to delete the current effective-dated theme assignment for the portal.

  • Click the Delete button in the Assign Themes to Roles section to delete individual role or theme assignments.

Portal Default Theme ID

Displays the name of the default theme.

Priority # (number)

Enter a priority sequence number for each role. The priority number dictates each role's precedence in determining which theme will display for the user.

If a user has two or more roles with a branding theme assignment, the role with the higher priority applies, with 1 being the highest priority, 2 being the next highest priority, and so on. If a user has none of the theme-assigned roles, the Portal Default Theme applies.

Theme ID

Object name of the branding theme.


Several Details links appear on the Assign Branding Themes page:

  • Click the Details link next to the Portal Default Theme ID field to view or modify details for the default theme. When you click the link, the Assemble Branding Theme page displays and you can view or modify information about the theme components.

  • In the Assign Themes to Roles section, click the Details link for any theme ID to view or modify details for the theme assigned to the specified role. When you click the link, the Assemble Branding Theme page displays and you can view or modify information about the theme components.

Role Name

Select the role that the theme applies to.